guide to social media analytics / reporting using sendible

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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Measure success & generate detailed reports using Sendible's social media management tool. Prove the effectiveness of every piece of content you distribute. Sendible tracks just about everything including clicks, referrers, shares, comments, views and more.


Start-up guide:


One of the most powerful assets Sendible offers to your business is its Reports feature. You can

access this instantly via your Dashboard by clicking on the “My Reports” tab.

This is a powerful feature to help you monitor and accurately track your social media presence.

There are two types of reports under this tab:

1) Quick Reports – This enables you to see at a glance what’s going on in your across all of

your social media accounts during a selected particular period.

2) Report Builder – This enables you to create custom branded reports for you to then

email out to clients or internally to your team.

You can check:

Your message volume

Your scorecard (interactions, audience, influence, clicks)

The best time to post, as proven on your particular networks

Number of clicks on posts over the month

A record of all messages and posts (including date and interactions

Mentions – your keywords; and whether or not these mentions were positive or


1. Building Your First Report

Before you can read any data, however, you need to build your first report. Click on the “My

Reports” tab, if you aren’t already there, and select the “Report Builder” tab in the left-hand

vertical sidebar menu.

Select your layout from the templates indicated.

You’ll be taken to the next screen, where you’ll notice two fields waiting for your input:

Report Name

Report Title

Default date period

Only you will be able to see the contents of the “Report Name” field, so go ahead and populate

it with whatever you want.

Everyone who accesses the report will be able to see your “Report Title”, so put some thought

into a strong title, preferably with a relevant keyword in it.

You can also select the exact period of time you’d like the report to cover (seven to ninety


The moment you click “Next”, you’ll be given a selection of modules (graphs) you can add.

Choose the most relevant ones by clicking on the green “Add” buttons.

When you are done, click on the “Close” button.

The next page shows you your report skeleton and presents you with a button you can press to

upload your logo (260 X 100 pixels), as well as allowing you to edit your personal data in the far

right side of the report header.

Upload your logo Underneath, you’ll find the data….

(This area can be packed with fields and data or focused on one aspect as you’d like it to be.

You can also remove fields at this stage, by selecting the little wheel in the right-hand side of

each field header slug.)

Tip: You can add additional headers by adding a module in the general reports section

Tip: You can drag – drop modules around the page to arrange in a layout that best suits you

After your report is complete you can then choose between five actions:

Print your report

Email it – either once or on a reoccurring basis

Share it with your team members on Sendible

Publish it to a live link

Export it in MS Excel or HTML

2. Reading Your Data

Sendible’s “My Reports” functions become invaluable in analysing data and monitoring your

social network, email and site interactions. In addition to all the fields you can add when

populating your reports, you can also go to the “Quick Reports” tab in the left-hand menu and

select even more functions.

When you’re ready to collect new data and create a new report, go back to the “Report

Builder” tab in your “My Reports” left-hand, vertical menu.

You will see the last report you created – but on the extreme right-hand side in the Header

section of your report, you’ll also notice the bright green “New Report” button.

Press it, and you’ll be able to “Add Modules” again.

Last time you created a report, we focused only on the vertical Modules within “General


This time, check out the horizontal tabs in your “Add Modules” section.

“Channels” lets you set up and track activity across all your social media accounts: Your

Facebook Page, Twitter accounts, LinkedIn accounts and more.

“Social Media Monitoring” lets you monitor all your “mentions” – positive, negative, over time,

by source and more.

One tip, however – make sure the keywords you select is highly specific to your business. If you

use a general keyword such as “business solutions”, you will get a flood of “junk” results.

Do be sure to scroll down in the “Social Media Monitoring” section. You won’t want to miss the

chance to add a “Sentiment” pie chart – one of your quickest barometers of buzz-worthiness –

and setting up a “Sentiment Comparison” between your social networking accounts.

This demographic alone is unique in that it accurately measures intangibles such as liking, long

thought to be non-empirical and non-measurable.

“Sentiment Comparison” is a good category to add if you have multiple social media accounts.

And, finally, “Top Influencers” can show you who have been busy either competing or

promoting your keyword the most (if you chose keywords highly focused to your business USP).

“Links” won’t be hugely valuable if your business is fairly new: However, if you’ve built up solid

backlinks, it’s worth your while throwing into your mix for this second test report.

Tip: Always select any modules with pie charts. They impress clients, are great for giving you an

accurate visual feel for data portions – and you can always take them out before printing or

sharing your report, if the data doesn’t feel particularly impressive or relevant.

“Campaigns” tab is closely linked with Sendible’s Smart queues feature. It enables you to track

and measure the success of a queue and run specific campaign reports. You are able to retrieve

analytics on various metrics including the number of clicks, comments, likes, mentions, reach,

opens and more, helpful in determining ROI and the success of a particular queue.

In addition to the post data options displayed at first glance, you can also analyze and track:

Number of emails opened during the report’s specified time period

Number of people reached by your emails

Retweets during that period

Your top posts that have been shared over that period

The number of people who unsubscribed from receiving your messages

How many people viewed your blog(s)

Google Analytics is your final horizontal-tab field to add. You can instantly set up full analytics

measurements – and you’ll never have to log into Google again to see your stats.

In addition to the fields you see here, you can also add (if you scroll down):

Visitor Countries

Visitor Cities

Pages Viewed

Search Keywords

Don’t neglect location-based targeting and measurement in your campaigns. Even if you do

one hundred per cent of your business online, you may uncover a hidden gemstone of a local

market who will buy from you simply because you’re someone they either know (at least by

sight, if you’re putting in quality time investing in your community) or just someone from their

home town.

3. Editing Your Report

You can also “Edit” your report within the “Add Modules” section, which allows you the ability

to change either the layout or the details within the report, making for a tighter, more focused


Get into the habit of editing your details. Not only will it look and read better, it will give you a

stronger, clearer picture of where your business online visibility and interaction level is really

“at”, and what sort of actions you will need to take in which areas, to improve your statistics.

4. Overview of Key Metrics


The Scorecard acts as a health check of your Social Media activity as a whole. It provides a

snapshot of key metrics and gives an indication if they are increasing (Green) or decreasing


Interactions: Looks at engagement as a whole it takes into account; likes, shares, comments, replys to emails and more.

Audience: Looks at your audience figures over time, it agregates data from all of your social media accounts to see the rate in which your followship is increasing or decreasing.

Influence: Looks at your influnece on the social web it pulls information directly from Klout to gage the impact of your Social Media activity.

Clicks: Looks at how many times people have click on links you have posted or opened your emails that you have sent using Sendible.


Based on the period set this graph will show you the number of messages you sent in that

period compared to a previous time period.


This graph provides you with an understanding of the best time to post content based on

engagement probability – Looking at how likely are you to engage with someone at a particular

time based on an average of previous engagement data sent at that time.


Based on the period set this graph shows the number of people who have clicked on your links

compared to that of the previous period.

Tip: you can toggle between previous and current periods by clicking on the key on the graph


Any time a visitor comes to your site, chances are they came from somewhere else. The site

that they come from, therefore, is called the "referring site". This report shows you the domain

name that referred a visitor to your site, in descending order, based on the number of times

that domain name was the referrer.

FACEBOOK FAN PAGE PAGE POSTS This section of Sendible’s reports gives you deep analytics on every single one of your Page

posts, so that you can understand at a granular level how many people your post reached, how

many people engaged with it, and how many people talked about it with their friends. The

“virality” column will also allow you to compare your different posts by showing the % of

people who talked about your post to their friends after seeing it

Posts- An extract from your post.

Date: The day and time this post was published

Likes: The number of likes that post has obtained

Comments: The number of comments that post has obtained.

Total Reach : The number of unique people who have seen your post.

Engaged Users: The number of unique people who have clicked anywhere on your post.

Talking About This: The number of unique people who have created a story from your post.

Stories include:

- Liking, commenting on or sharing your post

- Answering a Question

- Responding to an event

Virality: The number of unique people who have created a story from your Page Post as a

percentage of the number of unique people who’ve seen it.

Based on this data, you should try to identify which types of posts are most effective at helping

you reach your objectives. Do your fans respond better to videos than pictures? Do they always

seem to engage more when you talk about a specific theme? Do they tend to “like” more when

you post a picture and “comment” more when you ask them a question? And we’ve made it

easy for you to see the posts to see which ones generate the most reach, engaged users or

people talking about this.


Page Consumptions: People that clicked to like a story or commented but did not generate a

post within their own feed.

Page Engaged Users: The number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes

any click.


This graph shows a side by side comparison of the number of Mentions on Twitter and the

number of Retweets in a given time period.


Klout measures your influence based on your ability to drive action on social networks. Klout

measures your influence on a scale of 1-100—the average Klout Score is 40. The greater your

ability to drive conversations and inspire social actions such as likes, shares, and retweets, the

higher your Score will be.


This graph shows a side by side comparison of your followers on Twitter and the number of

people following you in a given time period.


Reach Customers on Multiple Platforms Reach customers via Email, SMS and Social Media. Update multiple social networks and blogs at once.

Powerful Tracking & Analytics Measure the effectiveness of your social media and email campaigns. Track the success of your marketing efforts.

360° Brand Monitoring & Sentiment Analysis Read and respond to what people are saying about your brand across the social web.

Generate Leads & Build Brand Awareness Use Sendible's powerful automated marketing tools to generate leads and drive traffic to your website.

Message Scheduling & Autoresponders Create online marketing campaigns in seconds. Preschedule automated messages for birthdays and other events

Manage Multiple Users & Clients Manage accounts for multiple clients and contributors. Become a white label partner and maintain brand identity.

Sendible is an online marketing service for

businesses and marketers to promote, grow and

track their brands through the use of Social Media,

Email and SMS messaging. Sendible is the easiest

way to grow and build your brand online and is a

one-stop-shop for all your marketing needs.

Find us on:

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