explorers by jake partington and bouke riley. by the late 1400s people in europe knew the world was...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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By Jake Partington and Bouke Riley

By the late 1400s people in Europe knew the world was round. No one in Europe new that America was between Europe and China!

Some explorers started colonies. Colonies sent materials to their mother countries and bought products from them.

There were two types robbers: Privateers and Pirates. Privateers were hired by a king or queen to steel the cargo from ships of other countries. Pirates were outlaws or thieves who stole on their own.

Christopher Columbus believed he could sail west and get to India and china faster than other explorers. Columbus sailed three small ships across the Atlantic Ocean.

King Henry sent Cabot exploring with a fleet of five ships and soldiers to explore on land. One ship turned back at Ireland and the others were never heard from again.

Henry Hudson was English but was sailing for Dutch traders in 1609. He tried to go past Norway and then east to China Ice stopped his ship.

English traders started their country's first permanent colony at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. The Dutch brought Manhattan Island from the American Indians.

Explorers sailed on very long voyages. Some ran out of food, while others got sick.

France began to explore North America when King Francis sent Cartier. Cartier made three trips to what is now Canada.

Hernando De Soto and an army of six hundred men from Spain explored today’s southeastern United States. Their goals were to find gold and conquer the American Indian’s who lived in the area.

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