lt. scott rossmiller, wcso - deposition transcript (federal)

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Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277










9 ---------------------------------------------------------------

10 PAUL MURPHY, together with his ) marital community, )

11 Plaintiffs, ) )

12 vs. ) NO. 2:13-CV-00727 )


14 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT; WILLIAM J. ) ELFO, together with his marital )

15 community, ) Defendants. )

16 ---------------------------------------------------------------



19 ---------------------------------------------------------------

20 9:05AM - 10:30AM March 11th, 2014

21 Whatcom County Courthouse 311 Grand Avenue

22 Bellingham, Washington 98225

23 Reported by Kristen M. Uhlig

24 Certified Court Reporter, CCR, CSR Washington CCR #1934


Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A P P E A R A N C E S


3 FOR THE PLAINTIFFS:Robert Butler & Emily Beschen

4 Law Offices of Robert Butler103 East Holly Street Suite 512

5 Bellingham, Washington 98225360.734.3448



8 Law Lyman Daniel Kamerrer Bogdanovich2674 RW Johnson Blvd SW

9 Tumwater, Washington 98512360.754.3480


11 FOR WHATCOM COUNTY:Elizabeth Gallery

12 Whatcom County Prosecutor's Office311 Grand Avenue

13 Bellingham, Washington 98225


15 William ElfoTara Adrian-Stavik











Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 I N D E X



4 BY MR. BUTLER.................................................4

5 BY MR. KAMERRER..............................................51




9 16....E-mail from McFadden, Dated 3/8/2008 - Murphy Memo.....23

10 17....E-mail from Murphy, Dated 12/31/2011 - GIG Notes.......25 With Attachments

11 18....Whatcom County Sheriff's Office Memo - 2/9/2012........31 Subject: Deputy Paul Murphy

12 19....Whatcom County Sheriff's Office Memo - 2/14/2012.......34 Subject: Mobile Computer

13 20....E-mail from Rossmiller, Dated 2/21/2012 - Memo.........36

14 21....2/10/12 - Questions and Answers........................42

15 22....E-mail from Murphy, Dated 6/27/2012....................47 RE: Equipment Turn-in and Property Return

16 23....E-mail from Rossmiller, Dated 6/28/2012................48 RE: Equipment Turn-in and Property Return

17 24....E-mail from Murphy, Dated 7/3/2012 - Password..........49









Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277



2 having been first duly sworn, was called as a witness herein and

3 was examined and testified as follows:





8 Q Good morning, would you please state your name and spell it for

9 the record?

10 A Scott Rossmiller. The last name is R-O-S-S-M-I-L-L-E-R.

11 Q What's your employment?

12 A Lieutenant with the Whatcom County Sheriff's Office.

13 Q And how long have you been employed by the Whatcom County

14 Sheriff's Office?

15 A The sheriff's office, 1987. I started in the jail.

16 Q Okay. You said that you're a lieutenant?

17 A Yes.

18 Q How long have you been a lieutenant? Walk me through your

19 promotions.

20 A Oh geesh.

21 Q And years, I don't need the month, just ballpark. You said

22 that you started in '87?

23 A '87 in the jail and '90 to patrol. '97, I was promoted to

24 sergeant.

25 Q Okay.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A I don't recall when I was promoted to lieutenant, probably

2 2003, 2004'ish. Sorry. I don't remember.

3 Q When you became a lieutenant, was it because the position

4 opened up?

5 A Yes.

6 Q Who was occupying the position before you? If my question

7 makes sense -- who created the vacancy?

8 A Yeah. I'm trying to remember when I was lieutenant or --

9 excuse me -- when I was sergeant. I believe that it was

10 DeFreece and Tony Ferry were lieutenants.

11 Q Okay.

12 A I believe that that's when Tony left and eventually Steve

13 DeFreece retired and went to Nooksack Tribe, so I don't know

14 exactly if there was a couple of others.

15 Q And you've been a lieutenant since?

16 A Yes.

17 Q What's the role of a lieutenant? What's your job function?

18 A The short answer is supervise the supervisors. Whether it's

19 patrol sergeants or sergeants other than -- other units,

20 traffic, detectives, drug task force or administrative

21 sergeant. So depending on which assignment you have, you

22 either have patrol folks or the specialties.

23 Q Okay. Your position is supervised directly by who?

24 A Chief criminal deputy.

25 Q Okay.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A Currently held by Doug Chadwick.

2 Q Is there a civil deputy, a civil lieutenant and you're the

3 criminal lieutenant?

4 A No, no. Maybe a number of years ago, that's how it was set up.

5 I think even before I got promoted to lieutenant, there used to

6 be one that they would call lieutenant of operations and

7 lieutenant of services. I believe prior to my promotion that

8 lieutenant of services came over into operations.

9 Q Okay. So now how many lieutenants are there?

10 A Two. There's always been two.

11 Q And you're fluid as far as what you're supervising? You're

12 both doing sharing the same load essentially?

13 A Essentially.

14 Q Okay. Do you know Paul Murphy?

15 A I do.

16 Q How do you know Paul Murphy?

17 A He was a deputy sheriff with the sheriff's office.

18 Q Okay. Prior to the deposition today, did you do anything to

19 prepare?

20 A Yes.

21 Q What did you do to prepare?

22 A I reviewed documents that I prepared and met with the county

23 prosecutor.

24 Q Which county prosecutor? Liz Gallery?

25 A Liz Gallery.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q Okay. What did you talk about when you met with Liz?

2 A My involvement with the -- with this case.

3 Q And how long was that meeting?

4 A Wow, an hour and change.

5 Q When was the meeting?

6 A Maybe a week ago.

7 Q What topics were covered in the meeting?

8 A My involvement with this investigation with Mr. Murphy.

9 Q Did your conversation include things that you have not

10 memorialized, things are outside of documents that you

11 reviewed?

12 A Not that I recall.

13 Q Did you express opinions?

14 A No.

15 Q Did she ask for opinions?

16 A No.

17 Q Did she ask you about the credibility of others in the

18 department and what others in the department are saying in this

19 case?

20 A I don't specifically recall that. It may have come up, but I

21 don't have a -- no specific recollection of a conversation like

22 that.

23 Q Okay. Do you know Kevin Mede?

24 A Yes.

25 Q How do you know Kevin Mede?

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A He's a sergeant with the sheriff's office.

2 Q How long have you known Kevin Mede?

3 A Since he's been hired. I don't know what that timeline is.

4 Q He came on after you?

5 A Yes. Most definitely.

6 Q Do you have an opinion as to his credibility, his truthfulness?

7 A Yes.

8 Q What is your opinion?

9 A I -- that he's truthful.

10 Q Have you ever had any reason to question that, any issues come

11 up where you have wondered?

12 A Where I personally wondered?

13 Q Yes.

14 A No.

15 Q Are you aware of other people in the department questioning his

16 truthfulness?

17 A Yes.

18 Q And how did you resolve the conflict between people in the

19 department saying one thing and you thinking another?

20 MR. KAMERRER: I want to insert an objection that it

21 lacks foundation, calls for speculation. Nevertheless, in a

22 deposition, you can answer the question.

23 THE WITNESS: My personal experiences with Sergeant

24 Mede, plus what we learned -- what I learned during that time

25 that we were questioning some people that had brought forward

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 in their minds some questions as to his credibility. After

2 weighing that, I still feel that he's very credible.

3 Q (By Mr. Butler) Was the -- what was the nature of the

4 allegation that you investigated?

5 A One aspect was about a traffic stop that had occurred a few

6 years earlier and another was his supervisory style. How some

7 people didn't think that he was as forthcoming with information

8 in their opinion.

9 Q Two separate incidents?

10 A Two separate incidents?

11 Q Yes.

12 A Yes. The traffic stop information was from a -- I want to say

13 a couple of years prior to the information brought forward as

14 to his style of supervision.

15 Q Okay. So there have been two occasions where -- two different

16 events where his credibility has been at least questioned and

17 you have looked into it and have found him to be credible?

18 A The first one, I did not look into. It was brought forward --

19 I believe that Prosecutor McEachran was made aware of it. It

20 was reviewed and it was found to be fine, acceptable. No. I

21 did not personally look into that, but I had the information

22 that had it been looked at and was determined to be acceptable.

23 Q So you didn't do any interviews, investigation with regard to

24 the traffic stop question?

25 A That is correct. I did not.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q Okay. Do you know Steve Cooley?

2 A Yes, I do.

3 Q Have you worked with him over the years?

4 A Yes. I was hired before Steve as well so yes. I have worked

5 with him since he's been here with the sheriff's office.

6 Q Most of the people that I'm going to ask you about you predate.

7 The same series of questions. Do you have an opinion about his

8 credibility and truthfulness?

9 A Yes, I do.

10 Q And what is that opinion?

11 A Very honest. Very credible.

12 Q And you're aware that he admitted to furnishing to a minor,

13 which is a crime in the State of Washington; correct?

14 A Yes.

15 Q On numerous occasions; correct?

16 MR. KAMERRER: Objection, vague. Go ahead.

17 Q (By Mr. Butler) He furnished numerous times; correct?

18 A It was more than one or two, yes.

19 Q And that's not a problem for you, to have a deputy who is

20 knowingly violating the law?

21 MR. KAMERRER: Objection, argumentative. Go ahead.

22 THE WITNESS: The situation was looked at. It was

23 investigated. It moved through the system. He received

24 discipline/punishment much like the judicial system does, and

25 we moved forward.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q (By Mr. Butler) Okay. Are you aware of other deputies who are

2 employed or recently employed, who have admitted to committing

3 crimes who are still employed?

4 A Say that again?

5 Q Sure. Are you aware of other deputies in the sheriff's

6 department, either currently employed or recently employed, who

7 have admitted to committing crimes and they retain their

8 employment?

9 A Admitted to committing a crime. Not that I'm aware of.

10 Q So you would agree that Cooley is unique in that?

11 MR. KAMERRER: I want to insert an objection that is

12 vague, overbroad, argumentative. Go ahead.

13 THE WITNESS: In my experience, yeah. He is the only

14 one that I'm aware of.

15 Q (By Mr. Butler) When he furnished alcohol to the minor, do you

16 remember what his rank was?

17 A I believe lieutenant.

18 Q Was he after that, moved to be the inspector?

19 A He may have been sergeant, but ultimately yes. Where you're

20 going is that he was eventually moved to inspector after the

21 incident.

22 Q Okay. Was that considered a promotion in the department?

23 A Yes.

24 Q Have other deputies had a problem with that as far as the

25 organizational decision to promote a person who admitted to

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 committing a crime?

2 MR. KAMERRER: Objection. Vague, overbroad,

3 argumentative and calls for speculation.

4 Q (By Mr. Butler) If you know, have you heard deputies complain

5 about that?

6 A I have heard some people talk.

7 Q Okay. Did you participate in the investigation into the Cooley

8 matter?

9 A I did.

10 Q Okay. Do you know why -- can you explain why he wasn't

11 prosecuted if you were participating in the investigation?

12 A It was not our jurisdiction.

13 Q It was in Whatcom County; correct?

14 A It was in the city limits of Lynden.

15 Q Okay.

16 A So Lynden had primary jurisdiction. My involvement with that

17 investigation, Chief Edge had done the initial interview and I

18 can't remember her name, the woman -- Cavender, Cavendish? Any

19 way, he had conducted an interview with her and I believe that

20 it was by phone since she had already been stationed some place

21 else.

22 I received that information, reviewed that and then had

23 a discussion with Cooley and ultimately interviewed him. But

24 as far as the prosecution goes, that was Lynden's decision.

25 That -- they had primary jurisdiction on that.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q So you were --

2 A So that information was provided to the Lynden Police

3 Department.

4 Q You were aware that he furnished in other areas than just

5 Lynden city though; correct?

6 A I was aware that it was Lynden. You're telling me that it was

7 other places?

8 Q In your investigation, did you learn that there were occasions

9 where he provided alcohol outside of the city limits of Lynden

10 or was it your understanding that it was only in his home in

11 Lynden?

12 A I guess that I would have to look in the investigation.

13 That -- I don't remember that, that it was outside the city

14 limits of Lynden.

15 Q All right. Do you know Jeff Parks?

16 A Yes, I do.

17 Q Have you worked with Jeff?

18 A Yes. My entire time. He has been here longer than me.

19 Q He's the one. Do you have an opinion about his credibility,

20 his truthfulness?

21 A I do.

22 Q And what is that opinion?

23 A Very honest, very straightforward. I have never had a problem

24 with him.

25 Q Okay. How about Flynn? Do you know Flynn? I apologize that I

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 wrote down last names. I don't know everybody's first names.

2 Larry Flynn, I believe?

3 A Larry Flynn, a sergeant with the sheriff's office.

4 Q Yes.

5 A Yes, I do.

6 Q Have you worked with him?

7 A Yes. My entire time.

8 Q Do you have an opinion about his honesty and truthfulness?

9 A I do.

10 Q What is your opinion about his honesty and truthfulness?

11 A That he's honest and truthful.

12 Q Have you ever had reason to question his honesty or his

13 credibility?

14 A Not that comes to mind.

15 Q Okay. I mean, there are some people who we think are honest

16 and if they say something, we can just take it to the bank.

17 A Mm-hm.

18 Q It's no second thought.

19 A Mm-hm.

20 Q And there's other people that we think are honest that we're

21 going to think about a little bit, we're going to wonder and

22 we're going to check on.

23 So with regards to Larry Flynn, is he the kind that he

24 says it, that's banked? Or is he somebody that he says it and

25 you're going to think about it a little bit, but you still

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 think he's credible?

2 A Now, there --

3 MR. KAMERRER: I'm going to insert an objection that

4 it's vague and overbroad. It's argumentative and it lacks

5 foundation. Go ahead.

6 THE WITNESS: The reason that I paused is that Larry

7 is another person that's been here longer than I have. So he

8 and I have had a lot of -- he was my supervisor in detectives,

9 for instance. We have had a lot of interaction. He is one of

10 those people that I do take it to the bank. I don't question

11 when he brings somebody up.

12 Again, the reason that I paused is I'm trying -- I was

13 trying to think of an incident where I haven't just -- oh okay,

14 that's what Larry is bringing forward, we'll take it at face

15 value and put it in the bank as you say.

16 Q (By Mr. Butler) Okay. Is it Jason Nyhus? Deputy Nyhus?

17 A Correct.

18 Q Have you worked with him?

19 A Yes.

20 Q And do you have an opinion as to his honesty and truthfulness?

21 A Yes.

22 Q What is that opinion?

23 A Jason is honest. He's a good cop. He is not -- he's very well

24 versed in what he does with K9 applications. He sometimes, in

25 my opinion, gets right to the edge of what searching may or may

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 not be able to do.

2 But on that point, he is also very up to date, because

3 that is his job every day. I'm not as up to date as he is when

4 it comes to search and seizure, because those laws change

5 almost monthly.

6 Q Mm-hm.

7 A So when it comes to detention and searching on a stop, what you

8 can do this month versus what you could have done six or eight

9 or ten months ago, that changes. I might not have that

10 knowledge. So that causes me to -- hold on, where are we at

11 with this? Where are we at? In the -- whatever that topic may

12 be.

13 Q If I distilled down, you see Jason as having a command of that?

14 A Correct.

15 Q Harris, is it Deputy Harris? Sergeant Harris?

16 A Deputy.

17 Q Deputy Steve Harris.

18 A Yes.

19 Q Yes. Do you know him?

20 A Yes, I do.

21 Q Have you worked with him?

22 A Yes, I have.

23 Q Do you have an opinion as to his truthfulness and honesty?

24 A Yes.

25 Q What is that opinion?

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A When it comes to work, he is very truthful and honest.

2 Q That seems to be a new distinction from the previous five

3 people that I have asked you about.

4 A That is correct.

5 Q Can you explain that?

6 A I have had an occasion a couple times, not duty related, to

7 find out information from Deputy Harris -- again, not work

8 related stuff -- that I know not to be true.

9 Q Can you give me an example?

10 A Specifically statements that I supposedly made in conversations

11 that I have had with him over the years, knowing perfectly well

12 that we never had that. And he would proponent -- pass it

13 forward that we had had that conversation.

14 Q But not work related?

15 A Correct.

16 Q Jeremy Freeman, do you know Jeremy?

17 A I do.

18 Q Have you worked with Jeremy?

19 A I have.

20 Q Do you have an opinion about his truthfulness and credibility?

21 A I do.

22 Q And what is that opinion?

23 A I question his truthfulness and credibility.

24 Q Why?

25 A Because he's lied to me.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q In what capacity?

2 A After he went to the Lynden Police Department, I had occasion

3 to talk about him, reference a couple of different topics, and

4 I'll try to put these -- reviewing the K9 training aids for

5 narcotics. We did a review of the policy, so I had some

6 questions for him after he had left. And then there was also

7 discussion with -- with Jeremy referenced the -- he had our K9

8 and still had that dog at home and we were trying to work out

9 the transfer of ownership and payment for that dog.

10 Q Have you ever been K9?

11 A No. I have not.

12 Q Okay. So just trying to capture the last one -- when Jeremy

13 left the department, the dog went with him?

14 A Yes.

15 Q What was the dog's name again?

16 A Sure. I don't -- I'm sorry. I don't remember the dog's name.

17 Q I remember Duce. I don't remember his new one. So the dog

18 went with him and the county wanted him to give the dog back?

19 A No. There was -- we had discussions about dog use. There was

20 still use of that dog. He and his family wanted to purchase

21 the dog, so we were -- we were having discussions on what a

22 fair price would be and the exact transfer of how we would do

23 that. Because by definition, that K9 -- my portable radio, if

24 you take the battery off, there's a bar code, so it's a county

25 tagged asset.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q Right.

2 A That K9 is a county tagged asset. So we can't just, here, take

3 that. So we have to go through disposal and things like that.

4 Q Right.

5 A Granted, the dog does not wear a bar code, but there is one

6 associated with the dog.

7 Q It's probably clipped.

8 A Yeah -- I don't know if he is or not.

9 Q So when he went to Lynden, he didn't go to Lynden as a K9 with

10 the dog in-service for the Lynden Police Department?

11 A That is correct. He did not go as a K9 handler. He basically

12 has the dog as a pet.

13 Q Right. Okay. And that's fairly common in the K9 world?

14 A Pretty common.

15 Q It's unusual that dogs after a period of service transfer

16 handlers; correct?

17 A I'm not -- I'm --

18 Q Did that get resolved?

19 A It did.

20 Q Any other reasons that you question his truthfulness?

21 A There were sometimes requests, I believe, with Sergeant Larson

22 that she had exchanges with him that needed to be vetted as far

23 as her side of the situation and his side of the situation and

24 looked into.

25 Q Okay. As a superior of his, did you ever question any of his

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 reports or any of his work as being lacking in truthful or

2 credibility?

3 A No. Not that I recall.

4 Q What was your involvement, if any, with the Wiederspohn matter

5 that Freeman and VanderVeen were involved with?

6 A Remind me which one Wiederspohn is?

7 Q That was the one that resulted in the substantial civil verdict

8 against the county that was the rickety porch entry.

9 A No -- yes. Thank you. No. I don't think that I had any

10 involvement in that. And if I did, it was very early on and

11 very superficial. I didn't investigate. I didn't interview.

12 Q Okay. So that doesn't come into any truthfulness or

13 credibility issues with you with regard to him?

14 A Correct.

15 Q Trevor VanderVeen, do you know him?

16 A I do.

17 Q Do you have an opinion? Have you worked with him?

18 A Yes, I have.

19 Q Do you have an opinion about his truthfulness and credibility?

20 A Yes, I do.

21 Q And what is that opinion?

22 A I think that he's a good cop. I think that he's truthful. As

23 I mentioned about Deputy Nyhus, Trevor also is a hard charger

24 in knowing what the up to date latest rulings are in his

25 situation.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q Okay. Have you ever had complaints or had reason to question

2 from other people about Trevor's credibility or truthfulness?

3 A Not that I recall.

4 Q Okay. Is it Steve Roff?

5 A Yes.

6 Q Steve Roff, do you know Steve Roff?

7 A I do.

8 Q Employed with the sheriff's office; correct?

9 A Correct. He's currently a detective.

10 Q All right. Have you worked with him?

11 A I have not worked a case directly with him, no.

12 Q Have you been able to form an opinion about his credibility for

13 -- and truthfulness?

14 A Yes.

15 Q What is your opinion?

16 A That he's credible and truthful.

17 Q Taddonio, Deputy Taddonio. Do you know him?

18 A I do.

19 Q Have you worked with him?

20 A Not cases directly.

21 Q Okay. Have you been able to form an opinion as to his honesty

22 and credibility?

23 A Yes.

24 Q And what's that opinion?

25 A He's honest. He has integrity.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q Okay. Any reason to question it that you've heard of?

2 A Again, I go back to the use that I use with Nyhus. Taddonio

3 was one of the members of CIT, Criminal Interdiction Team.

4 They are a proactive unit. They are expected to go out and if

5 we have warrants, probable cause for an individual for

6 something, it is -- go find them. And also drug trafficking,

7 known areas where paths may cross.

8 He too stays up to the minute on search and seizure,

9 what you can and can't do when it comes to specifically that.

10 He prior to his -- prior to his appointment in K9, I mean, he

11 lived that every day.

12 Some people have questioned, well, you can't do that or

13 you pushed that too far and every time that that's even been

14 questioned, he's -- from what I know -- well within the

15 boundaries of acceptable.

16 Q Okay. Beth Larson?

17 A Mm-hm.

18 Q Do you know her?

19 A I do.

20 Q Have you worked with her in your capacity in the sheriff's

21 office?

22 A I have.

23 Q Have you been able to form an opinion as to his truthfulness

24 and honesty?

25 A I have.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q What is that opinion?

2 A She's truthful and honest.

3 Q Take it to the bank type?

4 A Mm-hm.

5 Q Or do you have a question?

6 A No. I can take it to the bank.

7 Q Deputy Funk, do you know him?

8 A Yes, I do.

9 Q Have you worked with him?

10 A I have.

11 Q And have you formed an opinion as to his credibility,

12 truthfulness and honesty?

13 A I have.

14 Q And what is that opinion?

15 A Very truthful and very honest.

16 Q When you met with Liz Gallery, did you talk about any of those

17 people that we just listed off?

18 A Again, not that I specifically recall.

19 Q All right.

20 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 16)

21 Q (By Mr. Butler) I'm showing you what has been marked as

22 Exhibit 16. We're continuing the numbering from yesterday's

23 deposition, that's why you're not starting with one. This

24 purports to be an e-mail from Kevin McFadden to you on

25 March 7th, 2008 regarding a Murphy memo. Do you see that?

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A Mm-hm.

2 Q Who is Kevin McFadden?

3 A A sergeant with the sheriff's office.

4 Q Okay. Do you recall in preparing for your deposition today,

5 reviewing this e-mail?

6 A I could, but I don't specifically remember it -- I don't

7 specifically remember reviewing this in getting ready.

8 Q Okay. If you want to take a second and read it if you can.

9 The question that I have is: This is dated 2008, it involves

10 Paul Murphy and the transition of computers with Roff. Do you

11 recall a transition of computers between Murphy and Roff?

12 A Yes, I do.

13 MR. KAMERRER: Go ahead and read the whole thing and

14 then...


16 Q (By Mr. Butler) This e-mail would indicate that as of March in

17 '08, you were aware that Murphy was concerned about

18 investigative files on his computer being secure. Do you

19 recall that?

20 A I don't remember having a discussion or any interaction with

21 Paul that he thought that his stuff was secure. I'm sorry.

22 Maybe I misunderstood what you asked.

23 Q You don't recall Paul being concerned about the security of his

24 investigative files?

25 A I guess that I don't have a specific incident in mind. I do

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1 recall that he wanted to continue on in the investigation.

2 Q The last paragraph is instructing Paul to transfer the hard

3 copy to Steve and remove the data from the shared drive and he

4 didn't feel that it was secure enough and he put the data on

5 thumb drives in the safe?

6 A The shared data which we didn't feel was secured enough.

7 Q Is that what it says?

8 A It says we.

9 Q Right. Do you recall conversation about the question of

10 security of documents on the shared drive?

11 A Not specifically. But obviously it was a concern with McFadden

12 and those involved. He's -- when he says we, he's writing

13 this -- I don't think that he's including me in this we.

14 Q No. I didn't mean to imply you.

15 A Okay.

16 Q You were -- you were being made aware that there was a concern

17 about security on the shared drive?

18 A According to this, yes.

19 Q Are you aware of other files that are kept on thumb drives as

20 opposed to the county computers?

21 A I'm not aware of any.

22 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 17)

23 Q (By Mr. Butler) Showing you what's been marked as Exhibit 17.

24 This is an e-mail from Paul Murphy to you and others on

25 December 31st, 2011. GIG notes for December of 2011 with the

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1 note on the front saying, "Some interesting Bandidos and HA

2 intel in this one." Do you recall receiving this e-mail?

3 A It looks vaguely familiar. I don't know if I specifically

4 remember it, but it's addressed to me, so I don't recall the

5 date that I received it.

6 Q Okay. Are you familiar with the Gang Intelligence Group?

7 A Prior to seeing this, no.

8 Q So the Gang Intelligence Group prior to sitting in this

9 deposition is not something you are familiar with?

10 A No. Prior to this e-mail during the -- so back in 2011, no.

11 Gang Intelligence Group is not something that I historically

12 know of prior to this.

13 Q Okay. Have you become aware of it since or is it just a one

14 time, I got this and that's all I know?

15 A Since this time, I am aware of it, since 2011 when this came

16 out.

17 Q Are you familiar with the Patrol Intelligence Group?

18 A That, I knew of and was aware of prior to the Gang Intelligence

19 Group.

20 Q What was your understanding of the Patrol Intelligence Group?

21 A The first time that I became aware of that group was

22 information that was brought forward, I believe that it was

23 from Mr. Murphy in another e-mail like this, because there is a

24 document that is quote, the PIG, Patrol Intelligence Group,

25 that got forwarded on.

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1 Q Do you recall in December of 2011 when you got this, if this

2 was a prop that Paul was forwarding information to you,

3 regarding the GIG and the PIG?

4 A Without looking at the exact e-mail flow and dates and times,

5 the short answer is, yes, that was a problem.

6 Q What was the general nature of the problem?

7 A One of these -- at least one of these documents was forwarded

8 from his home e-mail.

9 Q Okay.

10 A Which, he had been talked to prior to that, don't do that,

11 don't use your home e-mail for county business.

12 Q Okay. Had he been allowed to do investigations into the gang

13 stuff at this point?

14 A What exactly he was investigating while he was in detectives, I

15 couldn't tell you exactly what he was or wasn't doing.

16 Q Okay. In December of 2011, was he in detectives?

17 A I don't recall. I would -- we would have to look at his

18 rotation dates.

19 Q So if he's not -- follow me with this.

20 A Okay.

21 Q If he's not allowed by the county to be engaged in

22 investigations into the Outlaw motorcycle gangs or something

23 like that, how would you expect him to communicate information

24 that he had about an investigation?

25 MR. KAMERRER: Objection, calls for speculation. Lack

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1 of foundation.

2 THE WITNESS: Yeah. I --

3 Q (By Mr. Butler) You were aware in December of '11 that he was

4 under the microscope by management; correct?

5 MR. KAMERRER: I'll object to the use of the term,

6 under the microscope. It is ambiguous and argumentative. Go

7 ahead.

8 THE WITNESS: Yeah. I'm not sure how that -- how to

9 answer that. I -- under the microscope, this Patrol

10 Intelligence Group e-mail came out. The fact that it has the

11 word intelligence -- an intel file is different than an

12 investigative file. I was not aware of this group until it was

13 brought forward.

14 We, Whatcom County, don't have a representative within

15 this group. I'm not aware that we ever sent anybody to this

16 group. We didn't have a chance to vet the information prior to

17 it going out. I called and I don't remember the officer's

18 name. I think that she was with Burlington PD. She was the

19 contact person for the PIG.

20 Q Mm-hm.

21 A I asked her who she sent that to and how we were getting it. I

22 believe that she said Derek Bogle. Derek Bogle, who was one of

23 our deputies, used to work down in either Burlington or Mount

24 Vernon. I asked her who -- if she knew Paul Murphy. She had

25 no idea who Paul Murphy was.

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1 I asked her if she had, you know, did he contribute

2 anything to the group? Was he -- she said no. She wasn't

3 aware of who he was. So the concern that I had with this

4 coming forward is that we had a vetting process. We want to

5 look at it and make sure that it's credible information. And

6 when it's called intelligence, you just don't get to forward

7 that on. There are specific -- it's not WAC, CFRs that cover

8 the handling of intelligence. That's a problem just forwarding

9 intelligence on.

10 Q (By Mr. Butler) Okay. I'm a little confused. I'm not going

11 to spend a lot more time on this, but is there a problem with

12 law enforcement learning about these Joe Ortiz or Molina or

13 Rodriguez-Roman that management has to dictate down what

14 information is known?

15 MR. KAMERRER: I'm going to insert an objection that

16 it's vague.

17 Q (By Mr. Butler) Why don't you want the information unless you

18 have vetted it?

19 MR. KAMERRER: Objection. Misstates his prior

20 testimony.

21 THE WITNESS: The distinction that I'm trying to make

22 is that there's difference between an investigative file and

23 what is called intelligence. An intel file is not something by

24 law that you can just disseminate. You don't get to put that

25 out. RCW -- excuse me -- CFRs dictate that you don't do that.

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1 That file is held specifically, and it's behind a locked door.

2 And there's only two people -- one or two people within an

3 agency that can specifically have access to that when it's

4 called intelligence.

5 Back to your question of whether we should know that

6 Hernandez or whoever is in this bulletin -- and that they're

7 bad guys and they do bad things to citizens and to law

8 enforcement -- yes. That information needs to get out.

9 Q (By Mr. Butler) Did you have that before Paul gave it to you?

10 A Did I know of some of these names before Paul gave this to me?

11 Q Did you have this intelligence before you got it from Paul?

12 MR. KAMERRER: I want to insert an objection. It's

13 vague, overbroad and confusing.

14 THE WITNESS: Back to my example. There's a

15 difference between something that's called intelligence --

16 Q (By Mr. Butler) Right.

17 A -- versus investigative files. Did I know that certain people

18 were Hells Angels and certain people were Bandidos and certain

19 people were this? Yes.

20 Q Okay. I guess that another way of asking the questions is if

21 you are off duty and you observe a crime, have information

22 about a crime, are you not allowed to share that with your

23 department because you were off duty and you didn't learn it

24 while you were in the furtherance of your job?

25 MR. KAMERRER: Objection. Vague, overbroad,

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1 argumentative.

2 THE WITNESS: The difference between on duty or off

3 duty is not it at all.

4 Q (By Mr. Butler) No. That's my question to you. If you're off

5 duty -- you're on vacation, you're down in California, and you

6 see somebody who is a known wanted person.

7 A Mm-hm.

8 Q You're not going to apprehend them because you're on vacation.

9 Is it your position that you can't share that information

10 because you're off duty?

11 MR. KAMERRER: Same objection.

12 THE WITNESS: I would share that information.

13 Q (By Mr. Butler) Okay. And can you use your personal phone or

14 your wife's phone or your son's phone to convey that

15 information?

16 A Yes.

17 Q Okay.

18 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 18)

19 Q (By Mr. Butler) Showing you what's been marked as Exhibit

20 No. 18. This is a memo from David -- Deputy David Scott to you

21 on February 9th. Do you recognize the memo?

22 A I do.

23 Q The subject of the memo is his telling you what happened at a

24 SECTOR training on February 7th. Do you recognize that?

25 A Yes.

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1 Q Why did you request David Scott to do this?

2 MR. KAMERRER: Objection, lack of foundation.

3 Q (By Mr. Butler) Did you request David Scott to write this

4 memo?

5 A Yes.

6 Q Why did you request David Scott to write this memo?

7 A Information had come forward that Murphy had made some comments

8 during this SECTOR class that there was information that -- on

9 his computer that he did not want IT to have access to.

10 Q Okay. Who gave you that information? You say that it came

11 forward?

12 A I believe that I got it from Sheriff Elfo.

13 Q Were you at the SECTOR training?

14 A Was I in the class?

15 Q Yes.

16 A No.

17 Q Do you know if Sheriff Elfo was in the SECTOR training class?

18 A I don't believe that he was.

19 Q Tell me about how you were assigned then, if neither of you

20 were in there, to request David Scott write this memo, if you

21 know?

22 A They observed this behavior.

23 Q They being who?

24 A I'm sorry. Rodger Funk was the other instructor during this

25 training.

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1 Q Okay.

2 A Exactly how it got there, I don't personally know.

3 Q What were you told as to how it got there?

4 A The sheriff told me that he had received information. I'm

5 assuming that they -- David and Paul -- excuse me. David and

6 Rodger had informed him or somebody else who then informed the

7 sheriff.

8 Q Just so that I'm clear -- and I think that we can move on. Do

9 you know who told the sheriff about what happened at the SECTOR

10 meeting that you are tasked with investigating?

11 A I don't specifically recall.

12 Q Okay. Do you recall any conversations with Sheriff Elfo about

13 this when he gave you the assignment?

14 A Yeah. In my -- in my memo, we had a discussion and it was

15 decided that we would get that information of what occurred

16 from David Scott and Rodger Funk.

17 Q Okay. Was this discussed with Liz Gallery in the meeting that

18 you had with her?

19 MR. KAMERRER: Objection, vague.

20 THE WITNESS: I don't specifically recall. I mean,

21 it's part of the file, so it's possible. I don't specifically

22 remember reading this memo with Liz Gallery.

23 Q (By Mr. Butler) Do you recall talking about the investigation

24 of the SECTOR class?

25 A Yes.

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1 Q And do you recall discussing how you knew the information? Who

2 gave you the information to get the investigation started?

3 A Yes.

4 Q Did you recall telling Liz more than you have told me today, as

5 to how you knew to contact Funk and Scott through Elfo? How

6 Elfo knew to tell you to do that?

7 A No.

8 Q Okay.

9 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 19)

10 Q (By Mr. Butler) Handing you Exhibit No. 19, which is a memo

11 from you to detective -- or Deputy Murphy on February of 14th,

12 2012, do you recognize that?

13 A I do.

14 Q Is this a document that you reviewed prior to your deposition?

15 A I don't believe so.

16 Q Okay. Do you recall writing it?

17 A Just let me read through it, but yes. I think that the answer

18 is yes. Okay.

19 Q Was this of your thought and doing or were you directed to do

20 this?

21 A This -- to put in context of the timeline from what I recall,

22 this memo accompanied the computer that was given back to Mr.

23 Murphy after the initial one was taken. This allowed him, that

24 computer in this memo here, go back to patrol.

25 Q Okay. There's no policy referenced in this; correct?

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1 A Correct. In this memo, no, there is not a specific policy

2 reference.

3 Q Is there a policy in -- was there a policy that you could have

4 cited in this memo regarding what's contained in this memo?

5 A Probably.

6 Q Are you aware if there was or not at that time?

7 A There is a policy from IT or from Whatcom County that refers to

8 the use of county owned computers and the technologies.

9 Q Did you define in the last sentence of the first paragraph, you

10 are not authorized to make any changes to the computer? Did

11 you define what that meant?

12 A No.

13 Q Is there a definition in the policy that you just referenced as

14 to how that is defined?

15 A Say that again?

16 Q You said that there's a policy?

17 A A county wide policy.

18 Q That's not referenced here; correct?

19 A Correct.

20 Q Do you know if that policy that you're referring to defines

21 what changes -- the word changes to the computer? What that

22 means?

23 A I am not aware of it.

24 Q Do you have an opinion as to what you intended when you wrote

25 those words?

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1 A Yes.

2 Q What's your -- what was your intent?

3 A The changing of any of the issued hardware or software.

4 Q Okay.

5 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 20)

6 Q (By Mr. Butler) Showing what's been marked as Exhibit No. 20,

7 this is an e-mail from you to Doug Chadwick on February 22nd,

8 2012, "Subject: Memo." It says, "Attached from 2008."

9 A Mm-hm.

10 Q On Page 2 is a memo from you dated March 5, 2008 to Chief

11 Parks. Do you recall these two -- sending an e-mail to

12 Chadwick in February and attaching the memo that's Page 2?

13 A I remember the attached memo. I don't specifically have a

14 recollection of attaching this to Chadwick. Obviously, it

15 appears that I did that in 2012.

16 Q Okay. Let's look for a moment at the memo from '08.

17 A Mm-hm.

18 Q You met with Murphy and asked to look in his computer; correct?

19 A Correct.

20 Q That's -- I'm referring to essentially the second paragraph.

21 A Mm-hm.

22 Q Where were you when that happened?

23 A Where?

24 Q Where were you when that viewing of the computer took place?

25 A Where were we physically?

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1 Q Physically, where were you?

2 A At that point, we were at the traffic in the Cascade -- prior

3 to moving to Laurel Fire Hall, we had an office within the

4 Cascade Business Park. Within that set of offices, traffic had

5 a room and we were in that room. There was a meeting table

6 there, I think.

7 Q Okay. Did you ever find anything that was inappropriate on his

8 computer in '08?

9 A No.

10 Q And you looked in '08; correct?

11 A I did.

12 Q You were aware in '08 that he had concerns about trusting IT?

13 A He made that statement.

14 Q Was there any policy violation in '08?

15 MR. KAMERRER: Object, vague.

16 Q (By Mr. Butler) Did this memo -- was there a policy violation

17 that was related to this memo and your investigation of this?

18 A No.

19 Q Back to the e-mail, do you know why you sent this in 2012, an

20 '08 memo?

21 A I do not.

22 Q Are you aware of an investigation going on into Paul Murphy

23 that Chadwick was conducting and caused him to ask you for

24 this?

25 A I wasn't aware that Chief Chadwick was investigating anything

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1 different than what we were working on when it came to why

2 we're sitting here today.

3 Q Okay. How well known would you say in the department Murphy's

4 opposition to Elfo and the election was in the department?

5 A How well known was it in the department?

6 Q Yeah.

7 A It wasn't a secret, so it was known.

8 Q Okay. Were you aware as a lieutenant that Elfo had tasked

9 Cooley and others to monitor Murphy's Facebook and other web

10 postings?

11 A I'm not sure that I was aware that he, the sheriff

12 specifically, told people to do that. I was aware that Mr.

13 Murphy was posting things. He had a page -- I can't remember

14 the name of it -- that other people were talking about seeing

15 information on.

16 Q Okay. Had you ever looked at the Un-Elect Elfo or Boot Elfo

17 Facebook page?

18 A No.

19 Q Are you aware of a Whatcom County Sheriff's Office Facebook

20 page?

21 A Yes.

22 Q Have you ever been or are you administrator of that page?

23 A No.

24 Q And have you ever posted anything on that page?

25 A No.

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1 Q On March -- sorry. On February 20th, did you take a computer

2 from Paul Murphy?

3 A What year?

4 Q I'm sorry. 2012.

5 A It sounds about right.

6 Q You met him at the Laurel Station?

7 A Yes. I did meet with Paul at the Laurel Station.

8 Q With Beth Larson and Chief Edge?

9 A Correct. I don't remember the exact date is why I'm

10 questioning it.

11 Q Did you review in preparation for your deposition your

12 testimony to Inspector Cooley that was taken on March 22nd,

13 2012?

14 A Yes.

15 Q So focussing on the February 20th meeting at Laurel Station

16 where you took his MDT.

17 A (Witness Indicating).

18 Q Why did you do that? Who told you to do that?

19 A I believe that earlier in the day, there was a discussion in

20 the conference room. There was a number of people in

21 attendance: Myself, the sheriff, and the undersheriff, and I

22 believe Chief Chadwick was there. I believe Dan Gibson from

23 the prosecutor's office was there.

24 The discussion was -- during the discussion, it was

25 determined that we would -- I would meet with Paul and get his

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1 computer.

2 Q Okay. What was the reason that the five or six of you decided

3 that you needed to get his computer?

4 A I can't remember what their reasoning was now. I know what my

5 reasoning was.

6 Q What was discussed? And then we'll get to what your reasoning

7 was.

8 A The potential for information on that computer to have been

9 accessed outside of the county network that a county issued MDT

10 comes with, for instance, access allows -- access is the

11 program that goes via the State Patrol for obtaining

12 information is not generally -- or is not available to the

13 public.

14 Q Right.

15 A It goes into a secure website and it goes into secure service,

16 et cetera. There was question and concern that that may have

17 been compromised via that computer.

18 Q What was the source of the concern that it was compromised?

19 A The deduction of what was learned in the SECTOR class that Funk

20 and David Scott had brought forward, referenced Murphy's

21 statements, information about Murphy saying that he had cloned

22 the drive or copied it. If there was more than one of that, my

23 understanding is if that drive is cloned or copied and is then

24 put into another machine, then that machine would access those

25 other systems without authorization.

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1 Q Okay. Do you recall there being discussion in that meeting

2 about his burning the Koran reference and not apologizing for

3 that?

4 A I'm sorry, say that -- burning the Koran?

5 Q Do you recall in that discussion concern about his posting

6 about not apologizing for if the Koran were to get burnt?

7 A I don't have a recollection about that.

8 Q Do you recall that being discussed at any time that people were

9 concerned about his beliefs and views were outside the norm?

10 A I don't have any recollection of any specific conversations

11 about burning the Koran.

12 Q Okay. Was Murphy given advance notice of, we're going to come

13 meet tonight and take your MDT, so please meet us in 10 hours

14 so we can get your MDT? Was he given advance notice that he

15 was going to have his computer taken?

16 A No.

17 Q And to your knowledge, what was the result of searching the

18 computer?

19 A I didn't have anything to do with searching the computer.

20 Q Did you hear the outcome of this review of his computer?

21 A I don't specifically remember that. That wasn't part of what

22 my involvement was.

23 Q And later in March, you participated in suspending Paul Murphy;

24 is that correct?

25 A I don't remember the exact dates, but yes.

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1 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 21)

2 Q (By Mr. Butler) Exhibit 21, is that your handwriting?

3 A On this first page?

4 Q Yes.

5 A Yes, it is.

6 Q Do you recall being, on 2/10/12 at approximately 2010 hours at

7 Laurel Fire Hall with Paul Murphy?

8 A Yes, I do.

9 Q Does that refresh your recollection as to the date that you

10 wrote on this form?

11 A Yes, it does.

12 Q Okay. Did you review this with Liz Gallery?

13 A Yes.

14 Q This is a three-page document. The first question, you're

15 directing him to power down the computer and hand it to you.

16 We've already discussed that you didn't give him notice ahead

17 of time on that; correct?

18 A When you say notice, no. Your earlier example, did we tell him

19 10 hours in advance? No. His sergeant -- I believe that it

20 was Sergeant Larson that night when Paul came on duty, asked

21 him to come meet us at the Laurel Fire Hall -- meet her at the

22 Laurel Fire Hall.

23 Q Okay. So he had no opportunity to do anything to his computer

24 because it was a surprise to him; correct? On that particular

25 shift?

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1 A Whether he did anything to it prior to, I don't know. But we

2 did not tell him ahead of time.

3 Q Okay. You asked him, is there a power-on password? Write it

4 down and give it to me? He said, I do. Is that your

5 handwriting?

6 A Yes.

7 Q And the power-on password is on Page 2?

8 A Correct.

9 Q And then -- so he gave that to you?

10 A Yes.

11 Q County log-on user, and that is what is referred to on Page 3?

12 A That's correct.

13 Q And he gave that to you?

14 A He did.

15 Q Okay. He told you that that's the county issued hard drive in

16 the computer?

17 A I read him that question.

18 Q And he said yes?

19 A Correct.

20 Q Do you know subsequent to that if that was true or not? Has

21 anybody told you -- I understand that you didn't do the

22 forensic work -- but has anybody told you whether it was a

23 county owned hard drive in the computer that you seized that

24 night?

25 A I believe -- I heard that it was not.

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1 Q Who did you hear that from?

2 A Um, Chief Edge.

3 Q Okay. You are ordered to turn over any cloned or modified hard

4 drive to you and he said that you don't have one?

5 A Don't have one.

6 Q There was an internal done where Chief Cooley was interviewing

7 Murphy in May. Do you recall that?

8 A Yes.

9 Q Can you explain why you were there?

10 A Yes.

11 Q Why were you there?

12 A I had been involved from this early on, so I had an overview of

13 the whole situation. Primarily, my focus was to follow along

14 with the questions that Inspector Cooley was asking.

15 The questions were written out ahead of time and

16 numbered. I focused on the question that he was asking and

17 then was looking at the next question in the list, making sure

18 that those questions that he had were asked.

19 During interviews, as you were probably aware, you have

20 a train of thought and you're going down. But then the

21 conversation sometimes turns and I just wanted to make sure

22 that -- when we discussed it ahead of time -- to make sure that

23 we got back on track and stayed with and made sure that all of

24 the questions were answered.

25 Q But you were a witness in the investigation; correct? I mean,

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1 some of the allegations, you were like, a witness to; correct?

2 A I -- as far as what the allegations -- I mean, I got -- I got

3 Paul's computer. Yes. I did do that.

4 Q Okay. You were a part of the surrendering his firearm?

5 A Yes.

6 Q The guild objected to you being there. Do you recall that?

7 A On one occasion, yes.

8 Q Okay. I'm curious if the role that you played was to make sure

9 that Cooley asked the questions that were written, and this is

10 a recorded statement. Is that because the department doesn't

11 think that Cooley can follow a script?

12 A No.

13 Q Okay. Was there nobody else in the department who wasn't part

14 of the underlying allegations investigation who could have sat

15 in and babysat Cooley to make sure that he asked the questions?

16 MR. KAMERRER: Objection. It's vague, argumentative

17 and lack of foundation.

18 THE WITNESS: Nobody needed to baby sit Inspector

19 Cooley.

20 Q (By Mr. Butler) So --

21 A Part of the reason that I sat in was also to clarify any

22 information that he was not aware of.

23 Q And is that proper protocol in an investigation?

24 A To have somebody with knowledge of the case available, yes.

25 Q So this isn't an independent investigation by Cooley?

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 MR. KAMERRER: Objection. Vague. Argumentative.

2 THE WITNESS: Cooley's investigation includes a number

3 of different pieces of information, some that were obtained by

4 me. Some that were obtained by Chief Edge, some that may have

5 been obtained by IT. It's multiple sources of information that

6 Cooley uses.

7 Q (By Mr. Butler) Okay. Did he interview you?

8 A He -- Inspector Cooley?

9 Q Yes.

10 A Yes.

11 Q And why did he interview you?

12 MR. KAMERRER: Objection, calls for speculation. Go

13 ahead.

14 THE WITNESS: Yeah. I --

15 Q (By Mr. Butler) Did he interview you because you had

16 information about the investigation that he was conducting?

17 A Yes.

18 Q Why didn't you do the investigation and have -- why didn't --

19 why did you have Cooley do the investigation instead of

20 yourself?

21 A I don't -- I don't have input on who does the investigation,

22 that's not my role.

23 Q Were you tasked with sitting in on the interview or was that

24 your own doing?

25 A I was tasked.

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3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q And who tasked you to do that?

2 A I don't remember if it was a specific person or if it was part

3 of the discussions that we had meeting with the various people

4 involved, as I mentioned earlier, the sheriff, undersheriff,

5 the prosecutor's office, myself, Chief Chadwick.

6 Q So those all endorsed, if you will, the idea of you sitting in

7 Cooley's investigation of Paul Murphy?

8 MR. KAMERRER: Objection, misstates his testimony.

9 THE WITNESS: I guess that I -- whether they endorsed

10 it or not, I don't know what they -- they did not object.

11 Q (By Mr. Butler) They knew before you sat there --

12 A They knew.

13 Q -- that you were going to sit in on the interview?

14 A Yes.

15 Q And none of those people said that that's a bad idea?

16 A Not that I recall.

17 Q Do you recall when you were interviewed, before or after Murphy

18 was interviewed?

19 A I don't.

20 Q Okay. Rely on the records of that?

21 A Sure.

22 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 22)

23 Q (By Mr. Butler) Showing you Exhibit 22, an e-mail from Murphy

24 to you and others, on June 27th.

25 A Mm-hm.

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3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Q Do you recall that?

2 A I recall having a couple of exchanges with Mr. Murphy reference

3 equipment, yes.

4 Q Okay. Had he been separated at that point?

5 A Again, I -- I believe so. I don't remember the exact date.

6 Q Okay.

7 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 23)

8 Q (By Mr. Butler) Exhibit 23 is an e-mail from Chadwick and you

9 and Murphy the next morning regarding -- well, do you recognize

10 Exhibit 23? There's actually a couple of e-mails on there.

11 A Let me play catch up here, just a sec.

12 Q They start bottom to top.

13 A Okay. Yes.

14 Q Do you have any problem with this communication? Was Paul

15 being hostile, obtuse? Anything from your recollection of this

16 exchange?

17 A No.

18 Q Okay. It starts off at the bottom that you're telling him that

19 the shop removed the mag-lite and the charger, that you're

20 going to pick those up, and you also have the CD/DVD player

21 from the MDT and that a drive had been removed and swapped out;

22 correct?

23 A I don't specifically remember, but okay.

24 Q Well, you had the CD player?

25 A Yes. Whether it was an external or an internal, I don't

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 recall. But, yes, I had something from it.

2 Q Okay. And then there's a field receipt for the gun, total

3 equipment of 725 and he responds, "10-4 on the items. What has

4 either been depleted, lost or destroyed will be annotated on

5 your form as such and I'll have a copy to turn in." Please

6 deduct the $725 from payout. Do you see that?

7 A Yes.

8 Q Do you recall that? Do you recall that communication?

9 A Yes.

10 Q And then you respond in the morning, that was 5:55 PM, and then

11 the 28th in the morning, Payroll has already been submitted so

12 you can't make the deduction. You are going to need a check,

13 money order -- cashier's check or money order and does 4:00

14 work? Do you recall that? (As Read).

15 A Mm-hm.

16 Q Did that happen?

17 A We eventually did meet, yes.

18 Q Okay. Any issues or problems with that?

19 A No.

20 (Marked Deposition Exhibit No. 24)

21 Q (By Mr. Butler) Exhibit 24 is e-mail exchange

22 between yourself, Mr. Murphy and Mr. Dalquest on the 3rd of

23 July 2012. Do you see that?

24 A Yes.

25 Q There's essentially three e-mails there?

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3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A Yes.

2 Q Do you recall having any communication with Murphy with regards

3 to accessing the computer, the password issue?

4 A Just from this e-mail.

5 Q So you don't recall -- other than this, you don't have any

6 independent recollection of --

7 A No.

8 Q Do you know why you were tasked with that, being the

9 communication person?

10 A Again, specifically, no, but I was the one following up with

11 Paul on the final equipment exchange.

12 Q Okay. He provided it to you in response there at the top;

13 correct?

14 A Correct.

15 Q And to your knowledge, did that resolve the issue for Dalquest?

16 A Yeah. Just because -- there's no more. I don't specifically

17 recall if that did or did not.

18 Q Do you recall in December of 2011 rumors that -- or any time

19 before two-thousand -- before December of 2011 that Murphy was

20 going to resign?

21 A I don't -- I don't specifically recall anything that Murphy was

22 going to resign.

23 MR. BUTLER: Okay. Nothing further.

24 MR. KAMERRER: A few questions for clarification.

25 //

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4 Q Let me draw your attention to Exhibit 16.

5 A 16.

6 Q I'm focussing on the last paragraph there, if you want to read

7 it to yourself, just to refresh your memory.

8 A Mm-hm.

9 Q I will ask you a question about that.

10 A Okay.

11 Q Did you have concerns about the security of the shared drive

12 that law enforcement used?

13 A Do I? No.

14 Q Did you then?

15 A No.

16 Q Okay. So in the sentence that says that, I instructed Paul to

17 transfer all of the hard copy data over to Steve and remove

18 data from the shared drive, which we didn't feel was secure

19 enough -- that does not reflect your opinion of the security of

20 the shared drive, does it?

21 A That is correct. It does not.

22 Q And this was something written by Sergeant McFadden, not you;

23 correct?

24 A Correct.

25 Q Did you question the security of the shared drive after

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3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 receiving this e-mail?

2 A No.

3 Q Do you know whether Sergeant McFadden was concerned about the

4 security of the shared drive?

5 A I do not.

6 Q Let's see. Exhibit 17, the first page of that. Was this

7 e-mail that was sent to, Commissioned Deputies Spencer Kope and

8 Scott Rossmiller sent from Murphy's personal home e-mail?

9 A I don't know if this specific one was. I do know that at least

10 one of the PIG bulletins was.

11 Q Okay.

12 A Because it, you know, was from and then it would have his, you

13 know, e-mail address out the back end. So I don't know where

14 this one specifically came from.

15 Q Okay. By sending to commission deputies as this is addressed,

16 does that mean that it's going out to every deputy of the

17 Whatcom County Sheriff's Office?

18 A Correct.

19 Q Who is Spencer Kope?

20 A The crime analyst.

21 Q And he's a member of the Whatcom County Sheriff's Office?

22 A That is correct, yes.

23 Q Was it the use of Mr. Murphy's personal home e-mail that raised

24 concerns about the dissemination of the attachment there, the

25 Gang Intelligence Group information, and the Patrol

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 Intelligence Group information? Was that the concern that was

2 raised? In other words, that his home e-mail was not a secure

3 law enforcement controlled system?

4 A That was one concern, yes.

5 Q Okay. Do you know what partitions are in the computer?

6 A Very little knowledge but, yes, I think that I understand.

7 Q Okay. Turning to Exhibit No. 20. When you examined Mr.

8 Murphy's computer in 2008, did he start up that computer?

9 A He did.

10 Q Did he open the computer to a particular section for you to

11 look at?

12 A Yes.

13 Q What was the section that he opened it to?

14 A The main screen came up and then he went into the files.

15 Q Could you tell whether he had partitions on his computer and

16 several different locations for files?

17 A No.

18 Q Did you look at more than one partitioned area of that

19 computer?

20 A No.

21 Q When Murphy returned to the patrol division after being the

22 property crimes investigator, he swapped computers with Deputy

23 Roff; didn't he?

24 A Correct.

25 Q Okay. What was it that prompted the inquiry to look at his

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3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 computer to see whether he had information on there concerning

2 the electronic monitoring investigation?

3 A I believe that it came from Sergeant McFadden that there was a

4 question of -- whether Mr. Murphy had any files still

5 pertaining to that case on his computer.

6 Q Why was he not supposed to have those files?

7 A Because that investigation had been turned over to Roff.

8 Q Was there some evidence that Deputy Murphy was continuing to

9 perform investigations in that area?

10 A I believe Sergeant McFadden had some concerns. I don't

11 specifically remember, but that was part of the premise of

12 asking and meeting for this.

13 Q Okay. I want to turn to Exhibit 21 now.

14 A Mm-hm.

15 Q I'll draw your attention to Question No. 4 and I'll read it for

16 the record. "Is the original county issued hard drive in this

17 computer?"

18 Is that the question that you read to Deputy Murphy on

19 February 10, 2012 when you received his computer from him?

20 A Yes.

21 Q And so you read that word for word; is that right?

22 A Yes.

23 Q Okay. And his answer to that question was yes?

24 A Correct.

25 Q Okay.

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 A Yes, he did.

2 MR. KAMERRER: That's all of the questions that I

3 have.

4 (Signature Reserved)

5 (Deposition Adjourned)





















Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277


1 C E R T I F I C A T E



4 I, Kristen M. Uhlig, the undersigned CCR in and for the Stateof Washington, do hereby certify:

5 That the annexed and foregoing deposition of the witness

6 named herein was taken stenographically before me and transcribedby me;

7 I further certify that the witness examined, read, and signed

8 the deposition after the same was transcribed, unless indicated inthe record that the parties and the witness waive the signature;

9 I further certify that all of the objections made at the time

10 of said examination to my qualifications or the manner of takingthe deposition, or to the conduct of any party, have been noted by

11 me upon said deposition;

12 I further certify that I am not a relative or employee orattorney or counsel of any of the parties to said action or

13 counsel, and that I am not financially interested in the saidaction or the outcome thereof;

14 I further certify that the deposition, as transcribed, is a

15 full, true, and accurate transcript of the testimony, including allquestions and answers, and all objections, motions and exceptions

16 of counsel made and taken at the time of the foregoing examination;

17 I further certify that I am sealing the deposition in anenvelope with the title to the above cause thereon and marked

18 "Deposition Upon Oral Examination" of said witness and promptlycausing the same to be delivered or forwarded to Counsel for the

19 Opposing Party;

20 IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixedmy official seal this ___ day of____________, 2014.


22 __________________________

23 Kristen M. Uhlig, #1934 Certified Court Reporter,

24 Residing in Clinton, Washington.


Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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Aable 16:1 21:12,21

22:23acceptable 9:20,22

22:15access 30:3 32:9

40:10,10,24accessed 40:9accessing 50:3accompanied 34:22accurate 56:15action 56:12,13address 52:13addressed 26:4

52:15Adjourned 55:5administrative


38:22admitted 10:12

11:2,7,9,25Adrian-Stavik 2:15advance 41:12,14

42:19affixed 56:20agency 30:3ago 6:4 7:6 16:9agree 11:10ahead 10:16,21

11:12 15:5 24:1328:7 42:16 43:244:15,22 46:13

aids 18:4alcohol 11:15 13:9allegation 9:4allegations 45:1,2

45:14allowed 27:12,21

30:22 34:23allows 40:10ambiguous 28:6analyst 52:20Angels 30:18annexed 56:5

annotated 49:4answer 5:18 8:22

27:5 28:9 34:1754:23

answered 44:24answers 3:14 56:15anybody 28:15

43:21,22apologize 13:25apologizing 41:2,6appears 36:15applications 15:24appointment 22:10apprehend 31:8approximately

42:6area 53:18 54:9areas 13:4 22:7argumentative

10:21 11:12 12:315:4 28:6 31:145:16 46:1

asked 17:3 24:2228:21,24 29:136:18 42:20 43:344:18 45:9,15

asking 30:20 44:1444:16 54:12

aspect 9:5asset 18:25 19:2assigned 32:19assignment 5:21

33:13associated 19:6assuming 33:5attached 36:8,13attaching 36:12,14attachment 52:24Attachments 3:10attendance 39:21attention 51:4

54:15attorney 56:12authorization


authorized 35:10available 40:12

45:24Avenue 1:21 2:12aware 8:15 9:19

10:12 11:1,5,9,1413:4,6 24:1725:16,19,21 26:1326:15,18,21 28:328:12,15 29:335:6,23 37:12,2237:25 38:8,11,1238:19 44:19 45:22

Bbaby 45:18babysat 45:15back 18:18 22:2

26:10 30:5,1434:22,24 37:1944:23 52:13

bad 30:7,7 47:15ballpark 4:21Bandidos 26:1

30:18bank 14:16 15:10

15:15 23:3,6banked 14:24bar 18:24 19:5basically 19:11battery 18:24behavior 32:22beliefs 41:9believe 5:9,12 6:7

9:19 11:17 12:1914:2 19:21 26:2228:22 32:12,1834:15 39:19,22,2242:19 43:25 48:554:3,10

Bellingham 1:222:5,13

Beschen 2:3Beth 22:16 39:8bit 14:21,25

Blvd 2:8Bogdanovich 2:8Bogle 28:22,22Boot 38:16bottom 48:12,18boundaries 22:15bringing 15:14brings 15:11brought 8:25 9:13

9:18 26:22 28:1340:20

bulletin 30:6bulletins 52:10Burlington 28:18

28:23burning 41:2,4,11burnt 41:6business 27:11 37:4Butler 2:3,4 3:4 4:7

9:3 10:17 11:1,1512:4 15:16 23:2124:16 25:23 28:329:10,17 30:9,1631:4,13,19 32:333:23 34:10 36:637:16 42:2 45:2046:7,15 47:11,2348:8 49:21 50:23

CC 2:1 56:1,1California 31:5call 6:6called 4:2 28:17

29:6,23 30:4,15calls 8:21 12:3

27:25 46:12capacity 18:1 22:20capture 18:12Cascade 37:2,4case 7:2,19 21:11

45:24 54:5cases 21:20cashier's 49:13catch 48:11

cause 22:5 56:17caused 37:23causes 16:10causing 56:18Cavender 12:18Cavendish 12:18CCR 1:24,24 56:4CD 48:24CD/DVD 48:20certain 30:17,18,18Certified 1:24

56:23certify 56:4,7,9,12

56:14,17cetera 40:16CFRs 29:7,25Chadwick 6:1 36:7

36:12,14 37:23,2539:22 47:5 48:8

chance 28:16change 7:4 16:4changes 16:9 35:10

35:21,21changing 36:3charger 20:23

48:19check 14:22 49:12

49:13Chief 5:24 12:17

36:10 37:25 39:839:22 44:2,6 46:447:5

CIT 22:3cited 35:4citizens 30:7city 12:14 13:5,9,13civil 6:2,2 20:7clarification 50:24clarify 45:21class 32:8,14,17

33:24 40:19clear 33:8Clinton 56:24clipped 19:7cloned 40:21,23

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44:3code 18:24 19:5come 7:20 8:10

20:12 32:7 41:1242:21

comes 14:14 16:4,717:1 22:9 40:10

coming 29:4command 16:13comments 32:7commission 52:15Commissioned

52:7committing 11:2,7

11:9 12:1common 19:13,14communicate


48:14 49:8 50:2,9community 1:10,15complain 12:4complaints 21:1compromised

40:17,18computer 3:12

24:18 32:9 34:2234:24 35:10,2136:18,24 37:839:1 40:1,3,8,1741:15,18,19,2042:15,23 43:16,2345:3 50:3 53:5,8,853:10,15,19 54:154:5,17,19

computers 24:1024:11 25:20 35:853:22

concern 25:11,1629:3 40:16,1841:5 53:1,4

concerned 24:17,2341:9 52:3

concerning 54:1concerns 37:12

51:11 52:24 54:10conduct 56:10conducted 12:19conducting 37:23

46:16conference 39:20conflict 8:18confused 29:10confusing 30:13considered 11:22contact 28:19 34:5contained 35:4context 34:21continue 25:1continuing 23:22

54:8contribute 29:1controlled 53:3conversation 7:9

7:21 17:13 25:944:21

conversations17:10 33:12 41:10

convey 31:14Cooley 10:1 11:10

12:7,23 38:939:12 44:6,1445:9,11,15,19,2546:6,8,19

Cooley's 46:2 47:7cop 15:23 20:22copied 40:22,23copy 25:3 49:5

51:17correct 9:25 10:13

10:15,17 12:1313:5 15:17 16:1417:4,15 19:11,1620:14 21:8,9 28:434:25 35:1,18,1936:18,19 37:1039:9 41:24 42:1742:24 43:8,12,1944:25 45:1 48:2250:13,14 51:21,23

51:24 52:18,2253:24 54:24

counsel 56:12,13,1656:18

county 1:13,13,212:7,11,12 3:11,124:12,13 6:22,2412:13 18:18,2419:2 20:8 25:2027:11,21 28:1435:7,8,17 38:1940:9,9 43:11,1543:23 52:17,2154:16 56:3

couple 5:14 9:1317:6 18:3 48:2,10

Court 1:7,24 56:23Courthouse 1:21cover 29:7covered 7:7created 5:7credibility 7:17 8:6

9:1,16 10:8 13:1914:13 17:20,2320:2,13,19 21:221:12,22 23:11

credible 9:2,1710:11 15:1 21:1629:5

crime 10:13 11:912:1 30:21,2252:20

crimes 11:3,7 53:22criminal 5:24 6:3

22:3cross 22:7CSR 1:24curious 45:8currently 6:1 11:6


DD 3:1Dale 2:7Dalquest 49:22

50:15Dan 39:22Daniel 2:8data 25:3,4,6 51:17

51:18date 16:2,3 20:24

26:5 39:9 42:948:5

dated 3:9,10,13,153:16,17 24:936:10

dates 27:4,18 41:25David 31:20,20

32:1,3,6,20 33:5,533:16 40:20

day 16:3 22:1139:19 56:20

December 25:25,2527:1,16 28:350:18,19

decided 33:15 40:2decision 11:25

12:24deduct 49:6deduction 40:19

49:12Defendants 1:15

2:7define 35:9,11defined 35:14defines 35:20definitely 8:5definition 18:23

35:13DeFreece 5:10,13delivered 56:18department 1:14

2:7 7:18,18 8:158:19 11:6,22 13:318:2,13 19:1030:23 38:3,4,545:10,13

depending 5:21depleted 49:4deposition 1:17

6:18 8:22 23:2023:23 24:4 25:2226:9 31:18 34:934:14 36:5 39:1142:1 47:22 48:749:20 55:5 56:5,856:10,11,14,17,18

deputies 11:1,5,2412:4 28:23 52:752:15

deputy 3:11 5:246:2,17 10:1915:16 16:15,16,1717:7 20:23 21:1723:7 31:20 34:1152:16 53:22 54:854:18

Derek 28:22,22DESCRIPTION

3:8destroyed 49:4detective 21:9

34:11detectives 5:20

15:8 27:14,16detention 16:7determined 9:22

39:25dictate 29:13,25difference 29:22

30:15 31:2different 9:15 18:3

28:11 38:1 46:353:16

DIRECT 4:5directed 34:19directing 42:15directly 5:23 21:11


10:24discussed 33:17

40:6 41:8 42:1644:22

discussing 34:1

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discussion 12:2318:7 24:20 33:1439:19,24,24 41:141:5

discussions 18:1918:21 47:3

disposal 19:3disseminate 29:24dissemination

52:24distilled 16:13distinction 17:2

29:21DISTRICT 1:7,8division 53:21document 26:24

34:14 42:14documents 6:22

7:10 25:10 27:7dog 18:8,9,13,17,18

18:19,20,21 19:519:6,10,12

dog's 18:15,16dogs 19:15doing 6:12 27:15

34:19 46:24door 30:1Doug 6:1 36:7draw 51:4 54:15drive 25:3,10,17

40:22,23 43:15,2344:4 48:21 51:1151:18,20,25 52:454:16

drives 25:5,19drug 5:20 22:6Duce 18:17duly 4:2duty 17:6 30:21,23

31:2,3,5,10 42:20

EE 2:1,1 3:1 56:1,1e-mail 3:9,10,13,15

3:16,17 23:24

24:5,16 25:2426:2,10,23 27:4,827:11 28:10 36:736:11 37:19 47:2348:8 49:21 50:452:1,7,8,13,2353:2

e-mails 48:10 49:25earlier 9:6 39:19

42:18 47:4early 20:10 44:12East 2:4edge 12:17 15:25

39:8 44:2 46:4eight 16:8either 5:22 11:6

28:23 49:4election 38:4electronic 54:2Elfo 1:14 2:7,15

32:12,17 33:1234:5,6 38:4,8,1638:16

Elizabeth 2:11Emily 2:3employed 4:13 11:2

11:2,3,6,6 21:8employee 56:12employment 4:11

11:8endorsed 47:6,9enforcement 29:12

30:8 51:12 53:3engaged 27:21entire 13:18 14:7entity 1:13entry 20:8envelope 56:17equipment 3:15,16

48:3 49:3 50:11essentially 6:12,13

36:20 49:25et 40:16events 9:16eventually 5:12

11:20 49:17everybody's 14:1evidence 54:8exact 18:22 27:4

39:9 41:25 48:5exactly 5:14 27:14

27:15 33:2examination 1:17

3:3 4:5 51:1 56:1056:16,18

examined 4:3 53:756:7

example 17:9 30:1442:18

exceptions 56:15exchange 48:16

49:21 50:11exchanges 19:22

48:2excuse 5:9 29:25

33:5Exhibit 3:8 23:20

23:22 25:22,2331:18,19 34:9,1036:5,6 42:1,247:22,23 48:7,848:10 49:20,2151:4 52:6 53:754:13

expect 27:23expected 22:4experience 11:13experiences 8:23explain 12:10 17:5

44:9express 7:13external 48:25

FF 56:1face 15:14Facebook 38:9,17

38:19fact 28:10fair 18:22

fairly 19:13familiar 26:3,6,9

26:17family 18:20far 6:11 11:24

12:24 19:22 22:1345:2

February 31:21,2434:11 36:7,1239:1,15 54:19

feel 9:2 25:4,651:18

Ferry 5:10field 49:2file 28:11,12 29:22

29:23 30:1 33:21files 24:18,24 25:19

30:17 53:14,1654:4,6

final 50:11financially 56:13find 17:7 22:6 37:7fine 9:20Fire 37:3 42:7,21

42:22firearm 45:4first 4:2 9:18 14:1

26:21 35:9 42:342:14 52:6

five 17:2 40:2flow 27:4fluid 6:11Flynn 13:25,25

14:2,3,23focus 44:13focused 44:16focussing 39:15

51:6folks 5:22follow 27:19 44:13

45:11following 50:10follows 4:3force 5:20foregoing 56:5,16

forensic 43:22form 21:12,21

22:23 42:10 49:5formed 23:11forthcoming 9:7forward 8:25 9:13

9:18 10:25 15:1417:13 26:22 28:1329:4,6 32:7,1140:20

forwarded 26:2527:7 56:18

forwarding 27:229:8

found 9:17,20foundation 8:21

15:5 28:1 32:245:17

Freeman 17:1620:5

front 26:1full 56:15function 5:17Funk 23:7 32:24

33:16 34:5 40:19furnished 10:17

11:15 13:4furnishing 10:12further 50:23 56:7

56:9,12,14,17furtherance 30:24

GGallery 2:11 6:24

6:25 23:16 33:1733:22 42:12

gang 26:6,8,11,1827:12 52:25

gangs 27:22geesh 4:20general 27:6generally 40:12getting 24:7 28:21Gibson 39:22GIG 3:10 25:25

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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27:3give 17:9 18:18

42:16 43:4given 34:22 41:12

41:14go 10:16,21 11:12

15:5 19:3,9,1122:2,4,6 24:1328:6 34:24 46:12

goes 12:24 40:11,1540:15

going 10:6 11:2014:21,21,22,2515:3 28:17 29:1029:15 31:8 37:2241:12,15 44:2047:13 48:20 49:1250:20,22 52:16

good 4:8 15:2320:22

government 1:13Grand 1:21 2:12Granted 19:5group 26:6,8,11,17

26:19,20,21,2428:10,12,15,1629:2 52:25 53:1

guess 13:12 24:2530:20 47:9

guild 45:6gun 49:2guys 30:7

HHA 26:1Hall 37:3 42:7,21

42:22hand 42:15 56:20Handing 34:10handler 19:11handlers 19:16handling 29:8handwriting 42:2

43:5happen 49:16

happened 31:2333:9 36:22

hard 20:23 25:243:15,23 44:351:17 54:16

hardware 36:3Harris 16:15,15,15

16:17 17:7hear 41:20 44:1heard 12:4,6 22:1

43:25held 6:1 30:1Hells 30:18hereunto 56:20Hernandez 30:6hired 8:3 10:4historically 26:11hold 16:10Holly 2:4home 13:10 18:8

27:8,11 52:8,2353:2

honest 10:11 13:2314:11,15,20 15:2317:1 21:25 23:223:15

honesty 14:8,10,1215:20 16:23 21:2122:24 23:12

hostile 48:15hour 7:4hours 41:13 42:6


Iidea 28:25 47:6,15imply 25:14in-service 19:10inappropriate 37:7incident 11:21

15:13 24:25incidents 9:9,10include 7:9includes 46:2including 25:13

56:15independent 45:25

50:6indicate 24:16indicated 56:8Indicating 39:17individual 22:5information 9:7,12

9:13,21 12:2213:2 17:7 26:2227:2,23 28:1629:5,14,17 30:830:21 31:9,12,1532:7,8,10 33:4,1534:1,2 38:15 40:840:12,21 45:2246:3,5,16 52:2553:1 54:1

informed 33:6,6initial 12:17 34:23input 46:21inquiry 53:25insert 8:20 11:11

15:3 29:15 30:12inspector 11:18,20

39:12 44:14 45:1846:8

instance 15:9 40:10instructed 51:16instructing 25:2instructor 32:24integrity 21:25intel 26:2 28:11

29:23intelligence 26:6,8

26:11,17,18,20,2428:10,11 29:6,8,929:23 30:4,11,1552:25 53:1

intended 35:24intent 36:2interaction 15:9

24:20Interdiction 22:3interested 56:13

interesting 26:1internal 44:6 48:25interview 12:17,19

20:11 46:7,11,1546:23 47:13

interviewed 12:2347:17,18

interviewing 44:6interviews 9:23

44:19investigate 20:11investigated 9:4

10:23investigating 27:14

33:10 37:25investigation 7:8

9:23 12:7,11,1713:8,12 25:127:24 33:23 34:237:17,22 44:2545:14,23,25 46:246:16,18,19,2147:7 54:2,7

investigations27:12,22 54:9

investigative 24:1824:24 28:12 29:2230:17

investigator 53:22involved 20:5 25:12

44:12 47:4involvement 7:2,8

12:16 20:4,1041:22

involves 24:9ISLAND 56:3issue 50:3,15issued 36:3 40:9

43:15 54:16issues 8:10 20:13

49:18items 49:3

JJ 1:14

jail 4:15,23Jason 15:16,23

16:13Jeff 13:15,17Jeremy 17:16,16,18

18:7,12job 5:17 16:3 30:24Joe 29:12Johnson 2:8judicial 10:24July 49:23June 47:24jurisdiction 12:12


KK9 15:24 18:4,7,10

18:23 19:2,9,1119:13 22:10

Kamerrer 2:7,8 3:58:20 10:16,2111:11 12:2 15:324:13 27:25 28:529:15,19 30:12,2531:11 32:2 33:1937:15 45:16 46:146:12 47:8 50:2451:1,3 55:2

kept 25:19Kevin 7:23,25 8:2

23:24 24:2kind 14:23knew 26:18 28:24

34:1,5,6 47:11,12know 5:13 6:14,16

7:23,25 8:3 10:112:4,10 13:15,2514:1 16:19 17:817:16 19:8 20:1521:6,17 22:14,1823:7 26:3,12,1429:1 30:5,10,1732:17,21 33:2,935:20 37:19 40:443:1,20 47:10

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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50:8 52:3,9,9,1252:13,13 53:5

knowing 17:1120:24

knowingly 10:20knowledge 16:10

41:17 45:24 50:1553:6

known 8:2 22:729:14 31:6 38:3,538:7

Kope 52:7,19Koran 41:2,4,6,11Kristen 1:23 56:4


Llack 27:25 32:2

45:17lacking 20:1lacks 8:21 15:4Larry 14:2,3,23

15:6,14Larson 19:21 22:16

39:8 42:20latest 20:24Laurel 37:3 39:6,7

39:15 42:7,21,22law 2:4,8 10:20

29:12,24 30:751:12 53:3

laws 16:4learn 13:8 30:23learned 8:24,24

40:19learning 29:12left 5:12 18:6,13Let's 36:16 52:6lied 17:25lieutenant 4:12,16

4:18 5:1,3,8,15,176:2,3,5,6,7,811:17 38:8

lieutenants 5:106:9

limits 12:14 13:9,14list 44:17listed 23:17little 14:21,25

29:10 53:6lived 22:11Liz 6:24,25 7:1

23:16 33:17,2234:4 42:12

load 6:12locations 53:16locked 30:1log-on 43:11long 4:13,18 7:3 8:2longer 13:18 15:7look 9:18,21 13:12

27:17 29:5 36:1636:18 53:11,18,25

looked 9:17,2210:22 19:24 37:1038:16

looking 27:4 44:17looks 26:3lost 49:4lot 15:8,9 29:11Lyman 2:8Lynden 12:14,16

13:2,5,6,9,11,1418:2 19:9,9,10

Lynden's 12:24

MM 1:23 56:4,23machine 40:24,24mag-lite 48:19main 53:14making 44:17management 28:4

29:13manner 56:10March 1:20 23:25

24:16 36:10 39:139:12 41:23

marital 1:10,14marked 23:20,21

25:22,23 31:18,1934:9 36:5,6 42:147:22 48:7 49:2056:17

matter 12:8 20:4McEachran 9:19McFadden 3:9

23:24 24:2 25:1151:22 52:3 54:354:10

MDT 39:16 40:941:13,14 48:21

mean 14:15 22:1025:14 33:20 44:2545:2 52:16

means 35:22meant 35:11Mede 7:23,25 8:2

8:24meet 39:7,25 41:13

41:13 42:21,2149:17

meeting 7:3,5,733:10,17 37:539:15 41:1 47:354:12

member 52:21members 22:3memo 3:9,11,12,13

23:25 31:20,21,2332:4,6,20 33:1433:22 34:10,22,2435:1,4,4 36:8,1036:12,13,16 37:1637:17,20

memorialized 7:10memory 51:7mentioned 20:23

47:4met 6:22 7:1 23:16

36:18 39:6microscope 28:4,6

28:9mind 14:14 24:25minds 9:1

minor 10:12 11:15minute 22:8misstates 29:19


24:22Mm-hm 14:17,19

16:6 22:17 23:424:1 28:20 31:736:9,17,21 47:2549:15 51:8 54:14

Mobile 3:12modified 44:3Molina 29:12moment 36:16money 49:13,13monitor 38:9monitoring 54:2month 4:21 16:8monthly 16:5months 16:9morning 4:8 48:9

49:10,11motions 56:15motorcycle 27:22Mount 28:23move 33:8moved 10:23,25

11:18,20moving 37:3multiple 46:5Murphy 1:10 3:9

3:10,11,15,176:14,16 7:8 23:2524:10,11,17 25:2426:23 28:24,2532:7 34:11,2336:18 37:22 38:1339:2 40:21 41:1241:23 42:7 44:747:7,17,23 48:2,949:22 50:2,19,2153:21 54:4,8,18

Murphy's 38:3,940:20 52:8,23


NN 2:1 3:1name 4:8,10 12:18

18:15,16 28:1838:14

named 56:6names 14:1,1 30:10narcotics 18:5nature 9:3 27:6need 4:21 49:12needed 19:22 40:3

45:18needs 30:8neither 32:19network 40:9never 13:23 17:12Nevertheless 8:21new 17:2 18:17night 42:20 43:24Nooksack 5:13norm 41:9note 26:1noted 56:10notes 3:10 25:25notice 41:12,14

42:16,18number 6:4 39:20

46:2numbered 44:16numbering 23:22numerous 10:15,17Nyhus 15:16,16

20:23 22:2

Oobject 28:5 37:15

47:10objected 45:6objection 8:20

10:16,21 11:1112:2 15:3 27:2529:15,19 30:12,2531:11 32:2 33:1945:16 46:1,12

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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47:8objections 56:9,15observe 30:21observed 32:22obtained 46:3,4,5obtaining 40:11obtuse 48:15obviously 25:11

36:14occasion 17:6 18:2

45:7occasions 9:15

10:15 13:8occupying 5:6occurred 9:5 33:15office 2:12 3:11,12

4:12,14,15 6:178:1 10:5 14:3 21:822:21 24:3 37:338:19 39:23 47:552:17,21

officer's 28:17offices 2:4 37:4official 56:20oh 4:20 15:13okay 4:16,25 5:11

5:23,25 6:9,14,187:1,23 9:15 10:111:1,22 12:7,1012:15 13:25 14:1515:13,16 18:1219:13,25 20:1221:1,4,21 22:1,1624:4,8,15 25:1526:6,13 27:9,1227:16,20 29:1030:20 31:13,1732:10 33:1,12,1734:8,16,18,2536:4,16 37:7 38:338:8,16 40:2 41:141:12 42:12,2343:3,15 44:3 45:445:8,13 46:747:20 48:4,6,13

48:18,23 49:2,1850:12,23 51:10,1652:11,15 53:5,753:25 54:13,23,25

open 53:10opened 5:4 53:13operations 6:6,8opinion 8:6,8 9:8

10:7,10 13:19,2214:8,10 15:20,2215:25 16:23,2517:20,22 20:17,1920:21 21:12,15,2121:24 22:23 23:123:11,14 35:2451:19

opinions 7:13,15opportunity 42:23opposed 25:20Opposing 56:19opposition 38:4Oral 1:17 56:18order 49:13,13ordered 44:3organizational

11:25original 54:16Ortiz 29:12outcome 41:20

56:13Outlaw 27:22outside 7:10 13:9

13:13 40:9 41:9overbroad 11:12

12:2 15:4 30:1330:25

overview 44:12owned 35:8 43:23ownership 18:9

PP 2:1,1page 3:3,8 36:10,12

38:13,17,20,22,2442:3 43:7,11 52:6

paragraph 25:235:9 36:20 51:6

Park 37:4Parks 13:15 36:11part 33:21 41:21

45:4,13,21 47:254:11

participate 12:7participated 41:23participating 12:11particular 42:24

53:10parties 56:8,12partitioned 53:18partitions 53:5,15party 56:10,19pass 17:12password 3:17 43:3

43:7 50:3paths 22:7patrol 4:23 5:19,22

26:17,20,24 28:934:24 40:11 52:2553:21

Paul 1:10 3:11 6:146:16 24:10,21,2325:2,24 27:228:24,25 30:9,1030:11 33:5 37:2239:2,7,25 41:2342:7,20 47:748:14 50:11 51:16

Paul's 45:3paused 15:6,12payment 18:9payout 49:6Payroll 49:11PD 28:18people 8:15,18,25

9:7 10:6 12:614:15,20 15:1017:3 21:2 22:1223:17 30:2,2,1730:18,19 38:12,1439:20 41:8 47:3

47:15perfectly 17:11perform 54:9period 19:15person 11:25 15:7

28:19 31:6 47:250:9

personal 8:2331:13 52:8,23

personally 8:129:21 33:2

pertaining 54:5pet 19:12phone 12:20 31:13

31:14,14physically 36:25

37:1pick 48:20pieces 46:3PIG 26:24 27:3

28:19 52:10place 12:20 36:24places 13:7Plaintiffs 1:11 2:3play 48:11played 45:8player 48:20,24please 4:8 41:13

49:5plus 8:24PM 49:10point 16:2 27:13

37:2 48:4Police 13:2 18:2

19:10policy 18:5 34:25

35:1,3,3,7,13,1635:17,20 37:14,16

porch 20:8portable 18:23position 5:3,6,23

31:9possible 33:21posted 38:24posting 38:13 41:5

postings 38:10potential 40:8power 42:15power-on 43:3,7predate 10:6premise 54:11preparation 39:11prepare 6:19,21prepared 6:22preparing 24:4PRESENT 2:14Pretty 19:14previous 17:2price 18:22Primarily 44:13primary 12:16,25prior 6:7,18 9:13

22:10,10 26:7,826:10,12,18 27:1028:16 29:19 34:1437:2 43:1

proactive 22:4probable 22:5probably 5:1 19:7

35:5 44:19problem 10:19

11:24 13:23 27:527:6 29:8,1148:14

problems 49:18process 29:4program 40:11promote 11:25promoted 4:23 5:1

6:5promotion 6:7

11:22promotions 4:19prompted 53:25promptly 56:18prop 27:2proper 45:23property 3:15,16

53:22proponent 17:12

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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prosecuted 12:11prosecution 12:24prosecutor 6:23,24

9:19prosecutor's 2:12

39:23 47:5protocol 45:23provided 13:2,9

50:12public 40:13purchase 18:20purports 23:24pushed 22:13put 15:15 18:4 25:4

29:24 34:21 40:24


56:10question 5:6 8:10

8:22 9:24 14:1215:10 17:23 19:2019:25 21:1 22:123:5 24:9 25:930:5 31:4 40:1642:14 43:17 44:1644:17 51:9,2554:4,15,18,23

questioned 9:1622:12,14

questioning 8:158:25 39:10

questions 3:14 9:110:7 18:6 30:2044:14,15,18,2445:9,15 50:2455:2 56:15

quote 26:24

RR 2:1 56:1R-O-S-S-M-I-L-...

4:10radio 18:23raised 52:23 53:2rank 11:16

RCW 29:25read 24:8,13 34:17

43:17 49:14 51:654:15,18,21 56:7

reading 33:22ready 24:7reason 8:10 14:12

15:6,12 21:1 22:140:2 45:21

reasoning 40:4,5,6reasons 19:20recall 5:1 7:12,20

20:3 21:3 23:1824:4,11,19,2325:1,9 26:2,4 27:127:17 33:11,12,2033:23 34:1,4,1634:21 36:11 41:141:5,8 42:6 44:745:6 47:16,1748:1,2 49:1,8,8,1450:2,5,17,18,21

receipt 49:2received 10:23

12:22 26:5 33:454:19

receiving 26:2 52:1recognize 31:21,24

34:12 48:9recollection 7:21

36:14 41:7,1042:9 48:15 50:6

record 4:9 54:1656:8

recorded 45:10records 47:20reference 18:3 35:2

41:2 48:2referenced 18:7

34:25 35:13,1840:20

referred 43:11referring 35:20

36:20refers 35:7

reflect 51:19refresh 42:9 51:7regard 9:23 20:13regarding 23:25

27:3 35:4 48:9regards 14:23 50:2related 17:6,8,14

37:17relative 56:12Rely 47:20remember 5:2,8

11:16 12:18 13:1318:16,17,17 24:624:7,20 26:428:17 33:22 36:1338:13 39:9 40:441:21,25 47:248:5,23 54:11

Remind 20:6remove 25:3 51:17removed 48:19,21Reported 1:23Reporter 1:24

56:23reports 20:1representative

28:14request 32:1,3,6,20requests 19:21Reserved 55:4Residing 56:24resign 50:20,22resolve 8:18 50:15resolved 19:18respond 49:10responds 49:3response 50:12result 41:17resulted 20:7retain 11:7retired 5:13Return 3:15,16returned 53:21review 18:5 39:11

41:20 42:12

reviewed 6:22 7:119:20 12:22 34:14

reviewing 18:424:5,7

rickety 20:8right 13:15 15:25

19:1,4,13 21:1023:19 25:9 30:1639:5 40:14 54:21

Robert 2:3,4Rodger 32:24 33:6


29:13Roff 21:4,6,6 24:10

24:11 53:23 54:7role 5:17 45:8

46:22room 37:5,5 39:20Rossmiller 1:18

3:13,16 4:1,1051:1 52:8

rotation 27:18rulings 20:24rumors 50:18RW 2:8

SS 2:1safe 25:5sat 45:14,21 47:11saying 7:18 8:19

26:1 40:21says 14:24,24 25:7

25:8,12 36:851:16

Scott 1:18 4:1,1031:20 32:1,3,6,2033:16 34:5 40:2051:1 52:8

screen 53:14script 45:11seal 56:20sealing 56:17search 16:4 22:8

searching 15:2516:7 41:17,19

SEATTLE 1:8sec 48:11second 14:18 24:8

36:20secret 38:7section 53:10,13SECTOR 31:24

32:8,13,17 33:933:24 40:19

secure 24:18,2125:4 40:15,1551:18 53:2

secured 25:6security 24:23

25:10,17 51:11,1951:25 52:4

see 16:13 23:2531:6 49:6,23 52:654:1

seeing 26:7 38:14seized 43:23seizure 16:4 22:8sending 36:11

52:15sense 5:7sent 28:15,21 37:19

52:7,8sentence 35:9 51:16separate 9:9,10separated 48:4sergeant 4:24 5:9

5:21 8:1,23 11:1914:3 16:15 19:2124:3 42:19,2051:22 52:3 54:354:10

sergeants 5:19,19series 10:7service 19:15 40:15services 6:7,8set 6:4 37:4 56:20share 30:22 31:9,12shared 25:3,6,10,17

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

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sharing 6:12sheriff 6:17 32:12

32:17 33:4,7,9,1238:11 39:21 47:4

sheriff's 1:14 2:73:11,12 4:12,144:15 6:17 8:1 10:511:5 14:3 21:822:20 24:3 38:1952:17,21

shift 42:25shop 48:19short 5:18 27:5showing 23:21

25:23 31:19 36:647:23

side 19:23,23signature 55:4 56:8signed 56:7sit 45:18 47:13sitting 26:8 38:2

46:23 47:6situation 10:22

19:23,23 20:2544:13

six 16:8 40:2software 36:3somebody 14:24

15:11 31:6 33:645:24

son's 31:14sorry 5:2 18:16

24:21 32:24 39:139:4 41:4

sounds 39:5source 40:18sources 46:5specialties 5:22specific 7:21 24:25

29:7 35:1 41:1047:2 52:9

specifically 7:2017:10 22:9 23:18

24:6,7 25:11 26:330:1,3 33:11,2033:21 36:13 38:1241:21 48:23 50:1050:16,21 52:1454:11

speculation 8:2112:3 27:25 46:12

spell 4:8Spencer 52:7,19spend 29:11ss 56:2start 48:12 53:8started 4:15,22

34:2starting 23:23starts 48:18state 4:8 10:13

40:11 56:2,4statement 37:13

45:10statements 17:10

40:21STATES 1:7Station 39:6,7,15stationed 12:20stayed 44:23stays 22:8stenographically

56:6Steve 5:12 10:1,4

16:17 21:4,6,625:3 51:17

stop 9:5,12,24 16:7straightforward

13:23Street 2:4stuff 17:8 24:21

27:13style 9:6,14subject 3:11,12

31:23 36:8submitted 49:11subsequent 43:20substantial 20:7

Suite 2:4superficial 20:11superior 19:25supervise 5:18supervised 5:23supervising 6:11supervision 9:14supervisor 15:8supervisors 5:18supervisory 9:6supposed 54:6supposedly 17:10sure 11:5 18:16

28:8 29:5 38:1144:17,21,22,2345:8,15 47:21

surprise 42:24surrendering 45:4suspending 41:23SW 2:8swapped 48:21

53:22sworn 4:2system 10:23,24

53:3systems 40:25

TT 56:1,1table 37:5Taddonio 21:17,17

22:2tagged 18:25 19:2take 14:16 15:10,14

18:24 19:2 23:3,624:8 39:1 41:13

taken 34:23 39:1241:15 56:6,16

talk 7:1 12:6 18:323:16

talked 27:10talking 33:23 38:14Tara 2:15task 5:20tasked 33:10 38:8

46:23,25 47:150:8

Team 22:3technologies 35:8tell 27:15 32:19

34:6 42:18 43:253:15

telling 13:6 31:2334:4 48:18

ten 16:9term 28:5testified 4:3testimony 29:20

39:12 47:8 56:15Thank 20:9thereof 56:13,20thereon 56:17thing 8:19 24:13things 7:9,10 19:3

30:7 38:13think 6:5 9:7 14:15

14:20,21,25 15:115:13 20:9,22,2225:13 28:18 33:834:17 37:6 45:1153:6

thinking 8:19thought 14:18

24:21 34:19 44:20three 49:25three-page 42:14thumb 25:5,19time 8:24 13:18

14:7 22:13 26:1426:15,21 29:1135:6 41:8 42:1743:2 44:15,2250:18 56:9,16

timeline 8:3 34:21times 10:17 17:6

27:4title 56:17today 6:18 24:4

34:4 38:2told 33:3,4,9 34:4

38:12 39:18 43:1543:21,22

tonight 41:13Tony 5:10,12top 48:12 50:12topic 16:11topics 7:7 18:3total 49:2track 44:23traffic 5:20 9:5,12

9:24 37:2,4trafficking 22:6train 44:20training 18:4 31:24

32:13,17,25transcribed 56:6,8

56:14transcript 56:15transfer 18:9,22

19:15 25:2 51:17transition 24:10,11Trevor 20:15,23Trevor's 21:2Tribe 5:13true 17:8 43:20

56:15trusting 37:12truthful 8:9 14:11

17:1 20:1,2221:16 23:2,15

truthfulness 8:6,1610:8 13:20 14:814:10 15:20 16:2317:20,23 19:2020:12,19 21:2,1322:23 23:12

try 18:4trying 5:8 15:12,13

18:8,12 29:21Tumwater 2:9turn 44:3 49:5

54:13Turn-in 3:15,16turned 54:7Turning 53:7

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

Page 65

turns 44:21two 6:10,10 9:9,10

9:15,15 10:1830:2,2 36:11


type 23:3

UUhlig 1:23 56:4,23ultimately 11:19

12:23Um 44:2Un-Elect 38:16underlying 45:14undersheriff 39:21

47:4undersigned 56:4understand 43:21


13:10 26:20 40:23unique 11:10unit 22:4UNITED 1:7units 5:19unusual 19:15use 18:19,20 22:2,2

27:11 28:5 31:1335:8 52:23

user 43:11uses 46:6

Vvacancy 5:7vacation 31:5,8vague 10:16 11:12

12:2 15:4 29:1630:13,25 33:1937:15 45:16 46:1

vaguely 26:3value 15:15VanderVeen 20:5

20:15various 47:3verdict 20:7

Vernon 28:24versed 15:24versus 16:8 30:17vet 28:16vetted 19:22 29:18vetting 29:4viewing 36:24views 41:9violating 10:20violation 37:14,16vs 1:12

WWAC 29:7waive 56:8Walk 4:18want 8:20 9:12

11:11 24:8 29:429:17 30:12 32:951:6 54:13

wanted 18:18,2025:1 31:6 44:21

warrants 22:5Washington 1:8,13

1:22,24 2:5,9,1310:13 56:2,4,24

wasn't 12:10 27:1529:2 37:25 38:741:21 45:13

way 12:19 30:20we'll 15:14 40:6we're 14:20,21,22

23:22 38:2 41:12We've 42:16wear 19:5web 38:9website 40:15week 7:6weighing 9:2went 5:13 18:2,13

18:18 19:9 53:14WESTERN 1:8Whatcom 1:13,13

1:21 2:7,11,123:11,12 4:12,13

12:13 28:14 35:738:19 52:17,21

wide 35:17Wiederspohn 20:4

20:6wife's 31:14William 1:14 2:15witness 4:2 8:23

10:22 11:13 15:624:15 28:2,829:21 30:14 31:231:12 33:20 39:1744:25 45:1,1846:2,14 47:9 56:556:7,8,18,20

woman 12:18wonder 14:21wondered 8:11,12word 28:11 35:21

54:21,21words 35:25 53:2work 17:1,7,14

18:8 20:1 28:2343:22 49:14

worked 10:3,413:17 14:6 15:1816:21 17:18 20:1721:10,11,19 22:2023:9

working 38:1world 19:13Wow 7:4write 32:3,6,20

43:3writing 25:12 34:16written 44:15 45:9

51:22wrote 14:1 35:24


XX 3:1

Yyeah 5:8 11:13 19:8

28:2,8 33:14 38:6

46:14 50:16year 39:3years 4:21 6:4 9:6

9:13 10:3 17:11yesterday's 23:22


008 24:17 36:16 37:8


110 41:13 42:19

54:1910-4 49:310:30AM 1:20103 2:411 28:311th 1:2012/31/2011 3:1014th 34:1116 3:9 23:20,22

51:4,517 3:10 25:22,23

52:618 3:11 31:18,2019 3:12 34:9,101934 1:24 56:231987 4:15

22 36:10,12 43:72/10/12 3:14 42:62/14/2012 3:122/21/2012 3:132/9/2012 3:112:13-CV-00727

1:1220 3:13 36:5,6 53:72003 5:22004'ish 5:22008 23:25 24:9

36:8,10 53:82010 42:62011 25:25,25

26:10,15 27:1,1650:18,19

2012 34:12 36:8,1537:19 39:4,1349:23 54:19

2014 1:20 56:2020th 39:1,1521 3:14 42:1,2

54:1322 3:15 47:22,2322nd 36:7 39:1223 3:9,16 48:7,8,1024 3:17 49:20,2125 3:102674 2:827th 47:2428th 49:11

33 43:113/8/2008 3:931 3:11311 1:21 2:1231st 25:2534 3:1236 3:13360.734.3448 2:5360.754.3480 2:93rd 49:22

44 3:4 54:154:00 49:1342 3:1447 3:1548 3:1649 3:17

55 36:105:55 49:1051 3:5512 2:4

66/27/2012 3:15

Scott Rossmiller, March 11, 2014Paul Murphy v. Whatcom County

3206 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 12 - Everett, Washington 98201BMA Court Reporters, (425) 252.7277

Page 66

6/28/2012 3:16

77/3/2012 3:17725 49:3,67th 23:25 31:24

887 4:22,23

99:05AM 1:2090 4:2397 4:2398225 1:22 2:5,1398512 2:99th 31:21

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