how did you attract your audience?

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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how did you attract/address your audience ? 

    I attracted my audience by relating to them, for example on my front cover image the star is wearing a rock band t-shirt and skinny jeans which relates to the clothing of the fans and the genre of the music, in the front cover image you can see that it is taken under a bridge and the graffiti in the picture symbolises the youths.

Reed hot chili peppers band t-shirt

Dark blue electric bass guitar


A connotation to a music magazine is to have the front cover image to be facing the camera to make eye contact to the audience for example on my front cover, the star is staring directly into the camera with a slightly angry look in his face which signifies the genre of music and the blue electric bass guitar is a dark colour as is which the place where the picture was taken, the name of the magazine relates to head banging which is what a lot of the rock fans do, the font style it is in attracts the reader in as it is big and bold taking up the majority of the top of the page in a distorted way which is appealing to the rock fans, the main coverline is written in a rock-like font, similar to the led zepplin logo.

Meat head

The colour scheme of my rock magazine relates to the audience as before we started creating the magazine we made a survey, one of the questions was which of the colours would fit best in a rock magazine? most people said purple, black and white. the audience feedback shows that males and females both agree on the colour scheme as 90% of people who filled in the survey chose the colour.

Language used throughout the magazine relates to the youth age reading it as some of it can be seen as slang. for example on one of the cover lines the artist is talking about alcohol and punk rock, sex and drugs, all of which relate to the youths. As well as the text style itself, it can be seen as a unique style but looks distorted and different.

Artist used in the production are all from the rock genre, but vary from different types of rock, for example there features green day, a punk rock band, then it features metallica, which are more of old metal. This vary of music opens up the range for the audience from ages 16 up to 35. It has a section of rock for all rock music lovers.

The layout of the magazine is quite eye catching but is very similar to other magazines in the way they layout there pages. Images used throughout the magazine relate to the audience, for example in the contents page there is an image.

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