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Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division 2012 IPLOCA Health & Safety Award

Innovation in Health & Safety Awareness and Communication


Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

Introduction to CCC Group


CCC's origins go back to 1952

CCC Managing Office located in Athens, Greece

Scope of Work: Engineering, Procurement & Construction

HSE Management System certified for OHSAS 18001:2007 &

ISO 14001:2009

Group Peak Manpower reached 170,000 in 2007/2008 and

currently 110,000 onboard from 96 different nationalities

Operating in 4 Continents, with Area Offices in more than 30

countries around the world, and over than 90 current active

Projects world wide.

Currently ranked 18th in ENR Top International Contractors


Find more at

Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division


Nobody Gets Hurt &

Everybody Returns Home Safely 3

Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

CCC HSE Golden Rules

1 HSE Training 2 Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE) 3 Stop Work 4 Front End Loading 5 Method Statements,

Risk Assessment,

& Permit To Work

6 Resources &

Proactive Approach

7 Empowerment of

HSE Staff 8 Driving Safety 9 Inspections, Audits

And HSE Walkthroughs

10 Communication &

Management of Change


Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

CCC Scope of Work & HSE Challenges


Scope of Work: Works executed within 4 continents. Work is spread within the Middle East, CIS Countries, Africa, Australia and Papua New Guinea-in very remote areas. Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation for:

Building and Civil Engineering Works, Pipelines-Oil, Gas, and Water, Petrochemical Plants and Refineries, Marine Works and Offshore Installations

HSE Challenges on Pipeline Projects: Mega size projects with long spread distances, Remote Areas (jungles, deserts) with harsh working environments (cold, hot), Multicultural and Multilanguage workforce

Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

CCC HSE Management System - Overview


Knowing the dynamic nature of the construction industry, CCC is in continuous research and

development to improve its performance and in particular its HSE-MS in order to safe guard its

most valuable resources, its employees.

Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

Innovative Measures to overcome HSE Challenges


CCC took the initiative to introduce pioneering solutions for HSE Awareness and Communications throughout its pipeline construction operations. Aim of the initiatives: conveying HSE messages through edutainment (education & entertainment) communicating potential hazards through innovative means that everybody onsite can accept, understand and enjoy regardless of the difference in cultures, languages, beliefs. establishing HSE culture

Tools of implementation: HSE Signage’s & Billboards HSE Comics Episodes Use of pictorial methods The tools were designed in a way that is accepted by all cultures & backgrounds through the means of:

simplicity, scenarios from real life, and the most important thing is that it provides the viewers or readers with a smile.

Through its friendly and socially accepted interface, the added value of this initiative is crystallized through targeting the human behavior and changing the attitude of our workforce towards HSE.

Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

Tools of Implementation


HSE Signage’s & Billboards:

The HSE Signage’s and Billboards are designed in-house and spread all over the construction site & along the pipeline. Tackles various HSE messages and concerns related to the scope of work in different languages. Examples: Pinch Points, hand injury, preventive methods, PPEs, PMC activities, etc

Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

Tools of Implementation


HSE Comics Episodes:

HSE Comic Episodes were developed and distributed every two weeks in 8 different languages at all the camp mess halls The HSE Comics are hand drawn comics that shed light on a normal CCC construction worker who develops super HSE powers after being aware of recognizing hazards. He gains extensive HSE knowledge through HSE trainings and thus, becomes a HSE Hero called Captain No Zone (CNZ) who saves all CCC employees from unforeseen hazards. Each week, a different scenario is put to tackle various hazards and concerns of the HSE aspect of the pipeline industry.

Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division CCC HSE Pictorials


Pictorial Construction Method Statements / Risk Assessments • Detailed & Illustrated Steps , “Plan, Do, Check, Act” Cycle

• The “Do’s” and “Don’ts”

• Hazards Identification & Mitigation Measures

Pictorial Tool Box Talks

Illustrated drawings and pictures of today’s task.

Pectoral illustration of the Tasks Hazards Identification & Mitigation Measures.

HSE Awareness Zones Train project employees in the recognition of safe and unsafe safety practices.

Recognize both safe and unsafe equipment.

Familiarize employees with tools and equipment that they will be likely to see, and use on site during their course of work.

Billboards & Signs

• Large Colorful Signage's

• Attractive way to deliver HSE awareness message

HSE Comics (Captain No-Zone Cartoon)

Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

CCC HSE Pictorials - Samples

1. .


Pictorial Construction Method Statement /Risk Assessment (Pipeline Double Joint Activity)


Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

CCC HSE Pictorials - Samples

1. .

Pictorial Construction Method Statement /Risk Assessment (Pipeline Double Joint Activity)(Cont’d)


Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division CCC HSE Pictorials - Samples

1. .


HSE Awareness Zone (Site Safety Zone)


Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

HSE Culture

Better reporting of near misses

and hazards observations

Significant reduction in the

number of accidents and


Improvements in STOP work


Workforce held responsibility of their own safety

& their fellow workers’ safety

Improvement of construction


Results and Added Value

several weeks of Zero non-recordable incidents / accidents.

due to the increased knowledge of the workforce in Hazard identification and recognition.

due to their increased knowledge on the importance of HSE which lead to their appreciation of HSE in the workplace.

better productivity

due to increased HSE knowledge and awareness.


Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

Results and Added Value

Social, environmental

& financial

Make families rest assured that their members

working for CCC will return home


Decrease the financial burden on the society

Improve the reporting of

incidents and near misses

Lower the insurance

premium costs

Impact positively on CCC


in particular on the families of CCC employees, where the risks of occupational injuries and death will be reduced to very low levels.

which enables companies to be proactive in putting control measures in timely manner.

due to reduced number of injuries.


Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

Step Forward for H & S in the pipeline industry:

The initiative has served CCC as a means to break the language barriers

of its multinational workforce and contributed to empower the HSE culture

in a sustainable way.

Sustainability supplied through this initiative was due to the innovative use of modern and advanced technologies to target the human factor i.e. behavior.

The use of in-house creativity in passing the desired message in a way that takes into account the human dynamics, perception and psychology has made this initiative a success in all its benefits delivered.

Cost & Time Efficient approach:

Signage's’, Billboards and Comics are developed in-house with very minimal initial cost.

HSE message is delivered in a time efficient manner due to its presence in all areas of the project including but not limited to:

Mess halls

Rest & recreation areas

Along the pipeline, i.e. onsite

Step Forward


Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division

Management Commitment


Management Perception & knowledge of


Empowerment of HSE staff

Belief & willing to intervene in


Management Commitment


Prepared by: HSES Group

Construction Division


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