listening for opps on twitter

Post on 16-May-2015






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A little slide show for a talk I gave at O'Reilly's Twitter Boot Camp in June 09 to help introduce brands to the twitterverse.


Listening for


on twitter

from the annals of @AdBroad

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

The four stages of twitter:

as diagnosed by @ jasonhiner

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

1. Incredulity

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Futureman, courtesy Dave Wilkie,


2. Aha!

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

3. Hey, I’ve got something to


true twitter tales from @Adbroad

4. Thinking in 140 characters

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Your brand is being defined by what others are saying about it

14 % consumers trust recommendations from ads; 78% trust recs from friends

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

(or not saying about it) on multiple channels you can’t control

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Business reputations that take years and millions of dollars to build can now be undone by a single tweet.

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

That’s why it’s so important to listen

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Brand benefits of listening:

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Discover evangelists who can rally crowds for you.

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Increase brand equity by building reputation for being attentive.

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Take advantage of unique opportunities to promote.

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Do real time research.

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

There are lots of ways to search twitter.

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Start with

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Google search tools

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

It matters less which tool you use, matters that you use one (or more)

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

What to search for:

• your name • your competitors’ names• your category • your product, services, event names • CEO or well-known personalities associated with your organization • brands and taglines • URLs for your blog, web site, online communities • industry terms or other phrases • your strengths and weaknesses.

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Don’t hide from bad news

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Turn lemons

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

into lemonade

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

in customized flavors

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

The first tweet is the hardest

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

But it’s okay if your first post isn’t exactly right.

true twitter tales from @Adbroad

Have patience. Social media takes time. Like any relationship.

helen klein ross

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