gallivant process book

Post on 28-Jul-2016






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Process Book

Naomi Thornton



Thesis Question




Subject Matter Experts


User Task Flows


Final Thoughts

Works Cited











Thesis Question

How can UX/UI design change

the way explorers understand

culture and share it with



My solution is to create a social app which allows users to submit and pick anonymous

destinations to travel to inside of the city, state, or country they are currently visiting. This

destination can be an eatery, an entertainment spot, an art space, or an outdoors location.

These destinations will be rich with culture and engage the avid explorer. Through this they

can get out of the tourist shell. Because all the destinations are user submitted, they will

curated by travel expert volunteers to ensure a high level of quality.



The technology which is implemented in Gallivant is the same as

what is used in geocaching. The doors were opened for Geocaching

on May 2, 2000 when the U.S. government discontinued Selective

Availability. This opened up the use of GPS to the public. Selective

Availability was the control of GPS technology by the government.

(“Selective Availability”). Once Selective Availability was discontinued,

GPS technology became available to anyone. Dave Ulmer was a GPS

enthusiasts who was excited to take advantage of this technology. He

was excited to test the accuracy of it by placing a target in the woods

and its coordinates on a GPS users’ group. The idea of the activity

was to “Take some stuff, leave some stuff” (“Get the Free Official

Geocaching App“ par. 5)

The technology

Instead of finding objects, users find locations. It is similar to a Virtual

Cache; consisting of the discovery a location rather than a container

(Sherman). Through my research I have found an app that tried

unsuccessfully to use this idea. This application is called Way Marking.

Neither of my SME’s found Way Marking to be very user friendly and

wanted an alternative for it. I am making this alternative for them. I am

working to ensure this desirable aspect works and changes the way

they think about exploring and traveling.

Gallivant expands on geocaching to include culture and experience.


From doing my preliminary interviews, I found that a lot of users

were missing that social aspect. During my interview with Cully

Long, writer of How to Puzzle Cache, I found that she wants to

see “an interactive player rating for difficulty and terrain” with

outdoor activities (Long).I think bringing this amount of social

interaction in will be great and can be implemented in every aspect

of Gallivant. The app is meant to bring people to adventures. It is

not meant to consume people 24/7.

The Community

Individuals who are more likely to actively pursue uncertainty

will enjoy using Gallivant. They need to be open to uncertainty

and change (Matzler et al. 509). These people will be looking for

adventure and the opportunity to be engaged in cultural activities.

A lot of people who are interested in culture are Millenials. It is even

said that they would rather “fully immerse themselves into new

cultures, and feast on local cuisine” than go out and party (“What

do Millenials Really Seek?” par.4). However, this mentality does not

only apply to Millenials. After interviewing my SME’s, I found that

almost anyone with a sense of adventure can be excited about

discovering new places. The idea that will set Gallivant apart from

other applications is the fact that it will be a social platform.

Gallivanters look for adventure and are also engaged in cultural activities.


GPS technology to marry the ideas of Massimo Vignelli and William

Smith together. Because I will be dealing with many different

cultures, it is vital that I stay consistent in my overall design. It is not

the app that will create experiences, it is the adventure. The app

is there to guide people along the way. In researching complex,

curated UX/UI design I found that I will be using a lot of the same

concepts as Yelp. They have discovered over the years that even

though the device is smaller, more people are inclined to use

mobile as opposed to say a desktop. Because my app is used

on-the-go in a foreign place, it is important to focus on a mobile

execution. (“How to Automate Anything” par. 9).

The aesthetic

The design of the app is kept clean and simple. One designer that

inspired my aesthetic is Massimo Vignelli. He created the 1972

New York City Subway Map. Massimo Vignelli designed a simple

map that seems easy enough to read just by looking at it, however,

it was very confusing for people to try to use. This is because of the

lack of geographic accuracy (Martin par.9). Another person who

inspired my aesthetic is William Smith. He is a famous cartographer

from the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. He created a map of

England showing every geologic feature. He used principles of

fossil succession to create a map that showed different types of

soils, mines, marshes and so much more (“Publications You Can

Purchase par. 4). While this is too elaborate of a map to use in the

UX/UI design of Gallivant, I would like to use

gallivant is there to guide people along the way of their adventures.

JOhn WIlson

Goals: He Wants to find things to do for his family that are

exciting, family-friendly, and rich with culture when they travel.

John is a working father who enjoys the new places and new adventures. He is thirty-

five years old and strives to inspire the same sense of adventure he has into everyone

in his family. He works full time but spends his vacation time traveling with his family.

When he travels, he wants to experience the culture around him. He tries to avoid

crowds in typical tourist places, but it is hard to find exciting things for him and his

family to do.

adventurous Father



Goals: She Wants to learn about her new college town by trying

new things and seeing new places.

Lisa is an eighteen year old college freshman who just moved to a new state. On the

weekends she wants to be able to go out and find new places to hand out with friends.

She knows what is in the general area, but wants to be able to find a wide range of

different activities to join in. She also wants to meet people who enjoy doing the same

activities and would enjoy accompanying her in different adventures.

lisa smithCollege Freshman


Roby Sherman

Front Range Representative of Geocaching Colorado

Roby Sherman in a geocaching enthusiast and representative

of Geocaching Colorado. He got into geocaching in 2008 and

has been doing it ever since. He enjoys the hide and seek

process of geocaching but finds the adventure and discovery of

seeking much more interesting. He would like to see more of the

nature and learning aspect incorporated into his geocaching

experience. Roby thinks that the implementation of these could

be interesting in different locations because of the unique

“style” and story each region brings.

Cully Long


Cully Long is the writer of How to Puzzle Cache and puzzle cache

enthusiast. She got into geocaching after working in a remote area

and needing something to do that was both interesting and local.

She enjoys puzzle caches the most because of the challenge they

present. She would like to have her experience improved with an

interactive player rating system that is crowd sourced so she can

really get a feel for which caches she would enjoy the most. She

also enjoys seeing the different styles of each region and feels it

gets individuals immersed into their current location.

subject matter experts



Originally, the name of the app was Fernweh. Because the word

is German, a lot of people did not know how to pronounce it.

This is what lead me to the name Gallivant which means to go

around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or

entertainment. The bird mark was originally produced when the

app was named Fernweh. I wanted to incorporate a mark into

the text of the logo. After changing the name, I enjoyed the mark

so much that it stuck around. The bird represents the freedom

Gallivanters enjoy in the adventures they come to experience.

The mark is meant to be independent and can be moved around

the typeface of the logo. Along with the bird is a set of words that

represent the brand: travel, adventure, discover, culture, wander,

experience, explore, journey, and go out.

Logo Development

Color Palette

# e d 1 7 4 b # f f f f f f

# 5 5 5 5 5 5 # 0 0 0 0 0 0

These colors were selected to keep things simple and to get

users excited about their next adventure. The red is the action

color. It lets users know that by pressing the button, something

will happen.




These typefaces were chosen based on the tone of Gallivant.

Adam.CG Pro is simple but still fun and unique. AW Conqueror

Slab adds more character to the overall brand without distracting

users from the culture and experiences around them.

T itle : pro

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vwxyz

1234567890 . ,? !

Sub Title: AW Conqueror Slab

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

1 2 34 5 6 78 9 0 . , ? !

Body Copy: Aileron Light

A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o

P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . , ? !



User Task FlowLogin/sign up

User Task FlowSearch leading to directions


Lo-fi Wireframes

Round 1


Lo-fi Wireframes

Round 2




Final ThoughtsThis project really started on my trip to Japan for the summer semester. While I enjoyed the learning aspect, the moments I remember the

most are when we found little hole-in-the-wall places and experienced the culture first hand. I am glad I got to find a way to try and help

others have the same experience I did through design.

A special thanks goes all to all of the mentors, friends, and family I have had here to support me through everything!

Roby Sherman

Cully Long

Tregg Frank

Michelle Carpenter

Ray Sams


“Get the Free Official Geocaching App and Join the World’s Largest Treasure Hunt.” Geocaching. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.

“How to Automate Anything with IFTTT.” Computer Skills Envato Tuts. Web. 1 Feb. 2016.

Lane, Lea. “What Do Millennials Really Seek When They Travel?” The Huffington Post. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Long, Cully. “SME Interview 2.” E-mail interview. 08 Feb. 2016.

Martin, Douglas. “Massimo Vignelli, Visionary Designer Who Untangled the Subway, Dies at 83.” New York Times. May 27, 2014.

Matzler, Kurt, Andreas Strobl, Nicola Stokburger-Sauer, Artur Bobovnicky, and Florian Bauer. “Brand Personality and Culture: The Role of

Cultural Differences on the Impact of Brand Personality Perceptions on Tourists’ Visit Intentions.” Tourism Management 52

(2016): 507-20. Web.

“Publications You Can Purchase.” Publications. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

“Selective Availability.” Web. 28 Jan. 2016.

Sherman, Roby. “SME Interview.” E-mail interview. 08 Feb. 2016.

Works Cited

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