interview etiquette

Post on 27-Jan-2017






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How to have a successful interview

During your interview it is most likely that your interviewers are rooting for you so that your interview goes well. This is because they are also hoping to find the right candidate and would make their day if they find the one they've been looking for.

So instead of seeing your interviewer as someone trying to make you fail, instead he's actually hoping for you to be successful.

Something to keep in mind

Do some research before you apply to the company you'd like to work for. Interviewers will be very impressed about your knowledge for the company and will make you stand out from the others who haven't done any research. You can do a bit of research about your interviewer but not dive into details like their personal life,

this will make you come off as creepy.

Preparing for the job interview

1. Carefully read the job description and make sure to look up the things you don't understand.

2. Know your own resume You don't want to go umm or hmm when talking about your resume. The interviewer might think

you've made things up.

3. Practice answering some popular questions used in interviews Look up popular questions used at interviews and record yourself answering them. Another thing to

do is ask friends or relatives to ask you questions.

Be comfortable when talking about yourself without sounding too full of yourself. Always be yourself and take this scary word 'interview' as just a friendly conversation.

Interview day1. Dress professionally. A jacket and nice slacks (or skirt) is a good choice if you think a formal suit is too much.

2. Switch your phone off.

3. If you feel nervous before the interview start exercising or do a bit of singing. Yoga and meditation can be useful but remember the best preparation is just to believe in yourself.

4. Bring extra copies of your resume just in case.

5. Remember that other people in the company are also as important as the interviewer The interview doesn't start the second you walk into the room, if you see any employee of the company

greet them. Information travels fast within a company so make sure you leave a good impression.

6. While in the waiting room Make sure you don't chew gum, put on makeup, hum to yourself or slurp coffee while putting your legs on

the chairs. Be prepared to wait patiently as long as it takes and stay positive and observe the company.

During the interview1. Meet the interviewer's eyes and smile warmly as you walk in and shake hands firmly on your way in.

2. Be natural and be real - You probably already prepared for so many questions that you have too much information in your mind. Make sure to listen carefully when giving answers and keep it natural. Memorized words will lose you the human connection you want to build.

3. Be honest if you don't know an answer - Add that you will start looking into it and remember that no good employer will expect you to know everything.

4. Use real life stories - tell them you've researched the company, read the job description, the way you solved problems and how you overcame your obstacles. But make sure you still listen carefully to what they ask you and not start running the interview on your own.

During the interview5. If you feel nervous you can always tell them if that will make you feel more comfortable. We are human beings after all.

6. If there are two interviewers make sure you keep eye contact with both of them.

7. Speak clearly and in a normal conversational pace.

8. Avoid jokes - a little humor can be fine if it feels right and if the interviewer is being funny on purpose feel free to laugh along but do not sound like a maniac laughing.

9. Have some questions prepared - you can form questions using the things you learned during the interview. Always ask during the interview – this shows an interest.

10. Remember to shake hands with each interviewer, thank and smile warmly on your way out.

The most common question on an interview:1. Tell me about yourself?

The most tricky questions on an interview:1. What's Your Biggest Weakness?2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

After the interview

1. You could always send a thank you e-mail, it might not make a huge difference but it would certainly be a plus and leave a good impression. In the “thank you” e-mail write them that you will follow up on your application in a week or two.

2. The time after the interview can make the most confident person start questioning himself. It could take from a few days to even months to hear from them even if you are the best candidate. In the mean time try to find something to keep you occupied. If you haven't heard from them in a couple of weeks it's alright to inquire about your status, letting them know you’re still interested. You can also ask if there’s anything else you can provide to help them decide.

Good Luck!!!

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