jn3800 2013 workshop images

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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Cropping images and other stuff

Jn3800 – Multimedia production

Today Review last week’s lecture Take some images Crop some images Publish some images

Thoughts and tools

‘Process into product’ Using online platforms (immediate and

archive) to begin to ‘narrate the story’ Instagram Facebook Flickr

Photoshop and desk top publishing tools


Why crop? Accentuate important elements of image Fit to pre-determined web templates Remove unwanted material from periphery Use non-standard image sizes to make blog

posts more interesting and engaging

Cropping: Photoshop

Open image in Photoshop Select crop tool Enter pixel requirements if you have a pre-

determined size. Crop image to required dimensions Copy and open in new window Save

There are many more tools that

allow you to crop images!

You can crop on: PowerPoint Word Preview (for Mac) And many others

Warning: Squashed lion!

Warning:Stretched lion!

Rule of thirds

Slideshows (multimedia package)

Depth of field


Captions and meaning

Captions and deeper meaning

PIXELS 1: Size and form

Pixel sizes determine the size an image displays on a website

You can change of an image’s pixel parametres in a number of different ways In the HTML code The original image file

Be wary of distorting the image

PIXELS 2 Pixilated images are

generally a symptom of low light levels….

Or that the image file being used is of too low resolution Tip: always try to use

the original image

Task Take images of campus: theme of your

choosing Post to social media if you’re considering

turning ‘process into product’ Open a Flickr account and upload your

images (you can also download an app for this)

Embed on your blog and write a short intro

Online opportunities

Flickr for photosharing and slideshows Reach audiences on alternative platforms Embed Flickr slideshows in your work Add meta data

Hosted on your blog Manage your media library Captions and other functionalities are

available to you

OTHER STUFF Investigate tools such as Slideshare to

combine both audio and images Embedded image narratives via thinglink

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