imho 2013 annual souvenir program

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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IMHO 2013 annual souvenir program all annual update













































2013 Convention Agenda…………………………………………………………………………………………3

The International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) presents… !


A Decade of Service

Celebrating 10 years of serving communities in need globally !







10th Annual IMHO Convention Somerset, New Jersey

May 4, 2013


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What’s Inside

10th Annual Convention Agenda…………………………………………………………………………….3-4

IMHO Theme Song…………………………………………………………………………………………………5

2013 IMHO Auction & Opportunity Drawing…………………………………………………………….6

Welcome Note from Congressman Rush Holt……………………………………………………………7

Welcome Note from IMHO International Board of Directors……………………………….……..8

Welcome Note from the New Jersey Convention Organizers………….……………………….…..9

Overview of IMHO’s Mission, History, and Programs…………………………………………….….11

IMHO USA Annual Report on Activities & Finances……………………………………………….…13

IMHO Canada Annual Report on Activities & Finances……………………………………………..16

IMHO Photo Gallery of Efforts 2012-2013………………………………………………………………..19

“A Continued Commitment to Improving Cardiac Care Services in Batticaloa”

by Dr. K. Arulnithy…………………………………………………………………………………………………23

“Cancer Care Services at Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa” by Dr. A. Parthiepan……………..24

“Supervised Tooth Brushing Project in Jaffna District” by Dr. S. Balakumar……………….25

“The Advancement of the Jaffna Diabetic Centre” by Dr. Vathulan Sujanitha……………..26

“The Song Unsung: Let us Compose Music” by Drs. S. Sivayokan & T. Kumanan.……….28

“The Significant Role of IMHO in the Development of Iyankankulam Village” by Dr. T. Sathiyamoorthy…………………………………………………………………………………………………….31

“Improving Physiotheraphy Services for Patients in Vavuniya” by the Dept. of Orthopaedics, Vavuniya General Hospital…………….…………………………………………………33

“Limb Reconstruction Services in Vavuniya” by the Dept. of Orthopaedics, Vavuniya General Hospital…………………………………………………………………………………………………..34

“IMHO Livestock Livelihood Project” by VTCCC—Canada…………………………….………….36

“Empowering Communities to Lift Themselves out of Poverty” by IMHO Team…………39

“Appeal for Support: Mallavi College in Mullaithivu”……………………………………………....40

“Realizing a New Future for Deaf Youth in Ethiopia” by Gregory Buie & Dr. Elizabeth Finigan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..43

“The Dr. HGD Initiatives Supported by IMHO in Haiti” by Dr. Tania Desgrottes………..45

“Ideas to Impact (i2i): Innovative Thinking for Community Engagement” by Ahilan Sivaganesan, Yalnee Shantharam, & Sanju Balasunderam………….…………………………….46

“Insights from the Field: Understanding the Impact of IMHO Programs in Jaffna” by Yalnee Shantharam………………………………………………………………………………………….…...48

“IMHO Canada Youth Lead the Way” by Gayathri Naganathan & Aarani Kandeepan….50

2013 Ethiopia Volunteer Trip Flyer………………………………………………………………………...52

How to Get Involved with IMHO……………………………………………………………………….……53

Gratitude to our Family Sponsors……………………………………………………………….…………..54

Program Sponsors………………………………………………………………………………………………...55

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International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)











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International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)





















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IMHO Theme Song!

Won’t you help build a nation? Won’t you join in? We want to spread peace, love, and care. We’ve helped so many people. We’ve done our best. But we can sure do more! Members, we’re grateful to you for what you’ve done. Now let’s make a healthy nation! We know we can do better, if we come together. As IMHO, let’s unite as one. When the tsunami hit Sri Lanka, we lent a hand. IMHO offered treatment on the spot. We built health centers to give specialized care To everyone in need. We’ve helped new mothers and their young children, too. But there is more that we can do! Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer must be cured. If you join in, we’ll work hard, rest assured. Let’s all collaborate to change others’ lives. Widows and orphans need our aid! Victims of war cry out for us to heal their wounds, Which are both visible and invisible. With micro credit people can start anew. We’ll be there to help them push through! United, we can make a difference everywhere we go. Let’s come together as I-M-H-O! Let’s come together as I-M-H-O! Let’s come together as I-M-H-O!

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Auction & Opportunity Drawing !"#$%&'())&*"+,&"--",%+#(%*&%"&.(#&&




from RIO TRAVELS INC., that can be used for travel anywhere, including airfare, vacation packages, or cruises. It can be used by anyone and is valid for one year from the date of the Annual Convention (expires May 4, 2014).!RIO Travels, established in 1976, primarily caters to

clients traveling to Sri Lanka from all over the US. As a result of past successes and high demand, RIO Travels is now focusing on other Asian destinations as well, including the

Maldives, Nepal, and India.!


We will also be doing an opportunity drawing for 2 beautiful sarees. Each ticket comes with 2 opportunities to win! Tickets are just $10/each.

How the Auction Works… This American-style auction involves incremental bidding whereby the bidder pays only the amount he/she adds to the previous bidder. For example, if the bid is at $1,000 and you bid for $1,100, you only pay the $100 difference. And you can bid as many times as you like. This is your way of donating to IMHO, and all donations are tax-deductible! Using the bidder cards that IMHO volunteers will distribute, you simply need to fill in your personal details and keep track of all the bid amounts you make. Whenever you wish to bid, simply hold up your bidder card. At the end of the auction, only one person will obviously win the prize. But everyone pays the total amount of all their bids from the auction. After all, it’s for charity! Thanks and enjoy! !

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International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) !






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International President

S. Raguraj, MD (Maryland)

International Secretary

Thavam Thambipillai, MD (South Dakota)



Kanaga N. Sena, MD


Vice President

Rajam Theventhiran, MD (New York)


S. Nanthakumar, PhD (Texas)


Murali Ramalingam, CPA (Ohio)


N. Nanthakumar, PhD (Massachusetts)

Legal Counsel

Ahilan Arulanantham, JD (California)

Advisory Council

K. Devacaanthan, MD (Florida)

K. Sivakumaran, MD (Florida)

Elizabeth Finigan, MD

(New York)

Dear Friends,

Ten years ago a group of doctors met in New Jersey to brainstorm and

share ideas for how they might be able to help their brothers and sisters in

their native Sri Lanka. Driven by the belief that all people deserve to lead

healthy, productive lives and empowered by their collective skills and

resources, the idea of IMHO was born. Now with a decade’s worth of

experience and more than $3.3 million worth of relief & development

efforts in Sri Lanka and 13 other countries behind us, we are taking a

moment to reflect on how far we have come as a community of concerned

and engaged individuals. No location is more fitting to host our 10th

Annual Convention than right here in New Jersey where it all began. We

are excited to have you here with us and look forward to charting the next

10 years with you!

Since our last convention, IMHO USA and IMHO Canada have responded

to natural disasters and development needs in Sri Lanka, India, Ethiopia,

Haiti, and the U.S. We continue to explore new partnerships and respond

to requests for health and medical support from local doctors, hospitals,

and nonprofit organizations that work to create strong health care

systems and build local capacity. For the last several years we have

remained steadfast in our commitment to rebuilding the lives and

communities of those affected most deeply by the protracted civil conflict

in Northern and Eastern Sri Lanka. We renew that commitment here and

will continue to be an important player in reviving and developing these

regions. Our focus remains on the development of livelihoods and

income-generating activities, strengthening key health institutions,

providing mental health care services, tackling issues of malnutrition,

ensuring proper access to clean water and sanitation facilities, and

promoting educational success. With your continued support, we believe

this coming year holds great promise… We are always delighted to have visiting physicians from Sri Lanka join us for our annual convention who are the true change-makers and visionaries in their communities at the forefront of enacting innovative and impactful ideas. We hope you will take away a sense of hope and enthusiasm from this convention, and encourage you to get involved, share our message, and unite other allies behind this collective commitment to humanity. Our goal is to create empowered healthy communities following a sustainable model. The challenges are great, but the opportunities are even greater. We believe that we can take on any challenge as a team and by creating collaborative partnerships with our global partner organizations. On behalf of the entire IMHO team, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you for your ongoing support of our mission and belief in a better tomorrow. Warm Regards, The IMHO International Board of Directors & family of organizations

! *!















































International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) !""#$%&'%()*&%+#,&-./#0*)#1/#2&%*3(45*&4/#67#89:;"#








Kanaga N. Sena, MD (Connecticut)

Vice President

Rajam Theventhiran, MD (New York)

Secretary S. Nanthakumar, PhD



Murali Ramalingam, CPA (Ohio)

IMHO Lanka Director

Jegan Thambiaiyah



N. Nanthakumar, PhD (Massachusetts)

Sujanthy Rajaram, MD (New Jersey)

Legal Counsel

Ahilan Arulanantham, JD (California)

Advisory Council

K. Devacaanthan, MD


K. Sivakumaran, MD (Florida)

Elizabeth Finigan, MD (New York)

Programs Coordinator

Gregory Buie, MA (California)

Dear Friends,

It is my honor and pleasure to welcome all of you to New Jersey for the Tenth Annual IMHO Convention. The International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) is very pleased to return to New Jersey after the very First and Second Annual Conventions were held here in 2003 and 2004. This convention is a milestone for IMHO, marking a decade of service to the community. The idea of IMHO first took shape in October 2002 with the vision of serving people in need all around the world. We have no borders or barriers to serving others. As a nonprofit, non-governmental healthcare charitable organization, we had our first meeting in New Jersey, at our own living room with the four founding members—Dr. S. Raguraj, Dr. Thavam Thambipillai, Dr. Sujanthy Rajaram (with her husband Dr. Rajaram Kanadasamy), & Dr. Rajam Theventhiran (with her husband Dr. Shan Theventhiran). This was soon followed by our first fundraiser in Dr. Raguraj’s basement in Maryland. We then started recruiting members around the area and all over the world. Our first recruitment effort took place following a visit from Dr. Thavam, who travelled to New Jersey from Philadelphia after completing a surgical residency rotation. With our young children in the vehicle, and Dr. Thavam sleeping in the back, we arrived at Dr. Senathirajah’s residence in Connecticut and recruited him as our then Vice President. We held many different fundraisers, both small scale and large scale, and travelled extensively. Soon we were growing rapidly. We experienced growing pains and struggles as any NGO does, and lived through difficult days and happy days together. Our values and services were tested when the Tsunami of December 2004 struck much of Asia. We stepped up as an organized NGO, coordinating more than 300 healthcare workers from all around the world to travel to Sri Lanka to serve our people who were in desperate need at that time. Many of the efforts of our group and the recruitment of volunteers were noteworthy at that juncture. We also sent medical students with physicians from across the U.S. and around the world to give their time and services, all of whom trusted our arrangements and leadership. From Internists to Specialists and Surgeons, our volunteers worked in groups, serving different locations. Each group brought in supplies and their own tents to set up makeshift service sites and camps. As an NGO, we obtained permission and security guarantee at that time from the then U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell’s office. We sent supplies and water purification tablets from India and tackled healthcare needs ranging from water sanitation to medical care. Since then, we have accomplished so much. We have helped address many of the primary care needs and specialty needs of the communities we serve, from rehabilitation to infrastructure development to education and more. Whenever a need arises, we are there. We have filled the gaps in healthcare services and worked in partnership with dozens of local and international partners. We have

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International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) !""#$%&'%()*&%+#,&-./#0*)#1/#2&%*3(45*&4/#67#89:;"#







served communities in many different countries across Asia, Africa, and the Americas. We have held fundraisers of all types—musical programs, cultural events, socials, informational meetings, and even getting supporters to use their life milestones (such as birthdays and anniversaries) as opportunities to rally support for our work. In lieu of receiving wedding or party gifts, many well-wishers have collected contributions to IMHO to help the people in need. Now that we have many talented and devoted volunteers joining together with us in our mission, we are still growing strong. Many of our volunteers’ children grew up with IMHO just as our own children did. Our youth are our next generation who will carry the torch to the future. And in recognition of that reality, we have devoted the Friday night event of this year’s convention to those Young Professionals and Youth. We have a very dedicated team in New Jersey who has worked tirelessly together to put together a great program this year to mark this first decade of service and this very important milestone. We have our wonderful, very talented youth and IMHO Coordinator Greg Buie who has been our strength for years and has helped us tremendously every year to put together this event and souvenir program. Our New Jersey team has been a great asset and has provided incredible commitment for years through many fundraisers and annual conventions. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the volunteers, well-wishers, speakers, guests, and participants in this year’s convention. Many of you, despite your busy life schedules at work and home, take this opportunity to unwind, relax, and give your time for a noble cause and for charity. We welcome you all to New Jersey, back to the roots of our origin and support over the last ten years and many more years to come. Welcome to our 10th Annual IMHO Convention in New Jersey!! Sincerely, S. Sujanthy Rajaram, M.D, M.P.H., IMHO Board of Directors & New Jersey Organizing Committee Chair ( K. Rajaram, M.D, New Jersey Organizing Committee

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International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) !""#$%&'%()*&%+#,&-./#0*)#1/#2&%*3(45*&4/#67#89:;"#








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2012 Annual Report

Since 2004, IMHO has been serving communities in need globally as an international

humanitarian organization focused on developing and improving health care services &

infrastructure and promoting the well being of all persons. The year 2012 continued to be

a trying one for many communities in Sri Lanka still working to recover and rebuild in a

post-conflict society. Working with our ever committed and thoughtful local partners,

IMHO was able to positively impact thousands of lives this year in Sri Lanka, Haiti,

Ethiopia, India, and the U.S. Incredibly, more than $350,000 in funds and supplies were

committed in 2012 to these efforts! We are happy to provide an overview of our activities

in this Annual Report and share in these achievements with you—the compassionate and

generous supporters who enable our work. The true beauty of your service lies in

knowing that you will likely never meet or know those who benefit from your actions, but

you do so anyway knowing that it is making a difference. We honor you for your

contribution and service, and thank you for making our work possible. We look forward to

continuing our journey with you in making a positive difference in the lives of others in Sri

Lanka and globally in the year 2013 and beyond!

The International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)!

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Global Emergency Relief !

Responding to natural and manmade disasters worldwide as they occur and investing in important development efforts has been an ongoing commitment of IMHO since its inception. IMHO USA and IMHO Canada have collectively contributed to such relief & development efforts in 14 countries across 3 continents. Living true to our name, the IMHO family of organizations has taken a genuinely international approach to our work, viewing human suffering as intolerable, no matter what corner of the world in which it exists. During times of such distress, these efforts not only help keep people fed, clothed, sheltered, and healthy/alive, they also help to bring a sense of comfort and security in knowing that they are not alone. In 2012, IMHO offered assistance to community development partners in Sri Lanka, India, Haiti, Ethiopia, and the United States, including the following: * $5,000 for emergency relief for victims of Cyclone Thane in Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry, South India, particularly agricultural and fishing communities * $3,050 in medicines and ongoing nutritional support for impoverished youth at a school in Petit-Goave, Haiti

* $7,205 to support the development of a surgical textbook at Gondar Teaching Hospital, and a deaf education and empowerment project to benefit deaf youth and their teachers and families in Bahir Dar, Northwest Ethiopia * $5,000 for emergency relief efforts to benefit victims of Hurricane Sandy in New York City and New Jersey (distributed in December 2012 & January 2013) * And dozens of relief & development efforts throughout the island of Sri Lanka, especially areas deeply affected by conflict, natural disaster, and poverty…




Map of all countries where

IMHO has supported

communities in need

during times of crisis…

Bangladesh Japan

DR Congo Myanmar

Egypt Pakistan

Ethiopia* Philippines

Haiti* Somalia

India* Sri Lanka*

Indonesia USA*

*denotes relief &

development effort in 2012

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Sri Lanka: Impacting Lives. Building Communities. Restoring Hope. IMHO maintained its firm commitment in 2012 to communities in Sri Lanka still working diligently to rebuild in the wake of years of conflict and devastation. From Jaffna to Kalumunai to Mullaithivu to Mannar to Up Country…IMHO supported dozens of local partners throughout the island, including nonprofits, hospitals, schools, and associations in helping to fill the gaps. With more than $330K in funds and supplies channeled to efforts in Sri Lanka this year alone, IMHO has now directed more than $3M in assistance since our birth as an organization! Thousands of lives have been forever changed, the health and medical infrastructure has been strengthened, and local organizations and leaders have been empowered to do meaningful work in their own communities. As an organization, we remain committed to the belief that health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Driven by this ethos, our approach to serving and rebuilding communities in Sri Lanka since the official end of conflict several years ago continues to focus on the development of liveli-

94.3%!!of programming

expenses in 2012

were directed

towards relief &

development efforts

in Sri Lanka!


hoods; the promotion of mental health and improved psychiatric care; nutritional support for children, elders, and pregnant mothers; rehabilitation services and support for amputees and the disabled; education; water & sanitation; and the development of hospitals and other service providers. Those hospitals that benefited from our assistance this year included those in Batticaloa ($23,500 + $70,000 in medical equipment), Tellipalai ($25,200), Jaffna ($19,246), Vavuniya ($17,600), and Kilinochchi ($5,000). Thanks to your generous contributions we were able to bring dozens of families to their feet again through the establishment of income-generating activities. We provided tube wells for communities lacking regular access to clean water, and toilets for disabled persons and amputees. We provided hundreds of schoolchildren with opportunities to study and access a higher quality education. We dispatched mental health and social workers throughout struggling communities. We provided crucial ongoing support to the Jaffna Diabetic Center, Kalmunai Mental Health Unit, and many more high-impact programs that are making all the difference in the lives of those they serve.

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The year 2012 proved to be a truly transformative one for IMHO Canada! After several years of demonstrating its commitment to improving the health and well being of persons in countries across the globe, and establishing itself as a permanent and reputable entity, IMHO Canada was formally granted recognition as a charitable organization in Canada by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), effective March 2012. Since 2010, IMHO Canada has invested more than $165,000 in vital services and relief in communities in need. And incredibly, the IMHO family of organizations has contributed more than $3M in total in relief and development assistance since our inception ten years ago! As we look to the future, we remain deeply committed to the development of communities in the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka in particular as areas that were deeply affected by the country’s protracted conflict. We invite you to learn more about our work and to step forward in contributing towards our important efforts to improve the lives and well being of others. We offer you now the following overview of our efforts since for the past 3 years:

2010-2012 EFFORTS

Organization Benefiting Country

Project Description Amount

Batticaloa Hospital Development Association

Sri Lanka Batticaloa ambulance ($30K project total; remaining $20K provided by IMHO USA)


Canadian Red Cross Japan Earthquake and tsunami relief $2,500 Gondar Hospital (via Giving Children Hope)

Ethiopia Shipment of medicines $1,900

IMHO Lanka Sri Lanka Construction of 50 permanent toilets $37,470

IMHO Lanka Sri Lanka Livelihoods support for 18 families in Ramanathapuram


Jaffna Jaipur Centre for Disability Rehabilitation

Sri Lanka Financial Assistance for the production/ Supply of (25) Indoor Wheelchairs


Jaffna Hospital Development Association

Sri Lanka For the establishment of a tumor registry at Jaffna Teaching Hospital


Jaffna Hospital Development Association

Sri Lanka Support for the Oncology Unit at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital


Kalmunai Mental Health Society (KAMHA)

Sri Lanka Staff training transport support for 5 health volunteers


Kalmunai Mental Health Society (KAMHA)

Sri Lanka Three wheeler for community mental health activities


Kalmunai Mental Health Society (KAMHA)

Sri Lanka Emergency flood relief in Batticaloa $3,000


The International Medical Health Organization—Canada

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Organization Benefiting Country

Project Description Amount

Kalmunai Mental Health Society (KAMHA)

Sri Lanka Ongoing support for transport of 5 health volunteers


Magasakthy Women Federation

Sri Lanka Livelihoods support for war-affected women & households


Medecins Sans Frontieres—Canada

Haiti Emergency earthquake relief $5,000

Sivan Arul Illam Sri Lanka Supportive care for 112 children to improve nutritional and educational standards


Sivan Arul Illam Sri Lanka Physiotherapy trainees (10) to treat 30-40 post-war victims at Mannar Hospital


Tellipalai Mental Health Soceity

Sri Lanka Support for multi-disciplinary intervention team for mental health service users


Tellipalai Mental Health Society/Delft Hospital

Sri Lanka Medical equipment and better facilities to improve treatment at Delft Hospital


Tellipalai Mental Health Society/RDHS Jaffna

Sri Lanka Nutrition Supplementations to 250 malnourished pregnant mothers for 1 yr.


Tellipalai Mental Health Society

Sri Lanka Continuing support for village gardening


Tellipalai Mental Health Society/RDHS Jaffna

Sri Lanka Home gardening project for displaced families


Women’s Education & Research Centre (WERC)

Sri Lanka Trishaws for women drivers $3,125

Yougasakthy Women Federation

Sri Lanka Livelihoods support for war-affected women & households


TOTAL $165,935



As we strive to support those individuals, organizations, and institutions that provide vital services and resources to the people and promote their overall health and well being, we have chosen to focus our efforts on the following project areas in the coming year. Focus Area #1: Provision of 20 Solar Panels for Families in Vanni For young people residing in resettled areas of Sri Lanka that were devastated by the war, finding a suitable place for study and learning is quite the challenge. Through the provision of solar power panels in communities across the Vanni, it is possible to keep school buildings and premises well lit at night so that students can properly study after formal school hours. IMHO

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Canada intends to give solar panels to 20 schools this year, at a total cost of $20,000. Focus Area #2: Expansion of Pregnant Mothers Nutrition Program in the Eastern Province

Poor income-generating opportunities and high food prices have resulted in significant malnutrition among both children and adults throughout Sri Lanka. To assist pregnant women, IMHO Canada supports local health authorities to supply free prenatal vitamins, milk powder, and nutritional

support (including folic acid and iron) for underweight, pregnant women. Specifically, women with BMI (body mass index) below 18.5 and living below the poverty line are targeted. These efforts have helped contribution to the reduction of the rate of underweight and undernourished children, as well as the decreased maternal & child mortality rates, most especially within the Jaffna District. The cost to support one mother for one month is just Rs. 1,500. IMHO Canada plans to support 75 mothers over the course of a ten-month sponsorship period each. For this undertaking, a total of $10,000 is needed. Focus Area #3: Livelihoods Development for Amputees via Auto Rickshaws

In partnership with a local provider of prosthetics, mobility devices, and medical & rehabilitative services, a special auto rickshaw (or “3-wheeler”) is being developed specifically for disabled persons and amputees. Not only will these rickshaws serve to improve the mobility of these individuals, they will also for the project beneficiaries and their families. Each rickshaw will cost approximately $3,500, and IMHO Canada is seeking to provide support for as many as possible out of the 30 total requested.


To make a donation to IMHO Canada, you can contribute online at or simply send a cheque made out to "IMHO Canada" by mail to the following address: IMHO Canada Treasurer 5637 Finch Avenue East, Unit 7 Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2T9 Canada
































IMHO CANADA: Empowering Communities. Rebuilding Lives.

IMHO Canada is a grassroots global health nonprofit organization that seeks to improve and develop health and health care

infrastructure in under!served regions worldwide. The organization, which is modeled after the original IMHO (USA), was founded on the principles of humanitarianism and neutrality in 2008 by a volunteer group of committed doctors and other professionals that shared a vision for improved global health and medical care. IMHO Canada is part of the IMHO family of organizations, which includes IMHO USA, IMHO Lanka, and IMHO European Union/UK. IMHO aims to improve health care across the globe for those in need, by identifying health needs and providing resources & training to address those needs. We believe in empowering communities to build their own health systems, improve overall health and well being, and respond to humanitarian needs as they arise. IMHO frequently partners with local and international non-governmental organizations to better channel assistance to needy populations. Our work is focused in the areas of Primary Care & Public Health, Health Education & Training, and Capacity-Building. History of IMHO Canada The International Medical Health Organization--Canada (IMHO Canada) is an international humanitarian organization drive by the mission of developing and improving health care services and infrastructure in under-served communities for the benefit of the well being of all persons. IMHO Canada was first formed in 2008 by a group of Canadian doctors and professionals who sought to emulate the model and mission of IMHO USA, its sister organization that was born in 2003. The initial idea behind IMHO Canada was to create a system by which motivated and compassionate individuals could engage with those affected by poverty, conflict, natural disaster, and other hardship, especially in the island of Sri Lanka. While the organization’s first efforts occurred in 2008, it was IMHO Canada’s response to the humanitarian situation in Northeast Sri Lanka during the first half of 2009 that demonstrated its true weight and potential in the relief and development sector. IMHO Canada contributed to various emergency response efforts, including the provisioning of life-saving foodstuffs and medical care during this final stage of Sri Lanka’s civil conflict. After several years of demonstrating its commitment to improving the health and well being of persons in countries across the globe, and establishing itself as a permanent and reputable entity, IMHO Canada was formally granted recognition as a charitable organization in Canada by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), effective March 2012. Although IMHO Canada shares a unique and close relationship with IMHO USA, it is an independent organization driven by its own Board of Directors and Team and operates in strict compliance with Canadian law concerning the regulation of charitable organizations and their activities.


For the last several years IMHO Canada has been serving communities in need globally as an international humanitarian organization focused on developing and improving health care services & infrastructure and promoting the well being of all persons. The year 2012 continued to be a trying one for many communities in Sri Lanka still working to recover and rebuild in a post-conflict society. Working with our ever committed and thoughtful local partners, IMHO Canada was able to positively impact hundreds of lives this year in Sri Lanka. Since 2010, IMHO Canada has invested more than $165,000 in vital services and relief in communities in need. We are happy to share in these achievements with you—the compassionate and generous supporters who enable our work. The true beauty of your service lies in knowing that you will likely never meet or know those who benefit from your actions, but do so anyway knowing that it is making a difference. We honor you for your contribution and service, and thank you for making our work possible. We look forward to continuing our journey with you in making a positive difference in the lives of others in Sri Lanka and globally in 2013 and beyond!

The International Medical Health Organization—Canada

Focus Area #3: Livelihoods Development for Amputees via Auto Rickshaws

In partnership with a local provider of prosthetics, mobility devices, and medical & rehabilitative services, a special auto rickshaw (or “3-wheeler”) is being developed specifically for disabled persons and amputees. Not only will these rickshaws serve to improve the mobility of these individuals, they will also serve to provide a much-needed livelihood and source of income for the project beneficiaries and their families. Each rickshaw will cost approximately $3,500, and IMHO Canada is seeking to provide support for as many as possible out of the 30 total requested.

IMHO Canada Youth Group steps up in 2012 The IMHO Canada Youth Group has been busy this past year. A team of volunteers stepped up to help with all sorts of activities during the 9th Annual IMHO Convention that took place in Toronto on April 27th & 28th, 2012. They created display booths to highlight several of IMHO’s efforts and help to educate and inform the audience about the vital need for such development work. A distance tutoring project is now also being planned with an orphanage in Jaffna in which volunteers will interact with students virtually. During the holidays this year, the IMHO Canada Youth Group launched a Gift Boxes program to benefit child patients at the local Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Volunteers have been collecting funds and materials to put together gift boxes that include small craft activities, which they hope will bring a bit of joy to these sick children. For the second year running, an informational session is also being organized as a public service for those who are considering attending medical school or residency programs abroad. The IMG & Foreign Medical School Information Session is being held this year on January 26th at 2:00pm at the Scarborough Civic Centre and will feature speakers who are graduates of medical schools in the Caribbean, Ireland, and the UK who are currently in residency training in Ontario. Organizing such informational sessions will remain a key program area for IMHO Canada as we move forward. For more information, to get involved, or to support the efforts of the IMHO Canada Youth Group, please contact either of the following: Ms. Aarani Kandeepan Ms. Gayathri Naganathan IMHO Canada Youth Co-Coordinator IMHO Canada Youth Co-Coordinator

MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TODAY To make a donation to IMHO Canada, you can contribute online at or simply send a cheque made out to "IMHO Canada" by mail to the following address: IMHO Canada Treasurer 5637 Finch Avenue East, Unit 7 Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2T9 Canada Our Team

Inspire Change Do you aspire to make a difference in the lives of others? Aside from making a donation, there are many ways in which you can join us in realizing our mission of a better tomorrow. We at IMHO are always looking for thoughtful, committed, and motivated volunteers to step up and join our team. You can offer your professional skills, host a fundraiser, volunteer with us domestically or abroad, or…we’re open to new ideas and are eager to hear from you! Send us an email at today and be a part of the change.


IMHO Canada Board of Directors

Ramanathan Lambotharan, MD, President

Meera Kandeepan, CMA, Secretary

Ken Aravindan, Treasurer

Nagalingam Rajakumar, MD

Shivajan Sivapalan, MD


Aarani Kandeepan, Youth Coordinator

Gayathri Naganathan, Youth Coordinator

Rebecca Param, Marketing Events Coordinator

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Photo Gallery: Impacting Lives Together

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Opposite page (clockwise from top left): 1. Mobility devices for PWDs (persons with disabilities); 2. New equipment for the Batticaloa Hospital Cardiology Unit; 3. Development of a dining hall at Mulleriyawa; 4. Distribution of milk powder for pregnant mothers in Paduvankarai; 5. Livelihoods development project for women in Vanni; 6. Local health authorities visit an elderly care facility; 7. Providing a bicycle for a young cancer patient in Jaffna; 8. A war amputee and his family who benefited from a toilet construction project; 9. Smiling faces of children at an IMHO-sponsored home; 10. Doctors at Batticaloa Hospital Cardiology Unit perform surgery using equipment donated by IMHO; 11. Ozanam Center for persons with special needs where IMHO supports livelihoods development projects for persons with Down Syndrome.

This page (clockwise from top left): 1. Disabled patients in Jaffna receive mobility devices; 2. The aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, for which IMHO donated $5K to support families in NY & NJ; 3. Dr. HGD Foundation staff & volunteers and medical clinic in Petit-Goave, Haiti; 4. Doctors at the Vavuniya Orthopedic Ward display and use medical equipment donated by IMHO; 5. A tube well construction for a resettled family in Mannar; 6. Children studying at a center sponsored by IMHO in Mannar; 7. A home rebuilt for a severely disadvantaged student and his grandmother in Kilinochchi; 8. Participants in Kalmunai celebrate World Mental Health Day; 9. A bicycle is presented to a patient in Kudil; 10. A patient warmer donated by IMHO to Valaichchennai Hospital

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This page (clockwise from top left): 1. Schoolchildren in Vanni pose with new solar panels that bring light & electricity to community study spaces; 2. Medical equipment donated to Batticaloa Hospital; 3. IMHO-sponsored primary health care facility; 4. Children attending school in Iyankankulam village, which has been “adopted” by IMHO; 5. Toilets for disabled persons; 6. A resettled family in Sri Lanka that benefited from a livelihoods project for poultry farming; 7. Equipment donated to Jaffna Hospital Oncosurgery Unit; 8. Female livelihoods development recipients attend a group meeting about proper finance management; 9. Children at Sivan Arul Illam orphanage in Mannar; 10. Toilet for a disabled person; 11. A beneficiary of an animal husbandry livelihood project in Kilinochchi

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This page (clockwise from top left): 1. Production of prosthetic limbs and mobility devices at JJCDR in Jaffna; 2. The new Jaffna Hospital Cardiology Unit; 3. JJCDR signboard; 4. Mental health rehabilitation center and home for women; 5. Poultry, animal husbandry, and poultry farming livelihoods development support efforts; (center) 6. Cyclone relief in Thane, Tamil Nadu, India; 7. An amputee in Jaffna receives physical therapy support

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“A Continued Commitment to Strengthening Cardiac Care Services in Batticaloa” by Dr. K. Arulnithy, Consultant Cardiologist, Batticaloa Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka

Once again we convey our gratitude to IMHO and its members and contributors for their continuing support. Our Cardiology Unit at the Batticaloa Teaching Hospital is slowly but steadily improving in view of recent positive developments in the cardiac care and services made available. Cardiac disease is one of the major killers all over the world. It is no secret that the population of South Asia is one of the most vulnerable places in the world when it comes to threat of poor cardiac care. The incidence of coronary artery disease is accelerating in this part of the world too. As more and more people become exposed to the outside world, lifestyles are changing faster than ever. One of the major adverse outcomes of this is an increase in the incidence of coronary artery disease. Unfortunately, this is now a disease of the poor too, while the treatment modalities remain very expensive. So it is now necessary to receive assistance from all sectors, as state resources alone are not adequate to cater to all persons in an acceptable manner. In this way, IMHO’s contributions in the Eastern Province to the development of such services is commendable. To help face this crisis our unit started other services in addition to the existing basic diagnostic facilities. Recently we started to perform permanent pacemaker implantation with the help of IMHO. The pacemakers we have received from IMHO are invaluable gifts for our poor patients. So far we have implanted four permanent pacemakers to patients in need. Very soon we will start pre-hospital cardiac care service with the help of an ambulance we just received from IMHO. This pioneering intervention in Sri Lanka will help serve patients who have had a heart attack and are in crucial need of support. We also wish to convery our special thanks to IMHO for its prompt action in providing a Holter ECG system. This equipment is merely the latest addition to the list of vital resources and services provided by the IMHO to the Batticaloa Teaching Hospital over the years. In the near future we are expecting to start a cardiac catheterization laboratory (“cath lab”) in our unit. We are very much confident that IMHO will continue to provide support in this endeavor and to bettering patient care services well into the future.



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“Cancer Care Services at Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa” Dr. A. Parthiepan, Consultant Oncological Surgeon, Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa

Since the establishment of the Onco Surgical and Oncological Units at the Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa, the transfer of patients requiring cancer treatment-related services to other parts of the country has been greatly reduced. This has resulted in very good patient compliance. Various malignancies are being diagnosed and treated, epecially breast cancer and oral cancer, which are the most common malignancies encountered in this region. Besides offering surgical care, it is our responsibility to educate the community regarding these two common cancers. Early detection of cancer reduces both morbidity and mortality. This is especially true for breast cancer with early detection saving many lives. Self-examination of the breasts, clinical breast examinations by doctors, and the screening of high-risk women are the interventions available to our women in this regard. October is affirmed as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” worldwide. Last year, during this period breast cancer awareness programs were organized in Batticaloa. This was initiated with a teaching program for the staff of government departments in the Batticaloa District, followed by a similar program to all categories of staff of TH Batticaloa on the next day. These programs were conducted at the auditorium of the TH Batticaloa. Health talks and demonstrations emphasizing breast self-examinations and use of current facilities available at TH Batticaloa for screening, detection, and treatment were performed. Cancer awareness leaflets were also handed over to the participants. The event on the third day – the breast cancer awareness rally - was the most attractive event in this series of programs. The rally took place in a busy and crowded area of town. Apart from this, a series of events have been organized by the Onco Surgical Unit at the school level, targeting schoolteachers and advanced level (A/L) students. These school interventions were developed because teachers and students can carry this message to the family level. A great advancement of these education successions is the availability of breast simulators. Breast examination simulators are impressively beneficial devices to educate the women. An initial demonstration was conducted at the School of Nursing at the Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa. It was a highly efficacious program. All the participants were enthusiastic and benefitted greatly. The prevention of oral cancer is feasible because betel chewing is the main risk factor in this region. Therefore, discontinuing this habit is the most essential aspect of prevention of oral cancer. Health education activities have been initiated recently and leaflets are being circulated. I would like to express our gratitude to IMHO for helping us to purchase a breast examination simulator and to prepare health education leaflets for oral cancer. We are determined to continue these programs at various community levels well into the future.

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“Supervised Tooth Brushing Project in Jaffna District” by Dr. S. Balakumar, Regional Dental Surgeon, Jaffna

Problem statement: Poor dental care, oral hygiene, and caries (also known as tooth decay and cavities) prevalence rates amongst Grade 1 students in the Jaffna District are very high when compared to children in Grade 1 in other parts of the country.

Motivation: Dental caries has a massive impact on the child’s development. Dental caries prevalence rate in Grade 1 students:

! National level: 65.5% mean dmft (decayed, missing, filled teeth): 3.5 ! Jaffna district: 84.7% mean dmft: 7.2

Most of the children are used to cleaning their teeth with tooth powder and their finger. In order to address this problem, we sought to train them to use a toothbrush and a fluoridated toothpaste, which can reduce the dental caries incidence rate significantly.

Approach: It is well known that even individuals who use a toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste to clean their teeth develop caries (tooth decay and cavities). I did a derivation to analyze the mistakes they make during brushing and found five mistakes every person who brushes their teeth with toothbrush and toothpaste typically makes. To validate these findings, we started the SUPERVISED TOOTH BRUSHING PROJECT as a pilot project in selected schools with a control group in the Grade 1 students in each of the MoH (Ministry of Health) divisions in 2011. They brushed after the afternoon meal in the school under the supervision of trained teachers. The School Dental Therapists did all the necessary routine treatments for the children.

Results: After two years (2011-2012) we checked the dental caries incidence for both the study and the children in the control group of students. It was shown that the control group developed more dental caries when compared to the study group. We should carry out this project for at least three years to get more specific data.

Conclusion: We can reduce dental caries by proper bushing, which is cost-effective and can be carried out at home rather than doing fluoride varnish application or fluoride gel application. These interventions are costly treatments and require an investment of time at the dental clinics.

Other Considerations: After I started this project, I came to know that the schools have syllabi that have to be completed for this and various other activities. So now I have started a pilot project in the preschools (Kindergarten)—“Oral Health Promotion in Preschools”—which includes encouraging a healthy diet, no cool drinks or fizzy drinks to be brought in the drink bottles (only boiled cooled water), proper hand washing, and proper brushing. This approach is supported by the Oral Health Division, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. We thank those who have supported these efforts so far, and look forward to working with IMHO and others to continue helping to improve dental care and oral hygiene for all persons in Sri Lanka.

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“The Advancement of the Jaffna Diabetic Centre”

by Dr. Vathulan Sujanitha, Consultant Physician, Teaching Hospital, Jaffna, & Faculty of Medicine Visiting Lecturer, University of Jaffna

The Diabetic Centre at the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna has advanced into the fourth year of its magnanimous service to the people of the Northern Province in Sri Lanka. The unstinted support of IMHO to the Diabetic Centre has been immense and outstanding. The local people appreciate its services, and they are aware that IMHO is behind the founding and functioning of the Diabetic Centre. The community as a whole salutes everyone at IMHO. As of today, the number of diabetic patients under the wings of the centre stands at 8,390; of this 1,579 new patients were registered in 2012. Apart from treating the diabetic patients, the Diabetic Centre at the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna extends its services in matters associated with diabetes. Prevention is better than a cure. Keeping this in mind, the center conducts seminars and other progarmmes to propagate awareness of diabetes and overall health in general. Some notable achievements of the centre in 2012 worth mentioning include:

1. Diabetic Day 2012 was conducted with 534 people participating and 506 people benefiting from free blood sugar screening.

2. A new healthy diet competition was held in 2012 at the College of Nursing in the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna. 160 participants took part, and among them the best 36 varieties of food were selected and published in a book.

3. Conducted National Health Week in December 2012. More than 658 people participated and were provided with health education and free blood sugar screening.

4. A screening programme for non-communicable diseases was held at the Teaching College, Kopay, and 15 newly diagnosed diabetic patients were identified.

5. Two health education books, namely “Nallathoor Unavu Seivom” & “Noorandu Kadanthu Needuli Valla”, were published at the Public Library Jaffna.

6. A series of articles and questions and answers were published in “Uthayan”, a daily newspaper from Jaffna. 105 articles have so far been published. Apart from diabetes, other health issues prevailing in the community have been covered as well.

The Diabetic Centre at the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna started functioning from 11th May 2009 with the ardent support of IMHO. IMHO’s financial contributions for the year 2012 stood at Rs.1,816,677. This amount has been used for the maintenance of the Diabetic Centre, public awareness programmes, laboratory testing, and the publication of books. On behalf of the beneficiaries and the organizers of the Diabetic Centre, we extend our sincere thanks to the IMHO for all that you have done and plan to do.

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Jaffna Diabetic Centre, Sri Lanka

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“The Song Unsung: Let us Compose Music” by Dr. S. Sivayokan & Dr. T. Kumanan

In Sri Lanka, the thirty years old prolonged war has come to an end and the country is moving towards its developmental goals. In the process of development there are many issues that were not addressed during the conflict has been emerging as an interesting challenge. This write-up attempts to introduce one such issue and a practical way of addressing that challenge within the present context. In accordance with the global tendency, the incidence, prevalence and awareness of neurodevelopmental disorders are on the increase in Sri Lanka. During the past decade, health practitioners have been confronted with more and more such cases and been familiarized with these disorders. Interestingly, the educational sector too has recognized these conditions and has been trying to address them. For example, in schools teachers are expected to detect and report various conditions related to learning difficulties with special emphasis on Autism and related spectrum disorders. Thus the word Autism has become popular in these days, and there is a growing interest to learn about it, detect it early, and to intervene appropriately. The primary health care system and the specialized services like paediatrics and psychiatry have been repeatedly confronted with providing services to children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Unfortunately, services related to neurodevelopmental disorders are on the bare minimal level in Sri Lanka. There are only a few child psychiatrists available in Sri Lanka, and their services are mainly available in Colombo, Kandy, and Galle. Similarly, there are only a few clinical psychologists available in Sri Lanka along with those child psychiatric services. And there are few paediatricians who are interested in Autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. There are only a few schools and a couple of nongovernmental organizations and institutions that provide services to these children. But these services are not at all sufficient to meet the demand. It appears that we have a long way to go in developing these specialties to cater to the need for the whole Sri Lanka. Locally, in Jaffna, there isn’t a single child psychiatrist and/or a clinical psychologist. The one and only adult psychiatrist tries to help these children with a ‘clinical’ assessment and some general advice, guidance, and referral. In the educational system, the special education unit tries to identify these children and provides non-goal directed special education services in selected schools. The two special schools, ARK and Sivapoomi, have been providing wonderful services to the children with learning difficulties, mainly focusing on teaching basic self care, life skills, play activities, group work, and some “educational” activities like reading, writing, and simple calculations. However, they accommodate all kinds of children, and there aren’t any specially designed, psychologically focused activities for different kinds of neurodevelopmental conditions. In addition, they function as a daycare facility for these children (with the exception of ARK, which has some hostel facilities) and provide some relief to the parents. However, the parents’ involvement is inadequate in these schools. In this reality, the majority of the children with learning difficulties are being neglected from the mainstream and are deprived of having specialized services. Their parents continue to suffer, living in a reality where they themselves struggle with their child’s condition and have no access to any specialized assessment, advice, support, or educational services to themselves and/or their loved ones. Very few try to access some services from Colombo or India (Tamil Nadu), but they too have problems in obtaining continuous services. There are no self help groups or support groups for these parents. It is in this background that we propose to develop a Center for Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Jaffna with the partnership of the Department of Health (RDHS Jaffna), University of Jaffna

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(Department of Psychiatry), Department of Education (special education sector), and NGOs (Mental Health Society and Shanthiham). The objectives of this center could be broadly categorized as:

• Providing facilities for early assessment and diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders. • Providing education, advice, and guidance on neurodevelopmental disorders. • Developing specialized services for Autistic Spectrum Disorders. • Addressing the co-morbidities of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. • Developing support services for parents with neurodevelopmental disorders. • Providing opportunities for specialized training and research in neurodevelopmental disorders. • Networking with similar services and service providers locally, nationally, and internationally. • Emerging as a center of excellence on neurodevelopmental disorders.

Since this would be a collaborative effort, it is envisaged that the health department will allow some selected staff members to work in this center. The University, in addition to providing the necessary technical support, would also allow some of its staff to work there. The education department will support this center by allowing some of their special education teachers to specialize and provide services exclusively to children with neurodevelopmental disorders. NGOs like the Mental Health Society and Shanthiham have always complemented mental health service provisions. They will support this initiative during its initial phase through fundraising and providing an administrative umbrella and governance for this center. Considering the nature of the service provision it is proposed that this center should be away from a hospital setting and be placed in a quiet and safe environment. However, until we identify such an ideal place, we could find a temporary building and start functioning in it. There would be two full-time staff officers in the center, who would be in-charge for the day-to-day running of the center and would be involved in assessment, parent education, special education, guided play activities, occupational therapy, and supportive group activities. In addition, there will be a team of multi-disciplinary members (consisting of psychiatrists, pediatricians, special education teachers, teacher counselors, clinical counselors, social workers, parents, and volunteers), who could contribute to the functions of the center on a voluntary, part-time basis. We are planning to send the two full-time staff members to Christian Medical College, Vellore in India for 10 weeks. We are thankful to Professor Paul Russell, Head of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit and Facility for Children with Intellectual Disability, Department of Psychiatry at Christian Medical College, Vellore for agreeing to the training on principle. At a later point in this training, two part-time staff and a medical officer will join the team and engage in an exposure visit. Further trainings could be organized at the center in the form of in-service training. A continuous education and interactive progaramme could be designed in due course. Since this would be a specialized center, we are planning to have a technical committee to provide advice on all technical matters. This technical committee would consist of the following members:

! District Psychiatrist (or Child Psychiatrist) of Jaffna ! A Clinical Psychologist (either from the University or from the health department) ! RDHS – Jaffna ! Head (or a representative from) Department of Psychiatry, University of Jaffna ! Head (or a representative from) Department of Paediatrics, University of Jaffna ! Assistant Director for special education at the Department of Education, NP ! President (or a representative from) Mental Health Society

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! President (or a representative from) Shanthiham ! Two parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorders

We believe that we can earn the support of the health authorities and/or the Department of Psychiatry to affiliate this center into their regular system and budgetary provisions. We had a similar experience with the establishment of an intermediate residential rehabilitation center (in Kudil) for recovered mentally ill clients, which was initially supported by outside agencies, but later has been absorbed into the regular health system. Similarly, with continuous interaction, advocacy, and a regular display of the evidence of our success and good work, we could likely persuade either of the said partners to absorb it and make it a long-term viable service delivery provider. It is expected that in the first year the center will be involved in the assessment of 250 children with neurodevelopmental disorder. There will be at least 20 parents’ group meetings in the first year. We are hoping to have six public awareness programmes on introducing different neurodevelopmental disorders. There will be 10 children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders attending the day school programme with their parents in the first year. These figures will possibly increase in the second year by fifty percent. We hope and believe that the expatriate community and the IMHO will generously support this timely initiative as you have always done in the past.



With regard to this project, IMHO has received a proposal from Jaffna and the

following needs were identified:

Financial Need (In SL Rupees)

• Training cost: Rs 400,000/-

• Refurbishing and Equipping the center Rs 2,000,000/-

• Supporting the running cost for two years Rs 2,160,000/-

• TOTAL: approx. USD $36K

Technical Support

• Providing training in Jaffna

• Voluntary placement at this center for a period of three to six months

• Donating educational and play materials

• Organizing exposure visits to the local staff

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“Improving Physiotherapy Services for Patients in Vavuniya” by the Department of Orthopaedics, Vavuniya General Hospital

Physical rehabilitation is an essential component of orthopaedic care. Prior to IMHO’s interventions, our department did not have adequate physiotherapy facilities, and the number of physiotherapists attached to the Vavuniya General Hospital was too small to meet demand. As a result of this, there remained much to be done with regard to ensuring proper post-operative recovery. With IMHO’s generous donation of US $2,600 we were able to appoint a physiotherapist exclusively to the Department of Orthopaedics on a part-time basis. This physiotherapist was appointed on the 15th of July 2012, and with the available funds his contract has been extended so far through the 14th of October 2013. At present patients are able to receive adequate post-operative physiotherapy and to recover in a timely manner. Further physiotherapy care has been extended to the benefit of patients who make out-patient visits to the orthopaedic clinics. These simple steps have improved the overall outcomes and quality of orthopaedic care available to the people we serve. We wish to extend our sincere thanks on behalf of the entire Department of Orthopaedics, General Hospital, Vavuniya for the kind and generous donation your organization has made in this regard.

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“Limb Reconstruction Services in Vavuniya” by the Department of Orthopaedics, Vavuniya General Hospital

The Orthopaedic Department of the Vavuniya General Hospital was established in 2009 and at the time was only capable of providing a basic care for the patients of this region. Yet, our services were inadequate when compared to the demand for orthopaedic care, so we began a process of developing our facilities and services to better meet this need. In 2012 the Orthopaedic Department was upgraded after much deliberation to the level equivalent to any major hospital in Sri Lanka. This was made possible with the following contributions:

! Donation of an orthopaedic theatre by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) ! Renovation of both male & female wards with funds from the Provincial Health Ministry ! Supply of instruments and implants by the line Ministry Medical Supplies Division

Nevertheless there were many young and productive age group patients with limb deformity who we encountered at roving orthopaedic clinics conducted in Vavuniya, Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu. The pathology included shortening, angulation, non-union, mal-union, infection and failed previous surgery. These pathologies made the limbs deformed and physically disabled, leading to unemployment, poverty, and the inability to live a decent social life. Furthermore, mental trauma acquired as a result of this needs no further explanation. A surgical cure for these deformities was technically challenging, but nevertheless always a possible option. This involves expensive limb reconstruction instrumentations and implants, which were far too expensive for these patients to afford on their own. A generous donation of six sets of Limb Reconstruction System (LRS) implants and necessary instrumentations at the cost of about SL Rs 1,900,000/= by the IMHO helped to provide surgical cure for six young patients who were suffering with deformed limbs leading to lifelong disability. These patients underwent initial surgery where the pathologies were addressed and LRS implants were applied. Following that, the shortening was corrected by lengthening the bone at the rate of 1mm per day. Once the normal length was achieved, the lengthening was stopped and the LRS implant was left in place, holding the newly grown bone. Once the newly grown bone is matured, a process which usually takes 3 to 5 months, the LRS implant is removed and the patients can resume their normal activity. A summary of data pertaining to these six patients is provided below:

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6


Age 40 24 23 24 26 31

Sex Male Male M Male Male Female

Family Background

Unmarried, Father died in 1997, Mother House wife, 5 siblings

Unmarried, father unemployed, mother, 2 siblings

Unmarried, father unemployed, mother, 2 siblings

Unmarried, father - farmer, mother, 2 siblings

Unmarried, father – manual worker, mother, 5 siblings

Unmarried, father disabled, mother died - 2009, 2 siblings

Deformity Mal union and 5 cm shortening

Non-union, failed surgery, infection, shortening

Infected bone loss, non-union, shortening of 8 cm

Mal union and 5 cm shortening

Mal union, failed surgery and shortening 5cm

Mal union and shortening of 4 cm

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Surgical detail

Deformity corrected and LRS applied on 21/9/2012

Infected bone and metal work removed, deformity corrected and LRS applied on 20/08/2012

Infected bone removed, deformity corrected and LRS applied on 18/09/2012

Deformity corrected and LRS applied on 17/09/2012

Metal work removed, deformity corrected and LRS applied on 15/08/2012

Deformity corrected and LRS applied on 02/11/2012

Lengthening detail

Full length achieved on 20/11/2012

Full length achieved on 15/01/2013

Full length yet to achieve

Full length achieved on 10/12/2012

Full length achieved on 03/11/2012

Full length achieved on 15/01/2013

Expected date of Completion of Cure

20/04/2013 15/06/2013 15/09/2013 25/03/2013 15/04/2013 01/06/2013

Patient’s future plan

Get married, start small business, look after the mother

Started on a vocational course, to complete it and find a job and look after the family

Start a small business, look after the family and later get married

Join the father in farming and marriage later

Start a small scale business and marriage

Complete the Beautician course, start self employment and marriage

These LRS implants are re-usable after sterilisation. They are durable and can be used any amount of times over the next 2 to 3 decades. Therefore, these implants will be used on further sets of patients when the need arises. As there are now further LRS implants being provided by the Ministry to the Vavuniya General Hospital for such continued services to be provided, these initial six implants will be transferred to the Kilinochchi General Hospital Orthopaedic Unit, which is intending to commence similar services in about two years. Your generous donation will serve the people of Vanni for the next three decades or more. We wish to extend our sincere thanks on behalf of the Department of Orthopaedics, Vavuniya General Hospital for the kind and generous donation you made toward this end.

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“Empowering Communities to Lift Themselves out of Poverty in Kilinochchi” by the IMHO Team

For the past several years, IMHO has been supporting myriad livelihoods development and support efforts to help families deeply affected by chronic poverty and displaced by war (and subsequently resettled) across Sri Lanka, particularly in the Northern and Eastern Provinces where rates of poverty and the prevalence other hardships are much higher. Part of these ongoing efforts include support for 40 families in Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka who have benefited from the support provided by IMHO through one of our local partner organizations. In addition to financial support, sewing classes and other technical skills building trainings have been conducted for women to help them develop their abilities and establish a regular source of income. Equipment has also been provided, such as an incubator to hatch chicks, an initiative that alone benefited 10 more families. A major component of this project is also after-school education support for the children of these families, effectively demonstrating our multi-faceted approach to empowering them and helping them to lift themselves out of poverty and out of a state of dependency. The following photos are just some of the many beneficiaries of these important initiatives. !






























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“Realizing a New Future for Deaf Youth in Ethiopia” by Gregory Buie & Dr. Elizabeth Finigan

In the fall of 2010 during a medical mission trip to Ethiopia organized by IMHO, a group of volunteers paid a visit to a

local primary school that had a classroom for Deaf children. Tucked away in the far corner of the school premises in a

dilapidated building made mostly of mud, sticks, and tin roofing, nearly 30 Deaf youth attempt to learn in this dingy, overcrowded classroom. Even their teachers have not all been formally trained in Ethiopian Sign Language, a relatively

new language for which a dictionary was not published until just a few years ago. With a dearth of trained teachers and basic classroom supplies, the level of education on offer at the Yekatit 23 School in Bahir Dar was noticeably under par

with national standards. And yet, the great tragedy of this story is that these were the lucky few who happened to live in

a bigger city, had parents or guardians that allowed for them to attend school, and had access to a Deaf classroom. The reality for most Deaf persons in Ethiopia is that formal education is no more than a distant thought. The

government of Ethiopia has signed on to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and has drafted a

national strategy that calls for the integration of persons with disabilities into all state services. However well intentioned, these plans and aspirations remain little more than words on paper at this point.

Seeking to help be an agent for change in realizing this agenda, IMHO and a small team of committed volunteers have

stepped forward. This past summer international and local volunteers came together to conduct a volunteer program in

Bahir Dar to benefit the teachers and students of the Yekatit 23 School. This “Deaf Youth Education and Empowerment” service trip brought together Deaf and hearing

volunteers and professionals. Joining us were seven international volunteers from the U.S., two Deaf professionals from Addis

Ababa, Ethiopia, and two Ethiopian interpreting/sign language

experts. In Addis Ababa, we met with and toured the Deaf Development and Information Association (DDIA). DDIA was

formed to promote independence, skills training and sports

activities for Deaf people. The first of its kind in Ethiopia, DDIA is an organization of primarily Deaf professionals working to engage

and empower Deaf people.

While in Addis Ababa we also met with instructors, students, and administrators at Addis Ababa University (AAU),

including the Department of Linguistics, center for differently-able students, and the central university administration. The Linguistics Department offers a Bachelor’s Degree program in Ethiopian Sign Language (ESL), which prepares

both teachers of the Deaf and Ethiopian Sign Language Interpreters. In fact, the first batch of graduates of the newly created program finished only last year. A lecture for roughly 40 Deaf and hearing students was given. Entitled

“Lessons from the Field: An Ally to the Deaf Community in the United States”, it constituted a personal reflection by Dr.

Finigan on her work as a hearing ally to the Deaf community as a physician, researcher, sign language interpreter, and teacher of the Deaf. The lively session ended with participants and volunteers dividing into groups of Deaf and hearing

colleagues to discuss how the concept of working as allies toward common goals may be applicable in the context of

Addis Ababa University.

We then headed to the city of Bahir Dar on the shores of Lake Tana in the northwest part of Ethiopia in the Amhara Region. The region itself is rural and remote. Education programming for Deaf children is exceedingly rudimentary and

services for Deaf adults non-existent. Outside of the city center, there are virtually no activities or services for the Deaf

community. The purpose of our volunteer program was to provide a week-long camp-like experience for Deaf children, demonstrate integrative teaching activities for teachers in the region, introduce Deaf professionals from Addis Ababa to

the educators in this rural part of Ethiopia, and provide volunteers a chance to have an impact in the lives of Deaf children. The one-week program benefited 32 students and 2 teachers. Their school is without electricity, toilet facilities,

cafeterias, or even basic supplies. The Deaf students have only 4 grades available with teachers who have limited

knowledge of or training in Deaf education and ESL. Once Grade 4 is completed, Deaf children are integrated into classrooms with their hearing peers, and as a result most drop out. Estimates for the number of Deaf children actually

living in the catchment area are much larger than those students who attend.

The “Deaf Youth Education and Empowerment” program provided four full days of activities for the children followed by

a day-long field trip. The children were divided into two groups by language skills and cognitive ability (“more

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language” & “less language” essentially) rather than specifically by age. The focus for the children was on the use of interaction and experiences that were fun and engaging, produced a product (bracelet or painting), required cooperation (team games and group activities), and allowed the children to express for themselves their preferences, needs and pride of accomplishment. Each day ended with time for written, drawn or signed reflection on the activities of the day in their individual journals. Each child had a place on the classroom wall to display his or her projects throughout the week as well. A nutritious meal and tea/snack were provided daily, and each student was given a certificate and bag of supplies at the end of the week for their participation. The teachers learned to think on their feet, allow for children to make choices, and follow natural language development. The Deaf professionals from Addis Ababa provided wonderful role models of successful Deaf adults, even sharing their personal experiences and offering motivational words. We all worked hard to behave as ‘allies’ in a way the children could easily appreciate. We also left behind enough school supplies to serve the Deaf youth and their teachers for a long time to come. A special program was organized on the last day for a field trip, as most of the youth had rarely (if ever) been outside of their community. We hired a bus to take all 34 Deaf children, our team of volunteers, the school staff, and a representative of the regional Education Department to Abay Falls, a waterfall that is held to be the source of the Blue Nile. The ride out to the “Blue Nile Falls” was a jumble of dancing, children laughing, and bouncing around on deeply pitted roads. The children smiled with excitement upon reaching the falls and beamed with pride once they returned.

Moving forward, through a generous matching grant from IMHO last year of $5,000, we have just launched an effort to help support the Deaf community in Ethiopia, which we hope will be just the beginning. As Deaf services and education in Ethiopia are exceedingly underdeveloped, the vast majority of the Deaf and hard of hearing in the region will never attend school or hold a job, and for the fortunate few who do, the opportunities and available resources are highly limited. For these reasons, IMHO in partnership with DDIA are working closely with local Deaf leaders and allies in serving Deaf children in Bahir Dar and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our efforts will allow for the delivery of services and programs to Deaf children, teachers, and families, and will lead to better coordination and unity amongst others serving this vulnerable demographic in the country. Our initial activities will include:

• The provision of one full-time Ethiopian Sign Language instructor in Bahir Dar to provide regular courses and instruction in Ethiopian Sign Language (EthSL) to students, teachers, and family members of Deaf persons, to be based out of the Yekatit 23 School.

• Work collectively with other partners, including the Ethiopian National Association for the Deaf (ENAD) and faculty and students at Addis Ababa University, in developing materials and educational films to be used for public education purposes. The purpose of these materials is two-fold—first, to provide deaf persons with critical information and news related to health, education, rights, life skills, daily activities, and much more. And secondly, these materials will target the general public in educating them about deafness, the causes, the challenges, and how to care/interact/communicate/etc. with deaf persons, and working to reduce stigma.

• Another group service learning trip to Ethiopia for this project is being coordinated for this August 11-24, 2013. If you are interested in joining, please contact us ASAP!

For more information or to get involved, please email Dr. Betsy Finigan at or Greg Buie at

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“The Dr. HGD Foundation Initiatives Supported by IMHO” by Dr. Tania Desgrottes

Post-earthquake Haiti continues to suffer from food insecurity. One third of newborn babies are born underweight; 5-10% of children suffer from acute malnutrition; 23.4% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition; and 58 % of women 15-49 and two thirds of children under 5 years old are affected by anemia. Seventy-two percent of children aged 6-12 in rural areas also suffer from iodine deficiency and 32 percent of school-age children are infected by intestinal parasites. (World Food Program)

Village Lucina School has decided to tackle this issue directly with its students by implementing a breakfast nutrition program. Statistics show that students perform better when they are not plagued with illness, malnutrition and hunger. With the support of IMHO, Village Lucina School has successfully implemented a “Nutritional Breakfast Program” for all enrolled students. Since September 2012, in addition to one hot meal a day, all students have received breakfast which has included: Bread, Peanut butter, Hard Boiled Eggs and Oatmeal for the younger age groups (3-5). Because of this initiative, Village Lucina School has already seen an improvement in the behavior, participation level, and academic improvement of the students. Currently there are 190 students enrolled at Village Lucina School.

More recently, The Dr. HGD Medical Center has completed a Women’s Health Initiative in March 2013. For the past two years, The Dr. HGD Medical Center has noticed a significant increase in the amount of cases of women complaining of vaginitis. In response to this urgent need, the HGD Medical Center and its partner, the UCLA Global Health Program conducted a research initiative and capacity building exercise which will enable the clinic to have a clear and well defined diagnostic and treatment

protocol. For one week, the UCLA Team, led by Dr. David Cutler with the HGD Foundation and the participation of Dr. Karthika Devarajan and Dr. Shan Theventhiran of IMHO screened more than 200 women in order to streamline the main cause of vaginitis in the community. After one week, the team was able to come to a general conclusion that the majority of vaginitis cases have been due to women bathing with the local well water. The HGD Medical team is now well equipped to screen and treat any form of vaginitis that is seen and local public health authorities will be notified with final results and findings. The HGD Foundation would like to thank IMHO for their continued support and dedication to The Dr. HGD Foundation’s work and commitment to women’s health.

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“Ideas to Impact (i2i): Innovative Thinking for Community Engagement” by Ahilan Sivaganesan, Sanju Balasunderam, and Yalnee Shantharam

In the fall of 2011, seven young professionals and students in the San Francisco Bay Area came together to launch an initiative, sponsored by the IMHO, called Ideas to Impact (i2i). In Silicon Valley, technology companies often bring together local computer programmers at events called “hackathons” where they devise solutions to the companies’ technical problems over a weekend. Ideas to Impact is based on the premise that this “hackathon” concept can be used to bring young people together to grapple with and design solutions for IMHO’s humanitarian challenges in Sri Lanka. The inaugural i2i event was held at the famed Parisoma Innovation Loft in San Francisco in December 2011. The event was publicized using a website (, email promotions sent to the listservs of relevant local groups (Stanford/UCSF medical schools, NGOs, etc), and outreach to South Asian community organizations in the area. Over 60 individuals attended, and nearly half had no ethnic ties to Sri Lanka. Furthermore, the attendees had backgrounds not only in health care, but also in engineering, business, law, film, and more. Moreover, a few other individuals were able to “e-attend” the event from other cities and countries by watching a live online video stream of the event and contributing ideas via Twitter. The event began with “crash courses” in various issues of concern in Sri Lanka: malnutrition, mental health, poverty, and health education. These 5-10 minute crash courses were given by organizers of the event who conducted in-depth research into current conditions on the ground, with the help of IMHO board members. Following these mini-presentations, as well as an overview of the IMHO and its vision, the attendees split into teams based on their topic of interest, and participated in brainstorming sessions (facilitated by the organizer who presented that topic). Borrowing from the philosophies of “design thinking” popularized by Stanford’s Design School, these sessions were specifically to facilitate the generation of practical ideas for real humanitarian projects in Sri Lanka. At the end of the event, representatives from each team described their ideas to the entire group. The following are a few of the ideas from this first i2i event that are now being implemented with the support of the IMHO:

1. Skype-based mentorship of orphaned schoolchildren at the Grace Care Center and other locations

2. An interactive map highlighting hospitals in Northeast Sri Lanka that need rebuilding after the war ended in 2009:

3. Online resource sharing with medical students and physicians at Jaffna Teaching Hospital Following the success of the event in San Francisco, a second i2i event was held in Toronto alongside the IMHO’s AGM in April 2012. About 120 individuals attended this event, which was made possible with the recruitment of new IMHO volunteers from the Toronto area. Promotion of the event, and IMHO, was achieved though an appearance on the TVi television talk show CrossRoads, advertisements in the online magazine TamilCulture, and the creation of a strong presence on Facebook. The structure of the event was very similar to that of the San Francisco event, although “diaspora outreach” Attendees of the i2i event in Toronto engaged in discussions

and brainstorming sessions about various topics and how they could help become part of the change

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was added as a topic and more structure was added to the brainstorming sessions. Here are a few of the idea from the Toronto event that are now being implemented with the IMHO’s support:

1. A collaboration with the MIT-based NGO Sana and Yarl IT Hub to design and deploy a smartphone application that will allow the only cardiologist in Batticaloa, Dr. Arulnithy, to care for patients in rural villages that he is currently unable to reach.

2. An online portal that performs 3 functions: facilitates “challenge case” exchanges between physicians in the diaspora and Sri Lanka, archives educational videos on topics such as chest pain or autism, and aggregates volunteer/internship opportunities for young people in the West

3. Local health screenings for chronic diseases such as diabetes, and the creation of a diabetes-friendly Thamil cookbook; a student organization in London, who sent 2 representatives to the Toronto event, held an event called “Nalamthaanaa” in London based on these ideas:

4. A white paper for the IMHO discussing metrics that other NGOs use to evaluate and improve their livelihood projects

On the heels of i2i events in San Francisco and Toronto, a third one will be held in London on April 12th, and a fourth event in New Jersey alongside the 2012 IMHO AGM. Through Ideas2Impact, IMHO is beginning to attain the following:

1. A fresh infusion of out-of-the-box thinking from young people in fields outside of health care 2. Engagement with young people who have an interest in humanitarian work, but have been

unsure of how to get involved with the IMHO 3. Relationships with youth who can grow to become future leaders of IMHO 4. A more multi-faceted online presence, as well as a greater presence in less emphasized

geographical regions (the UK, Northern California, etc)

Ideas2Impact is a testament to the IMHO’s forward-thinking mindset and creativity.

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“Insights from the Field: Understanding the Impact of IMHO Programs in Jaffna” by Yalnee Shantharam, Health Researcher, McMaster University

& MSc. Candidate Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine I was fortunate enough to visit Jaffna in early March and with the help of the IMHO International Board, visited many IMHO sponsored initiatives. As one of the Ideas2Impact coordinators for Canada, the trip came at a very opportune time as we were in the initial phase of developing a web portal tool to connect diaspora professionals to the various nonprofit partners of IMHO. Our hope is that this portal will be used by physicians at the teaching hospitals, universities and as well as members of nonprofit groups. The functions of this portal include case exchanges, archival of educational videos and articles on various topics, and the collection and posting of internship opportunities. This trip gave me the opportunity to discuss how this portal might be effective in filling some of their needs. Coming from the environment of working in various teachings hospitals in Toronto, I was impressed to see how much was being accomplished in Jaffna with what little resources were available. But most of all, I was impressed by the dedication of some of the physicians I had the opportunity to meet and speak with. Despite an endless stream of patients waiting to be seen, personal obligations and multiple tasks on their plates, all were passionate about improving the quality of life in their community and took all the time needed to explain the situation to me so I could understand better.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the diabetes centre, funded by the IMHO, was one of the most efficiently organized departments of the hospital that I was able to visit. The staff were friendly, organized and I was happy to see just how much work they were accomplishing: educational seminars on diabetes and nutrition, follow up calls to check in on patients, and an annual community cooking competition that have yielded recipes that have even been published into cookbooks that are sold in the

community and distributed to patients in the clinic.

This trip allowed me to meet physicians in Jaffna to discuss the usability of our web portal and their thoughts on how this could benefit their work. In addition to their jobs at the hospital, many of these physicians are doing incredible work in the community. One such project is a group of physicians who are hoping to open an autism unit in Jaffna to provide access to services such as behavioural therapy and speech therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Discussing our web portal idea with physicians also reminded me of the difficulty in developing projects from North America without the end users restrictions in mind. Some of our ideas were met with skepticism, while others were accepted wholeheartedly. As young people in North America with access to technology and tools that provide ease to daily tasks, it is natural to gravitate to project ideas to help improve efficiency and access to information. While in Jaffna, I was reminded of a TED Lecture by Ernesto Sirolli on the failure of Italian NGOs in Africa in the 1970s—entirely due to the lack of understanding of what was needed by them. He urges people in his lecture interested in development work to go visit these places and see and most importantly—to LISTEN, to what is needed. It was very helpful to speak to as many people as possible in Jaffna to get an idea of the various challenges that

Jaffna Teaching Hospital Diabetes

Centre: Educational Seminar on Diabetes & Nutrition!

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exist, the actual needs (versus our perceptions of what we think they might need). This trip was also a great opportunity to build networks and contacts for future projects, many of which we are hoping to achieve through the development of this portal.

Visiting IMHO’s projects and how they have impacted communities in Sri Lanka was really wonderful to see. I saw how effectively the diabetes centre was serving as an important and accessible resource in both treatment and preventative initiatives. I learned how prosthetic limbs were made and fitted at the Jaffna Jaipur Rehabiliation Centre and IMHO’s role in providing accessible devices for individuals with prosthetics. I visited IMHO’s Tellippallai Mental Health Rehabilition Centre for women and saw all of the incredible things they were doing,

including raising chickens and growing their own little garden with vegetables to create a sustainable income.

As an IMHO donor, having helped with past fundraisers and now as one of the coordinators of the Ideas2Impact young professional group--- I was very proud to be associated with an organization that has clearly earned respect Sri Lanka as an organization that has long served communities in need and continues to do so! I am hoping to return to Jaffna next year for a few months to volunteer with a health research project. And in the meantime, through the development of some our Ideas2Impact projects, our hope is to be able to connect more young people to IMHO projects so they can also see the valuable work IMHO is doing.

Tellippalai Mental Health Rehabilitation

Centre: The women help with growing

their own vegetables.!

Jaffna Jaipur Rehabilitation Centre:

Learning how prosthetic limbs are made


Jaffna Teaching Hospital Diabetes Centre: Screening for eye conditions!

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“IMHO Canada Youth Lead the Way” by Gayathri Naganathan & Aarani Kandeepan

The IMHO Canada Youth Group is a small but energetic group of high school and university students, embracing the mandate of “youth helping youth, locally and globally”. We strive to develop valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and project management among our youth while helping those in need, both in our local communities and abroad. This past year has been among the most active years in our history. A team of Youth Group volunteers stepped up to help with all sorts of activities during the 9th Annual IMHO Convention that took place in Toronto on April 27th & 28th, 2012. Our youth volunteer created display booths to highlight several of IMHO’s efforts and helped to educate and inform the audience about the vital need for such development work. These booths not only made a lasting impact and inspired convention attendees to continue to donate generously in support of our projects, but were also highly praised by the keynote speaker for the evening, Dr. Eric Hoskins, MPP and then Minister of Children and Youth Services in Ontario. During the holidays this year, the IMHO Canada Youth Group also launched a Gift Boxes program to benefit child patients at the local Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Volunteers raised funds and successfully put together 50 gift boxes that contained small craft activities, including simple dog and cat origami and do-it-yourself sock puppets. Through this project, our youth group was able to bring a bit of joy to sick children in our local community and had a ton of fun doing it! In line with our mandate of youth helping youth, we also launched our inaugural Skype Mentorship program, spearheaded by our Youth Group. This project was initiated with the goal of cultivating meaningful mentor-mentee relationships with orphaned children in Sri Lanka. When we connected to these children half way around the world for the very first time we were overwhelmed by the sheer joy and electrifying energy that came pouring through the screens! Though we set out to make a positive impact on the lives of these children, we believe this project has truly changed the lives of our youth volunteers, fueling a greater passion for community-building and providing an opportunity to reconnect with their roots. The enormous energy and passion of our youth has been an inspiration for us both and we hope that you too feel inspired by our exceptional Youth Group volunteers. As we continue to develop new and exciting youth initiatives to help our local communities and communities in need around the world we rely on your ongoing support and generosity to help bring these ideas to life! Spread the word. Share your time. Donate today. Please continue to invest in humanity with us!

Sick Kids Gift Box Project

The Gift Box Project is a venture that the IMHO Youth Group is currently working on. Paediatric patients often face, amongst discomfort, fear, and other challenges, the privation of being able to have fun. We hope to make their stays in the hospital more worthwhile by providing them with box kits that contain customizable puppets, and origami paper with instructions. Together, we fundraised for the materials and assembled the box kits ourselves. These kits will be distributed to the children who are staying in the Sick Kids Hospital. We hope to extend our reach to needy children in Sri Lanka in the near future as well.

“The making of the gift boxes for the children at Sick Kids was a fun and fulfilling experience, which allowed a

university student such as myself to take a nostalgic trip back into my younger days, remembering how simple

arts and crafts brought moments of happiness. The creation of the boxes was an exciting task, and seeing how

much fun our young adult members were having making the boxes speaks volumes for the excitement it would

bring to the children at Sick Kids hospital. Also, fundraising for the gift boxes was an opportunity for me to let my

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friends and family know about the initiatives that the IMHO Canada youth group partake in, and interested them in

researching more of IMHO Canada’s projects.” – Stephan Jayaratnam

“I found the Gift Box Project to be a gratifying experience. To help with the fundraising, I approached my school. It

was initially a daunting task because, representing IMHO, I had to present myself to my school and answer any

queries they had regarding the project. However doing so gave me the opportunity to further develop my

confidence, professionalism and communication skills. Assembling the gift boxes, although repetitive, was made

enjoyable by the company of my fellow IMHO Youth Group members. Most of all, it was amazing to realize how

small, mundane tasks such as cutting origami paper into squares or hot gluing paper mouths into sock puppets

would actually reach out to the local community and put a smile on a child’s face.” – Sai Geethan Lambotharan

Skype Mentorship Program

“As a Tamil Youth, the problems faced back in Sri Lanka were not far from my heart and when I was presented with this opportunity to not only be part of a mentorship program but to simply make a new friend I was more than thrilled. I was fairly easy-going through the beginning of the process, but it was not until I was sitting in front of the computer with Skype logged into that I felt a lump in my throat. I was about to meet someone new, and personally awkwardness follows me around like a shadow so I was scared that things would not click and I would be left twiddling my thumbs. However, I soon realized that they too were in the same predicament as I; they too were soon to meet someone half way across the world from them for the first time. Much to my surprise, the first session went by really well. We had found common ground through the famous Bollywood actor; Vijay whom we all loved. Although the language barrier had been some trouble (for I am familiar with understanding the language when compared to actually speaking it), we were able to overcome that as well by drawing pictures and showing it to each other. It was not until I got home, that my emotions had taken over me. I had been talking to my father, telling him how well it went when I remembered one of the topics of conversation we had been asked to stay away from; family. Not only does this program help us realize all the blessings we have been granted with, but it gives us the opportunity to share something without a monetary value. We are able to share knowledge, understanding and insight, and I am sure that throughout these sessions we too will be learning from them.”– Ann Peter

“The IMHO Skype Mentorship Program is a program that allows female volunteers in Canada to interact with and

mentor orphaned girls in Sri Lanka. It allows both sides to experience something both unique and inspiring. This

program has given me so much more insight into the world around me. It has shown me that even though I may

be in a different time zone than those girls, we have so much in common. When I first skyped with two sisters in

Sri Lanka, I was extremely nervous. I cannot speak Tamil so I was worried that there would be a huge language

barrier between us. I would have to rely on communicating through my partner since the Skype sessions occur

between two volunteers and a couple of girls. When we first started the session, there was a bit of technical

difficulty and both sides could not hear the other. At first I wasn’t sure of what to do, I had only prepared myself

for the talking part of the session, but finally I decided to pass the time by making funny faces. The girls made

funny faces back at me! I decided to make it into a game, and whatever I did, they would copy it. It was amazing!

We were all laughing and smiling even though we couldn’t hear each other. When we finally got sound, I learned

that they could understand most of what we said and that one of the girls’ English was very good! What we found

difficult to convey, we would just write down on a piece of paper. We even shared drawings and talked about our

favourite things. I was instantly taken by the girls’ energy and excitement and I felt myself getting more and more

into it. By the time we were nearing the end of our session, I didn’t want to leave. I had already started to form

plans in my head to visit Sri Lanka in the future and see those young girls. This program has given me an

experience of a lifetime and I am so glad I got a chance to be a part of it. “– Aiishwariya Haran

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V O L U N T E E R I N E T H I O P I A :

A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Join us abroad this summer on a 13-day global service learning trip designed to educate, empower, and inspire deaf youth in Ethiopia


Over the past few years a team of committed volunteers have been working in partnership with dedicated local leaders in Ethiopia in developing educational programs for deserving but highly disadvantaged deaf youth, as well as strategizing for how best to engage with and support deaf organizations, students, and professionals. For the second year in a row, a volunteer service trip is being organized to Ethiopia, in which international volunteers will interact with local deaf persons, conduct educational service programs for deaf children, visit with local organizations at the forefront of developing services for the benefit of the deaf community, and explore this truly magnificent country! This 13-day/12-night trip is being sponsored by the International Medical Health Organization (IMHO). Space is limited so you are encouraged to apply early!

Program Dates: Sunday, August 11th – Saturday, August 24th, 2013

Location: Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, and Awash, Ethiopia

Program Fees: $1,700 per person (all inclusive from time of arrival until departure; excludes airfare and visa fees)

To Apply: Simply fill out the IMHO Volunteer Application & Release and return it to us as soon as possible. There is a non-refundable application fee of $50, which will be applied toward your overall program fee. For any questions, concerns, or inquiries, please contact

Greg Buie, IMHO Programs Coordinator & Trip Director, at

w w w . T h e I M H O . o r g




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There are many opportunities to get involved

with IMHO and support our work…

! Spread the word about our work! ! Network on our behalf ! Host or plan a fundraiser in your area ! Turn an anniversary or other

celebration into a fundraiser ! Attend an event or presentation ! Offer your services ! Join our mailing list (sign up on our


! Donate (monthly giving thru direct

debit, check, or online)

You can support our work through Online Donation & Direct Debit:

Perhaps the best and easiest way for you to support our work and help make a

difference in the lives of those in desperate need of healthcare is to set up an

online recurring donation through Direct Debit. With even a contribution of $10-100/month, you can make all the difference in providing primary care to those in

need by supporting ongoing efforts. Simply visit our website (

to learn how you can set up a recurring donation plan with IMHO…even a small

amount each month can make a huge impact on those in need!

• $0.50/patient: Cost for Seeing a Patient at a Mobile Clinic

• $0.75/day/child: Cost for Daily Nutritional

Needs of a Child

• $1/patient: Cost for Medical Care &

Medication for a Patient at a Primary Care


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IMHO wishes to thank the following donors for their compassion and generous support of this program and 10th Annual Convention:

1. Taylor Anesthesia Consultants, LLC (Ohio) 2. Malini & Murali Manickavasagar (Ohio) 3. Dr. Anusuya Jeyakumar (New Jersey) 4. Drs. Saro & Selvarajah Ramalingam (Ohio) 5. Dr. Malathy Varatharajah (Ohio) 6. Mervyn & Mallikha Samuel (Ohio) 7. Usha Gayathri & Prof. Ambikaipakan Balasubramaniam (Ohio) 8. The Pathmarajah Family (Ohio) 9. The Global Accounting Solutions, Inc. (Ohio) 10. Drs. Ahilan & Dharini (New York)

11. Drs. Shahila & Yoga Navayogarajah & Family (Ohio) 12. Dr. Gnanam and Priya Thambipillai (Ohio) 13. Dr. Kaveri and Mylupillai Sivaruban (Ohio) And to all the volunteers, organizers, conference attendees, and supporters who have supported the work of IMHO to help uplift the lives of others across the globe. Thank you! ~The IMHO Board of Directors & Team


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For a complete listing of locations, visit

National Provider of Diagnostic Imaging Services RadNet is a national leader in providing high-quality, cost-effective diagnostic imaging services through a network of more than 230 outpatient imaging centers. With operations in seven states, including California, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Florida, and Rhode Island, we are the largest owner and operator of fixed diagnostic imaging centers in the United States. RadNet offers a full spectrum of diagnostic imaging services, including PET/CT, MRI/OPEN MRI, CT, nuclear medicine, digital mammography, ultrasound, digital X-ray, and more. RadNet is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art technology and compassionate patient care.

East Coast Imaging Centers:

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With Best Compliments to IMHO on Your 10th Annual Convention

In memory of our beloved grandfather Sinnathurai Nagalingam

Ram Vijayanathan

Krishna Vijayanathan !

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IMHO Wishes to Thank All of our Sponsors, Supporters, and Well Wishers who Believe in our Mission and Contributed Anonymously to

Support our Work. Your Generosity and Compassion are Deeply Appreciated!

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Syed Imran Shaukat, MD Neurology / EMG Nerve Conduction Studies

Dong C. Park, MD Neurology


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