final ann 04 - pidsp · final announcement 16 apcpth 9 asmips/pitth-ika 6 apcpnth appa submit your...

Post on 18-May-2020






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Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC)Nusa Dua - Bali, Indonesia

SDGs and Reducing Inequalities: How Far Have We Come?SDGs and Reducing Inequalities: How Far Have We Come?SDGs and Reducing Inequalities: How Far Have We Come?

Pediatric Nurses – A unified Voice towards Pediatric Nurses – A unified Voice towards Achieving SDGs and Reducing InequalitiesAchieving SDGs and Reducing InequalitiesPediatric Nurses – A unified Voice towards Achieving SDGs and Reducing Inequalities

25-29 August 2018

28-29 August 2018

th16 Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics th16 Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics

th16 Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics

th16 Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics (APCP) 2018 th16 Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics (APCP) 2018 th16 Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics (APCP) 2018

andandandth9 Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric th9 Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric

Society (ASMIPS)/PIT-IKA 2018 Society (ASMIPS)/PIT-IKA 2018

th9 Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (ASMIPS)/PIT-IKA 2018

thThe 6 Asia Pacific Congress of thThe 6 Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing (APCPN) Pediatric Nursing (APCPN)

thThe 6 Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing (APCPN)

Final Announcement



Submit Submit your abstract your abstract

Submit your abstract

online.Submission Submission

deadline deadline 31 May 201831 May 2018

Submission deadline

31 May 2018

extended until extended until 14 June 201814 June 2018

extended until 14 June 2018


Deadline of Abstract Submission31 May 2018

....extended until 14 June 2018

Noti�cation of Abstract Acceptance30 June 2018

th thPre Congress Workshops for 16 APCP & 9 ASMIPS (PIT-IKA)25 & 26 August 2018

Opening Ceremony26 August 2018 at 19.00

th th16 APCP & 9 ASMIPS (PIT-IKA)27-29 August 2018

th6 APCPN28 & 29 August 2018



Organizing Committee

List of Speakers

Scientific Programth th• Pre Congress Workshop 16 APCP/ 9 ASMIPS 2018 (PIT) |

25 – 26 August 2018

th th• 1 6 APCP/ 9 ASMIPS 2018 (PIT) day 1 | 27 August 2018

th th• 16 APCP/ 9 ASMIPS 2018 (PIT) day 2 | 28 August 2018

th th• 16 APCP/ 9 ASMIPS 2018 (PIT) day 3 | 29 August 2018

th• 6 APCPN 2018 day 1 | 28 August 2018

th• 6 APCPN 2018 day 2 | 29 August 2018










PATRON:· Governor of Bali Province· President of Indonesian Medical Association

ADVISORY BOARD:· Rector of Udayana University (UNUD), Bali· Dean of Faculty of Medicine Udayana University (UNUD), Bali· Head of Health Office of Province Bali· Chairman of Indonesian Medical Association of Bali Region· Director of Sanglah General Hospital, Bali· Chief of Department of Child Health Faculty of Medicine Udayana University (UNUD), Bali


· President of Indonesian Pediatric Society : Aman Bhakti Pulungan· President of Asia Paci�c Pediatric Association : Naveen Thacker· Chairman I of Indonesian Pediatric Society : Piprim Basarah Yanuarso· Chairman III of Indonesian Pediatric Society : Hartono Gunardi· General Secretary of Indonesian Pediatric Society : Hikari Ambara Sjakti

th9 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018· President of Indonesian Pediatric Society : Aman Bakti Pulungan· Head of Indonesian College of Pediatric : Aryono Hendarto· Chairman I of Indonesian Pediatric Society : Piprim Basarah Yanuarso· Chairman II of Indonesian Pediatric Society : Antonius H. Pudjiadi· Chairman III of Indonesian Pediatric Society : Hartono Gunardi· Chairman of Indonesian Pediatric Society Bali Branch : I Gusti Lanang Sidiartha


Chairman : Aman Bhakti PulunganGeneral Secretary : Hikari Ambara Sjakti I Putu Gede KaryanaTreasurer I : Rosalina Dewi Roeslani Ketut Ariawati Treasurer II : Ayu Setyorini Mestika MayangsariTreasurer III : Ni Nyoman Metriani Nesa

Publication, Information TechnologyChairman : Eka GunawijayaSecretary : Ni Putu Veny Kartika Yantie

Scienti�cChairman : Antonius H PudjiadiMember : Ida Bagus Subanada Nina Dwi Putri Henny Adriani Puspitasari Secretary : I Wayan Gustawan


Fatima Sa�ra AlatasMade SukmawatiKetut Dewi Kumara Wati

AccommodationChairman : I Gusti Ngurah Sanjaya PutraSecretary : I Made Arimbawa


Chairman : I Gusti Lanang SidiarthaGeneral Secretary : I Putu Gede KaryanaTreasurer I : Ketut AriawatiTreasurer II : Ayu Setyorini Mestika MayangsariTreasurer III : Ni Nyoman Metriani Nesa

Division I:Chairman : Eka GunawijayaSecretary : Ni Putu Veny Kartika Yantie

Publication: Coordinator : Dyah Kanya Wati Member : I Gede Ketut Aryana

Registration: Coordinator : Komang Ayu Witarini Member : Idai Ayu Sri Kusuma Dewi Ni Made Ratna Dewi Ni Made Rini Suari

Venue-Exhibition-Equipment: Coordinator : Putu Junara Putra Member : Anak Agung Ngurah Prayoga I Nyoman Putra Arcana

Fund and Partnership: Coordinator : I Wayan Bikin Suryawan Member : Bagus Ngurah Putu Arhana I Ketut Suarta Nyoman Sugitha Kompiang Gautama

Secretariat and Information Technology: Coordinator : I Made Gede Dwi Lingga Utama Member : I Kadek Suarca Romy Windiyanto Nyoman Sunarka I Gede Dody Kurnia Indrawan

Division II:Chairman : Ida Bagus SubanadaSecretary : I Wayan Gustawan

Pre-PIT Workshop: Coordinator : I Made Kardana Secretary : Ni Made Sukmawati


Scienti�c PIT Program: Coordinator : Ketut Dewi Kumara Wati Secretary : Debora Melati Member : I Gusti Ngurah Made Suwarba (Neurologi) I Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani (TK-Pedsos) Dewi Sutriani Mahalini (Neurologi) I Gusti Ngurah Sugita Adnyana (TK-Pedsos) Ketut Ariawati (Hematologi) Ketut Suarta (Nefrologi) AANK Putra Widnyana (Hematologi) Gusti Ayu Putu Nilawati (Nefrologi) Ida Bagus Suparyatha (Eria) I Gusti Lanang Sidiartha (NPM) I Nyoman Budi Hartawan (Eria) I Gusti Ayu Putu Eka Pratiwi (NPM) I Wayan Dharma Artana (Neonatologi) Putu Junara Putra (SATGAS) Ni Made Sukmawati (Neonatologi) Ketut Dewi Kumara Wati (KIKAI)

Best Research Award: Coordinator : Soetjiningsih Member : I Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani Dyah Kanya Wati

Division III: Chairman : I Gusti Ngurah Sanjaya Putra Secretary : I Made Arimbawa

Transportation: Coordinator : I Gede Epi Paramarta Member : Made Supartha

Permit and Security: Coordinator : AANK Putra Widnyana Member : Putu Wijana

Accommodation: Coordinator : I Gusti Ngurah Made Suwarba Member : Anak Agung Made Widiasa

Health, Sport and Art: Coordinator : I Putu Triyasa Member : I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana Putu Suartawan Anak Agung Made Sucipta

Documentation: Coordinator : Ida Bagus Ramajaya Sutawan Member : Budi Kartika Yasa

Food and Beverages: Coordinator : Ni Putu Siadi Purniti Member : Anak Agung Mas Wiryati I Gusti Ayu Asih Ratnadi

Family Program: Coordinator : Ni Putu Pramitha Rahayu Member Ida Ayu Yuri Pratiwi Agustina Santi


ADVISORY COMMITTEE:Chairman of APPA (Asia Paci�c Pediatric Association) : Naveen Thacker Advisor to APPNA : Chan Chok WanFounding President of APPNA : Susanna Lee

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:Congress President : Rashanee SeedaCongress Vice President : Nani NurhaeniCongress Secretary : Susi HartatiCommittee : Executive Committee, APPNA

Executive Committee, IPNA Executive Committee, Bali-Pediatric Nursing Association


• Zul�qar A. Bhutta (President of International Pediatrics Association – IPA)• Naveen Thacker (President of Asia Paci�c Pediatric Association – APPA) • Jonathan Klein (Executive director of NCD Child)• Francesco Chiarelli (Head of Paediatrics at the Department of Paediatrics, University of Chieti)• Susan Sawyer (Centre for Adolescent Health, Royal Children's Hospital and Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne)• Enver Hasanoglu (Secretary General of TNPS, UMEMPS, UNİPSTR, Member of SC of IPA)• Rajeshwar Dayal (Head, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College, Agra)• Aman B. Pulungan (President of Indonesian Pediatric Society, President-Elect of Asia Paci�c Pediatric Association, Standing Committee International Pediatric Association)• Chok-wan Chan (Honorary President of APPA)• Aryono Hendarto (Chairman of Indonesian College of Pediatric)• Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro (Professor in Pediatric Infectious Disease, University of Indonesia, ITAGI)• Tina Tan (American Academy of Pediatrics)• Yap Hui Kim (Professor in Department of Paediatrics NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine)

• Abdul Latief (Indonesia)• Agustini Utari (Indonesia)• Ahmad Fadzil Abdullah (Malaysia)• Ahmad Rithauddin Bin Mohamed (Malaysia)• Ahmad Suryawan (Indonesia)• Alex Chairulfatah (Indonesia)• Allen Yeoh (Singapore)• Alok Gupta (India)• Alpha Fardah Athiyyah (Indonesia)• Anggraini Alam (Indonesia)• Anne Goh Eng Neo (Singapore)• Anthony Calibo (Philippines)• Anthony Herbert (Australia)*• Antonius H. Pudjiadi (Indonesia)• Anupam Sibal (India)• Ari Prayitno (Indonesia)• Arun Bansal (India)• Aryono Hendarto (Indonesia)• Badriul Hegar (Indonesia)*• Bambang Supriyatno (Indonesia)• Bambang Tridjaja (Indonesia)• Bernie Medise (Indonesia) • Benyamin Sihombing (WHO Indonesia)• Bidasari Lubis (Indonesia)• Chok-wan Chan (Hong Kong)• Damayanti Rusli Syarif (Indonesia)



th th16 APCP 2018 and 9 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018


• Daniel YT Goh (Singapore)• Dany Hilmanto (Indonesia)• Dettie Yuliati (Indonesia)• Diet Sadiah Rustama (Indonesia)• Digant Shastri (India)• Dina Muktiarti (Indonesia)• Djajadiman Gatot (Indonesia)• Dodi Firmanda (Indonesia)• Dominicus Husada (Indonesia)• Do Nguyen Tin (Vietnam)* • Don Cameron (Australia)• Dwi Prasetyo (Indonesia)• Eddy Fadlyana (Indonesia)• Eddy Supriyadi (Indonesia)• Elizabeth Yohmi (Indonesia)• Endah Citraresmi (Indonesia)• Enver Hasanoglu (Turkey)• Erkan Er�dan (Turkey)*• Eva Devita Harmoniati (Indonesia)• Fitri Hartanto (Indonesia)• Francesco Chiarelli (Italy)• Frida Soesanti (Indonesia)• Godfrey Chan (Hong Kong)• Hanifah Oswari (Indonesia)• Hardiono D. Pusponegoro (Indonesia)


• Hartono Gunardi (Indonesia)• Hasri Samion (Malaysia)• Hesti Lestari (Indonesia)• Herkutanto (Indonesia)*• Hindra Irawan Satari (Indonesia)• Hiroyuki Moriuchi (Japan)• Hung Liang Choo (Malaysia)• I Dewa Gede Ugrasena (Indonesia)• I Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani (Indonesia)• I Gusti Lanang Sidiartha (Indonesia)• I Gusti Ngurah Made Suwarba (Indonesia)• I Made Gede Dwi Lingga (Indonesia)• Ida Sa�tri Laksanawati (Indonesia)• IGM Reza Gunadi Ranuh (Indonesia)• Intan Hakimah Ismail (Malaysia)• Irawan Mangunatmadja (Indonesia)• Irene Cheah (Malaysia)• Irene Yuniar (Indonesia)• Ismoedijanto Moedjito Poerwokoesoemo (Indonesia)• J Hans Hoekstra (Netherland)• Jaya Ariheryanto Ari�n (Indonesia)• Jean-Pierre Chanoine (Canada)• Jonathan D. Klein (USA)• Jose R. L. Batubara (Indonesia)• Julina Md Noor (Malaysia)• Kenji Ishikura (Japan)• Kenzo Takahashi (Japan)• Kim Mulholland (Australia)• Klara Yuliarti (Indonesia)• Kriangsak Jirapaet (Thailand)• Krisni Subandijah (Indonesia)• Lee Jan Hau (Singapore)• Leyla Namazova-Baranova (Russia)• Liew Woei Kang (Singapore)• Lilian Wong (Hong Kong)• Lulu Bravo (Philippines)• M. F. Conny Tanjung (Indonesia)• M. Heru Muryawan (Indonesia)• M. Kurniawan Tau�k Khada� (Indonesia)• Madarina Julia (Indonesia)• Mahrus A Rahman (Indonesia)• Makiko Okuyama (Japan)• Maninder Dhaliwal (India)• Margareth Zacharin (Australia)• Maria Anna Berroya (Philippines)• Mayetti (Indonesia)• Maznisah Mahmood (Malaysia)• Mei Neni Sitaresmi (Indonesia)• Meita Dhamayanti (Indonesia)• Mia Ratwita Andarsini (Indonesia)• MM Deah Harry Hapsari (Indonesia)• Moretta Damayanti (Indonesia)• Mortada El-Shabrawi (Egypt)• Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin (Malaysia)• Mulyadi M. Djer (Indonesia)• Mureo Kasahara (Japan)• Murti Andriastuti (Indonesia)*• Muzal Kadim (Indonesia)• Najib Advani (Indonesia)• Nastiti Kaswandani (Indonesia)• Naveen Thacker (India)• Neurinda Permata Kusumastuti (Indonesia)• Nelly Amalia Risan (Indonesia)• Nia Kurniati (Indonesia)

• Nicholas Sih Yin Chao (Hong Kong)• Ninik Asmaningsih Soemyarso (Indonesia)• Noormanto (Indonesia)• Philip N. Henschke (Australia)• Piprim Basarah Yanuarso (Indonesia)• Pope Kosalaraksa (Thailand)• Pornthep Chanthavanich (Thailand)• Pramod Jog (India)• Pratibha Singhi (India)• Pudjo Hagung Widjajanto (Indonesia)• Pustika Amalia Wahidiyat (Indonesia)• RA. Setyo Handryastuti (Indonesia)• Rahmat Budi Kuswiyanto (Indonesia)• Rajeshwar Dayal (India)• R. Dettie Yuliati (Indonesia)• Retno Sutomo (Indonesia)• Rina Triasih (Indonesia)• Rinawati Rohsiswatmo (Indonesia)• Rini Sekartini (Indonesia)• Ririe Fachrina Malisie (Indonesia)• Risky Vitria Prasetyo (Indonesia)• Rodman Tarigan (Indonesia)• Ryoko Harada (Japan)• Salvacion R. Gatchalian (Philippines)*• Samir Hasan Dalwai (India)• Sarah Dalton (Australia)*• Shanti Raman (Australia) • Satoshi Nakagawa (Japan)• Sertac Arslanoglu (Turkey)• Soedjatmiko (Indonesia)• Soetjiningsih (Indonesia)• Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro (Indonesia)• Sumadiono (Indonesia)• Suradej Hongeng (Thailand)• Susan Sawyer (Australia)• Syahril Pasaribu (Indonesia)• Tang Swee Fong (Malaysia)• Tatsuhiko Urakami (Japan)• Tetsuya Isayama (Japan)• Thanyawee Puthanakit (Thailand)• Tina Tan (USA)• Titis Prawitasari (Indonesia)• Tjhin Wiguna (Indonesia)• Toto Wisnu Hendrarto (Indonesia)• Tubagus Rachmat Sentika (Indonesia)• Tufail Mohammad (Pakistan)• Tunjung Wibowo (Indonesia)• Usa Thisyakorn (Thailand)• Vu Chi Dung (Vietnam)• Wahyuni Indawati (Indonesia)• Winra Pratita (Indonesia)• Yap Hui Kim (Singapore)• Yasuhide Nakamura (Japan)• Yetty Movieta Nency (Indonesia)• Yoga Devaera (Indonesia)• Yoichi Matsubara (Japan)• Yudianita Kesuma (Indonesia)• Yulia Ariani Aswin (Indonesia)• Yun Sil Chang (South Korea)• Zakiudin Munasir (Indonesia)• Ziba Vaghri (Canada)• Zul�qar A. Bhutta (Pakistan)• Zulki�i Ismail (Malaysia)


th thPre Congress Workshops 16 APCP and 9 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Saturday – Sunday, 25–26 August 2018


PCW 1a

PCW 1b




PCW 10

PCW 12

PCW 14

PCW 16


PCW 11

PCW 13

PCW 15


PCW 7a

PCW 7b



25 August 2018

26 August 2018

25–26 August 2018

25–26 August 2018

26 August 2018

26 August 2018

26 August 2018

26 August 2018

25–26 August 2018

25–26 August 2018

25–26 August 2018

25–26 August 2018

26 August 2018

25–26 August 2018

26 August 2018

26 August 2018

25–26 August 2018

26 August 2018

Focus on complementary feeding: from evidence to practice

Feeding problem: Implementation of NMD working group algorithm

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)

Neonatal Stabilization

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease

Dengue Master Class

Comprehensive Fluid Therapy and Acid Based Management in Critically Ill Children

Global Developmental and Intellectual Disability: From Diagnosis to Treatment

Endocrine Concern in Steroid Use for Children

Basic Training In Adolescent Health

Violence Against Children : Recognition, Rights, Responses

Winfocus Pediatric Ultrasound

Echocardiography For Neonatologist

* workshop will be run in Bahasa Indonesia

Workshop is available for participant who has been registered as congress participant

Advance Pediatric HIV Training

GI Bleeding in Children

Hematology-Oncology: Blood Transfusion and Palliative Care

Early Detection of Development and Behavioral Disorders [from Surveillance to (Pra) Screening] - Digital Version -

Breastfeeding in Pre-term Babies





Yes *

Yes *

Yes *

Yes *

Yes Yes

Yes Yes






Yes *


Yes *


Yes *

Yes *


Yes *

Yes *


Invited Participant Only



th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 1 – Monday, 27 August 2018

Proton-pump inhibitors in GERDBadriul Hegar (Indonesia)*

Anti-histamine in chronic allergyIntan Hakimah Ismail (Malaysia)

Food allergy and hyposensitization Leyla Namazova-Baranova (Russia)

Skin allergy in childrenZakiudin Munasir (Indonesia)

The Emergency Medical service for childrenSatoshi Nakagawa (Japan)*

Life lessons from the jungle of PapuaM. Kurniawan Tau�k Khada� (Indonesia)

Current Evidence of Corticosteroid Choices in Pediatric SepsisIrene Yuniar (Indonesia)

Impact of corticosteroid overuse in childrenMargareth Zacharin (Australia)

Safety of long-term drug use in children

Double burden on nutrition

Living with common allergic symptoms

Transport of the critically ill children

Sex development in children

Controversies incorticosteroid use

Child health and the sustainable development goals: what can pediatricians contribute? | Zul�qar A. Bhutta (IPA)Immunization: global problem and challenge | Naveen Thacker (India)

Geographic challenges for pediatric training | Aryono Hendarto (Indonesia)Reducing Inequalities in Asia Paci�c, time to work together | Aman B. Pulungan (Indonesia)

PLENARY 1SDGS And Reducing Inequalities: How Far Have We Come?

Exhibition Opening Ceremony & Coffee Break

ParallelSymposium 2

ParallelSymposium 3

ParallelSymposium 4

ParallelSymposium 5

ParallelSymposium 6

Parallel Symposium 1

Meet The Expert 1 Meet The Expert 3 Meet The Expert 5Meet The Expert 2 Meet The Expert 4 Meet The Expert 608.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.0008.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00

11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15

09.00 - 10.30

10.30 - 11.00

Dealing with sex development in adolescentSusan Sawyer (Australia)

Adolescence: Searching the identityTjhin Wiguna (Indonesia)

11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15

Probiotics to prevent and treat gastrointestinal

disease in children

Tidbits about Endocrine Palliative Care in Asia Paci�c Region

Panel Discussion: Fluid in Sepsis - Can we

drown in it?

Weight faltering, when to intervene Titis Prawitasari (Indonesia)

Micronutrient de�ciency in Asia: is it matters?Zul�qar A. Bhutta (IPA)

Early adiposity rebound, how to prevent itYoga Devaera (Indonesia)

Paediatric endocrinology management in low resource societiesMargareth Zacharin (Australia)

Menstrual DisordersBambang Tridjaja (Indonesia)

Recent Advances in Precocius Puberty Jean Pierre Chanoine (Canada)

Paediatric palliative care in the Asia Paci�c region: where are we now? *Anthony Herbert (Australia)*

Palliative care in Indonesia: Oncologist perspectiveIDG Ugrasena (Indonesia)

Palliative care in limited settings: Lesson learned from HIV patientsNia Kurniati (Indonesia)

Antonius Pudjiadi (Indonesia)

Chair: Tang Swee Fong (Malaysia)*

Maninder Dhaliwal (India)

Lee Jan Hau (Singapore)

Satoshi Nakagawa (Japan)

Probiotics: an update about mechanisms and qualityJ. Hans Hoekstra (Netherland)

Probiotics for gastro-intestinal disorders for children of the Asia-Paci�c region: What is the evidence?Don Cameron (Australia)

How to improve current practice of probiotics in Asia Paci�c regionMuzal Kadim (Indonesia)

* (to be con�rmed)

Sleepless in Nusa Dua

Sleep as a risk behaviour developmental problemRini Sekartini (Indonesia)

Sleep disorder: medical problem and complicationBambang Supriyatno (Indonesia)

Sleep habits and practices across the Asian region – cross-cultural differencesDaniel Goh (Singapore)

Sleep problems in infancyAhmad Fadzil Abdullah (Malaysia)

Laboratory tests in newborn: Which ones, Why, When and How often?Jean Pierre Chanoine (Canada)

Do we need newborn screening on congenital adrenal hyperplasia?Bambang Tridjaja (Indonesia)

Newborn Screening


th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 1 – Monday, 27 August 2018

How to achieve better outcome for preterm


Future Insight in child development

Sick mothers and babies during breastfeeding

Pediatric essentials for Young pediatricians in Limited-care settings

Controversies in protein and lipid

Optimizing nutrition intervention to prevent brain injury in preterm infantsTunjung Wibowo (Indonesia)

Appropriate ventilation management to prevent brain injury in premature infantsPhilip N. Henschke (Australia)

Gut-brain axis paradigm in child developmentIGA Trisna W (Indonesia)

Epigenetic theory in child developmentRetno Sutomo (Indonesia)

Donor human milk as an alternative for preterm and sick babiesSertac Arslanoglu (Turkey)

Sick mother and lactation (drugs and disease)Elizabeth Yohmi (Indonesia)

Improving water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for better Children's healthErkan Er�dan (Turkey)*Strategies to improve maternal and neonatal care: experiences from young pediatrician deployment programIndonesian Young Pediatrician

ZODIAC management of diarrhea: What's new? I Pramod Jog (India)

Protein in early life: the quantity or quality?Aryono Hendarto (Indonesia)

Time for LCPUFA supplementation?Conny Tanjung (Indonesia)

ParallelSymposium 7

ParallelSymposium 8

ParallelSymposium 9

ParallelSymposium 10

ParallelSymposium 11

ParallelSymposium 12

11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15

Stimulations for a better life: �rst things �rst

Status epilepticus and epilepsy: when seizure becomes uncontrolled

Rare Disease The �rst 1000 days of lifeChildren's Rights in health services in the

21st century

A to Z management of Chronic Lung Disease in

preterm infants

Rare Diseases Integrated Medical Services in IndonesiaDamayanti R Sjarif (Indonesia)

Initiative on Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases (IRUD)Yoichi Matsubara (Japan)

Challenge of molecular diagnosis for genetic rare diseases in developing countries: experience from VietnamVu Chi Dung (Vietnam)

What should pediatriciants know about children's rightsShanti Raman (Australia)

Children's rights in health services in the 21st centuryZiba Vaghri (Canada)

Child rights - what can pediatricians doLeyla Namazova Baranova (Russia)

Emerging concepts of chronic lung disease pathophysiology in preterm infantsToto Wisnu Hendrarto (Indonesia)

Current management of Chronic Lung Disease in preterm infantsRinawati Rohsiswatmo (Indonesia)

Ventilation strategies to reduce the risk of chronic lung disease in preterm infantsPhilip N. Henschke (Australia)

Brain development related with child developmental milestoneSoetjiningsih (Indonesia)

Early intervention since hospitalized for improving growth and developmentto be con�rmed

The importance of integration of nutrition and early stimulation for better developmentSoedjatmiko (Indonesia)

Mother environment, is it linked to child health? to be con�rmed

Mother infant bonding for optimize growth and developmentEddy Fadlyana (Indonesia)

Critical periods of child development in the �rst 1000 days of lifeAhmad Suryawan (Indonesia)

Experience in IndonesiaIrawan Mangunatmadja (Indonesia)

Experience in PhilippinesMaria Anna Berroya (Philippines)

Experience in Malaysia - Role of Epileptic SurgeryAhmad Rithauddin bin Mohamed (Malaysia)

Meet The Expert 7 Meet The Expert 9 Meet The Expert 11Meet The Expert 8 Meet The Expert 10 Meet The Expert 1208.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.0008.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00



Nasophadyngeal carriage and the role of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in reducing transmission

Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro (Indonesia)

Introducing pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in developing country: the Philippines experience

Jaime A. Santos (Philippines)

PCV demonstration program in Indonesia: roadmap to sustainable development goal in reducing children morbidity

due to pneumoniato be con�rmed


Break13.30 - 14.00

th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 1 – Monday, 27 August 2018

Breakthrough Symposium 2

IndustrialSymposium 1

IndustrialSymposium 2

Breakthrough Symposium 3

IndustrialSymposium 3

Breakthrough Symposium 114.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30

Pediatrician roles to support


Pediatric TB:IGRA vs TSTBambang Supriyatno (Indonesia)

Pediatric LTBI: how to diagnoseNastiti Kaswandani (Indonesia)

Developmental & Behavioral screening for high risk babyMeita Dhamayanti (Indonesia)

How to improve growth and development for high risk babyMei Neni (Indonesia)

How to handle high risk baby to prevent allergy in early lifeto be con�rmed

Breastfeeding of family centered NICU in ThailandKriangsak Jirapaet (Thailand)*

Safe management of human donor milk in IndonesiaRinawati Rohsiswatmo (Indonesia)

Breastfeeding of family centered NICU in IndonesiaEva Harmoniati (Indonesia)

A human milk banking compatible with Islamic belief: lesson learn from Turkish human milk modelSertac Arslanoglu (Turkey)

Role of IGRA in Pediatric TB

High risk baby: handle with (utmost) care

Coffee Break15.30 - 15.45


COMPETITION 15.45 – 16.45


COMPETITION 15.45 – 16.45

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45

Road to pneumococcal conjugate vaccine access in Indonesia

* (to be con�rmed)

Environmental Health

Pesticide exposure as endocrine disrupting chemical in childrenAgustini Utari (Indonesia)

Lead poisoning in childrenLilian Wong (Hong Kong)

Noise pollution and impact on children healthAlok Gupta (India)





th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 1 – Monday, 27 August 2018

Breakthrough Symposium 4

IndustrialSymposium 4

BreakthroughSymposium 5

BreakthroughSymposium 6

BreakthroughSymposium 7

BreakthroughSymposium 8

14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30

Montelukast in children Asthma: a review of its efficacy and place in therapyAnne Goh Eng Neo (Singapore)

Dengue associated acute kidney injury Mayetti (Indonesia)

Korea Neonatal NetworkYun Sil Chang (South Korea)Establisment of Database in Neonatal MedicineIrene Cheah (Malaysia)Scaling-Up Unang Yakap (The First Embrace) to Improve the Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care in the Philippines: Reaching the SDG Targets for Newborn HealthAnthony Calibo (Philippines)

Neonatal Research Network in Japan and InternationalCollaboration (iNEO)Tetsuya Isayama (Japan)Establishment of database in neonatal medicine: Indonesia ExperienceRizalya Dewi (Indonesia)

Implementation of hemodynamic monitoring in shockNeurinda Permata K (Indonesia)

NIV in limited resources area: does it so simple as well? Ririe F Malise (Indonesia)

Fluid management in shockTang Swee Fong (Malaysia)

Varicella disease & its prevention: from A to Z Po-Yen Chen (Taiwan)

What's new in the management of pediatric


Establishment Database in Neonatal Medicine - To Improve Quality of

Care (Supported by Japan Pediatric Society)

Reduce inequality for attempting organ failure

in critically ill children

The chronicles of adolescent health

New paradigm of de�nition of age of adolescentSusan Sawyer (Australia)

Mental health screening in adolescent: How urgent the need?Yudianita Kesuma (Indonesia)

Pro�le of adolescent health: Indonesian studyBernie Medise (Indonesia)

Bullying and cyberbullying: Threat for adolescentRodman Tarigan (Indonesia)

Panel Discussion: Stunting

Zul�qar Bhutta (IPA)

Chair: Titis Prawitasari (Indonesia)*

Ahmad Suryawan (Indonesia)

Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin (Malaysia)

Jose RL Batubara(Indonesia)

Future global health challenge for young


Role of young pediatricians in preventing non communicable diseases in children and adolescentsJonathan Klein (USA)

Gender equality and child healthZiba Vaghri (Canada)

Migration and infectitious diseasesInke Nadia Diniyanti Lubis (Indonesia)*

How to prevent early marriageDwiana Okvianti (Indonesia)*

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45

FREE PAPER (Oral Presentation)

15.45 – 17.45


th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 2 – Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Immunode�ciency: more than meets the eye

Blood disorder in daily practice

Thalassemia Care: where do we go from here

Congenital hypothyroid screening

Tobacco: you are not cool with it

The high and low of glycaemia

Speci�c Antibody De�ciency: Controversies in Diagnosis and ManagementLiew Woei Kang (Singapore)

Screening for Childhood Type 2 DiabetesTatsuhiko Urakami (Japan)

Advanced strategies in preventing complicationsPustika Amalia (Indonesia)

Short and longterm effects of E-cigarretesJonathan Klein (USA)

Clinical Practice in ITP managementBidasari Lubis (Indonesia)

AIHA: problem of diagnosisYetty Movieta (Indonesia)

Why is it important to screen for congenital hypothyroidism?Diet Rustama (Indonesia)

Implementation of guidelines for congenital hypothyroidism screening in daily practiceFrida Soesanti (Indonesia)

Effects of 2nd and 3rd hand smokersMeita Dhamayanti (Indonesia)

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: cure for all thalassemia mayorSuradej Hongeng (Thailand)

Detection of Persistent Hypoglycemia in NeonatesFrancesco Chiarelli (Italy)

Secondary immunode�ciency: to treat or not to treatSumadiono (Indonesia)

NCD Child's Approach to Advocacy: Putting Children and Family First | Jonathan Klein (USA)Current global opportunity and challenges in adolescent health | Susan Sawyer (Australia)

Prediction and Prevention of type 1 diabetes in Children | Francesco Chiarelli (Italy)Preventing progression of chronic kidney disease | Yap Hui Kim (Singapore)

PLENARY 2Non-communicable disease: from prevention to advance management

09.00 - 10.30

Exhibition Visit & Coffee Break10.30 - 11.00

ParallelSymposium 2

ParallelSymposium 3

ParallelSymposium 4

ParallelSymposium 5

ParallelSymposium 6

Parallel Symposium 111.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15

Primary immuno-de�ciency update in the

Asia Paci�c Region

Global challenges in vaccine implementation

Hemophilia Care: problems and challenges

Endocrinology: not only for the dwarves

Managing kidney disease The power of parenting and child development

The new era in diagnosis and management of old blood diseasesGodfrey Chan(Hong Kong)

BMT of PID patient: experience of MalaysiaIntan Hakimah Ismail (Malaysia)

Growth of SGA children: What do we miss?Muhammad Yazid Jalaluddin (Malaysia)

Management of nephrotic syndrome in childrenRisky Vitria Prasetyo (Indonesia)

Parenting as integrated intervention of child developmental problemstbc

Vaccine HesitancyZulki�i Ismail (Malaysia)

Immunology and Herd ImmunityZakiudin Munasir (Indonesia)

Rational of maternal vaccinationLulu Bravo (Philippines)

Media and child developmentFitri Hartanto (Indonesia)

School readiness and child developmentHesti Lestari (Indonesia)

Advances in steroid sparing agents for children with nephrotic syndromeKrisni Subandiyah (Indonesia)

Does CDGP, FSS, ISS Bene�t from GH TreatmentFrancesco Chiarelli (Italy)

Secular Trend in Indonesian Growth DataJose RL Batubara (Indonesia)

Primary Immuno-de�ciency in IndonesiaDina Muktiarti (Indonesia)

Registry and database of PID for care advocacyLiew Woei Kang (Singapore)

Current situation of hemophilia care in IndonesiaDjajadiman Gatot (Indonesia)

Ensuring safe drug administration in pediatric patients with renal dysfunction Ryoko Harada (Japan)

Recent update of hemophilia managementPudjo Hagung Widjajanto (Indonesia)

Meet The Expert 1 Meet The Expert 3 Meet The Expert 5Meet The Expert 2 Meet The Expert 4 Meet The Expert 608.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.0008.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00

* (to be con�rmed)


th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 2 – Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Neonatal and Pediatric US: from bench to


Pro Cons: Hypo vs Hyper-Caloric

in Critically Ill Patients

Gut failure, longterm problem

Travel with Children Panel discussion: Drug access and


Approach of sick children after travelling from endemic countriesPornthep Chantavanich (Thailand)

Point of care ultrasound (POCUS): Where are we now?Julina Md Noor (Malaysia)

Shortgut Rehabilitation: Evolution of Transdisciplinary CareNicholas Chao (Hong Kong)

Short bowel syndromeAlpha Fardah Athiyyah (Indonesia)

Nutrition and short bowel syndrome: What's the best choice?Lanang Sidiartha (Indonesia)

Cardiac ultrasound for non cardiologist: what does it mean?Piprim B. Yanuarso (Indonesia)

Pediatric emergency US in critically ill children: Can we improve the management?Maznisah Mahmood (Malaysia)

SCUBA Diving in adolesence, what should we care?Ari Prayitno (Indonesia)*

Lee Jan Hau (Singapore)

Jean-Pierre Chanoine (Canada)

Arun Bansal (India)

Detty Yuliati (MoH, RI)*

Chair: Taralan Tambunan (Indonesia)*

ParallelSymposium 7

ParallelSymposium 8

ParallelSymposium 9

ParallelSymposium 10

ParallelSymposium 11

ParallelSymposium 12

11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15 11.00 - 12.15

Gastrointestinal complaint in infant: Is it


Extended newborn screening

Injury: you can not always protect your child from it

Management of congenital heart disease in neonates

Current challenges in adolescent health

Gastroesophageal re�ux in infant : is it normal ?IGM Reza Gunadi Ranuh (Indonesia)

NCD in adolescent: How big is the problem? Yoga Devaera (Indonesia)

How the newborn screening operates in developing countriesto be con�rmed

Suicide attempt in children and adolescent, Child abuse in Autism and ADHDMakiko Okuyama (Japan)

Street InjuryEva Harmoniati (Indonesia)

Brain injurySarah Dalton (Australia)*

OAE screening: is it effective?Rinawati Rohsiswatmo (Indonesia)

Newborn Screening: A Journey to develop iIEMs newborn screening in IndonesiaDamayanti R. Sjarief (Indonesia)

Neurodevelopment stages in adolescentLilian Wong (Hong Kong)

Puberty: What are the new challengesFrida Soesanti (Indonesia)

Early diagnosis of the newborn with critical congenital heart disease: A practical approach for pediatricianRahmat Budi Kuswiyanto (Indonesia)Early management of critical congenital heart disease in neonates: The role of paediatriciansMulyadi M.Djer (Indonesia)

ConstipationDwi Prasetyo (Indonesia)

FGID applicationHans Hoekstra (Netherland)

Non-surgical Inter-vention of Congenital Heart Disease in the newbornDo Nguyen Tin (Vietnam)*

Samir Hasan Dalwai (India)

Chair: Badriul Hegar (Indonesia)*

Ahmad Suryawan (Indonesia)

Chok-wan Chan (Hong Kong)

Hardiono D. Pusponegoro (Indonesia)

Panel Discussion: Normal child development:

rethinking about the de�nition

Meet The Expert 7 Meet The Expert 9 Meet The Expert 11Meet The Expert 8 Meet The Expert 10 Meet The Expert 1208.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.0008.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00

Chair:Dodi Firmanda (Indonesia)*

Dodi Firmanda (Indonesia)*

Herkutanto (Indonesia)*

Zakiudin Munasir (Indonesia)

Panel discussion: What to do if your

patient sue you




th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 2 – Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Break13.30 - 14.00

Breakthrough Symposium 2

Breakthrough Symposium 5

Breakthrough Symposium 114.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30

Breakthrough Symposium 3

BreakthroughSymposium 4

14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30

IndustrialSymposium 1

14.00 - 15.30

Advancing in Leukemia Pediatric Liver Transplantation

Comprehensive management of chronic

kidney disease

Controversy in infant feeding

practice: what is the evidence?

Autism, ADHD, what pediatrician

should aware?

Relapse!!! – how to avoid, diagnose and treat relapse in childhood ALLAllen Yeoh (Singapore)

Challenges in managing chronic kidney disease in childrenDany Hilmanto (Indonesia)

PHP formula as standard infant formula: digging the evidenceMoretta Damayanti (Indonesia)

Awareness of Autism and ADHDHartono Gunardi (Indonesia)

Updates on autism diagnosis and managementSamir Hasan Dalwai (India)

Sensory integration or behavioural therapy in AutismHardiono D. Pusponegoro (Indonesia)*

Child abuse in autism and ADHDMakiko Okuyama (Japan)

Baby led weaning controversyWinra Pratita (Indonesia)

HMO: natural vs. chemichal engineeringYulia Ariani Aswin (Indonesia)

Epidemiology of CKD in children and evaluation of kidney functionKenji Ishikura (Japan)

Advances in nutrition management in children with chronic kidney diseaseNinik A. Soemyarso (Indonesia)

Kidney transplantation: Between hopes and challengesYap Hui Kim (Singapore)

Lesson learnt from Asia Paci�c Collaboration on Liver transplantationMureo Kasahara (Japan)

Liver transplantation in Indonesia: from zero to heroHanifah Oswari (Indonesia)

Perioperative management in Liver transplantationSatoshi Nakagawa (Japan)

Lessons from 20 years of liver transplantationAnupam Sibal (India)

Genetic polymorphism of xenobiotic metabolism enzymes in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemiaMia Ratwita (Indonesia)

AML treatment strategy and challenge in IndonesiaEddy Supriyadi (Indonesia)

Immunotherapy of Cancer: The Myth and the RealityGodfrey Chan (Hong Kong)

Coffee Break15.15 - 15.45

GALA DINNER19.00 - 21.00

* (to be con�rmed)




th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 2 – Tuesday, 28 August 2018

IndustrialSymposium 2

IndustrialSymposium 4

14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30

BreakthroughSymposium 6

BreakthroughSymposium 7

BreakthroughSymposium 8

14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 15.30

Asian Strategic Alliance for Pneumococcal disease

prevention (ASAP)

NCD in childhood, what to do next?

Hypertension in childhood and adolesenceHeru Muryawan (Indonesia)

Approach of teen pregnancyShanti Raman (Australia)

Chronic lung disease in childhood and adolesenceNastiti Kaswandani (Indonesia)

Early diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in childrenMadarina Julia (Indonesia)

IndustrialSymposium 3

Aryono Hendarto (Indonesia)

Sarah Dalton (Australia)*



Pediatrician to practice across Asia: is it

possible or a problem?


th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 3 – Wednesday, 29 August 2018

How to identify HIV-infected children with antiretroviral drug resistanceNia Kurniati (Indonesia)

Threat of MDR Tuberculosis: Is short regimen TB drug promising?Rajeswar Dayal (India)

Kawasaki Disease: Is there an optimal treatmentZulki�i Ismail (Malaysia)

Meeting the iron requirement of infants through complementary feedingKlara Yuliarti (Indonesia)

Measles Rubella: Recent Situation and Next ChallengesHindra Irawan Satari (Indonesia)

The update algorithm of Indonesian pediatric sepsis guidelineAbdul Latief (Indonesia)

Incidence and mortality risks of sepsis in children: Japanese experience and global viewSatoshi Nakagawa (Japan)

IPASTRY-Indonesian Pediatric Sepsis RegistryIrene Yuniar (Indonesia)

Japan's challenge of measles controlKenzo Takahashi (Japan)

Controversies in iron supplementationMurti Andriastuti (Indonesia)*

Current management of Kawasaki disease: The role of pediatricianNajib Advani (Indonesia)

TB Prophylaxis Drugs: Challenging problems in IndonesiaWahyuni Indawati (Indonesia)

Drug options for children with antiretroviral drug resistanceThanyawee Puthanakit (Thailand)

Fighting antiretroviral drug resistance

Update in Kawasaki Disease

Controversies in Iron supplementation:

For all or none?

Update of Pediatric Sepsis Measles and Rubella eliminition goal

Controversies in pediatric TB

Advocacy for 21st Century Child Health | Chok-wan Chang (Hong Kong)Implementation of vaccine preventable disease control in US: Lesson learned | Tina Tan (USA)

Health of children refugee | Enver Hasanoglu (Turkey)Indonesia moves forward with "one health approcah" to combat Emerging Infectious DIsease | Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro (Indonesia)

Diagnosis of tuberculosis --- current trends | Rajeshwal Dayal (India)

New Paradigms in the Management of Common Cold and Flu-like Illness in the Era of Antibiotic ResistanceRon Eccles (UK)

PLENARY 3Prevent and control communicable disease by "one health approach

Coffee Break

09.00 - 10.45


11.00 - 12.00

Meet The Expert 1 Meet The Expert 3 Meet The Expert 5Meet The Expert 2 Meet The Expert 4 Meet The Expert 608.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.0008.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00

* (to be con�rmed)


th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 3 – Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Is our patients get Bacterial or viral infection?Kim Mulholland (Australia)

Stem cells for neonatal brain disordersYun Sil Chang (South Korea)

Current situation of STDs in the worldto be con�rmed

Is it youth in Indonesia also having problem with STDsDominicus Husada (Indonesia)

Brain plasticityPratibha Singhi (India)When we need

immunodulator in infectious diseases patients?Dwi Lingga(Indonesia)*Antibiotics chosen in outpatients clinicAnggraini Alam (Indonesia)

Antibiotic uses in ambulatory setting

STDs in adolesence: do we need to worry?

Future hope for brain disorders


Meet The Expert 7 Meet The Expert 9 Meet The Expert 11Meet The Expert 8 Meet The Expert 10 Meet The Expert 1208.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.0008.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00 08.00 - 09.00



ParallelSymposium 2

ParallelSymposium 3

ParallelSymposium 4

ParallelSymposium 5

ParallelSymposium 6

Parallel Symposium 112.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30

Neuroimaging of CNS infections -- a clinician's perspectivePratibha Singhi (India)

Simpli�ed antiretroviral options for HIV-infected adolescenceEndah Citraresmi (Indonesia)

Diagnostic and management challenges of child tuberculosis in the era of multi-drug resistant tuberculosisRina Triasih (Indonesia)

Antimalarial drug resistance Syahril Pasaribu (Indonesia)

The role of pediatrician in the management of child abuseMeita Dhamayanti (Indonesia)

Tormenting Toxoplasma, Running Rubella, and Cynical Cytomegalovirus: Congenital Infections Nowadays in Asia-Paci�cHiroyuki Moriuchi (Japan)

An iceberg phenomenon of syphillis congenitalAlex Chairulfatah (Indonesia)

Congenital arbovirus infection: dengue and zikaIda Sa�tri (Indonesia)

Neurodevelopmental monitoring and outcome of congenital infectionRA Setyohandryastuti A (Indonesia)

Developing positive system in the prevention of abuse and neglect in childrenZiba Vaghri (Canada)

Building awareness and systematical management of child abuse and neglectTufail Muhammad (Pakistan)

What can we do to protect children with special needs?Tubagus Rahmat Sentika (Indonesia)

Melioidosis casesPope Kosalaraksa (Thailand)

Polio: postcerti�cation strategyIsmoedijanto MP (Indonesia)

Current issues in the prevention and treatment of pneumoniaKim Mulholland (Australia)

Management of childhood asthma -- where are we?Anne Goh Eng Neo (Singapore)

Transition care from pediatrics to adults’ clinicsThanyawee Puthanakit(Thailand)

Talking to children about HIV: advantages of HIV disclosureAnggraini Alam (Indonesia)

Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of CNS infectionsNelly Amalia Risan (Indonesia) *

Japanese encephalitis in IndonesiaIGN Suwarba (Indonesia)

Rational Investigation Practice in CNS InfectionsDigant Shastri (India)

Protecting a child's brain against infectious


Perinatally HIV-infected adolescence

Never ending respiratory disease

Neglected tropical disease: pediatrician

should know about this

Congenital infectionHow to take active roles in child protection

th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 3 – Wednesday, 29 August 2018

* (to be con�rmed)


ParallelSymposium 7

ParallelSymposium 8

ParallelSymposium 9

ParallelSymposium 10

ParallelSymposium 11

ParallelSymposium 12

Syrian refugeeEnver Hasanoglu (Turkey)

Arrythmias in infant and children: Early detection and managementHasri Samion (Malaysia)

The important of pertussis vaccination in adolescent and adultto be con�rmed

Super bugs is our enemies Tina Tan (USA)

Survival of Sickest

Rationale' of antibiotic therapy -- Think before you ink!

Feeding fundas – from ½ hour to ½ year and beyond

Indonesian Antimicrobial resistance strategyMM DEAH Hapsari (Indonesia)

WHO framework for development & stewardship to combat antimicrobial resistance Benyamin Sihombing (WHO)

Lesson learnt of diptheria outbreak in Asia Paci�cUsa Thisyakorn (Thailand)

Traveler vaccination for meningococcal infection in children from non-endemic country Mortada El-Shabrawi (Egypt)

Current Management of Heart Failure in ChildrenMahrus A Rahman (Indonesia)

Pericardial Tamponade: Recognition and managementNoormanto (Indonesia)

Pulse Oximetry Screening of the newborn for cyanotic congenital heart diseaseHung Liang Choo (Malaysia)

Disasters and outbreak in IndonesiaJaya Ariheriyanto (Indonesia)*

Child Healthcare of Asian Immigrants in JapanYasuhide Nakamura (Japan)

12.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30 12.00 - 13.30

ISTP session: Resurgence of Vaccine Preventable


Antimicrobial resistance

Interactive Session with Pramod Jog:

All You Can Ask

Pediatric cardiac emergency in children:

what pediatricians should know

Disasters and Refugees in Asia Paci�c

th th16 APCP and 19 ASMIPS/PIT-IKA 2018Day 3 – Wednesday, 29 August 2018


th16 APCPN 2018Day 1 – Tuesday, 28 August 2018























Group Photo

Tea Break and Exhibition

Tea Break and Exhibition


Welcome Address - Naveen Thacker- President of Indonesia Pediatric Society- President of Indonesia Pediatric Nurses Association- President of Indonesia Nursing Association

Opening Ceremony

Presidency Handover Ceremony of APPNA

Opening Address- President APPA

Children Health: Our Duty and Mission- Chen Jianun (President Elect APPNA)

Six Dimensions of Health Care Quality- Pang Nguk Lan (Singapore)

Stunting Nursing Management: Indonesian's Expiriences- Nani Nurhaeni (President IPNA)

Advanced Skilled Nurses in Child Health: Preventive Care- Khoo Shi Min (Singapore)

Overweight Children in School and Community Efforts in Japan- Yumiko Nakamura (Japan)

Safety Practice in Pediatric Care- Allenidekania Allen (Indonesia)

The Construction of Evidence –Based Pain Management Scheme for Children- Xianlan Zheng (China)

Keynote 1- Chok-wan Chan (President APPNA)

Keynote 2: SDG's and Quality of Life of Children in Asia Paci�c Region: Challenges for Pediatric Nurses Association - Rashanee Seeda (President APPNA)

Keynote 3: Role of Paediatric Nurses in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for the Global Word- Susanna Lee (Adviser of APPNA)

What are we doing in attainment of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): From acute and Chronic Perspectives- Iris Yeung (Hong Kong)

The Future of Material and Child Nursing Practices Standards: It's relevance with Sustainable Development Goal- Balbina M. Borneo (Philippines)



15.50-16.10 Transforming Care at the Bedside: Nursing Quality Improvement in Pediatric ICU- Thochaporn Tesasil (Thailand)





Speak to be Heard: Advocacy in Children and Young People's Nursing: The Role of Professional Association- Catherine M. Marron (Australia)

The Importance of De�ning the Specialty of Children and Young People's Nursing- Jan Pratt (Australia)

Gala Dinner

th16 APCPN 2018Day 2 – Wednesday, 29 August 2018









Oral and Poster Presentation 1

Oral and Poster Presentation 2


Tea Break and Exhibition

Council Delegates and Executive Committee Meeting of APPNA

Announcement of New Executive Committee of APPNA 2018-2021

Panel Discussion: Moving Towards the Optimal Goals in Caring for Children and Families in Asia Paci�c Region- Representatives of Country Members

- Closing Ceremony by President APNNA 2015-2018- Group Photo






LATE RATE ONSITE RATE1 May 2018 -12 Aug 2018

LATE RATE30 March 2018 - 13 July 2018

25 -29 Aug 2018

APPA Country Member

Trade/Corporate Delegate

IPS Member 



TWO-DAY WORKSHOP | 25-26 August 2018

ONE-DAY WORKSHOP | 25 or 26 August 2018


International Participant

Winfocus Pediatric Ultrasound

International Participant

IDR 4,250,000

IDR 4,500,000

IDR 2,750,000

General Practitioner  

Trade/Corporate Delegate


Non IPS Member 

Indonesian Participant

Indonesian Participant

IDR 4,000,000

IDR 2,500,000

Other Specialist

Accompanying Person of APPA/Foreign Delegate (Include 1 optional tour and gala dinner)

Accompanying Person of Indonesian Delegate (Include 1 optional tour and gala dinner)

Accompanying Person of APPA/Foreign Delegate (Exclude 1 optional tour)

Accompanying Person of Indonesian Delegate (Exclude 1 optional tour)

Sr. Citizen (65 yrs & older and for IPS member only) 

Foreign Delegate (Non APPA Member)


IDR 5,500,000

IDR 4,000,000

IDR 6,500,000

IDR 3,750,000

IDR 11,500,000

IDR 4,750,000

IDR 6,000,000

IDR 11,000,000

IDR 6,500,000

IDR 4,500,000

IDR 7,500,000

IDR 4,250,000

IDR 13,000,000

IDR 2,650,000IDR 2,150,000

IDR 2,250,000IDR 1,750,000

IDR 5,500,000

IDR 7,000,000

IDR 2,000,000IDR 1,500,000

IDR 1,500,000IDR 1,000,000

IDR 12,150,000



Registration should be made online through the conference website

Payment registration can be made by credit card or bank transfer.



Online RegistrationOnline registration can be made through this link Online registration will be closed on Sunday, 12 August 2018 at 12.00 AM (Indonesian Time). Delegates wishing to register after those date are welcome to have Onsite Registration. Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer.

Onsite RegistrationOnsite registration will be open on 27 - 29 August 2018 (during the congress) at BNDCC, Bali.

CancellationAll cancellations must be made in written form and send by email to secretariat at Cancellation before 31 August 2017 will receive full refund of the registration fee. There will be no refund for cancellation made after that date. The refund process will take up to 60 days. No replacement will be accepted for all delegates, refunds will be made net of bank charges and administration charges.

Certi�cate Of AttendanceThe certi�cate of attendance will only be available for delegates who attend the congress or the congress and workshops. The certi�cate of attendance will be in the form of electronic print and to be distributed on the last day of the congress and workshops at the registration desk. The distribution will be started at 08:00 – 12:00.


IPNA (Indonesian Pediatric Nursing Association) Member

APPNA (Asia Paci�c Pediatric Nursing Association) Member


Pre-Congress Workshop Registration: Available soon

th thThe fees for 16 APCP and 9 ASMIPS (PIT-IKA) including: • Fees quoted are in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) • The fees are include: - Admission to Scienti�c session - Admission to Exhibition - All Congress Materials - Coffee Break and Lunch during the conference - Access to the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception• Registration fee for Accompanying person including acces to attend Gala Dinner

thThe fees for 6 APCPN including: • Fees quoted are in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) • The fees are include: - Admission to Scienti�c session - Admission to Exhibition - All Congress Materials - Coffee Break and Lunch during the conference - Access to the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception• Registration fee for Accompanying person including acces to attend Gala Dinner


Accompanying Person of APPA/Foreign Delegate (Include 1 optional tour)

Accompanying Person of Indonesian Delegate (Include 1 optional tour)

Accompanying Person of APPA/Foreign Delegate (Exclude 1 optional tour)

Accompanying Person of Indonesian Delegate (Exclude 1 optional tour)

LATE RATE ONSITE RATE1 May 2018 -12 Aug 2018

25 -29 Aug 2018

IDR 3,250,000

IDR 4,000,000

IDR 3,500,000

IDR 4,200,000

IDR 2,650,000IDR 2,150,000

IDR 2,250,000IDR 1,750,000

IDR 2,000,000IDR 1,500,000

IDR 1,500,000IDR 1,000,000


Accommodations for participant are offered at the following hotels. Reservation should be made online through the conference website at For more information regarding to the accommodation, kindly visit the website.

Notes:Shuttle bus from/to will be provided only at official hotels.



A number of tours are offered to showcase Bali and every unique thing in the region.

Make sure to take part on our pediatrics fun activities:

• Pediatric run When? 26 August 2018 at 06.00

• Pediatric Photography contests Theme: Sustainable Development Goals

• Pediatrics fun walk When? 29 August 2018 at 06.00

Detail information and registration available on the website.

Green School Bali is a non-pro�t, private and international pre-kindergarten to high school located along the Ayung River near Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. The school was founded by John and Cynthia Hardy. The Hardys reportedly conceived of Green School in 2006 after reading Alan Wagstaff's Three Springs concept document for an educational village community. The school's has Bamboo Bridge which is spanning 22 meters across the Ayung River.

Please visit for details information and reservation.



th th16 APCP & 9 ASMIPS (PIT-IKA)Indonesian Pediatric Society (IPS)

Jl. Salemba I No. 5Jakarta Pusat 10430, Indonesia

Tel: +62-21 314 8610 | HP: +62 821 1173 9207E-mail:

IPS Bali ChapterBag./SMF IKA FK UNUD/RSUP Sanglah

Jl. Pulau Nias no. 1 Denpasar BaliEmail:

HP: +62 812 3622161 (CP: Mirahayu)

th6 APCPN 2018Congress President: Associate Prof. Rashanee Seeda

Email : srashanee@gmail.comCongress Vice President: Dr. Nani Nurhaeni

Email: nani�kui@yahoo.comCongress Secretary: Ms. Susi Hartati

Email : or


Pacto ConvexGrand Sahid Jaya Hotel

2nd Floor, Shopping Arcade S2Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.86, Jakarta 10220

Tel: +62-21 570 5800; 573 5538HP: +62 821 1173 9207



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