kingdom of avonlea chapter 14 (roth family secondary branches)

Post on 12-Apr-2017



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The Kingdom of Avonlea

Chapter 14: The Roth Family (Secondary Branches)

In the province of Whinmore Pony Roth was spending the morning with her daughter Marian. She loved that the little girl had

inherited her pointed ears.

As an only child of a noble family, Marian could be considered a bit spoiled, however Pony and Bedwyr

did their best to make sure they didn’t go too overboard with doting on her.

Goodness knows they didn’t want her to turn out like Lady Whendland or

Bedwry’s sister.

Pony did her best to play nicely with Lady Brittany, but honestly she hated having the miserable woman over to the house

each week.

She caused trouble overtime she came over. Nimue absolutely loathed

her youngest son’s wife.

She absolutely refused to even sit anywhere near Lady Sharlene or Lady

Evinad. It was infuriating having to police the entire social gathering.

That was the main reason she did her best to space out the visits with Lady Brittany. The family

gatherings without her were just so peaceful. It was a shame the woman couldn’t just stay home….why did

she come over each time anyway?

Pony also found that getting bowed to was a bit uncomfortable too.

At least she could lose herself in the new zen garden Bedwyr had

installed for her.

Bedwyr had recently taken a trip to a nearby kingdom. He had thoroughly enjoyed the exotic bath houses. But, he’d said the trip wasn’t the

same without Pony.

Indeed Bedwryr and Pony were still madly in love with


Even though traveling abroad together was currently out of the question, the two still found time to visit game houses in Whinmore together.

After all, the nanny was capable of watching her for a short time. A very short time, but still…

Perhaps if she were a bit younger, she’d be better able to keep up with

a very active Marian.

Well, at least Marian appeared to be pretty independent and able to take care of herself some too without getting into to

much mischief.

It would also seem that Marian would be an only child, which neither Pony

or Bedwry minded too much.

Bedwyr and King Thorin remained on good terms, though naturally he was not as close to the royal family as his older brother or others within the

kingdom. Which was fine. Bedwyr and Pony quite liked the quiet serenity of Whinmore.

Even Lady Nimue seemed to find the quiet community a nice change of pace. She and Caius were becoming quite frequent visitors…as long as

Brittany could be avoided.

Though, they couldn’t rightly avoid her entirely. She was married to the youngest Roth after all. Amir really had drawn the short end of the stick

in this arrangement.

If Nimue had realized what an unpleasant little vixen this Brittany was going to turn out to be, she would have highly encouraged Caius to find some

way out of making Amir marry her.

The girl wouldn’t even spend time with her sons! What kind of woman

didn’t want a son?

And the fact the tart had Amir doing the cleaning like some kind of household servant, irked her even more. Amir did it all in stride of

course, such a good lad.

What Nimue did not know however, was that Amir seemed to be one of the few people in this world

who seemed to be able to put a smile on Brittany’s face. It was a rarity, and rarely was it a full smile,

but it was something.

He was one of the few people who knew just how much Brittany enjoyed music. He’d made special arrangements to take her to the newly restored theatre and gotten them the best seats in the


Britttany though didn’t see how she had all that much to be happy about. She’d been given the smallest and most run down part of her family’s estate in spite of being the

heiress. She’d been passed over to run Whinmore in favor of a foreign man by her king, and now her little brother already had 2 daughters while she had none.

But Amir was right, she had gotten pregnant again right away. It didn’t matter she’d had a son first, this one could be the heiress she wanted and needed to

reclaim some of her lost dignity.

Although she really wished Amir hadn’t befriended the disgraced Eustace Scrubb. Though with

everything that had come to light recently, perhaps Eustace wasn’t as guilty as he’d been portrayed.

Well she supposed it didn’t really matter too much in the grand

scheme of things.

She supposed she could try a bit harder to get along with everyone. But really, everyone had always

seemed to hate her no matter what she did, but for Amir’s sake she’d try.

At least with Pony it wasn’t going too horribly.

And she did still have her garden to escape too. That Gable man’s advice

had actually proven to be quite helpful.

Things were looking up for her at last, she told herself over and over, but if she

was being honest she didn’t really believe a word of it.

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