excretory system in human beings

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Excretory System

Excretory system

The removal of metabolic wastes from the body is called Excretion and the system which helps to remove the waste from the body is known as excretory system. In our body there are many organs which help us in the removal of waste from the body like:- skin, lungs, ear, eyes , nose and many more.

Excretion through skin

Skin helps us in excretion of the body through sweating. Sweat is also called perspiration. By sweating we remove urea, salt, ammonia and sugar. Sweat evaporates and makes our body cool.

Excretion through ear

Ear helps us in the exertion of waste from our body through ear wax. When the dirt and grim goes into our ear canal then our ear gland collect it and convert it to ear wax. Ear wax is also called ceruman. Sometimes it leaves the body and prevent from germs and infections.

Excretion through eyes

Eyes help our body in excretion through tears. It is the another way to clean up our body .Dirt and other unwanted materials get rid through our eyes in the form of tears.

Excretion through nose

Excretion through nose is done in several ways :-releasing of carbon-dioxide, nasal discharge and

sneezing etc. Nasal discharge :- It is a way to remove waste

from our body.

Excretion through Respiration

Carbon-dioxide:- we release carbon-dioxide as a waste material.

Urinary system

The main excretory system in humans is the urinary system. The urinary system consists of a pair of bean shaped kidneys, urinary ducts, and bladder. The size of an adult kidney is approximately 10 cm long and 5 cm wide located in the back of the abdominal cavity. Each day, the kidneys filter about 180 L of blood.


Pus is like discussing material that sometimes come from a cut or a scratch. Pus contains dead cells, dead bacteria and white blood cells etc.


When our stomach wants to get rid of over eated foods or by some other problems, It vomits out. It contains undigested and smelly food.


When we take food our body begins the process to digest the food. In the mouth it is mixed with saliva and then becomes in the form of a paste . Then it goes downwards through food pipe into the stomach mixed with certain chemicals and then reach to the small intestine . The food is absorved in it by villi. The solid part which is of no use passes to large intestine. Then passes out from the body.

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