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'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Official Vocabulary Ninja Product © Published - July 2017

KEY STAGE 1 Word of the Day

Pack vol 1.

Vocabulary Ninja

Vocabulary Ninja

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'



Firstly, thank you for being a part of the vocabulary revolution! ViVa!! Together we can have a huge impact on understanding and application of vocabulary! Vocabulary Ninja is was born out of a desire to improve general outcomes for pupils within a classroom, stumbling upon vocabulary as a huge barrier.

Just as times tables are a pre-requisite to most mathematical investigations, vocabulary is to reading and writing. Without an in-depth understanding, pupils will always have barriers in learning and in life!

Well, you have passed the first test grasshopper! And demonstrated your worth!! I must reward your endeavour with this wonderful 140 page VocabularyNinja Word of the Day Resource Pack!

Remember, the true value of being a VocabularyNinja lies in time given, it is a gift. Time must be provided for discussion, demonstration, explanation, play, sharing, editing, rehearsal and celebration.

Simply showing pupils these words is not enough. Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : devoured Definition : eat with speed, hungrily.

chomped, gobbled, destroy. nibble, build.


Challenge : Use WOD to write a statement.

The book was finished, she had devoured it.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : reject Definition : dismiss a person or thing as

inadequate or faulty.

refuse, decline, failure, loser. welcome, friend.

(verb or noun)

Challenge : Use WOD in two separate sentences. One as a verb, one as a noun.

The singer was rejected from the competition.

The reject felt lonely and unwanted.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : warrior Definition : brave or experienced soldier.

fighter or soldier. civilian.


Challenge : Post-modify WOD in a sentence..

There stood a warrior, tall, strong and effortlessly brave.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : wobbly Definition : tending to move from side to side.

shaky, unbalanced . steady.


Challenge : Write a funny sentence.

The tower of bricks looked wobbly.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : delay / ed Definition : make someone late or a period of

time by which something is late.

detain . hurry.

(verb / noun.)

Challenge : Use WOD in a question.

The train was delayed. There was a delay.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : thud Definition : a dull or thick sound made when a

heavy object hits something.

thump .

(verb / noun.)

Challenge : Use WOD in a statement.

There was a deep thud when the door slammed.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : injury -ed -ies Definition : a result of being hurt or attacked.

wound, trauma, gash.


Challenge : Use WOD in a statement.

The injury sustained was rather serious.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : imagined / imagination Definition : a mental image or picture in your


picture, visualise. doubt.


Challenge : Describe what a character imagines.

The world the child had imagined was unlike anything he had seen before.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : collectDefinition : to gather items together.

gather, assemble.


Challenge : Use WOD with -ing -ed -tion suffix.

The gang has to collect stamps for a history project.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : shiverDefinition : shake without control as a result

of being very cold.

tremble, quiver.


Challenge : Use WOD to describe a person, -ed, -ing

During the PE lesson, the children shivered until they had completed the warm up.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : acrobatDefinition :

gymnast, tumbler.


Challenge : Find the WOD in our KS1 book of the day.

The acrobat performed a dangerous routine.

an entertainer who performs spectacular gymnastic feats.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : fiddleDefinition :

violin, cheated, fidget.

(noun / verb)

Challenge : Post a picture of little ninjas sentences using WOD.

I will play the fiddle. I have been fiddled! Jimmy, please stop fiddling with your hair.

a violin, to cheat someone or to fidget with.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : blockDefinition :

chunk, piece.

(noun / verb)

Challenge : Write two different sentences using today's WODs.

Let's build using blocks! We must block the attack!

to stop or a solid piece of building material.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : rise / roseDefinition :

stand up.


Challenge : Use WOD as in past tense.

The knight rose slowly from being knighted!

move from lower position to higher.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : becauseDefinition :



Challenge : Use WOD to create a compound sentence.

It is important to be safe near roads because traffic can be dangerous.

the reason that.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : recycleDefinition :



Challenge : Use WOD in a question.

It is important to recycle your plastic!

convert waste into a reusable material.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : floatDefinition :



Challenge : Use WOD with -ing or -ed suffix.

The boat was floating peacefully on the ocean.

rest or move on surface of a liquid without sinking.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : createDefinition :

generate, produce.


Challenge : Use WOD in a question.

How could the children create such a mess?

to make or bring something into existence.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : shriek Definition :


(verb / noun)

Challenge : Use WOD to describe the wind.

The distant shriek sent a shiver down my spine.

high pitched scream.


The dog shrieked....I had stepped on it's tail.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : unfold Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD to describe.

The story unfolded word by word.

spread out or gradually develop.

flatten, develop.Vocabulary Ninja must carefully unfold his belt.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : patrol Definition :

(noun / verb)

Challenge : Use WOD to describe your teacher on the playground.

The patrol walked slowly around the park.

a group keeping watch over an area.

guard, watch.We patrol the playground


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : overhead Definition :

(adv / noun / adj)

Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.

A ball flew overhead.

above the head or a cost.

above.Overhead, aeroplanes could be heard.

Antonym : below, underneath.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : excellent Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.

What an excellent day for learning!

extremely good or outstanding.

outstanding, brilliant.Jimmy was excellent at tennis.

Antonym : poor, inferior.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : yawn Definition :

(verb / noun)

Challenge : Use WOD in different verb form.

Cover your mouth when you yawn!

involuntarily opening of the mouth.

gapingI yawned because you were yawning.

Antonym :


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : beware Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in compound sentence.

to be cautious or aware of risks or dangers.

be cautious.

Teachers had to beware of spinning fidgets.

Antonym : ignore.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : boomerang Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD with an adverb.

a curved piece of wood, when thrown it returns to the thrower.

The boomerang whizzed through the air.

Antonym :


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : factor Definition :


Challenge : Find factors of other numbers.

a number that divides into another number.

1, 24, 2, 12, 3, 8, 4, 6, are all factors of 24

Antonym :divisor.multiple.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : strict Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

requires rules to be followed exactly.


Mrs Hill was the strictest teacher in the school!

Antonym : lenient.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : beside Definition :


Challenge : Create a list of prepositions.

at the side of.


The ninja was was beside his intended target.

Antonym :

Beside the ice cool lake was a huge oak tree.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : fearless Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in direct speech.

showing a lack of fear.


The fearless bee buzzed towards the chocolate!

Antonym :

Fearlessly, the owner protected his dog.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : leaky Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in description.

having a leak or leaks.


The leaky tap dripped all night.

Antonym : watertight.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : delicious Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a statement.

pleasant to taste.


“Mmmm...delicious fish and chips!”

Antonym : disgusting


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : narrow Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.

a small width / make less wide.


The narrow road couldn't fit two cars.

Antonym : wide.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : echo Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.

a sound that reflects off a surface back to the listener.


Howling echoed through the woods.

Antonym :


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : trudge Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a silly sentence.

walk with heavy steps.


The pupils trudged back to the campsite in the rain!

Antonym : skip.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : beaver Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in an exclamation.

large rodent / work hard.

Beavers had blocked the river with a dam.

Antonym :

Timmy beavered away on his homework. 📚

discuss options.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : engulf Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a description.

surround or cover completely / swallow whole / overwhelm.


Dark brown gravy engulfed the juicy chips.

Antonym : expose.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : adopt Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD with a suffix -ing -tion.

choose to take-up or follow an action or idea /raise a child as your own.


The sports team adopted black arm bands as a show of respect.

Antonym : abandon.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : drain Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a description.

deprive or stent tho right energy / a channel or pipe carrying liquid..

strain / sewer.

Pikachu felt extremely drained after attacking the weakened Charizard.

Antonym : energise.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : provoke Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

stimulate or deliberately make angry.


Rachael refused to be provoked by the boys on the playground.

Antonym : allay.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : forgive Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a varied tense.

stop feeling angry towards someone.


Mr Straw forgave himself for forgetting to buy the pupils ice lollies.

Antonym : allay.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : mystery Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

something that is difficult to understand or explain.


The staff room was a mystery to all of the pupils. What happened in there?

Antonym :


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : pretend Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.

act as if something is real / engage in imaginative play.


The reception pupils pretended to be the bear.

Antonym :


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : epic Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

heroic or grand in character / long and arduous task.


The savings she made on her car insurance were epic!

Antonym :


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : wither Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

wilt.Antonym :

The blueberries withered and then died because Mr Phillips forgot to water them.

become dry and shrivelled / fade away.




KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : crumble Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a varied form.

disintegrate.Antonym :

The best friend’s relationship began to crumble.

to break or fall apart into small parts.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : guest Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD as a plural noun.

visitor.Antonym :

I have two guests coming to my home this evening.

a person that has been invited to visit a home or occasion.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : scorch Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD as a past participle.

burn.Antonym :

The sun scorched the plants in the garden.

burn the surface with flame or heat / move very fast.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : refrigerate Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD as a past participle.

cool.Antonym :

The lemonade was refrigerated before the BBQ.

to chill or preserve it, typically by placing it in a refrigerator.

defrost, heat.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : plunge Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD as a past participle.

dive.Antonym :

Paddington Bear plunged his grubby paw into the jar of marmalade.

to jump or dive quickly and energetically / push or thrust quickly.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : unforgettable Definition :


Challenge :Use WOD in a simple sentence.

memorable.Antonym :

The school dinners were unforgettable.

impossible to forget.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : pause Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in past participle.

stop.Antonym :

The teacher paused and stared at Declan, he had somehow managed to get his arms stuck inside his t-shirt.

interrupt briefly or stop a short while.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : broad Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.

wide, big.Antonym :

They climbed the broad stairs in the darkness.

wider than usual / especially wide.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : royal Definition :

(adj / noun)

Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

regal.Antonym :

Members of the royal family gathered to celebrate the jubilee.

from a royal family - kings and queens / of high quality.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : discover Definition :

( verb )

Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

unearth.Antonym :

Firemen discovered a famous painting in the wreckage of the fire.

find unexpectedly or during a search.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : aid Definition :

( noun / verb )

Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

assist.Antonym :

The doctor came to the aid of the patient.

The doctor came to the patient's aid.

to help.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : borrow Definition :

( noun / verb )

Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

take.Antonym :

He borrowed some pencils from his friend.

Could I borrow those please?

to take and use before returning.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : shadow Definition :

( noun / verb )

Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.

outline.Antonym :

The science lesson investigated lights and shadows.

a dark area created when a light source is blocked / follow observe.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : float Definition :

( verb )

Challenge : Use WOD as a past participle.sink.Antonym :

Floating gently, the ship passed the lighthouse.

rest on liquid surface / hover on a liquid or air.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : deliver Definition :

( verb )

Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.return.Antonym :

David Beckham delivered the perfect free-kick to defeat Greece.

bring something to a desired place.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : crunchy Definition :

( adj )

Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.Antonym :

Mr Roach loved crunchy toast with marmalade spread all over it.

a solid that can be easily broken, usually making a noise.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : greet Definition :

( verb )

Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.Antonym :

The children were greeted by an excited head teacher.

to give a polite word or sign of welcome when meeting someone.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : salary Definition :

( noun )

Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.Antonym :

She received a salary of £25,000.

a fixed amount of money that is paid to a worker on a monthly basis.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : journey Definition :

( noun/verb )

Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.Antonym :

The journey to Modor was epic for Frodo.

the act of travelling from one place to another.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : peek Definition :

( noun/verb )

Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.Antonym :

Faces peeked from behind the curtains.

look quickly or a quick look.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : humour Definition :

( noun/verb )

Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.Antonym :

She had a wonderful sense of humour!

being amused / a mood or state of mind / comply with to keep




KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : argue Definition :

(verb )

Challenge : Draw your WOD.Antonym :

The two women argued about the football teams.

exchange ideas forcefully or try to persuade using ideas.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : guide Definition :

(verb/noun )

Challenge : Draw your WOD.Antonym :

The tour guide showed the way.

a person who shows others the way / to show the way.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : estimate Definition :

(verb/noun )

Challenge : Draw your WOD.Antonym :

The pupils estimated how many new words they had discovered this year.

roughly calculate or judge an amount.


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