explain the principles of relationship building with · 2018. 11. 23. · relationship building. 2...

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    Explain the principles of relationship building with

    children, young people and adults

    The basic idea behind the principles of relationship building is that wherever we

    communicate with others, if we are all at ease with one another, our communication

    in both directions will be more effective. 'More effective' when discussing

    communication, means that information is more easily transferred from person to

    person, more easily understood, and more easily responded to.

    In situations where misunderstandings take place, or we somehow make people feel

    uncomfortable in some way, for example, if we are overly bossy or abrupt to them, or

    very withdrawn, people tend to avoid communicating directly. This can clearly

    exacerbate bad situations.

    Positive relationships are the result of a series of techniques and ways of thinking

    that can be built upon by all the parties involved, and as classroom support, you

    have a lead role to play in this.

    Relationship building.

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    Make key points clearly Understanding is the key aim of most communication, but in some specific

    circumstances it becomes even more important. At any time where you are delivering

    instructions, or communicating something that must be remembered, a good

    technique is to get your listeners to repeat back to you the key points you have made.

    This helps them remember it better, but it also helps to ensure that you can see

    whether or not they understand. This way, if you see they don't understand, or if the

    point has been missed, you can say it in a different way that enables their

    understanding (and ask them to repeat it back to you again, to be sure).

    Be considerate to others

    It is so important to remember that not everyone has a 'good day' everyday. Some

    people and children may have situations going on outside of school that cause them

    stress in some way. Sometimes people feel grumpy and don't really want to

    communicate with others.

    Being considerate for the way that they feel, trying to understand why they behave in

    a particular way – especially if it is out of character for them – and otherwise giving

    them the space to feel what they feel, are all part of communicating effectively. The

    act of consideration gives them space, not just you, and allows them to consider their

    own actions and responses as well as yours.

    Listen to others

    Part of showing respect and courtesy for others is found in listening to them properly.

    Sometimes a child may want to confide in a trustworthy adult; sometimes what they

    want to say may not seem very important. However, by always showing an interest in

    whatever they say, by demonstrating positive and attentive body language, and by

    responding appropriately, you effectively model the type of behaviour that promotes

    courtesy and respect. Remember things that are important to them Positive relationships are easier to build with someone if that person can see that you

    have remembered certain things about them. Just something as simple as

    remembering a child's birthday can have a big impact on the way they interact with

    you. The same goes for your interactions with colleagues and other professionals.

    All people appreciate being remembered, and they tend to be sensitive to the

    difference between being physically remembered (as in recognised) and being

    properly remembered (as in aspects of their lives being remembered).

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    Show respect for others

    Even if someone's point of view is incompatible with yours, showing that person

    respect by giving them time to say what they need to convey, and by answering them

    in a way that doesn't belittle or squash their opinion or thoughts, is an important aspect

    of modelling respect for others.

    The world is full of people from different cultures, different ways of thinking, and

    different attitudes and values; understanding that people have a right to think what

    they like and believe what they want is all part of promoting positive relationships.

    Maintain a sense of humor

    There is no situation that cannot be made worse by a grumpy, negative attitude.

    School can be a challenging place, and ridiculous situations can put a lot of stress on

    people, particularly those in a position of responsibility. However, it is acceptable to

    see the funny side (in most circumstances).

    Although humour has to be appropriate in both content and timing, causing laughter

    can be a real relaxation for you and others in the situation, and can relieve the

    stresses that might otherwise take over.

    Teaching Assistant-Communication and Professional Relationships with Children_1.pdf1.2 Explain the principles of relationship building with children, young people and adults.pdf

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