making the most of business travel gear

Post on 25-May-2015






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Making the Most of Business Travel Gear

Making the Most of Your Gear

Despite all the technological advances that have made the world a smaller place over the past few decades, business still often requires employees to pack up and travel. For people who are on the go, it’s important to have the appropriate travel gear on hand for these trips, but with everyone tightening their belts over the past few years, you may be wondering which products get the most bang for your buck.

Save on Baggage Fees

One of the first things to consider is that the right gear can easily save you some cash on baggage fees if they eliminate the need to check a bag. Compression bags make it easier to tote your clothes in half the space a regular bag would require. Also be sure to the clothes you’ll be taking. Do you really need a winter coat, or would you be safe simply packing a less bulky sweater? A quick check of the weather in your destination can help you make a smart decision that might eliminate unnecessary items from your luggage.

Choosing Clothes

When choosing what to take, be sure to only choose tops and bottoms that all match in order to simplify selecting an outfit each day and to reduce the number of accessories (belts, shoes, etc.) that you need to take with you. Remember that you can arrange for laundry and cleaning services when you arrive, which can help you cut down on the number of outfits you need to bring along with you.

Worthwhile InvestmentsWhile your focus is likely on saving money, remember that a few small expenditures on useful products before you board your flight can save you some serious headaches down the road. Be sure to purchase a small container of hand sanitizer to keep on you and use throughout your travels, especially if you plan on going during cold and flu season. Keeping yourself healthy isn’t only important for your wellbeing, but it can also save you on doctors’ visits and medications down the road. On top of that, you won’t have to worry about having a runny nose when speaking to an important client, or dealing with a terrible sore throat while making a business presentation.

Productivity Boosters

Other items to pack include those that can boost your productivity during the flight and the rest of your trip. You may find that noise-cancelling headphones are your new favorite accessory once you carry them on the plane with you. They can help you block out all the noises that can make your flight an annoyance, which means that it may be easier for you to catch some shuteye on your redeye, or to work from your seat with minimal distractions.

Be Honest

Some products might seem like a good idea, but often end up as unused flotsam floating around in your bag. If you’ve been traveling for any period of time you probably know which items will actually get put to use. Just be honest with yourself and ask if that neck pillow is going to make it easier for you to sleep or will it simply end up as a bulky item for you to tote around.

Planning AheadAll of this advice boils down to two things: using the right products and planning ahead. That means you can’t put off packing until the last minute, unless you’re a seasoned business traveler who never quite unpacks between seminars or meetings.

Knowing what you’re taking, why you’re taking it, and where you’re going to put it means that you’ll be more organized throughout your trip – and possibly save some money in the process.

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