how to fix bookselling by storiad

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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The Book Industry is BROKEN!

How to Fix Bookselling with Next-Generation Book Marketing Campaigns

A best-selling book is a

dream come true for authors and publishers.

But the bookselling

system is broken…

Less than 1% of books make it onto a bookstore shelf.

The typical book sells

merely 250 copies in a year.

Publishers need to sell more books…

Yet publishers typically have

limited marketing budgets.

Authors are therefore expected to market their own books. However, they typically don’t know even the basics about marketing.

And they are

unaware of the tools they should be using to get their book in front of more people.

The bookselling system

is broken…

Here’s the key to success for both publisher and author…

5% of achieving publishing success is writing a good book.

95% is marketing.

Introducing Storiad! The most comprehensive book-marketing platform on the market.

Get noticed! Storiad has what you

need to get your books noticed by bookstores, book clubs, magazine

editors, book reviewers, bloggers

and anyone involved in buying and

recommending books.

Storiad increases your online visibility through: ①  Meaningful Networking ②  Memorable Marketing &

Publicity ③  Relevant Industry

Connections ④  Powerful Video Promotion ⑤  Proven Industry Knowledge

Your customized Storiad campaigns include:

①  Author Networking Platform

②  Storiad ePressKit™

③  Storiad “Book People” Database

④  Book Review TV

⑤  Virtual Author Event Platform

①  Storiad Author Networking Platform

②  Storiad ePressKit™ ③  “Book People”

Database Record

④  Step-by-Step Campaign Execution Framework

Storiad Campaign Features

Campaign Feature: Video Book Reviews

Campaign Feature: Virtual Author Events

The Storiad Partner Network for Amplified Marketing

…and many more partners!

The book industry may be broken. However…

Storiad is the new way to fix the system and

Sell More Books!

There is

no comparable book marketing campaign package

available in the market today.

Visit and get your complimentary

Book Marketing Assessment & Action Plan!

Next-Generation Book Marketing Campaigns

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