introduction to hospitality management

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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The History of the Hospitality



Understand the meaning, origin and development of hospitality management.

Identify the factors that influences the hospitality industry to develop.

At the end of this unit, the students will be able to:

Introduction: Defining Hospitality


- comes from the Latin word “hospitare” which means “to receive as a guest”- Kindness in welcoming guest.

The Origin: The Early History

Greek/Roman cultureNoted as early as 40 BC

Religion or the Supernatural Fears are the principal motivating force in the concept of Hospitality.

The Origin: The Early History

Accommodations were operated by slaves and gradually replaced by freemen, but even they were considered to be low class.

The Origin: The Early History

During the Roman Era, travelers who were not on the road for religious reasons were usually on military, diplomatic or political missions.

Khans – are simple four walled structure of protection.

The Origin: The Early History

Taverns and inns provided shelter for traveling merchants, actors, and scholars.

The high spot of the Roman Era in terms of hospitality was the development by the Persians of posthouses along the caravan routes.

The Origin: The Early History

Marco Polo described posthouses as Yams as an apartment suitable for a king and estimated 10,000 posthouses were existing at the time of his journey.

The Origin: The Middles Ages

Religion was once again the driving force for hospitality.

Xenodocheions – a Greek word meaning resting places.

Charlemagne enacted laws setting out duty of a Christian to provide a free resting place for a traveler.

The Origin: The Middles Ages

In 1282 in Florence, Italy, the innkeepers formed an association for the purpose of turning hospitality into a business.

Inns were sold by auctions and to be operated under three-year leases.

In 1290, 86 inns were members of the guild.

The Origin: 16th to Early 20th Century

Stagecoaches as the common mode of transportation.

The Origin: 16th to Early 20th Century

The inns or taverns became a popular meeting place for local nobility, politicians, priest, and others.

The Origin: 16th to Early 20th Century

Luxurious structures were only constructed until the industrial revolution of the 1700s to accommodate wealthy travelers. These structures are constructed with private rooms, individual sanitation and the comforts of a European Castle.

The Origin: 16th to Early 20th Century

One of the first European hotels was Hotel Henri IV, built in Nantes in 1788 and has a total cost of £17,500 with 60 rooms.

The real growth of the modern hotel industry took place in the USA with the opening of the City Hotel in New York in 1794 with 70 rooms.

The Origin: 16th to Early 20th Century

1829 – Boston’s Tremont House was built as the first first-class hotel with 170 rooms.

In the 19th century number of commercial travelers grew so did the demands for service and comfort.

The Origin: 16th to Early 20th Century

Ellsworth Milton Statler – regarded as the father of the modern commercial hotel industry.

Built Buffalo Statler in 1907

The Origin: 16th to Early 20th Century

Statler were also considered as the originator of the hotel-chain concept, to be followed by Hilton, Sheraton and many more.

1910 – 1930 – construction of many new hotels.

1930 – 1935 – Great Depression.

The Origin: Modern Hotel

New Concept in Hotel Design New Features

Outside Scenic Elevators Larger Public and Function Areas

Change in Location Motel Industry


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