kq: how do christian and muslim teachings on stewardship influence believers to take action?...

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Stewardship – Looking after something so it can be passed on the next generation.

Environment – The surroundings in which plants and animals live and on which they depend to live.

Creation – The act of creating the universe or the universe which has been created.

Activity1) Copy down the key terms in your glossary.2) Write a paragraph linking the key terms Stewardship and

Environment (linking with global warming, natural resources and pollution)

TIF: - Can you link the creation story into your paragraph?

Enquiry: What do Christians and Muslims teach about Stewardship?

Group B 1) As a group, take it in

turns to read pp.40-41 aloud.

2) Condense the key Muslim teachings on stewardship into a paragraph of 15-25 words only.

Group A 1) As a group, take it in

turns to read pp.38-39 aloud.

2) Condense the key Christian teachings on stewardship into a paragraph of 15-25 words only.

TIF: Write your predictions of what the other religions would say about stewardship

Christian teaching on stewardship

Muslim teaching on khalifah

•Humans have a duty to be a steward/khalifah•God gave humans dominion over the earth•Allah/God made the world•Should use our talents to care for the world•Muslims will be asked questions on Judgement Day about how much they have done for the world/how treated the earth & all living creatures.•Follow the example of Muhammad who showed kindness to animals.•Examples in the Hadith of Muhammad being kind to animals & respecting the earth.•Psalms say – The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it•Humans will face God on the Day of Judgement.•When God created the world He said that it was good – humans should not destroy what God has created.

So does “dominion” and “rule” mean we can do what we like?

• NO – dominion means “kingship” implying we should rule wisely. It means being responsible for God’s world.

• NO- doing what we like has led to the current situation where fossil fuels are running short, some species of animals are extinct and the world is heavily polluted.

•According to Genesis God created the earth and it was good•Human beings have physical needs which can met by good stewardship of the earth's resources• Human beings need to learn to share resources on the earth• Human beings need to put stewardship into practice•Practical caring for your neighbour will lead to a better lifestyle• Human beings are naturally inclined to be greedy• All religions teach that greed is wrong• Greed is one form of selfish behaviour• Contemporary culture in many ways encourage greed

There is enough for everyone's needs but not for

man’s greed.

“The world is there for us humans to enjoy; that’s all that

matters.”Do you agree? Why? (6)

I agree because...On the other hand, I disagree

because...Communicates clearly and appropriately using specialist language extensively a thorough discussion, including alternative or different views of the religious teachings and moral aspects at issue and their implications for the individual and the rest of society. Using relevant evidence and religious/or moral reasoning to formulate judgement.

The Green Bible.


What do you learn about the ‘Green Bible?’

Homework• You should have already completed questions

4, 11, 17 & 26• Now complete questions 2, 10, 23 & 29.

All must be handed in on Friday 16th January

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