lavaa. the ihiowe - safely predict th--ir success. we sin- ... oat of...

Post on 16-May-2018






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UtaMIe patriot.MONDAY MORNING. DEC. 10, 1SG0.


Departures of pMufneerlMloi.Xauivilu CiumsooGA 3:30 A-- M., 3 P-- M.

Tman k Ai 3:0 r. M- -

Locmvillx A-- XAanviLix 2:1 S A. M- -, 2t5 P- - M.; m KaiutuiExprf 3uO P-- M.

NasHmxi I)ECiTra-7s- O" A.Jt bUxtcckt 2:45 P--

ArrlTl of Fanaenffer riim.JiASBTOlM k CnaTTaSOOGa :30 P-- M-- , 8 A-- M.

TmMmkALuau-l- O:' M- -

Locisvills Nasavnis 5stO A. M., Bton r. v.

u " Gahaiin Lxprem :JO A. M.

Kiamu k Dkatm- -I 1 1 a A M., ll i a P- - M.

EDcsrtxLO A KincaT 1 O : 1 5 A-- M.

Concert and LtcrcRK. The cone rt and

lector for the benefit of the German Lu-

theran Chaich will come off this evening,

baring been postponed from Saturday even-

ing. For particulars see advertisement in

another column.

jfsg-- It is thought by rome people thatSooth Carolina will go oat of the Union inten d ijs. It's a pity tbat something doeVotgo down there and give them all thepox or the cholera, and either kill tbem off

or scare them into good behavior. They havea right to do what they please with their owndeatioief. bat they have uo right under theconstitution to bring ll these hard times"upon the rest of the country.

A Steamboat ox Fibe. It is not at alldifficult for a man that can't swim to find amuch more t place than a steamboatwhen it takes fire at night in ibe middle ofthe river. We were along there a few nightsago, while coming up the Cumberland, andought to know all about il. I. was tome fif-

teen or twenty miles below the city. It wascloudy and very daik. We bad b en lyingdown for nome tim, and having got tired ofit, concluded to look out and see whereabout we were. Opened the outer door ofthe state-roo- and stepped out upon theguards. Iladn n't been there three minuteswhen somebody on the lower d ck cried"fire." Heard the mate calling and givingdirections to the hand.-- ; heard bucket afterbucket plunged into the river; heard thetrampling of many feel below, and the roundof manyexcit'd voices all mingled wi'hthe splashing of the paddle-wheel-s, the rattleof the machinery and the many other soundsincident to a steamer und-.- r headway. We

felt perfectly cool though not comfortablyso; and after listeniug for some time to theuproar, were jus, about starting to hunt upthe captain and offer him two dollars and ahalf (payable in puff) to put in ashore,when the porter came alon? and annouDcdthat the flames, wl.ich bad spread along theceilinz over the boilers for some distance andcommenced devouring a pile of wood, hadbeen extiugui.-be-d. Went into the ca'iin to

je if anybody else was scared. Pa.-8eug--r

all there some reading. ome talking, some

playing euchre, and nearly all smukiug, butnot a soul of them aware that an infantconflagration had been raging themnot three minutes bwf-re- . Singly and alonebad we borne the scare of a whole steamboatload of passenge.-,- Pliancy our pheelings !

JamksR Hood, E.-- Q 0ing to an unex-

pected ub-n- c from home, and a little neg-

ligence b-f- that ab--nc- began, we failedto notice in these colum fie f.ict that ourtalented young friend Jauf.s R. Ho d. E q..of the Chattanooga was elected Me-ssenger by the Electoral Colb-g.- j last Wednes-day to cany the vote of the State to Wash-

ington. We don't know of anybody thatwould maKe a uener Messenger man Mr.IJood. The duties of tb cfQ.-- e require thatthe incumbent shall posses the ability tofind the way to Washington, and as Hood hasbeen around a good deal, and is one of thedincreel m ri amung m who cb ol them-

selves to '"let licker alone." he will make thetrip easy enough. We wi.'h him a prospe-rous and pleasant j uruey, and a safe return.

The Theatre TheFlorences. After a suspeui-io- u ol on? week.Messrs. M teller fc have

their dramatic company on a better andfirmer bas:., and, will re-op- en the Theatrethw evening, with Mr. Wood Benso.v asStage Manager. Mr. Bexsjx understandsthe business thoroughly, having b.-e- cou-nect- ed

with the stage for many years, andill bring all his energy, intelligence and ex-

perience to the prosecution of his und.-r- t .k-in- g'

Uuder the state of things which existtdbefore the bouse was clost d a week ago, theManages d'd a losing business for home tim",owing principally to the pressure iu Guaiicial

affairs; but with their n-- w arrangements wemay safely predict th-- ir success. We sin-

cerely trust they will receive that liberal en-

couragement from the public tbey to wellmerit. Neither they nor Mr. Bexsox willspare any to please their patrons.

They will re-op- en this evening with Mr.and Mrs. Florence, two of the most accom-

plished comedians belonging to the Ameti-ca- n

stage, and whose fame and popularity assuch are with the Union. Thebill for the is the most attractiveof the season, embracing three charmingpeices Horn to Good Luck, Mitchietout Annie,and Bryan O'Lynn.

Where to get something to Read. Asdull as the times are, and as difficult as mo-

ney is to get, tLe deuiaud for periodical litis still active. At leat we infer us

much from the scene we wituessed on Satur-

day at the periodical depot of M. ssrs. Gkeex

i Co., on Union street. Their counters werepilled with nil the best of the weeklies andmonthlies, and the latest cheap publicationsof all sorts, and their cn-tom- were goingand coming in a constant stream. Men, wo-

men and children were there with dira-s- .

quarters and halves, buying copies of 4 Go-dey- ,"

IIarper," Petersen," "Frank Les-

lie," Bennett," the Feltctic. thethe Ltdjtr, the Wjcerley. the Wttkly.

the Mercury, the Utrald, the Ciucinuaii Cm-mtrei-

and many other periodicals and lit-

erary and political papeis. The "Dime No-vel" are going e ff fast euougb. Besides thesethings, Messrs. Greex A Co. keep a stock ofmiscellaneous books, stationery, gold ens.engravings, and a variety of other articles.

OrR PicrrRJi Gallert. A skillful youngartist of this city has contributed to oursplendid Picture Gallery a due drawing,representing "Our Sporting Editor Bagging

a Rabbit," w hich we regard as among ibe

gems of the collrction. It is well rxt-cuied-,

and would be extremely lite-lik- e if the aim

of the sportsman were a little accuiate,bis humane feeling s.Uay promptiug him

to fire a few inches (or feet, as the case m ybe) oat of rang, in order to give the gime

fair and equitable chance for its lite. Ifthe game snould fail t run at the first shot,

it can blame nobody but itself if the dis-

tance U fborteoed and it is brought down attLe second-- By bearing these fact in mind,

the art'ut will be enabled to make a faultlesspicture.

Such contributions as this to oarare lavs thankfully received. When

the Patriot dies of old age a few centuriesbence, the whole col tec-lio- n aball be be-

queathed to the Historical Society for thebenefit of the public.

litter ,ewi.ARKIVfD.

Dec. 8 Maydoke, Paducab.Appleton Bulle, Padocah.


Mayduke, Paducah.Emma, Piti.burg.Appleion Belle, Paducab.

The river is falling blowly, with 4 feet water on the Shoals.

The swift, popular and punctual favoriteof the public, the Jlinmiorka, is the regularpacket for Paducab to-d.i- y at noon. SSi j isa icTv.lar a3 a chronometer In her movements aud passengers who desire tJ travelou one of tLe tafet and moct comfortableboa's in the trade, cimuiaolt-- d by u cleverand careful set of fScers a--t the Wet-ter- wa-

ters affard, 8'iould go ab ard lif're twelve.Capt. Sims, an offic- -r that ibe Grestt Eist;nmight be proud of, U the Lit-u- t. -- General of

the, nod at the d' sk will be foundcur baod.-om-e and popular yunti friend.Smith, and the ever affable and polite LokdPalmerstox. The ihnnt'onht will put youthrough to Paducab, and forward you thence,by Bteam-- r or railroad, to any puint of thecompass, in a flyl-- : of Cocu'ort and e!--e thatyou will want to try a second time.

The C. E. Uilmnn is pikt-- d for St. Louisto-d-ay at 4 P. M. We . li.-v- e every ti..dy

knows what sort of a craft be is tbey havelong known tbat NtWT. CtRBirr is the bes-- t

man to trivel with iu the Wet-tor- country.

"PANIC STRUCK,"Intending to reduce what is certainly the largest



I will wll from this timd without regard to PrcJUi.

J. W. LAAGLKY,dec6--tf 44 Union Straet.

jpSf We are glad to see that we have therare oportunity again, to sell or txchneour Second-han- d clothes for the b autifulstock of China, Glass Ware, Fancy C iuaToys and Jewelry, which has been opened by

Messrs. Oppenheimt--r i Wertheimer, suc-

cessors to Mr. Bartchie. over the Store atHardy fc Bros. lni.

IIollowaj Ointment Legs, Wounds,

Clcers, i c, can be cured. Tbo rational treatment as

indicated by nature, is to rednce the local inflamma-

tion, soothe the neighboring nerves, cool the heated

blood, aud render tho watery ichorous dischargo con-

sistent and healthy. Happily, Hollo-ay"- s iotmcntaccomplishes these ends with unfailing certainty.

dec 4--1 wr

Dr. Weaver's Canker and Salt Rheum Syrup andCerate for curing kumort by purifying Che blood.

read i in s.nov it A;rWhen disease has been long in the system, the flrst

fl ittering symptoms after taking the Syrup is that thehumor increases on the skin This should not a'ai rayou, it only shows that the diseases is working outjust the result wo want to see ; apply the Cerate, audthe humor will heal, and the disease soon disappear.

deel dau4w

Copiaiix(5. We have heard repeatedly during thelast few days, persons computing of weakness and de-

bility. We would say tu all such, got some of ! dean's-- treugthening Cordi iland Blood Purifier. It isall doubt the only remedy that will renovato and

strengthen the The immense demand for llall parss the United States is ppoof eno gh of

iu beneficial efljess. We know by exponent e that it

is i delicious remedy to take. Ca 1 and try it. Soe

the advertisement ia another column.deel dwlw

Terry Davis' Pain Killer, the old and well knownremedy, which has acquired a worl I wide renown lorthe cure of sudden coMs, coughs, etc., weak stomach,general debility , nursing sore mouth, cancered mouth

or throat, liver complaint, dyspepsia or indigestion,cramp and pain in the stomach, bowel complaint,painters' coiic, Asiatic c'a dera, diarroea and dysenteryhas lost none of its good name by repeated trials ; butcontinues to occupy a prominent position in every

family medicine chest. Lebanon Star, Dec. 12.", lSi9deel dw4w

The proprietor of Dr. P. O. Kiehardson's Concentra-ted Sherry Wina Cillers, has long since revived thethanks of thousands or invalids who have been bene-

fitted by the usj of that valuable and extraordinarymedicine.

deel 1aw4w

I HAVE Twenty-Qv- e Thousand dollars worth of Sta-

ple and Fancy Dry Goods which I will sell at costlor Cash, as I am determined to adopt aa exclusivecash business. I invite all thosj desirous of purchas-ing Goods to call and see for themselves a' No. 22

South Side the Square. DAVID HUMPHREY.AU those indebted to I. C. X:eaoLon & Co., or Nich-

olson k Humphrey, will piuase come forward and bet-ti- e

their accounts, as we are in need of the money.

CL.OT2IINU.We have a largo stock of Winter Clo-thix- o

lor Men and Uoys wear, hich we ureselling at prices to suit the times.

Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, NorthCarolina a-i- d Virginia Money taken at par.

WAKL, BIRMINGHAM & CO.nov24-l- m No. 2J i'ub.ic Square.

SAUER KIIAUT.Fifieen Barrels Saucr Kraut for sale at No.

39 Market street, and at II. S. French &

Son's, by JOHN M. WILLIAMS.nov29-- tf

Fall and UinterShoes.Farrar, Dismukes fc Co., No. 45, Collogp

street, have received their Fall and Winterstock of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters of everyvariety. Call and see them tbey are sellingtbem low. Their stock of Negko Bkogansis very large and superior. Not8-l- ui

To the Editors op the Patriot: Deem-ing it my duty to those afflicted, and to tlieone who cured me of two malignant FeverSores upou my legs, which made my life bur-densome lor five years, having applied toseveral physicians who could give me no re-

lief, and tryiug all kinds of medicine I couldg--- which was recommeuded for old sores.All seemed to fail. I gate up ever beingcured, and wishsd for death to relieve me ofmy mi.-ery- . For many months my limbspained me to tbat extent I co ild get nosleep, until my ftther, who, being cured of asevere Rheumatism by the Indian Doctor,at No. 100, lligh street, purchased for me aIx.ltle of his Blood I'uriQ. r aud a box of hisAll Healing Ointment, which relieved meimmediately. My leg are now sound andwell. My general health and strength isbelter than u ever wa iu my life. And if 1

owe any man oa earth a deut ol gratitude,that man is Doctor Anderson. I wi.--b everyman, woman and child in the world, who ureafflicted as I have been afflicted, who havesuffered as 1 have sum-red-

, may real tniletter and thus lind where they can be cured.I am of the opinion his remedies will cureany in existence, aud I would recom-meu- d

all thus ffl cted to apply to the IndianDoctor, No. 100 High street, where they canbe relieved ol misery, and lxi b permanently cored. MERUION SANDERS.

Resides a tSaaderaville, Davidson county,Teuuessee.

Nasqtillk, June 14th, 18C0.To the Editors or this fatkiot:

I wL--b to make a alatemeut through yourcolumns of what the Indian Doctor's Pillsand Uiood Purifier have douef jr me. 1 havetaken ab ut a quart l blue nixs aod ail oth-

er med.ciues I could get hold ol; none seemedto give uie relief. I was troubled with Ds-prim- ia

until I appii--d to the Indian D c:or.who gave me bi Pills aud Blood P'irifierwhich relieved me immediately. I am nowin belter health icau I have been ur manyyears, ani 1 C n recummeud the Indian Doc-

tor's temedies to be all be represeuta tbem tobe. and should advise all afflicted to try bismediciue. Can. David Ucgua.

july I2-- tf

Sr. Loch, Mo., 25, 18C0.

At the National Fa.r this day. the firstand Lighest ireraiura was awarded tothe GroVer i Baker Sewiug Machine, overthe Singer, Wheeler Jb Wilson, and eightethers la competition, tl

I from Stir York.New Yoi:K. c. 7. Th; Titnc Washing

ton correpoMdent saa that Senator Ltthnmexnres4-- the opinion that there is not ittftCahrot nians favorabe t- - a Pacin? llpnb icand that California will go with the Northern St-ttes- .

II-- ; al-- o expresses confidence tbat the ma-

jority of tli-- ; Republicans are reivty for anynot iaolvin the loB of the

personal self-respe- and digt.ity of the Nor-thern Slate.

iro m Waoliinston.Washixotox, D' C. 7. Th-- ; Treasury re--cipts to-da- wer- - under $20 000.Uracil paid nearly SI a'. 0 00 J, and drafts

for about th- - sani am-uin-

Net baiance in tlie Treasury $1,090,000.exclusive of $1,500, in tho mintand branches.

Tb present receipts lrr-- all quarters areless than La If of the revent expenditures.

The committee on Ways aud Means areconsidering the repleui.-hm;;- nt if the Trea-sury

luform.itiou here says that 3.000 men areonranizin in Soiith Carotin t to take theForts il the Govi-rnmen- t r.fies to surrou-d'.- r

tbi?a alter s cerio:i.S rretary C: bb has n,'i:!:er resigned nor

Iett Washinsion, l.ut is contiued to the houst;bypiinful iiidispofitioii.

An iriiormal co-i- rei-c- of several Sen-ator, including Kcssenden. Digler, Pt.arce,i'lih a'id o:h- - rs, to favor the extension ofthe Mis-on- ri Compromise line to the Paciiic,as a basis lor a compromise.

Ci!!, afier sev-.Ta- inter i 'lvs with Hitn-tr- r.

Giids himself unable to extricaie lio:n i s pr- - sent bankrupt condi-t- i

.il, and pri'po-- e r- -- gniug tortbwitb.A c incus c- - rep txclnsiv' ly of extreme

So'itheni men, at Browu's If.jlel vXjnesst dthemselves ;'scidd!y adverse lo meetingwith i he IIoue sjiecial coimiiitt- e.

Washixctox. Dec. 8. Tu Senators fromthe slave States, wiiaout regard to party,are in conference o.i the te of tuecountry, at the Caj i: ol.

.tiarkets ly 'B"elecrpl.Nkw Oki.hans. D-- c. 8. Cotton lujl nnd

tenifiior dowu-aards- sales to-da- y 4.20U. Mil-d!iiig- 9J

9J. Sugar dull 4a5. Mixed Corn56. Exchange iilis. i tied.

The Bleisey oil store oa Poydras street,enrn--- r of" M ig.izine, burned last night. LosS30.000 Paitly iiisund.

Ttieie is an tnid between theni' intw rs of i he Texas Leisl lure, to meetiu Austin on the 17tn o! D- c- mber withouta formal call. Toe L. gislature will call aconvention ou the 8ih of January.

lliver ."Vews.LonsvFLLE, Dec. 8 The river is falling,

with 7 feet water in the Canal.The Kentucky Banks in responding to the

recent applications for a suspension of speciepayment-- , d cline acceding threuts on theground tbutsiieh a measure would affurJ nocommercial relief.

Cincinnati Dec. 8. Tin; mark- -t is geuerally depres-- i d. and prices irr-'gu- l ir. Flournominal. Whi ky 14. Mess pork 13 12Ja14 25. Laid n- m nal 9s Moassf 27. Themoney maike is decidedly more stringent.

New Youk. Dec. 8. Coitou dull, sal- s5 0 b il"- - 9J. Fb ur st. ady, Pales 8 500bid. 4 40 14 5 J. Corn quiet, sales 31.000tmsli.-l-5- C2. M ss pork dull. Prime, newmess ins j. eted 19 00.19 50. Ltrd dull.sales 125 bbls. lOaltiJ. Sugar dull, sales114' ox-- s. CiitnO .&a Urleans bf. AJolas- -

ses 35a36. Coffee quiet.Ure.

Nkw Youk, Dec. 8 Hoffman & Cuniss'di-ti- il ry is burned. Loss $27,000. Insured$13 500.

SAP ON I FIE ll,Concentrated Lve.

'JI1U KLlDlt.FA?IILn O A I Xk A Iv K i .

indespenyilili-articl- e i very family, wherehjANWilli tueir "i di.iai y kii lieu greare, eoinliineOwitu tlie Wip'ni6er, te can m.ikeall ti,e ooap tlieu.s.: i.ard , soil or fancy, li w ll make bird wainufl. and w ih c e i.. ty i to poriei lioii nothing equalf

it cieaiui.g and scouring- -

Pat up in air-tig- ht iron boxes of one lb. eachi will ik:, with 4 t) 5 lbs. commcD

ease, frini 13 t 25 gallcns eldgant soilsoap, or 8 to 10 lbs. hard.ll has mw biei.sovpial ycursslncethisinvIuabu

rticlc was firstinirodneed to tbc public, and tlie esliiiuit.iii) in w iut li it is beld wiierever known anttried, a; d the iniuieiitii Jemand Irocn all - eomdusive proofs of its real incrilcaud vat.u- - a n Tmiilv arlvle

HE IV'.t HE Ut I '.III A 7I'J. S H e sui o( outin cle, ib.t l at; diseoveri- - a of true merit audvalue. Ii:i ii.dnrt-- iinpriiiciple i partieb toiro.tati' il.W liltn f iff CiCTlON TUB; .Ig.OU.t worlblest(jUM'i.UKKITs. and totiike uon but ti c genuine.

i.'ii..-i-i au I p it. ii i d a i ti le, llanaiaclilre l oi Iv bbe I'KNNrVLVAXlA SALT MANCr Al TCK:U Tireiilum, Ain giieny ro., Pa. ONlcctnd I e.nt, Nu. S JG re m tl-- , above the Canal BridgeIi!tb..rgli, !' uu., Alio also manufacture of standardiinai.t. ,OtwStic .s'odalV r .ip 1 ikcrs, S.nia Ash, KeIiiiu4 I od.i A.sli, Sal Ciiloritle id' C lciuni ,Cop-peras.-

oipaiie-.':- , Nitrie. Ari l jbo la.S.iiari.tug. i.l. Kch-in-

1'i.w-ier- . Miratic Ae;d, -- u'piiur.c Aeid,Auaforli?, Chlor.roj-E.i- .

Extra Ki fi'ie . .'iiow-V!i:t- e Tabe;. Dairy aud Tack-- isalt, w riant d entirely l'ur.- - and Iry, put up ir

v.iri'"ii-- i pack.iges aud styi-- s. i'iie only t'ure sait ir


Store Ecrjjcrs in the I uiteJeSIalcs.

10W Pases S.iponifier, geeun e, for fn'.f ata;iurer j rices iu l iti to piircli ises. by

I I KK KFI.I.tiOG,marlf wly S:. Loui,Mc

To Coiisiuap Jive.The Advertiser, having beeu restored to health is a

few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, andthat dread dis-rus- Consiiinption is anxious to nukeknown to l.s i',:lii''A s;iI!,tims the means of cure.

To all woo desire it, he will send a copy of the pre-

scription use.! ir e of charge), with the directions forpreparing an 1 usiii th? which they will find ature cure for COXSCMl'TJOX, ASTHMA, DRONOTITIS, Ic. The only object of the advcrt.ser in- -

sending the Trescription is to benellt the afflicted, andspread information which he conceives to be nvalu-abl- e,

and he hopes every sufferer will try is remedy,as it will cost them nothing, and may pro blessing

Far Ins wishing the prescription will p addressKov. EUWARI) A. V1 OS,

Williamsburg,oct4-l- y ' Kings County, Xew York.

From the Daily Evening Traveler, Boston, November13, 1S59.

For years, ayo, from time immemorial, have housekeepers wanted a prep ration which should possessthe power of reuniting the fragments of crockery,glassware, furniture, 4c, , which will ac umulate inevery household. This desideratum has at last beenDlled by Mr. n. C. Spalding, or Xb. 30, Piatt steet,Xew York, who has introduced to the public his Prepared Glue, which is destined to become as much of arequisite in every family as the lucifer match or me-

tallic pin. This glue is engrossed in a chemical solu-

tion, the manufacture of whic'. is of couss a secretwith the proprietor. Its adhesive qualities are trulyastonishing, joining together, as it will, heavy piecesof wood, as well as the most delicate pieces of chinaor glas3.

Notice to stockholders of theNashville & Chattanooga B.R. Co.

Pmn X'. t C R. R. To.NashvUe, Nov. 22, I860.

HE annual mocting of the Stockholders will be heldi" at Morfi o' oa .

Ttt'sday, Ihe i:th day of Drrtmufr nat,and on the following day an election will be held lortltteen Directois io manage the affairs of the Companyfur the ensuing year.

Stockholders, by sho ing their certificates of Hockto the louduct tf 9, will be carried to Murfreesboro' orover thewnuio ro'il as th-- y may prefer, and backborne on the 11th, 12ili or lSihof December.

nov2T-- td W. A. GLKAYES,Secretary.

Scats' Eicint Winter ShotsAT

SNYDKK .V. I'KIZZELL'S.GENT s line all Oilf Pump Sole Gaiters;

stilcued "" " " Square Eilge "" " Double Sole "

Hgh Cut Lace Enamelled liouta, (heavr soles.)" " Calf "" ,: Patent Leather "

Scotch Bottom Cungreui baiters." LaceUouU.

Toe alore are very Extra axid will be sold cheap,oclio--lf

Ladies Liegaat Winter Shoesaud Gaiters.


" French Opera "" " Glove Kid, thick sole "' " Calf High Bo.Art;

double sle kid lace heel Coots.Jost received at So. 21 Public Square.nov2--U FBXZZTLL.

Broguns.VEGRO Brofans, Doaoxe aud Single fole.Klpmnd

Graia Leatner BooU. A Irtsh supply cheap 10J0U RAUAGE.

BOT23-- tf 42 College strmit.

, Dailt Patriot Offick, I

Nabville, Dec 10th, 1860. J

Tbe demand for oionejr continues unaba-

ted, and tlie supply far below Ibe demand.Consequently the pressure i slill great.

The old Banks bave advouced lbs priceof exchanse lo- - 1 rer CL: other Bauks ask 5per ct.

There has been a slight improvement lauucuireot funds

The following free Banks bave respondedto tb'j call of ibe Comptroller aud depositedadditional Diods lor tlie security of theiructes: Bank u! Mrmpbis; Merchanls' Bank,Na-bvill- e; Buck's Bank, McUimiville; North-ern Bank of Tennessee, Clarksrille.

Advices from New Orleans ftale thai sometwenty-fiv- e or thirty lu-uues- s houses thathave been compelled to eaccumb to the prefrsure, aud bave gone under. None of thesenvutioncd are connected with the trade ofthis of country. We may mentionamong tbem J W Arthar & Co., Buflurn JtCo., llu McColl, Campbell, McKee 4 Co., Aby&, A M Hopkins & Co Fellows &

Co.. A D Hcoible fc Co., W Cox 4 Co., Thomp-son &. Clark. Scruggs, Donejran fc Co., Gril-fia- ,

.Sracd t Co., Walts &. Noble, Harding,Abby t Moreliead, Patton. Smith & Putnam.Hendersoti, Terry & Co., Brand &. Landry, liC Cjmaiug i Co., S O Nelson & Co., Mar-

tin, Cobb Co., Wright & Allen, Coleman,Britton & Withers, Cleveland Bros. & Co., GL Delson &. Co., Bredon & Werchuff, Murpby.Sikca & Co., and Gladden & Seixcs.

COTTON The Cotton market, Saturday,dull. We heard of no sales.

TOBACCO Tbis article has not yet bt-gt- m

to arrive, except in looe parcels, forwhich buyers are offering 343 for leaf; aadlj2c for lugs.

CUEESE Western Reserve llllo perpound.

FLOUR We quote:Superfine iu barrels $5 005 50Extra, " " 6 2ofi 50

" iu s icks, 3 003 li .

WHEAT This article in scarce, aud willsell readily at $1 25 1 30 per bushel.

BACON Shoulders 10J, clear sides 13131; tarns 1314c per lb.

CORN. White 75 per bushel; mixed 70c.OATS. 4550c per bushel.LARD Supply limited. Sales at 11

12Jc per lb. for new.MEAL Is selliugat 8&V. bushel.FEATHERS We quote at 3738c. ft.GINSENG 35c. $GROCERIES. Wa quote : Fair sugar

7 , tt.; prime to choice 7J7Jc; in bar-

rels lc. advance on these figures. t

New York Coffee Sugars 10llc. fi..crushed and powdered ll12c: Loal 11012c. 5).

MOLASSES AND SYRUP. Molasses inbarrels 35c gal.; half barrels 40c;Sugar House 4345c. Golden Syrupiu barrels 75c; half barrels 80c; and kegs(ten gals.) 85c.

COFFEE. Rio 1616c; Laguyra 17

I8c; Java 1820c. Q lb. Stock light.TEA. Imperial 50c$l ; Gunpowder 5075c; Youug Hyson 4060; Black 601 50.SALT. We quote Coarse Sack at $1 25 ;

and Fiue at $1 50; und Barrel at 40c.bushel.

COTTON YARNS. The following are thagents' quotations for Cotton Yarns: 700and 800, 9c. doz.; 6 30, 10c.; 500, 11c,and 400, 12c.

WHISKY. Rectified is held at 2023ogallon, and country at 5075c. gallon

according to quality.CANDLES. Star 18o per lb. for ligh

weight; 20c for full weight. Tallow, summerpressed 13c; Sperm 45a50e per lb.

R lisin Layer $3a3 25 per box; W. R$2 50a2 75.

SOAP Turpentine $2 25a2 76 par box.BSAN $1.10 perewt.HAY $242iJ per ten.RYE $1 001 15 ptr bushel.BARLEY $1 25 per bushel.DRIED FRUIT-App- les, peeled, 4045c;

Peaches, nnpeeled, $1 151 25c; peeled doj22 25c.

PEA NUTS Demand good at 6575c perbushel.

ITIempbia Market.Mumus, Derember 7, 1860

COTTON' There Was ifb cbailie to note in tbo mar-ket for our ieadi- g staple yesterday. Ihe attend,ancc of buyers was apain licui ed. the demand tuodr-nt- e,

and tli sales c nfliied t 413 bales, at '.he-- e par.liculars: 7 bale at 7c, 3at7Ji, 12t7f, 81 at 8. 24a' 8. 134 at 9, lolat Ki, SO at 9i, 21 at 10, and 10at 10ic.

AuDiita iTlarket.ArocsT, Oa , Dec. 6. P. It.

COTTON" Tbe sales 'or two oavsrw t op 1,7 6 l.a c,as rollow: 11 at 7, 12 at 7J, 1 at 8 Ji, 18 -- 1 JfI146 at, 2 i at 9i, 428 at 8f, 98 at 9, 66 at9tf.44a at 9fc.

ol? ai 10, 9 at 10, 5 at 10 6, 68 at 10.l,nod 73at 10 l, cei.ts. The i cce p s for tae 5tb and 6 ill lusts.,are l,-- 4i bales.

Charleston iTIarket.CHaKLcmix, Dec. 6.

Sales r.f Oitton tr:-1- 1,400 ba!e, aud durn.g theweek 8,000 bales. Tlie weeks operations closed at ad-vanced prices. Good Middlii ps lOloXc. Tbe re-ceipts of the weeit were 4,800 bales.

JUoblie market.Momi i, Dee. 0.

Siles of Cotton to day 1,600 bales. Midd.mjrjat 9cents. The markd was very firm.

Bank Note and Exchange List.All Tenn. B'k Notes .par Iiouisiana Banks.... . ldis

Except Mobile ,.ldisBank of America. . . ..lOdis Missouri .10 disSouthern Bank.... ..lOdih tale Bank Ala .lOdisCommercial Bank.. ..lOdis Central. .lOdisDa 'dridge Bank... ..lOdis Commercial B'k.... .10 disBuck's Bank ..lOdis AU good east'n B'k. .10 disOcoee Bank ..lOdis Virginia .10 disIawrenceb'K Bank. .DO Sl . Carolina ft Geo... ,10 disBank of Tazewell.. ...2dii V. West 'a B'k Ga... .10 dis

" Claiborne. ...2dis N'orth Carolina .10 disCitizen's B'k.Mem. . no nale tXCUANGE.Bank of JefTerson.. ..90diF Vew Orleans 2 preKxchanee Bank ... . . .0dL New York selling... 6 preKentucky Banks... .. ldis Philadelphia ....... preOhie Banks ...SdiSi Baltimore .... N preIndiana state Bank. a 5. is Louisville. 2 preIllinois ..lOdis Cincinnati 2 pre


Agricult'l B'k Browns-ville.

Mechanics' B'k. Memphis.Memphis Saving Inst.

Central Bank. Min. k Manuf. Bank,Farm's k Merch'ts Bank,! Knoxville.

Mempuis. Bank of Trenton. broke

Specie.Cold, American... SSpre Silver ....tV$tpre

Land Warrants.40 acres, per acre..! o sale 1 120's so saleWll no sale I 160 .... tie sale

EdgfGcld & Kentucky Railroads

XasliTille to Clarksville, IIop-kniavil- le,

Henderson, &c.WIXTKR SCHEDULE.

Only one train each way daily, Sondes excepted.Leave Nashville at 2:45 P.M.Arrive at Nashville at 10:14 A. M.

. Trains connect at Tait's Station with Slaughter itCo. 's daily hue of Four Hone Coaches for Hopakiasville, Ky., via renton, Pembroke, Ac.

From Ilopkinsville stage leave daily for Columbus,Ky., Paducah, Southland, KddyviU and Hwdersua.

Fare from NnthviUe to Hopkinsvill $4A. ASUEHSOS.

decl-- tf Chief Engineer, tsKBK.

DISSOLUTION.rpH firm of BLACKMAK GILLE-PI- Boot, Shoe1 and Trunk Dealers, south-we- st corner ot the Square

and Market street is this day dissolved by mutual conSeat, Geo. L. GUieepie retiring. All those indebted tothe old firm are requested to come forward and closetheir accounts with F. H. Blarkmsn, who alone is au-thorized to settle. F. H. BLACRMAK, -


In retiring from the firm of Blackman k Gillespie,the undersigned returns hs cordial thanks for the lib-eral patronage bestowed, and earnestly requests a con-tinuances of the same fur his friend and successor.

ocl22-- tf

Gents' Find Winter Coots andShoes.

A runs Supply ft)- - Cold Weather ofGenu' Calf Wat- -r Proof Double Sole Boeta

Congress D. S. GaittTS." " Soot h ikituun brogaas." aUlegstor Laos Boots, kc,r e .

Just receivad by . JOHN RAVAGE,aov2J-- tf 2 College aut.

wmiiThe IHIowe


MTACffilllMia,At G;eatlj Reduced Prices.

$50! $50!! $50!!!

Citj Bank Bills and all

solvent Banks in SouthCarolina, Georgia, Alaba-

ma, Kentucky or Tennes-

see taken at par.



Owing to the severe pres-

sure of the times, we havereduced the price of theseunrivalled Machines from

$$B its &The Howe Familj Sew

ing Machines are especially adapted to the SouthernTrade, because they sew

Tarleton, Musquito Net-

ting, Swiss Muslin, Homespun, Osnaburgs, Jeans,Kerseys, or Leather, withequal facility; using FlaxThread, Cotton or SilkThey make the shuttle orlock stitch, undoubtedlythe best made by SewingMachines. The Howe Sew-

ing Machines are strong,simple and durable, and arefully guaranteed in everyparticular More thanfour hundred families in

this vicinage have endorsedtheir good qualities duringthe past year.

Orr's & McNaught'sSpool Cotton, the best in

the Market for Machineuse at 50 cents per dozen,also a good assortment ofFlax Thread and Silk atprices to suit the times. --


nov29-- tf Na3hilt.h, Tbsx.

m&fk rUB SEASONOpened at

FRANC ISCO'S.OUR Fur Department is now opened for the

of the ladies, where may be found the largestand best selected stock of ladies Furs ever brought hthin city A J rRAXCIaUO.

octlT , Hatter and Furrier, 28 Public Squaro.

Our Molealtin Hat.' HIS beautiful style of Hat which we are gettingA up for the Fall and Winter wear is far superior le

any yet offered. A. J. FRANCISCO,octlT No. 28 Public Square.

Pall aud Winter Styles of SoftHats.

WE would call especial attention te ear large lea.ion ef French Black and Brown and Napt

Otter flats, so popular in the douth for Fall aad Winterwear. A J FRANCISCO,

octlT Hatter and Furrier, No 28 Public Square.

Children' Fancy Hats andCaps.

SOME New and Beautiful styles, which we are new(all Parisian designs), to which we tarita

the attention of parents. A J FRvCNCWCO,octlT No 23 Pnblie Square


The SouthernerPATEiNT HOT AIR

Y AUGUT , OVENAnd Complef j Cooking

STOVES,wonderful effect of this Iarentioa most beTHE to be believed.

It Rrqairci Lesi Wood for Bakingthan is consumed In kindling Ores in ordinary orensand Stores.

ONE CORD OF HARD WOODWill be sufficient to ceok in It for a family a wholeyear. It cooks In about one half the time ordiaarlryrequired, and the heat is regulated with such precia-io- n

that scarcely any skill or care is necessary te cookwith absolute Meals are roasted thoreuga-l- y

with the irsst desirable uniformity, aad come fromit to the table juicy and tender. Bread is baked withor without hard crust, as desired and will remainfresh and soft much longer than bread baked tn otherorena. Another very important adr .Blags is, that thestore whea cooking ordl arily girea out so little heatto the surrounding air that it will not kindle frictionmatches bid upon it, so that in summer it seareelyheats the room at all ; but In winter, by opening onot the doors, it will heat tho room with about eoo-lour- ih

the wood by any store u use. Forale by MACKENZIE MINCH1M,

dc-- tf Agents fur the Patentees.

Undershirts aud DrawersHK Shirts and Drawers, henry and rery tsa;Caahmere Shirts an I Drawers, heavy and very Sue;

aferi&o Shirts and lirawers, henry and rery fine;LMnbawool Shirt and Drawers do do a doShaker Flannel Shuns and Drawers eo do doCanton Flannel Shirts aad Drawers. 4m' deEnglish Brown Cotton

The largest aad stnalleat men can and Cnderwear tofit them, at So 2a Cherry street, one door from I'aksa.

ocuftt-- U J H Mounx.- -

Seed JUye!A nfl BAGS Rti Bo. X article, ft sals towHtyJyJ to eloee the lot -



Tdi AaiU6aiTKa or LAvaa. There is a grewiu tendency ia this age to mpprorriat the most zpreesir words of other languages, and after a whileto incorporate tbem into oar own ; tlus the word ie,

which. W tram the Oreek, signirying for theMu," Is bow oecoming populartsot id conaoctMWwith llr. Spalding's groat Ueadacuo remedy, but itwill sooa be used ia a more general war, aa-- the wordCephalic will become as common as Electrotype aod--

mauy outers whom auttioctam as forcuca w rds Haseeu worn away by common usage until tbey suem

"Baiireaai te tho suaur bam."

'ardly Bealized.HI 'ad 'n 'orrible 'eadache this hafternoon, baud I

stopped into the hapothecarHM hand says hi to the man"Can you bease dk of aa 'eadache 7" 'les it hacbeard," says 'e. "HexeJiDly ,'" says hi, Land uponthat 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, band 'pou me 'onor Itcare t me so u,siick that I 'ardly realised I 'ad au 'wad- -

Xr UuMcn is the favorite sign by which known snr deviatiou whatever from the natural slate of the braiiL, sad viewed in thu light it maybe looced on as a safeguard intended to give notice ofdisease which might otherwise escape attention, tilltoo late to be remedied : and ita indications shouldnever be noglocted. Ueadathes in it be clafsihed un-

der two names, vis : Symtomatio m a l.iiopaihic.Symptomatic lleadache ia extrduujly common and isthe precursor of a great variety of 'Jiseaoex, uion jwhich are Apexy, bout, Rheumatism and ali febriledinnass In its nervous form it is sy malhetic of dU- -ease of the stomach, cuttaiituiuic side heatlackc, ofhepatie diavee cotuxttatuig biiiouj kclacke, ot worms,

and other disorders ol the bowels, aawell as renal and uterine aoections. mseaaeH of theheart are very frequently attended with :Anatmia aud plethora are alio affections which

eccasiun boadache. Idiopathic Headacho isalso very cucnuaoo, being usually distinguished by thename of aereetu AeaitacAe, aumetimes cuiuiug on sud-denly ia a state of apparently sound health, and proa-trstiu- g

st once the mental and physical -s, andia other instances it cornea n slowly, h by

of snirite or acerbity ol temper, la most instances the pe,ia is In the front of the head , over onor both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting ;

under tnis cuus may also De nameu j. euraiyui.For the trealmiMit of either class ot Ueadache ihe

Onhalic Pills bave been found a sure and safe remedy ,relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, andby its subtle power eradicating the diseases of whichHeadache io the aneering index.

Rtoanv.-yiM- u wants yon te seud her a box ofCephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills, but I'mthinking that's not just it naitner ) but perhaps ye'Ube afther knowing what it ia. Ye see she's nigh deadaad gone with the Sick Headache, and want somemore of thalaame as rehuved her before.

Druttiel. Yon must mean Spalding's Cephalic Pilla.Bri&aaL Och I sure now and you've led it here's

the qaarther and fir me the Pills and don't be all dayabont it aither.

Constipation or Costiveness.Ho one of the "many ills flesh is heir to" Is so pre

valent, so Ustle understood, and so much neglected asGeetivenese Often originating in carelessness, orsedentary habits ; it is regarded as a slight disorderof too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in re-

ality It is the precursor and companion of many of themost fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless earlyeradicated it will bring the Kufferer to an untimelygrave. Among the lighter er lis of which coetirencasis the usual attendant, are Headache, Colic, Rheuma-tism, Fool Breath, Piles aad others ol like nature,while a loag train of frightful diseases such as Malur-aa- nt

Fevers, Abeesses, Dysentary, Diarrhoaa, Dyspep-sia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria,

Melancholy and Insanity, first indicatetheir presence in the system by tnis alarming symp-tom. Net nnfrequently the diseases named originatein Constipation, but take on sa independent existenceunless the cause is eradicated in aa early stags. Fn aall those considerations it follows that the disordershould rlceivo immediate attention whenever it oc-

curs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on tna nrst appearance or tne complaint, astheir timely use will axpel the insiduous approaches ofillsosss and destroy this dangerous foe to human life.

A Keal Blessing.Phftiaiu. Well , Urs. Jones, bow is that headncherMrt. Janet. Gens I Doctor, all gone I the pill you

sent cvred me in Just twenty minutes, sad I wish youauld send me more, so that I can hare tbem bandy.Pkmam. You can get them at any Druggists.

Call for Cephalio Pills, I Had tbey never fail, and 1 recommend them tn an cases or lleaaacne.

Mrs. Jmet. I shall send for a box directly, andshall tell ail my suffering friends, lor they arc a real

To-sjt- t Miiuoaa o Dollabs SavBn. Ur. SueJdinghas sold two millions ef bottles of his celebrated Pro- -

oared Glee, aud it is estimated that each bottle savesat least tea dollars worth of broken furniture, thusmakiiutan aacregato of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable invention.Having made bis glue a nouaeuold word, ne now pro-pea-

te do the werld still greater service by curing allthe aching heads with his Cephalic Pills, and if theyarc as good as 1 is Glue, Headaches will soon vanUhawsy like anew ia July.

Over Excitement, and the mental care and anxiety incident to chwe attention to business or study.areamonc the numerous causes of Nervous Htfadaclir.The disordered state of mind and body incident to thisdistressing complaint is a fatal blow to all energy anaambition. Sufferers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relier rroin these distressing attacks oyusing one of the Cephalic Pills whenever the symp-toms appear. It quiets the overtaaked brain, andsoothes the strained and jarring uorves, and relaxesthe tension of the stomach which always accompaniesand aggravates the disordered condition of the brain.

Fact wean rsowisa. Ppald lug's Cephalic Pills area certain euro for 8tck Headache, Bilious Headache,Nervous Headache, Costiveness and General Debility.

6mut Dworv-i-.T- . Among the mast important ofall the great lical discoveries or tnis age may De

considered t'.i : stem of vaccination for protectionfrom Small ; ,n Cephalic Pill for relief er Head-ache, and t r.' juinine for the prevention of 1

cither of whieh Is s sure ereoiBc, whose benefitswill be experienced br suffering humanity long afurtheir discoverers arc forgotten.

sar-Th- ron aver hare the Sick Headache t rto youremember the throbbing temples, the fevered brow,tbe loathing and disgust at the signtor iooo. nowtotally unfit yon were for pleasure, conversation orstudy. 0ne of the Cephalic Pills would nave deliveredyen front all the suffering which you then experienced.For this aad other purposes you should always have abox of them oa hand to use sa occasion requires.



earache.Br tbo as of these Pills the periodic attacks of

Jftrmm er Sick Ucadmelu may be prevented ; and M

taken at tbo commencement of an attack immediaterelief from pain and sickness will be obtained.

They seldom fail la remov ing the Xauua and Bead-(dM-

which females arc so subject.They act gently upon the bowels removing Cfeetue- -

Ter LiUrmrp Mm, Student, Delicate Females, aadsH persons of ssrfwohiry aaMCi, they arc valuable as aJntn'vr. Improving the appetite, giving tone aad viperso tho digestivo organs, and restoring tho naturalelasticity and strength of the whole system.

Tho CEPHAUo KILLS arc the result of long fatves.ttgattoa sad carefully conducted experiments, havingbees la use many years, during which time they hareprevented and relieved a met amount of paia anda awing from Headache, whether originating ia tbcaji ,,ui system or from a deranged state of the ttomack.

They arc entirely vegetable in their comp sitloa,ana may be take at all times with perfect safety with-

out making any change of diet, mmd On abstnef anyJiiseri fit teaU nmiert iteojy a. arfiWer Oem toasottre). . ..


Tho genuine lutro tv eifaatnres of Henry & Spnld--

'ford by DreggioU sad all other Peelers m Medicines.Mux will be seat by mail prepaid oa receipt of tho

- ' 'PRICE 25 CEfoTS.

All cyders iboaM be tddrsMod, t; 7;.; nsxiiT c. spalding,

I twraVafrwt-M- r. 4vllreet,XOT-Torf- c

ir la'D wasted i

i m: 3? o r rr jia jr, s9 : . .



01i3oorbja, Old Re. Honoajaajla. Irish aad Scoti Whisky, Cognac, Trench. Sherry, Pea;aad Appli Brandts; Fjri, Miiir.a. Malaga, Cham, aenj aad Cai&woa Wines;

Scowh aa.1 ajilaai.Gio, aai ail othr oaj 5rii9s'ori.xqaor that -louua in the

SlUChv, 1 KWl'l I t, l.VTv- c- l--i D4vii..iiiun., JT W.K liUOIC, IT Wf VUI rionniTWil.l i.r I miirut.--J Iji Is. al Cah Pr.ceS. where the Utles are perfect. Our terms m ill be to Sell the vwaer

of a piece of land a bill ot Liquors, Cigars, TLlacc. AcCash Prices, and Uka our pay iu one-Uiir- i cash, and

Parties excuaAuiK I lur Liquors, ace, can u eclose the trade with us, sn-- order the goods in Lir-- ormeet on each order, T we wiu aeii at hwcredit ou the balance. uruantee our stuck to be aa

snt lft--ly XO. 28

if. A. PARRISH & CO.,Produce, Commission

I routlu: on College nnd 9Iarketnta.Sou tli of Uroad.

XnsVivlWc, 'Vciinesssec.HAY.

500 ba'es prime Timotiiv just ruceired and for f alelow by M A PAKKL--H k CO.


100 bales prims Sheaf Oats, )iat reot-ire- d and foriala by U A PAKIUaH k CO.

CT.L"SHE1' CuKX.100 ban Crushed Corn just and for sale by

M A 1'AiaU 114CO


1000 bushels White Oata;800 " Black "

nst receired and for tJc by M A PARRISH Jt CO.

NES1IAXX. E Vi I AToGJ.200 barreis Xorthora Poutocw, just received and forle by ii A PARIUall k CO.


300 bags Wheat Bran,)ust rwenived and for sale byM A PAkKjS i Cu.


4000 bushels Shelled Corn;1000 " Ear "

Just received and Tor solo by MA PARRISH CO.


260 bags fine Core Ileal;100 " Bolted "

Jost received and for saie by MA PARRISH k CO

SEED RYE.100 bass Xol Rye. just received and for sale cheap

- i i P1UUIS1I 1: 111. -

Most of the above articles are on consignment, as. i . .......... in . l. Bt.itr. listwell aa many omers mniiwuc - -

all of which will be sold cheap in order lo cke con- -

i V. Ttu. ur ..limpsitrnments as speeuiiy " iwiui.. ... i,n. iM da wall to call and exam iuc ourstock before purchasing elsewhere

ocu-- u

Just rrceived bj 31. h Parrish i Co.

Ol If t BAGS Crushed Corn;iCyjyl 100 bags Family ileal;

350 bags White Meal Corn,aprls-- tf


480 Broadway, New York City.

L.ECTUK KsTI'EECIIES,(Political er otltencitej

Satires, Sermons, School Orations,PAMPHLETS, Essays, Poems or Letters, revised,corrected or written by gentlemen of

FIRST CLASS LITERARY ABILITY,And Authors of acknowledged Talent.

NOVELS AND MANUSCRIPTS.Of ali kinds revised, corrected and prepared for the-Pres-

TRANSLATIONSIa trench, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek, Ac

Inquiries by letter must euclose stamp for reply.nX All communications held strictly confidential.sugo-Si-n

StoTes! Stoves!!!HAVE in store and now receiving the best selectedI assortment of OOKlMi and HEATING

FCKXACES, GRATES, Ac, ever offered in this market, and will sell as low as articles of the same kindcan be bought in IyouiKVilie or Cincmuati: say iu part

4 sizes Cuted Common t loves for Coal;4 do straight, do do5 do large Globe Coal iUove;3 do Opeu Frankliu Coul Moves;1 do do do Wood do3 do Monkey Coal Stoves;6 do fluted bx Stoves for WooJ ;

T and 10 Plated Wood Stoves;2 sixes Kansas Parlor Stov--s for Wood;s do ChalleUKcUeateisJorCoal;2 do largo extra t hurch -- tovea;4 do Phoenix Coal Stove;2 do Ironing and Wash-hous- e Stoves;Common Jamb and Mantle Gratt-a- ;

Marbleized Iron Mantles and Grates, complete;Wrought and Cast Iron Cooking Stove for Wood

and Coal, of best maks. J. VT. WILSOX,

oetl3 1. Colleges..

Fruit Jars.received and Tor sale at lowest prices, aa addi

JUST supplv oT Fruit Jars and Cans, say225 doz. WUloughby Glass Jars 1 quart;jjO . " 2 quarts

43 " Glass Jars, with corks for sealing.Also, on hand 200 dot Tin Fruit Cans, ono and two

quarts, for srteJing up, all warranted.12 bbls. best Clear Coal Oil, at lowest price by

batreL J. W. WILSON,scpU-- tf I' College St.

WATtlt COOLERS,received direct from the manufacturers and for

JUST at lower prices than ever before sold in thismarket.

25 plain Water Coolers,26 Porcclian lined do.10 McDonald's Refrigerators.

1 Schwoley's Patent do.60 Masser's 3 minute Freezers.2 Seamore's Pat. Freezers.

1 also make plain Ice Cream Freezers to order ofany

"60 Dot. Mason's Pat. Screw Top Fruit Cans, 1 sad 2

quarts.30 doz, Plain Fruit Cans for sealing.40 doz. 1 quart Glass Fruit Jars.Ice Picks and Hatchets.Sherry Mixers and Muddlers10 doz. Pat. Eirg Whips.10 doz. Plated Uippera. x w. wn50S,nprUlT 17 College street.

Tia Roofing.every facility in the way of workmen and

HAYING te do first-rat- e work with despatch, Iwill contract for Tinning rools, either in the city orcountry, at low rates, and and in every case warrantsatisfaction. Gutters, Piping Valley Capping, te, donein the best manner. - w- - "lLawN,

febS-t- f. Oppwlte Sewanee House.

THE II o w i:

Mm MAOHINii.The nndersigned having the HOWE SEWING MA

CHINES in use m their families, and having thorough!

taued them upon every variety of work, do n. t hesitato te pronounce them the most simple, tliemoeteasily managed, and, emphatically, the .V PhuUltra," of Sewiug Machines.

NAiilVILLE-Re- r

Dr Ford, W G Hough,WTCartwright, H U ScalesGeo A Uiper, Mrs James . ysttHPeiffer, " aRCampbel'.A W South war th, T M Brennsn,Mrs Lockhnrt, VLB Lawrence,u 8Ase, PrGWCurrey.

Navagh, Thoc Iek,8 C Rogers, BWMcKjnney,A C Beech, Mrs E Ptummrr.P F Hardcastls, " J G Moure JS Peiffer, H B Plummc. ,A Whetess, J W Green,Mrs P J Couch, ' J H Criddle,

L Newman, John Quigley,JCMcCrory, W C Hall,W H Minchia, Mrs. fc handle,Ur J W Huddle toe, " E Smith.

WIliiAKSOX COCXTy.Miss H S Short, Mrs S P Hildretk,Mrs 8 E Trout, E A Richardson," M H Crouch, Mrs Mary M Ueale,

' Joel Anderson, Miso Mary T Craig,MrsLlUys.


aifton Emory, John Miller,Mrs Tana, Mrs WUlauns,Jonathan Cjra, T 8 Pattee,Mrs Buna, Mrs Gregory,BB Truman, Gunkird,Mrs 8 KinueUy, " TravisCapt O W llnvai, ) darks-- A W 1 iavis, FayetlerUta .

H Herblin, J rtUe. Mrs G Stroud, MorrteonJ H Phiibrooks, Columbia. E LC Witty,A P Parrsth, Cumberland W A Marshall, Kutuerlord

Iroa Works. couuty -

KENTUCKY,CLTikw, Mrs M A EuweU,Mrs E Wyatt, Mrs M A Girrm,A Stocksss, Mrs E A Yancey.

latayetu Smith.GAXIKGIA.

I II C Dunn, J W Dunn,Mrs A Gordon, Mrs C Enowlton,John Davis, Mrs SlisnielsMrs H Davis, J Try on,

ALABAMA J S KellyThese unrivalled MACHINES arc sold at the low

price of $00 bemmers included. They gather so I

sow oa the band at the same time, Stitch iu cordwithout fastening, hem, fell, bind, C They Sc

every variety of work, from the UGimT t. Um

USAVIE T, and arc unquestionably th.-- best UuchiuwIn the market for family ue. A Premiuiu was awarticd W tbc HOWE MACHINE at tbc late elate fair

COC BROS Auta,acDt3c-- tf U OaUagc street, KaahvlUa, Tens.





Western Coaatry.

, or such an aaaortmeai as he luay tit, t, at vox k esttwo-third- s in ljuid.

iuc iuhi uwuia ot uu nui au at ocv tune, or taey cansmall quantities, and uuly pay the oaw-Uur- d ess pay- -

ngures mr a nsu propurtaai. Lasn. - and arm kmggxJi as can be found ia the Western ooonur .

V. 11. TYL It w t o.,XOilTH 8tCOM STREET, bT. lAU'lS, WSA ui.

ffnriug'. HacIuucj5o



Tennessee utters her voice la favor of

IV heeler afc Wilson,WHICH GIVES U3

KV KNTKEN STATES,Enongh to ir the Cnk, aad silence all croakers.

Please mark the record and tell us is the verdictlust. '

The United States as represented In its AgriculturalSociety, have declared for

Wlieelcr & Avmon.Seventeen States, all that hare voted, bar declared


Wheeler fc WlUonAll of the Mechanical Associations te the priaelpa

Cities of toe Union have declared for

tfhcclrr !; Vilsoa.

The beat Mechanics the country prcaBcec here ed

for WHKlXElt k WILSON. And snore haresiad that no Machine can be nirented that shall beSiiperior in the objects uropuoed,or to be obtained laany such Machine

Sew Style Machine Fiflr Dollar.!

C. R. PARSONS, Agent,ept22-t-T 28 UNION ST., KASHTTLLK.

50.000 Copies already- - sold.



Of the Pliiladelpbia Bar-I- t

Telia T0U How to draw up PartnenkLp Popartand gives general form tor Agree-meat- x

at ail kinds, Uillt f Salt,Ltamr and PmxHtm.

It Telia Yon Bow to draw up Htmdtmad Mortgages,Ajhdarits. pmmen if AXtm-- y jtSoUtand HJls if Exchange, JimxipU andRelcom.

It Tells YOU The Law? for the CMcrtiem ef Mi.with tne statutn of lAmttatu, andanHiuut an l kind t prortr Aat-tm-

from Extrutum in erery Slate.It Tells YOU How to make an Ay,-nm- proper-

ly, with forms fur Campufiiu ilhCreditor, and the ImUmatt taut efevery Slate

It Tells Yon Ihe legal relations exfetinr: betweenGuardian and Ward, Matter andAjvrmUt, aud Landlord mJ ten-ant.

It Tells YOU What constitutes l.ibrl and Slander,aud tle law aut to Marrx-tp- Vuwer.the l"t.-- ' J.vM in Pruyertg, IAvorct and AUmrmt;

It Tells Yen T:: law tr W ' Lw-n- t Ui rxrrySate, und thu 'atumajalitm Lainof this comitry , aud how to cmplyw itb the bum.

It Tells Yott Th Ijw caomn e fnuitm and how. to obtam lie. and the Pn-Empt-

Latot lo Pmbhc Landt.It Tells Yen The iJtw for Patent, with mode of

procedure in vbtuiutag one, itbA tngnutenti and Table of

tie.It Tells Yon Bow to make your Will and bow to

A dminxttrr n tm Fttate, with thelaw and the requireenents thereof isevery Suit.

It Tells Yon The meaning ef Lam Term tat generalone. and exnlauts to yuu the Lrgit-lati- rt.

Executive ami judicial iw-tr- tot both tbo brenerai and SUil

Guaemu.entsIt Tell Yon How te knap tmt ef Law, by showing

how to do your biwinessthus saving a vast amount ef prop-erty, and vexatious IrtigMioo, byits timvly consoKatMMt.

Single copies will bonrnt by man. pustagr paid, teAery turner, Eoeru Mechanic, Emerf Man of Jlaunent,and Everybody in Eeery State, oa receipt rt or ialaw style of binding at f1:25. . i . .

$10 00 A YEAE AWeverywhere, is selling the above work, as cur induce-ments lo all such are very liberal.

For single copies of the Book, or for terms to afeawith other information, apply to or address . .

J0HH E. rOTITa. PnVJslur.yo.mSuu L,PhiUddtMa, Pa

ept7-d-n j , . ; i i I '.' ,:i

MEDICAL BOOKS;All the Text Books used ia the old and new schools.

For sa rv - ' JOHN YORK COnovS Uniea Street.

Kid BAGS Mixed frn;flUU 400 Bags White Cr,600 Sacks Oats: . . '900 sacks Cra Weal:

60 Bales Hay ;20 Bbls Potatf; ' -- ' 1

...60 Bbls Onions;-

Just receired and for sale hy 1 "

oct-- tf tv RAn.rHt.vpLnt co.

Louisiana Sugar.lOtHHD3. Xew Crop Louisiana Bugar a choice

to arrive by & earner B. M. Ruaraa eo Muei--oay ntarniug next, and lor sale low for ceaa.

MimX, mxl'LK k CO.,norlO--tf . - Nue k Market ntreet

COAL.! COAL.! COAlT!UNTIL further notice, will be sold at the Yarn of

Raccoon Mountain Coal Company fbrnMrlrAioa) at the following prices:

Lump Coal, per too.,., ...,.4.,; $ 40Round Coal, " " 6 00Nut Coal,

; " 00Blacksmith's do. " " ...A MMr. Jons & Laso win fat futare attend to tbc buai-aee-a

T the Company in this peace. -

J. AGNEW,Gefreral 8uperwtendct R. M. C Cu.

Nashville, August IS, 1M0.can be left in Box No. M, Pest OBice, or

at the Yard, back ef the Nashville and ChattanoogaRailroad Depot. JOHN O. LANG,

augl7-- f ' - AgenU

Boots, Shoe, Trunks, Valise"-- - AiX.. &.C. - . '

- New Stock Jost received by 4

F.H.BLACKMAN,: oosxsn or aasstr anuac a rns awtuaa.

r"HE undersigned bt-g- s leare to eiH the attention ofI the public to his bandwotnc end comprebeiuuro

stock of Goods in the above line, comprising all sty tea, ; . v.- -. ;.. '

Ladies and Gentlemen' ;I7ear9- INegro Uro5us,

And erery variety of art e usually keit te" similareKtabliahmi-nU- , nil of which will h sold ai A stunt

Price. . F. U. BLACKMAN.'oclt-t- f


'.IV o. 8 CU err rStrcet,. NASHYIIXt, - TENNtSSO.

oetzs-- tr

A FUTE ARTICUltff A BOXS EnglUh ruiry and Tfuttrii Reanrvc

If Cbeie. JUal rcceiveu uirrtl ihe Ksi.tee.and for Miu by , Biiv'J. F UllOio A '.

. n jvl-- ll

OHIO IIHAL.Fresh Oiuo UreJ !St reelve4

AC0-V3GNMi2CTo- JlUiJ. F teliitU ' O.

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