how did you attract/address your audience?

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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How did you attract/address your audience?

One of the ways in which I attracted/addressed my audience was through the use of colloquial language throughout my media product, which is present on my front cover, contents page and double page spread of my magazine. Also I used a range of declarative phrases and imperative verbs; commanding words to connect with my audience and to indulge them a lot more in my magazine. Here are some examples of this:

Imperative verb (commanding my target audience) ‘Find out from us!’

Colloquial language to personally connect with my audience: ‘Your monthly music fix’

The use of words such as ‘our’ to make my audience feel a sense of belongingness and to create a community in my target audience.

The direct mode of address in my original pictures draw in my audience.

Imperative, demanding verbs. These will draw in my audience and persuade them to read on.

‘Find out’, ‘Call … Now!’ ‘Get RAW delivered’ etc.

The direct mode of address in my original pictures draw in my audience.

‘Get the latest info’ – imperative verbs and colloquial language.

For the title of my contents page, I used the word ‘welcome’ which implied a welcoming, friendly tone to make my readers feel comfortable and involved in my magazine.

Included in my sell lines I used a variety of imperative verbs to continue the intriguing impression for my target audience. Examples include: ‘Find out’, ‘Turn to’, and ‘Just enter’.

My article is written in colloquial language to connect with my generally young target audience. Writing in language which they will understand and prefer to read will make them more likely to read and enjoy my magazine hence connecting with them more.

‘Keep your eyes and ears peeled’ again imperative verbs.

Get involved! And Visit! – again demanding tone, persuades my audience to follow these commands. Also exclamation mark adds excitement to my product.

Again the use of imperative verbs ‘Sit back and catch up’

The direct mode of address in my original pictures draw in my audience.

In particular I adopted a colloquial tone in my double page spread while writing about my chosen celebrity Lana Del Rey. The celebrity endorsement I used in my double page spread was very useful for developing my colloquial tone as I focused on the deepest elements of the singers’ life, and I used real quotes which she has said in interviews in the past which mirror her down to earth and personal attitude with her fans. I found this very fitting for my main task music magazine article as I wanted to create a friendly and welcoming tone to make my audience feel comfortable and to attract, address and therefore connect with them as best as possible. The personal quotes used in my double page spread (in particular my pull quote) emphasize the depth of which I have connected with my target audience as the quotes are very intimate and therefore are interesting to my target audience who see her as a iconic figure in the music industry (as I found out from my questionnaire).

Another way in which I attracted and addressed my target audience was through the use of synergy and convergent links. The range of convergent links which I have used throughout all three elements of my music magazine main task work very effectively to attract and address my target audience. As discovered from my questionnaire results, majority of my target audience would prefer my magazine to be available online as well as in print. This indicates that majority of my target audience are familiar with technology and undoubtedly a vast majority of 15-25 year olds will be in touch with social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, to attract my audience, I included a range of social media buttons as well as mentioning my website – - to widen my target audience, attract their attention and also connect with my target audience effectively. Below are examples of how I’ve included convergent links throughout my main task:

Front Cover Contents Page Double Page Spread

A further way of how I attracted and addressed my audience throughout my main task music magazine was through the use of competitions; getting my target audience involved and playing their roles as ‘prosumers’ (proactive consumers). The term ‘prosumers’ was coined by the futurologist Alvin Toffler in 1980. Loosely, Toffler's "proactive consumer" prosumers are common consumers who were predicted to each become active to help personally improve or design the goods and services of the marketplace, transforming it and their roles as consumers.

To attract my audience as prosumers, I used a range of techniques throughout my main task. These include: giving my audience the chance to enter a competition to meet Matt Healy (again celebrity endorsement), by giving my audience the chance to subscribe to spotify premium, the ‘Get involved!’ and ‘INFO’ box on my double page spread with my website link – to give my audience the opportunity to participate and comment in forums. I did these in yellow and black box – outs, which attracted my audience as it was eye-catching and noticeable as well as adhering to my house style.

Here are some examples:

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