frameworks galore: a pragmatic review

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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A wide and shallow survey of popular frameworks for Javascript, CSS, PHP, Java, Groovy, Ruby, Perl, Python and other web oriented technologies.


Frameworks Galore

A pragmatic review of available frameworks

Now with 20% more framework-y goodness!

What are frameworks?

• Frameworks are tools or libraries that you can include in your application to take advantage of functionality that you would otherwise need to develop.

When should I use a framework?

• One of the main advantages of a framework is the reduction of developer workload.

• Another approach is to utilize frameworks for their subject expertise.

How would a framework help me?

• Drop-in functionality.

• Reduced maintenance.

• Faster startup and prototyping.

Downsides to using frameworks?

• Increased complexity.

• Enlarged security profile.

• Unused functionality.

What frameworks are out there?

Finally, the good stuff!

Javascript Frameworks

• Historically focused on the client side, but with the advent of technologies such as Node.js and Vert.x this focus is lessening.

• Functionality ranges from DOM manipulation to visual effects.

• Purely client side MVC applications are possible with the functionality available from some frameworks.

jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile

• jQuery features DOM element Selection, Events, AJAX interaction, Effects and extendable via Plugins.

• jQuery UI enhances jQuery with Themableappearance, Widgets, Interactions, Utilities and more Effects.

• jQuery Mobile focus jQuery and jQuery UI functionalities on mobile platforms (HTML5)


• Used to fill in functionality in browsers that lack HTML5 feature support (IE mostly)

• Checks for a variety of HTML5 and CSS3 features and can load various modules in response to the presence of those capabilities.

• Very helpful for situations where support of older browsers is required but newer features are desired.

Backbone.js + Underscore.js

• Backbone adds modeling, collections, manipulations and event modeling to allow your application to interact with a backend via JSON.

• Underscore provides utility functions for use by Backbone, but can be used without Backbone.

Spine.js + Spine Mobile

• Adds Models, Views, Controllers, Routers, and Events to web applications.

• Spine Mobile aims to match Native applications for mobile users and extends the Spine functionality with a Touch interface and a web interface equivalent of Story Boards for Xcode.

Mustache.js + Handlebars.js

• Mustache (no designation) is a template languages for HTML generation.

• Mustache.js is the javascript processor for Mustache templates.

• Handlebars is a superset of mustache and adds some processing logic (iteration and conditional evaluation) to mustache templates.

CSS Frameworks

• Used to standardize CSS implementations across various browser platforms.

• Implement good practices for layout and typography.

• Allow easier layout by standardizing columns.

• More modern systems allow for designs that respond to the width of the viewport on the browser.

Twitter Bootstrap

• Actually includes JS functionality built on top of jQuery.

• Cohesive appearance of elements.

• Helps overcome lack of a UI/UX designer on the team by providing some basic elements and styles for your information, forms, and layout.

960 Grid System

• Designed to help layout pages of information.

• Designed around a 12, 16 or 24 column approach for a screen width of ~960px.

• Very light weight (~7KB)

• Only concerned with columns, widths and placement.

Blueprint CSS

• A column based system, but expanded to include typography and form elements/interfaces.

• Includes a plugin system.

• Additional support for printing forms

Less CSS

• Actually extends the original CSS with features such as variables, functions, operations, mixins, and conditional responses.

• Available as a javascript library to add interpretation to your webpages.

• Can also be used to preprocess your .less files into .css files for inclusion in your application.

• Responsive? Gotcha covered!

width: 100%*(140/620);


• Another preprocessor style framework for CSS.

• Adds functionality for variables, nesting, mixins, and selector inheritence.

• Used by Rails 3.1+

• Also supports math inline, so:

font: #{$font-size}/#{$line-height};

Data Frameworks

• Serve to isolate your application logic from the persistence layer beneath.

• Allows your application to run against various database management systems without convoluted configurations.

• Provides a façade covering over the specific idiosyncrasies for the DBMS.


• Two main components: Core and ORM

• Core: Generates DDL and abstracts the SQL commands.

• ORM: Allows more abstraction, allowing you to delegate persistence to the SQLAlchemy engine.

• Mature, High Performance framework

• Database Reflection/Type Introspection

• Allows hand-written SQL to be injected if needed.


• Speeds development, data abstraction and improves portability for your application.

• Allows you to represent your business rules through OO code and generate boilerplate code for CRUD operations.

• Available modules to inspect your database, and automatically create classes for all the tables in your schema.


• Originally a Java technology, but a .NET version is available too.

• Multiple configuration pathways, XML or JPA/Annotations

• Swappable connection pooling and caching techniques.

• Very flexible representations of relationships of objects to the database.

• HQL for Queries and Criteria elements.

ADO.NET Entity Framework

• Three operational modes: Code First, Model First and Database First.

• Code First is typically used when you’ve already developed code based objects and generally requires some minor adjustments to the base object to enable linkages to the child/parent objects themselves.

• Model First is typically used in new projects and excels at allowing a developer to rapidly work up the data model and interactions between the various modeled entities.

• Database First can be used to create strongly typed classes from an existing database. This can help with mapping new applications to old data sources or “web enabling” old applications.


• Supports Java and .NET

• While Hibernate/nHibernate do many things for you automatically, MyBatis takes the other approach of asking you to dictate what code results in what DB interactions (mapping).

• Still uses a Unit of Work operational style (openSession() and closeSession() calls are expected).


• A javascript library that allows dataset operations on the client side.

• Functions include filtering, grouping, aggregate calculations and other common manipulations that are typically performed at the DB layer.

• Can import data from json or other formats via AJAX calls.

Web Frameworks

• Generally provide some functionality to abstract away the details.

• Often used in conjunction with a Data Abstraction Framework and possibly a Javascript framework and/or CSS framework.


• A MVC based PHP system with a separation of your application code vs. system code.

• Well documented.

• Provides DB Access, Templates, Validation, Session Management, and more.

• Modular allowing additional libraries and helper functions.

• Integrates well with other static content frameworks (CSS and Javascript)


• Another PHP MVC system with excellent documentation.

• Many built in features for XSS, CSRF, and input validations.

• Components to help with email, cookie, security, session, and request handling.

• Requires minimal (if any) setup on the server.

Spring MVC

• Excellent (excessive?) separation of concerns.

• Available to a wide range of Java based application servers.

• Flexible configuration and management.

• Able to import or take advantage of an incredible number of Java based libraries.


• Attempts to simplify creation of Java based MVC web applications.

• Auto-discovery of ActionBeans (convention over configuration)

• Flexible routing configuration (you want to masquerade as a collection of .html files, no problem)

• Requires Java 5 (because it uses Annotations and Generics)


• Based on the Groovy scripting language (runs on the JVM Platform)

• Started as a port of Ruby on Rails, so it inherits many of the foundational concepts of Rails

• Includes a Groovy based ORM, which provides a façade over Hibernate.

• Simplifies development and has interop with Java based classes (JAR)

ASP.NET Web Forms

• Tons of Support, tutorials and other educational materials on the internet.

• Well constructed and fairly complete attempt to introduce a stateful mindset to web applications.

• Can get heavy handed with view state and sometimes page life cycle becomes a mystery.

• Many helper utilities and a very good IDE.


• Catching up to the MVC/lighter web applications process.

• Several versions released in rapid fire.

• Supports multiple templating/view engines.

• Benefits from much of the .NET ecosphere and can take advantage of my of the features from Web Forms (but not viewstate based controls)

Ruby on Rails

• Takes advantage of strong Ruby ecosphere.

• Opinionated software can help reduce the number of technology concerns for application development.

• Strongly supports testing.

• Many innovations that have been ruthlessly copied by others (such as Grails and many other web application frameworks).


• Very slim feature set, but very versatile.

• Well suited for exposing API end points without incurring overhead.

• Integrates with rack middleware (e.g. for sessions and auth functionality)

• Very flexible template resolution:

require 'rdiscount'

get('/') { markdown :index } #returns index.markdown


• Perl based MVC framework

• Swappable ORM layers (DBIx::Class, DBI, or many other persistence layers)

• Template processing via several optional engines

• Many included plugins for Form Validation, Request Handling, Session Management, and I18N.


• Python based MVC Framework – Detail oriented yet quick to get results.

• Provides it’s own internal ORM along with several classes to help query and sift data.

• Calls views controllers and controllers views, or is it the other way around?

• “Pluggable” features form sub-functionality of a larger application or project.


• A “micro” framework that offers much basic functionality without dictating backend options.

• Managed Cookies, Flash Messages, Templates, File Uploads and many other handy items are implemented.

• Can be very handy for small API endpoints, but might not be a great fit for a larger application.

Testing Frameworks

• Serve to provide a suite of functions to enhance or establish tests for your code base.

• Several flavors from unit testing (testing specific small pieces of code) to integration testing (testing functionality of disparate systems) to usability testing.

• Often tied to the programming language used in a web application framework or other coding environment.

Unit Testing

• NUnit (.NET)

• Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework (.NET)

• JUnit (JVM)

• TestNG (JVM)

• PHPUnit (PHP)

• test::unit/minitest (Ruby)

• unittest (Python)

Behavior Testing

• Rspec (Ruby)

• Jasmine.js (Javascript)

• PySpec (Python)

Browser/Automation Testing

• Selenium

• Mocha.js

Obligatory Incendiary Slide

(Results from

Framework Requests/Second

Flask 0.7.2 1191

Sinatra 1.2.6 982

Pyramid 1.2 555

CodeIgniter 2.0.3 542

Djanog 1.3.1 465

Rails 3.1 463

CakePHP 1.3.11 193

JVM + Ruby = JRubyJRuby + JBoss AS = TorqueBox

• Implement Ruby, Rails or Sinatra Applications on top of JBoss AS. Which brings to the table InfiniSpan, JDBC, JBoss Clustering and JBossScheduling features.

• Natively run WAR/EAR packaged systems side-by-side (from other jvm based systems).

BONUS SLIDEAchievement: Perseverance Unlocked!

The End

or is it?

The comic faces and language logos used in this presentation are the property of their respective owners.


Lee Fent


Twitter: @lee_fent

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