gen quiz finals part2

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Stage 2• All questions and their answers connect

to a unifying theme• We’ll open the stage 2 in steps of 2


1The Salmon of Knowledge (bradán feasa) is a creature figuring in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology. This salmon was sometimes called Fintan (or Finntan) in ancient times. (It is sometimes confused with Fintan mac Bóchra, who was known as "The Wise" and was once transformed into a salmon.) Stories differ on whether Fintan was a common fish or one of the Immortals, that could be eaten and yet continue to live.The Salmon figures prominently in The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn, which recounts the early adventures of Fionn mac Cumhaill. According to the story, an ordinary salmon ate nine hazelnuts that fell into the Well of Wisdom (aka Tobar Segais) from nine hazel trees that surrounded the well. By this act, the salmon gained all the world's knowledge. Moreover, the first person to eat of its flesh would, in turn, gain this knowledge.Fionn ate the salmon, became very knowledgeable and a stud in Finnish folklore. Which author took a humorous dig at this story with his novel “The Salmon of Doubt” ?

Time to thank the fish no !!!

2. ID artist (+40, -30)

Janis Joplin

3Rhapsody: A Dream Novel, also known as Dream Story, is a 1926 novella by the Austrian writer Arthur Schnitzler. It details the thoughts and psychological transformations of Doctor Fridolin over a two-day period. In this short time, he meets many people who give a clue to the world Schnitzler is creating for us. This culminates in the masquerade ball, a wondrous event of masked individualism, sex, and danger for Fridolin the outsider.Name of film based on the novella.

4 (+30, -20)The story is mainly based on the legend of Kullervo, a character from the Finnish folklore poems known as Kalevala. Túrin also resembles Sigmund, the father of Sigurd in the Volsunga saga, in the incestuous relationship he had with his sister. In Richard Wagner's opera, Die Walküre (also drawn in part from the Volsung myths), Siegmund and Sieglinde are parallels of Túrin and Nienor. Túrin further resembles Sigurd himself, as both achieve great renown for the slaying of a dragon of immense power and magic.Which novel ??

5Billions and Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millennium, published by Random House in 1997, written by X.The book is a collection of essays X wrote covering diverse topics like global warming, the population explosion, extraterrestrial life, morality, and the abortion debate. The last chapter is an account of X’s struggle with Myelodysplasia, the disease which finally took X’s life in December 1996. ID X.

6. ID the band (+30, -20)

7This film is set in 1942, when the British ruled India. It was a time when Indians were either working for the British or rallying in underground meetings and protests against them. In this atmosphere, Naren Singh falls in love with Rajeshwari "Rajjo" Pathak . But their romance is not an easy one.The film was the first ever to be given a U/A rating while featuring a scene, previously considered inappropriate for young children, showing the actors kissing.nce is not an easy one. Name the film.

8 (+10, no negs)X has red hair, which she dyes black. She is described as "a pale, skinny young woman who had hair as short as a fuse, and a pierced nose and eyebrows. X is a world class computer hacker. Under the name “_____", she becomes a prominent figure in the international hacker community, known as the "Hacker Republic". She uses her computer skills as a means to earn a living, doing investigative work for Milton Security. She has an eidetic memory, and is skilful at concealing her identity, possessing passports in different names and physical disguises that she uses to travel undetected around Sweden and worldwide. The survivor of a traumatic childhood, X is highly introverted, asocial and has difficulty connecting to people and making friends. She is particularly hostile to men who abuse women, and takes special pleasure in exposing and punishing them.ID X.

Lisbeth Salander

And your Stage 2 is ….

Posthumous Works• Douglas Adams – The Salmon Doubt• Janis Joplin – Pearl• Stanley Kubrick – Eyes Wide Shut• Kurt Cobain – You Know You’re Right• JRR Tolkien – The Children of Hurin• Carl Sagan – Billion Billion etc. etc.• RD Burman – 1942 A Love Story• Stieg Larrson – The Millennium Trilogy

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