j’aide l’enfant à développer son langage conseils langage · {j’aide l’enfant à...

Post on 14-Aug-2020






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{ J’aide l’enfant à développer son langage } CONSEILS LANGAGE







I get down to child’s eye level

ahym kUh blhr smw bhcchr shfU smhn \ccuh bzhw frfK kUh blfbh/

I describe what I am doing and what the child is doing

ahym xh kyr ebL ahmhr bhcch xh kfr uh bN´nh krfbh/

I wait for the child to ask

bhcch yk chw uh nh chowh px́Æ ahym afpŒh krfbh/

I take turns with the child while playing

bhcchr shfU fKlh krhr smw ahym phlhðfm fKlfbh/

I offer choices to the child

ahym bhcchfk efkr ayQk pC~q ò§uhb krfbh/

I repeat correctly what the child says

bhcch xh bfl uh ahym syTkBhfb pvnrhbªyÉ krfbh/

I add a word to the child’s sentence

bhcchfk shMhxj krfu or bhfkjr shfU ahym Sºq fxhg krfbh/

I read stories in my home language

ahym bhcchfk ynfzr mhuªBhXhw gÂp pfR fShnhfbh/

I get down to child’s eye level

ahym kUh blhr smw bhcchr shfU smhn \ccuh bzhw frfK kUh blfbh/

I describe what I am doing and what the child is doing

ahym xh kyr ebL ahmhr bhcch xh kfr uh bN´nh krfbh/

I wait for the child to ask

bhcch yk chw uh nh chowh px́Æ ahym afpŒh krfbh/

I take turns with the child while playing

bhcchr shfU fKlh krhr smw ahym phlhðfm fKlfbh/

I offer choices to the child

ahym bhcchfk efkr ayQk pC~q ò§uhb krfbh/

I repeat correctly what the child says

bhcch xh bfl uh ahym syTkBhfb pvnrhbªyÉ krfbh/

I add a word to the child’s sentence

bhcchfk shMhxj krfu or bhfkjr shfU ahym Sºq fxhg krfbh/

I read stories in my home language

ahym bhcchfk ynfzr mhuªBhXhw gÂp pfR fShnhfbh/

I get down to child’s eye level

ahym kUh blhr smw bhcchr shfU smhn \ccuh bzhw frfK kUh blfbh/

I describe what I am doing and what the child is doing

ahym xh kyr ebL ahmhr bhcch xh kfr uh bN´nh krfbh/

I wait for the child to ask

bhcch yk chw uh nh chowh px́Æ ahym afpŒh krfbh/

I take turns with the child while playing

bhcchr shfU fKlh krhr smw ahym phlhðfm fKlfbh/

I offer choices to the child

ahym bhcchfk efkr ayQk pC~q ò§uhb krfbh/

I repeat correctly what the child says

bhcch xh bfl uh ahym syTkBhfb pvnrhbªyÉ krfbh/

I add a word to the child’s sentence

bhcchfk shMhxj krfu or bhfkjr shfU ahym Sºq fxhg krfbh/

I read stories in my home language

ahym bhcchfk ynfzr mhuªBhXhw gÂp pfR fShnhfbh/

I get down to child’s eye level

ahym kUh blhr smw bhcchr shfU smhn \ccuh bzhw frfK kUh blfbh/

I describe what I am doing and what the child is doing

ahym xh kyr ebL ahmhr bhcch xh kfr uh bN´nh krfbh/

I wait for the child to ask

bhcch yk chw uh nh chowh px́Æ ahym afpŒh krfbh/

I take turns with the child while playing

bhcchr shfU fKlh krhr smw ahym phlhðfm fKlfbh/

I offer choices to the child

ahym bhcchfk efkr ayQk pC~q ò§uhb krfbh/

I repeat correctly what the child says

bhcch xh bfl uh ahym syTkBhfb pvnrhbªyÉ krfbh/

I add a word to the child’s sentence

bhcchfk shMhxj krfu or bhfkjr shfU ahym Sºq fxhg krfbh/

I read stories in my home language

ahym bhcchfk ynfzr mhuªBhXhw gÂp pfR fShnhfbh/


I get down to child’s eye level

ahym kUh blhr smw bhcchr shfU smhn \ccuh bzhw frfK kUh blfbh/

I describe what I am doing and what the child is doing

ahym xh kyr ebL ahmhr bhcch xh kfr uh bN´nh krfbh/

I wait for the child to ask

bhcch yk chw uh nh chowh px́Æ ahym afpŒh krfbh/

I take turns with the child while playing

bhcchr shfU fKlh krhr smw ahym phlhðfm fKlfbh/

I offer choices to the child

ahym bhcchfk efkr ayQk pC~q ò§uhb krfbh/

I repeat correctly what the child says

bhcch xh bfl uh ahym syTkBhfb pvnrhbªyÉ krfbh/

I add a word to the child’s sentence

bhcchfk shMhxj krfu or bhfkjr shfU ahym Sºq fxhg krfbh/

I read stories in my home language

ahym bhcchfk ynfzr mhuªBhXhw gÂp pfR fShnhfbh/

I get down to child’s eye level

ahym kUh blhr smw bhcchr shfU smhn \ccuh bzhw frfK kUh blfbh/

I describe what I am doing and what the child is doing

ahym xh kyr ebL ahmhr bhcch xh kfr uh bN´nh krfbh/

I wait for the child to ask

bhcch yk chw uh nh chowh px́Æ ahym afpŒh krfbh/

I take turns with the child while playing

bhcchr shfU fKlh krhr smw ahym phlhðfm fKlfbh/

I offer choices to the child

ahym bhcchfk efkr ayQk pC~q ò§uhb krfbh/

I repeat correctly what the child says

bhcch xh bfl uh ahym syTkBhfb pvnrhbªyÉ krfbh/

I add a word to the child’s sentence

bhcchfk shMhxj krfu or bhfkjr shfU ahym Sºq fxhg krfbh/

I read stories in my home language

ahym bhcchfk ynfzr mhuªBhXhw gÂp pfR fShnhfbh/

{ J’aide l’enfant à développer son langage } CONSEILS LANGAGE






I get down to child’s eye level

ahym kUh blhr smw bhcchr shfU smhn \ccuh bzhw frfK kUh blfbh/

I describe what I am doing and what the child is doing

ahym xh kyr ebL ahmhr bhcch xh kfr uh bN´nh krfbh/

I wait for the child to ask

bhcch yk chw uh nh chowh px́Æ ahym afpŒh krfbh/

I take turns with the child while playing

bhcchr shfU fKlh krhr smw ahym phlhðfm fKlfbh/

I offer choices to the child

ahym bhcchfk efkr ayQk pC~q ò§uhb krfbh/

I repeat correctly what the child says

bhcch xh bfl uh ahym syTkBhfb pvnrhbªyÉ krfbh/

I add a word to the child’s sentence

bhcchfk shMhxj krfu or bhfkjr shfU ahym Sºq fxhg krfbh/

I read stories in my home language

ahym bhcchfk ynfzr mhuªBhXhw gÂp pfR fShnhfbh/

I get down to child’s eye level

ahym kUh blhr smw bhcchr shfU smhn \ccuh bzhw frfK kUh blfbh/

I describe what I am doing and what the child is doing

ahym xh kyr ebL ahmhr bhcch xh kfr uh bN´nh krfbh/

I wait for the child to ask

bhcch yk chw uh nh chowh px́Æ ahym afpŒh krfbh/

I take turns with the child while playing

bhcchr shfU fKlh krhr smw ahym phlhðfm fKlfbh/

I offer choices to the child

ahym bhcchfk efkr ayQk pC~q ò§uhb krfbh/

I repeat correctly what the child says

bhcch xh bfl uh ahym syTkBhfb pvnrhbªyÉ krfbh/

I add a word to the child’s sentence

bhcchfk shMhxj krfu or bhfkjr shfU ahym Sºq fxhg krfbh/

I read stories in my home language

ahym bhcchfk ynfzr mhuªBhXhw gÂp pfR fShnhfbh/

I sing Children’s song and encourage the child to imitate my gestures

ahym bcchfqr CRh bh ghn fShnhfbh ebL bhcchfk anvòhynu krfbh ahmhr aíByí anvkrN krhr znj/

I will encourage the child to imitate the sounds

ahym bhcchfk \JshyMu krfbh ahowhz anvkrN krhr znj/

I follow the child’s interests during play

fKlhr smw bhcchr ahg°M anvxhwY or shfU ahym fKlfbh/

I name the child’s emotions

ahym bhcchr anvBVyur nhm ©flh blfbh/


I sing Children’s song and encourage the child to imitate my gestures

ahym bcchfqr CRh bh ghn fShnhfbh ebL bhcchfk anvòhynu krfbh ahmhr aíByí anvkrN krhr znj/

I will encourage the child to imitate the sounds

ahym bhcchfk \JshyMu krfbh ahowhz anvkrN krhr znj/

I follow the child’s interests during play

fKlhr smw bhcchr ahg°M anvxhwY or shfU ahym fKlfbh/

I name the child’s emotions

ahym bhcchr anvBVyur nhm ©flh blfbh/

I sing Children’s song and encourage the child to imitate my gestures

ahym bcchfqr CRh bh ghn fShnhfbh ebL bhcchfk anvòhynu krfbh ahmhr aíByí anvkrN krhr znj/

I will encourage the child to imitate the sounds

ahym bhcchfk \JshyMu krfbh ahowhz anvkrN krhr znj/

I follow the child’s interests during play

fKlhr smw bhcchr ahg°M anvxhwY or shfU ahym fKlfbh/

I name the child’s emotions

ahym bhcchr anvBVyur nhm ©flh blfbh/

I sing Children’s song and encourage the child to imitate my gestures

ahym bcchfqr CRh bh ghn fShnhfbh ebL bhcchfk anvòhynu krfbh ahmhr aíByí anvkrN krhr znj/

I will encourage the child to imitate the sounds

ahym bhcchfk \JshyMu krfbh ahowhz anvkrN krhr znj/

I follow the child’s interests during play

fKlhr smw bhcchr ahg°M anvxhwY or shfU ahym fKlfbh/

I name the child’s emotions

ahym bhcchr anvBVyur nhm ©flh blfbh/

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