guidance and counseling presentation study habits mr. jun amparo school counselor

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Guidance and Counseling Presentation

Study Habits

Mr. Jun AmparoSchool Counselor

5 seconds…..

What are those pictures?

What will happen if you get an F grade?

Why do you think report card or grades are important?

Report card evaluates a student’s progress Bet tool to inform the parents about your academic

performance It boosts your self-esteem to know that your performing well Better chances of getting scholarships (GPA) Wider opportunities specially applying abroad (GPA) The better your grades are, the better your odds of getting

into a good college and programs (esp. in selective colleges) Students with good grades (because of discipline and good

study habits) are more marketable and more likely to get the job

Difficult subjects? Or easy?



World History

Calculus Biology

English literature



Why do we need to study?When is the best time to study?Where is the ideal place to study?


The Study Habits of Successful StudentsSuccessful students have good study habits. They apply these habits to all of their classes. Read about each study habit. Work to develop any study habit you do not have.

Try not to do too much studying at one time.

If you try to do too much studying at one time, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you have to do over shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental energy.

Set Up a Regular Study Schedule

There's nothing more frustrating than spending a day "studying" only to find that you've accomplished very little. The trick to avoiding this is not to study longer (though this may also help), but to be more focused during the time that you do study

Be specificKeep it flexibleChoose an optimal time of day to studyMaintain a social life

Find Out What Your Teachers Expect

Pay attention and take good notes Sit near the front--not necessarily

in the front, if you don't want to count the teacher’s nose hairs--so you'll be able to hear and won't be distracted by the goings-on around the room.

If for some reason you still do poorly on an exam or paper, don't panic. Go to the teacher and politely ask to discuss what was unsatisfactory. You may learn how to do better in the future, and you'll also show you care about your performance (which in turn could affect how you're graded next time).

Set specific goals for study times.

Goals will help you stay focused and monitor your progress. Simply sitting down to study has little value. You must be very clear about what you want to accomplish during your study times.

Learn a Few Study Tips

Read intelligently Use outlines Rewrite your notes by hand Use mnemonic devices aside from rote

memorization Try study groups Flash cards Cramming Practice exams and review sessions

Ex. "ROY G. BIV“, longest word

Subject-specific Advice

History Science Math English Foreign language

Timelines are invaluable. Write out timelines for each major event, so you can get a sense of cause and effect. You can test yourself by later rewriting that timeline from memory. Highlight in different colors the names of the different people involved.

Flash cards are your friends. You have so many confusing terms to learn that sheer memorization is going to be your biggest hurdle. Mnemonic devices tend to work particularly well with science terms.

Practice is key. Do as many practice problems as you can (especially the hard ones) until you feel you can breeze through the questions. Math is not the kind of subject that mere reading will help you with; you must invest the time in practicing

Read over your notes and become extremely familiar with the different literary terms and techniques your teacher reviewed. Plot summaries are also useful. Finally, create a list of examples from each book with which you are very familiar, so you always have some material to write about.

If it's a vocabulary test, then you're back to the flash cards. But if it's an essay or grammar test of some sort, it's much more important to become familiar with the various verb tenses and conjugations. If it's an oral test, grab someone else from the class and spend a couple of hours only talking in the foreign language. It'll improve your fluency and comfort, and you'll learn from each other.

Set Up a Conducive Study Space

Choose the place and assemble your materials

A library is ideal. Yes, we know that you shudder at the thought of

going to a library, but that's what makes it so perfect. What could be more boring (translation: less distracting) than a library? However, if you're the type who can't focus amid that deafening silence, you should at least pick a place where you know you will be able to focus.

Here are some suggestions:

A quiet coffee shopA study hallA student loungeAn empty classroom

Under the tree

Other proven strategies from the students

Things to Avoid

1. Avoid procrastination2. Avoid bad influence3. Avoid distractions4. Avoid becoming

pessimistic5. Avoid laziness

Make sure your reading, writing, and basic math skills are adequate.

If you can read a newspaper or a book, if you can write coherent sentences and paragraphs, and know enough math to figure out simple computations (adding, subtracting, multiplication, division, some measuring and simple fractions), you can get by.

If you have problems in any of those areas, get a tutor, take a distance learning course, or even get a friend to help you out.

Consider this

You might not be an "A" student, but if you are doing your work as well as you can and not slacking off, then whatever grades you get are OK. Learning discipline is one of the hardest lessons, which is one reason you go to school for so many years. Once you graduate, you will be on your own, and will have to motivate yourself to get a job and earn the money you need and want. If you have learned how to "knuckle down" and do your best, then you will be ahead of many people even if your grades were not as good as you wanted them to be.

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