fi pa ren shil pa huhi - students of thought dr. malachi z. york the sacred wisdom of thehuti the...

Post on 26-Jun-2018






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Fi pa ren shil pa Huhi

in the name of the creative force of will

Silent meditation

Meditation is as old as time it’s self, the topic of meditation

is nothing new it’s an age old practice that as been practiced by

many students, devotees of spiritual orders, as well as common

people the world over. I myself learned of meditation after

becoming an aspritant of the ancient & Mystic order of

melchizedek some 12 years ago, during this time I was in

search of deeper spiritual truths of which religion could not

offer me Meditation at first may seem foreign to the beginner

for most lack concentration, however after many trails and test

if one masters object concentration this will open the door to

meditation, and the hidden INNER REALM OF ONES inner

being THE REALM OF THE NETERU linking one to higher

vibrational densities beyond that of this material realm for this

is the beginning stage of walking the esoteric path looking to

the god inside instead of looking for god outside ones self

which is the exoteric approach, for proper meditation helps

one to develop control over emotions, anger, desire, lust,

egoism, hatered etc which are all attributes of the lowerself v.s.

the higher self which is developed thru meditative life style

proper diet, chanting, prayer, fasting, exercise etc. What is

silence? Silence is defined in websters online dictionary as 1:

forbearance from speech or noise : MUTENESS Holy tablets

chapter 7 Pa Gadush Lowahaat tablet 18 verse 56 Live in truth,

enter silence, there is peace in silence. Meditation is defined as

a discourse intended to express it’s authors reflections or to

guide others in contemplation, act or process of meditating.

The authors reflections would be the universal mind of all (

Paut ) for the All is responsible for everything in existence

whether it’s a positive force or negatice force. Wrongly called

good and evil amongst todays religions! How many forms of

meditation are there? You have walking meditation, sitting

meditation, meditation in a chair, healing meditation,

meditation while having sex, etc, etc. What is the correct

position for medtation? I-m-hotep position in figure 1.

I-m-hotep position

What is object concentration? It is the act of focusing ones

attention on an object, or ones work, this type of concentration

allows one to focus the minds eye on whatever it’s doing to

study an object in great detail.

What is metaphysical concentration? Metaphysics is defined as

a division of philosophy that is concerned with the

fundamental nature of reality and being that includes ontology,

cosmology, and often epistemology. 2. Ontology abstract

philosophical studies : a study of whats outside objective


What is concentration? the act or process of concentrating :

the state of being concentrated ; especially : direction of

attention to a single object. If nothing special happens

during meditation should one continue on? Meditation first off

requires repition so if no desired results happen please don’t

not stop but continue on, in due time thru hard work you will

receive results and start to bear the fruits of your hard labor.

Lotus flower for object concentration

Paa Gadush Lowhaat ( The holy Tablets) chapter 7

tablet 13 19x3 = 57

Lo! Concentration my child is the act or process of


To concentrate is to focus, center, or to bring or direct ones

mind toward a common center or objective. Concentration is a

very important principle, one that you should master, for the

contrary to the belif, that the art of concentration is simple.

Efficent concentration is not easily achieved. Your world, is the

materialization of the thought forms of Divine intelligence it

exist as vibrations. Author Dr. Malachi Z. York

The sacred wisdom of Thehuti

The doctrine of vibration

Nothing rest; everything moves; everything vibrates. This is the

key to manifestation, but beyond things is all without



The wisdom of egyptian mystic Amen Hotep

The Mystics speak in Hundred different ways, but if one is and

the way is one, how could their meaning be other than one?

Whenever you find yourself, whether in worship or in ordinary

life, contemplate nature _ in what you eat from nature, what

you drink from nature. And whom you marry from nature.

Always be aware that it is both the contemplated and the


There are signs of a sound love of a Pa Neb The Master’ lack

of self will, pleasure in every event that happens by divine

decree, and by seeing the perfection of the beloved in all

things, resting content through all things, resting content thru


The true lover finds the truth only if he or she is there

own fuel, And like a candle, consumes oneself.

You your self are your own obstacle – rise above

yourself and your ego.

Amun Hotep

In the beginning your meditation sittings should be not more

than 5 to 10 minutes for beginners, 15 – 30 minutes for more

advance students, 60 minutes or more for those who have

mastered the latter meditation sittings. Never become upset or

angry! Due to frustrations from not being able to concentrate

fully when you first start your meditation practices for you

have to be patient, persistant in your efforts or you will fall to

the wayside eventually. I fully recommend that you set aside a

special place in your house or apartment for meditation, you

can build a small shrine with a meditation mirror, prayer rug,

white table cloth, brass candle holders, as well as incense

holders to set the special mode of spiritual work about to be

done to help you to come to know the inner being inside of

the fleshy you which is a bacteria plaguing your spirit and soul.

How many times aday should one meditate? Once after you

awaken in the morning, mid-day, before going to bed.

Where should one meditate? Ans: you can meditate outside if

the weather is nice, if not meditation inside is also good just

make sure the area is clean and free of the color red, which

disturbs the flow of the green essence, make sure you have a

meditation mat, zafu cushion, prayer rug, or a towel.

What type of incense should be burned? Any kind that you

like! However Sudanese frankincense is bes for meditation and

spiritual work.

What are the benefits of meditation? Mind control, learning

how to direct thoughts into the manifestation of desired goals,

outcomes, lifes successes, relief of stress, tension, relief of

depression, control of the ego, reduced fear of death extinction

of name and form.

What are some of the common mistakes made during

meditation? A. Some of the most common mistakes are letting

ones mind drift, thinking about mundane things while in

meditaion such as your wife, husband, children, bills, job

stress, an argument that you had with someone etc, for the

most part you should let your self go and concentrate on being

one with the kosmos from which all things came in existence

or being nothing earthly should come to mind.

To which deity does one focus on when in meditation? Since

we are speaking of the Egyptian, tameri meditation the deity

here would be huhi, huwa, or hu, in religious texts like the

bible they refer to huhi as yhwh if you reverse the letters you

will see it spells out hwhy or huhi the Egyptian god known as

the creative force of will, in al quran known to muslims & sufis

as huwa.

Sūra 112: Ikhlāṣ, or Purity (of Faith)

Section 1 (1-4)

1. Qul huwa Allahu ahadun

1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;

2. Allahu alssamadu

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3. Lam yalid walam yooladu

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

Sacred Records of ATUM-RE Chapter 1 Pa Haadur The


296. In Egypt Huhi, Which is Hu, Or Huwa was considered

hthe personification of the utterance, with which the creator

Ptah, Tah who was regarded as creator of the physical world

and deity of technology, did it’s work.

297. Hu, Huhi, Huwa, was the utterance or tone, the

vibration and pulsation of existence and that which comes to

existence within the sacred breathe.

298. Those things made. That manifest within creation true

growth. Huhi is that tone from which the Creator calls

things into being, with Hika and Sia.

299. The original triad of Ptah, Hika, and Sia. Huhi is one of

the creative forces of will that constantly accompanies Re, Ra

the Sun deity, the source of life the provider of sustenance in

this world, the eternal.

Holy Tablets Chapter 6 behaymaw the human beast tablet 14

the secret

Verses 1-21 Authored by: Malachi Z. York

(19x9 = 171)

Lo! The best sounds before the ears of ANU, A’LYUN


That you give thanks.

2. the worst of sounds that you will be called as individuals,

Rulers of Rulers.

3. Once if you become one with him then you will be the

successors in Taimat

4. but always remember ANU, A’LYUN A’LYUN EL, is the

Ruler of Rulers.

5. be ever so watchful of the sounds in the Universe.

6. For the sacred sound is:

7. Yaa Hum, Yaa Hum, Yaa Aluhum, Entum atha Fi


8. Oh They O They oh Aluhum, you are in All.

9. Hu is the source, sometimes referred to as the supreme

name and the most

Sacred of the sounds known only to those who accept Right

Knowledge, Aum.

10. Sent by one of our servants Ahmad. It could be found in

his scriptures El Qur’an,

‘The Qur’aan’. A clear guidance for those who have faith

11. The three nearest thoughts to it for you are:

12. Huwa

13. Al Hayy

14. Al Qayuwm,

15. He is the powerful; he who is the life giver. Think on, he

who is of the Annunagi; for there it is, before you referred to


16. El Dhaat

17. For this is your universe. The world of souls. The world of

creation, The Enduring, The highest galactical heaven. The

witness of the unseen world, the rational world, and then the 4

stages our chosen:

18. The present world physical, the realm of physical things;


19. The world of the Aluhum Annunagi Malakuwt;

20. El Jabaruwt, the state of power,

21. And Laahuwt the state of Absorption.

Ques: What is EL DHAAT or ADH DHAAT? Ans: It is the

essence which signifies that HE is what HE is, Whatever it be.

EL DHAAT or ADH DHAAT are the things which are

feminine, whatever they be that existed from eternity. ADH

DHAAT is possessed by DHUW Which is masculine, DHUW,

HUWA, which is HE. HUWA is the presentation, and what is

presented is the spirit ( Ka) from which comes the soul ( Ba)

which is the spirit with personality I.” HUWA which is HU

Arabic translated as HE and WA and of which Hu is the

utterance of the Breathe, together HUWA means He and

whatever else HUHI which is assisted by PTAH, HIKA, SIA.

Can you show us the correct way to perfom askut istatlaat,

silent meditation? Why yes provided below is a detailed

meditation ritual which you should find very helpful in

helping attune to your inner being, the inner world inside of


Silent meditation ritual

Meditation: Istatlaat

First off your want your meditation area clean smelling and


Designate a particular area in your home, apartment, for


You can also meditate outside on beautiful days. Your room

your be free of

The color red this blocks the flow of the greenlight.

1. Okay now either sitting on the floor or in a chair make sure

your shoulds are aligned and your back straight.

2. Now chant hayy nine times at the end of the seventh

breath hold it


3. Now take 9 deep breathes thru your nose, swing your head

back & say Hayy on inhales swing your head down to your

chest in exhales and say Huhi.

4. Now with your eyes half closed visualize pure greenlight

flowing in starting with the tips of your toes,Visualize yourself

siting at the center of the universe in enternal blackness

endarkment of all floating on a lotus petal as al qubt the center

for you are the center of you own universe that exist around

you. now chant om, aum nine times after the 9th breathe,

sit in silence .

5. lose yourself forget about the ego, I-ness, and become one

with ( huhi ) saying to yourself in your minds eye, I am

whole, I am perfection, I am healthy, I am perfection, I am

loving, I am happy, I am healty, I am wealthy, I am apart of

the universal all.

6. ascend closer to the center of the universe becoming on with

the all Paa Faut do this meditation for 30 mins or longer at the

meditations end slowly start to descend back and open your

eyes becoming one with the physical plane of existence.

7. thank the all for your existence for this day as well as daily.

Affirmation of attraction

1. Anuki kull – I am whole

2. Anuki twmum – I am perfection

3. Anuki gadurmul – I am powerful

4. Anuki a’shug’aat – I am loving

5. Anuki hathum – I am harmonious

6. Anuki saudy – I am happy

7. Anuki sahut – I am healthy

8. Anuki mathur – I am wealthy

9. Anuki fi paa kuwn faut – I am in the cosmic all

To be chanted 3 times daily upon rising, mid-day, and

going to rest.

Neb asar abeksenabek re

Pure Nubian sufi publishers

Papayrus # 3627

Glossary of terms

Huhi – Egyptian deity the creative force of will

Huwa – he who is who he is, he an whatever else

Egypt- from greek egyptos meaning burnt faces

Tamare- heretic for land of re or ra the sun god

Sufi – Arabic from safa meaning pure

Neb – heretic lord and master

Aum- spread over prevail

Hayyu- Arabic the everliving 62nd

attribute of huwa.

Paut – heretic for all everything that exist

Ka – heretic meaning for spirit

Ba- heretic meaning for soul

Ptah- heretic means oh opener

I-m-hotep – heretic means he who comes in peace

Hika – heretic means personification of magical powers.

Sia – heretic means incarnation of intuitive omniscience.

Atum-re – heretic means undifferentiated one

Asar- heretic means seer

Abeksenabek – heretic from abekh means the son who makes


Re or ra – heretic meaning the sun

Askut istatlaat- nuwaupik means silent meditation

Annunaqi – Sumerian those of anu sent to ki earth.

Neteru – heretic meaning for guardians or ancestors, elders.

Fi pa ren shil pa huhi – nuwaupik meaning by way of the

creative force of will.

Astral Projection exercise

Go to you bedroom and put on some soft egyptian music. Now

lay down and relax and with a gentle voice direct your body to

be in tune with your inner being, relax your entire body. Now

in your minds eye say to yourself bi pa ren shil huhi, by way of

creative force of will. Now imagine your Spirit Nafus rising out

of your ka body float out and right up to the ceiling, while

floating all the way up to the ceiling and back to your body

again imagine sinking deeper and deeper down into a calm,

serene, peaceful feeling. Again float up and out of your body

(ka) up to your ceiling, and imagine you can turn around and

look down at your body laying there- so still-so calm-so

relaxed. Now as you look down and see your physical body,

know that you are safe and protected by Huwa, You can hear

the voice of the Master Al-Khidr guiding you, you are secure

and comfortable. Now iagine in your minds eye your standing

outside the door to your room. You are on the otherside of the

door- the door that leads from the outside, to the inside, where

your physical body lies, so still calm, so relaxed. Gazing at the

door- you notice every detail of this door, what is is made of?

What is the color? What kind of handle? How big? Is there a

lock? Study the door in great detail. And know that all times

you are protected by the guardians Paa Neteru, you are secure,

safe, and comfortable. Now begin to move around your room.

Look at the room, items contained in the room where you are

with your etheric self. Look at your body laying in the bed,

notice and study every detail of the room. And know at all

times your are safe, secure, comfortable, and guarded by paa

neteru. Take you hand and move it through a wall discovering

that your etheric body can move thru walls, the floor, the

ceiling, etc. now foat up to the ceiling up outside of your houce

or aparment visiualizing yourself on a very warm summer

shadow hour in nature. Look to the stars- listen to the sound

of a gentale breeze- hear the flowers and plants talking to one

another- sense the effect of the relaxation in your body- allow

yourself to levitate up- into the sky ascending even higher and

higher until you can feel your etheric self being drawn into

outerspace with stars, comets, spirials of greenlight, purple

violet light going higher and higher pause for 9 minutes. Now

it’s time for you to return to physical body. Becoming aware of

certain sensations in the physical body feel yourself whizzing

and whirling every so quickly and smoothly back to your

phyical body and know that your are safe and guarded by pa

neteru. Now feel your etheric body drawing back into your

physcial body, relax awaken open your eyes and count to nine.

The mystic path

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