marden chapel speakers caretaker wanted · marden chapel speakers all services at 6.30pm 7th keith...

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Marden News and Views – June 2015

Stapling Rota How to contact News & Views: Jun for Jul/Aug Annette Harrhy& Christine Edge Editors :

Anne Thornewell,

42 Walkers Green, Marden, Hereford HR1 3DZ – Tel:

01432 880760

Caroline Cotton,

Hunters Oak, Marden, Hereford

HR1 3EU – Tel 01568 797493


or there is a box at the Mace shop.

Aug for Sep Stephen & Margaret Locke

Sept for Oct Jane Keating & Angela Jones

Oct for Nov Michael & Katie Parkes

Nov for Dec/Jan Barbara Thomas & Mrs Gunby

Jan16 for Feb Mary MacKay

Feb for Mar Carol Wingfield

Mar for Apr Sandra Watkins & Joy Davey

Apr for May Bill & Veronica Wright

May for Jun Carol Steele & Anne Sperring


Mike & Wendy Steadman, Robin & Sandy Brook

All contributions received by the editor no later than the deadline on the 20th of the month, will appear in the next edition, and

subject to space being available we will always do our best to get everything in.

COMMUNITY SCAN COPIER: The scan copier situated in the lobby of the Community Centre is available for anyone in

the Parish wishing to produce more than a minimum of 50 copies of the same sheet. Please to ring us at News and Views on

the usual numbers if you wish to use it. Anne & Caroline

Disclaimer Articles and information submitted for inclusion in Marden News and Views are published without prejudice and in good faith

and should in no way be assumed to express the views and opinions of the editors. Articles submitted anonymously will not

be printed. News and Views can accept no responsibility for any information which is incorrect or subsequently changed.


Marden Chapel Speakers All Services at 6.30pm


7th Keith Newman of Bolstone

14th David Porter of Hereford

21st Len Day of Marden

28th Jill Brookes of Marden

Marden Community Centre Bookings If you would like to make a booking for the Centre, please contact - Chris Wathen on 01568 797876.

Alternatively, if no reply from the above number, please contact - Paula Barrett on 07985 576230.

Or email

Guides News 1st Marden Guides had a hands-on day of science investigation at a special event held at Birmingham’s Thinktank Science Museum. We were among 250 Brownies, Guides and their Leaders from across the Midlands who took part in the scientific spectacular on Saturday April 25th. We tried out messy experiments in a lab workshop, chatted to polar scientists about their work, saw a science show in the Thinktank theatre and were transported out of this world with a tour of the night sky in the museum’s digital planetarium. We also explored Thinktank’s outdoor Science Garden and themed galleries, which are packed with hands-on interactive activities. During the day the girls also worked towards their Guide Science badge. The event was run as part of Thinktank’s Guide Science link-up project with Girlguiding Midlands. The Government-backed scheme aims to inspire girls and young women with science. We are now busy planning our summer camp in the Cotswolds. If you would like to join us at Guides, please contact Alison on 01432 880094 or email

CARETAKER WANTED The Simpson Hall, Burghill, requires a caretaker for September

2015. The post is for approximately 10 hours p.w. and comes with

a tied house.

Duties include opening and closing the hall for each user group,

cleaning and maintenance of the property and acting as booking

secretary for the hall

For more information, an application form and full job description

contact Joe Helme on 01432 760816, or David Rix on 01432 769496

Marden News and Views – June 2015

GARDEN TIP OF THE MONTH Begonias look good in any garden, you can have big blowsy ones in tubs or beds, preferably in tubs as it is easier to look after them, or the short Semperflorens type which are mainly for bedding but do get used in tubs. These are smaller headed and not so ungainly as the large blooms, The other type are the well known trailing ones, these have much smaller flowers and will trail about 18inches in baskets. They all need frost protection. The Semperflorens are known as bedding begonias due to the small size, they come in many shades of reds, pink and white and are usually very brittle to handle. Their foliage is very colourful in either red or green and both are shiny. These are best in partial shade. You can buy them as plugs but you will have to harden them off prior to planting. It is easier to buy this one from a garden centre, but handle very gently as they are brittle. Water regularly but do not wet the foliage during dry spells, it will scorch them, feed weekly with a high Potash feed such as tomato feed eg Tomorite. This applies to all flowering The plugs should be potted on into small three inch pots until you are ready to put them in the garden. The blowsy ones come with a large tuber which can be kept from year to year in a frost free place. If you are keeping them on they need very careful treatment, after flowering lie the containers on the side and let them dry out naturally , don't cut the tops off. During this drying off time you will notice that leaves will just drop off, this is ok. When signs of frost appear take the container inside and let it stand dry, until eventually the main stem will just come off. It is at this stage that you can take the tubers out of the compost and let the drying continue! Keep them frost free until the spring when you can get a seed tray filled with moist compost and put these tubers on the top with the hollow side facing upwards. Keep them like this until small leaves appear and you can then pot them into a 6" pot until you need to put them into their place. Continue to look after them as I said for the Semperflorens and you will be rewarded with plants about 18" high and huge blooms which are heavy, so you will need to put supports to them or they will brake down with the weight of bloom. And then there is my favourite , the trailing one mainly for baskets, you can put them in tubs but as they trail the blooms will get onto the ground, unless the tub is very tall. You do not need supports. If you order these as plugs treat them just the same as the previous ones. When planting in the basket place them about 6" apart as they will fill out, you could put a taller plant in the middle of basket to get some height, a small Fuchia will answer this. If you prefer to have other plants in the basket with them, ok, but not too many. When planting you will see that the leaves are pointed, this means that you must plant with the point coming out of the basket. When you want to wake them up, again get a tray full of damp compost and sit the tubers on top with the hollow side facing up and leave like this, they can be put into 6"pots or kept in the tray until they can go into the basket, but kept frost free. Remember that all begonias can get scorched if you get water on the leaves. Begonias do tend to be slow waking up but if you can give bottom heat this does help.


The Wildside of Marden As soon as I had submitted the last article in April I heard the cuckoo and I have heard them ever since. A friend of mine

has seen a pair together but as yet this year, I have not seen them although they have been quite close at times.

May has been an exciting month as the rain has encouraged everything to grow although the unpredictable temperatures

has sent nature into a quandary and I even saw daffodils out in May in someone’s garden. In our little wild wood the

primroses have given way to the blue bells that adorn our English countryside at this time of year. The apple blossom has

been spectacular and even though we have had some chilly nights we are hoping for a better crop than last year.

I have spotted lots of wildlife but the highlights have been a red kite soaring overhead here at the top of the hill and a

badger making a bee line from one side of the road to the other. He was not in his usually undulating lope but actually

running like a man trying to catch a train.

To my great delight while cutting my grass I came across a family of pheasants well, mum and about a dozen table tennis

ball size youngsters. I did not cut the grass further so as to give them a sanctuary as they cheeped around, with mum

clucking quietly to them to keep them in order and together. The pheasant originates from Asia and is widespread

throughout the world. Their import into Europe is often debated as some theories are based on Phoenician traders bringing

them to southern Europe but certainly the Romans and the Normans brought them into Britain for the table as they did with

many other non-indigenous species like Mr Rabbit. However, they are a common and a beautiful sight in our countryside

even though they are the most hunted birds in the world and bred by man so he can partake in the sport and so at least they

are nowhere near risk of extinction, although they are very suicidal on our roads.

My most interesting encounter was the discovery of a European hornet queen in our wood burning stove. I wanted it

rescued. Therefore I stood over an intrepid husband, who had laid the fire in an orderly way, making him dismantle his

creation bit by bit hunting for the lost creature. I assured him that hornets only sting in anger not like their smaller cousins

the wasp who seem to sting at times, for no apparent reason. He reluctantly persevered but alas, we were too late she had

succumbed to the toxic ash and perished, much to my dismay. However, I think to the others in the room at the time, it was

to their relief.

To make amends we have been collecting interesting bits of hollow wood of different shapes and sizes as we are going to

make a bug house. We were inspired by the one we saw at the National Trust Gardens at the Weir.

Jess T

Marden News and Views – June 2015

Village Club News

MARDEN ARTS & CRAFTS The intriguing title of this month’s hands-on session is “From Beer Cans to Butterflies”. Mary Roberts will be showing us how

to upcycle aluminium beer cans into natural, decorative forms using basic methods and tools. Beer cans will be provided but if

you have any please bring them along as well as a pair of old scissors and if possible a biro that doesn’t work. We look forward

to seeing you at this fun evening making decorative structures on 22nd June, 2015 7.45pm at the Community Centre.

SB MARDEN HISTORY SOCIETY Once again we are fortunate to be showing more films from the Huntley Film Archive. The meeting will take place on Monday,

18th, June at 7. 45pm in the Community Room at the school. At the time of going to press for the News and Views we do not

have the precise details of films but we anticipate having the information in time to put on our posters around the village and

in the Hereford Times nearer the date. We look forward to a good turnout of our members. Visitors are most welcome for the

small charge of £2.00 to include light refeshments and drinks.

POSTSCRIPT. Our visit to the Violette Szabo museum at Wormelow was well supported on Wednesday,20th,May. Rosemary

Rigby,(originator of the Museum), gave us a very detailed account of the life/death of Violette and the origins of the Museum.

She is looking forward to the Annual visit by Virginia McKenna (Star of the film) on Sunday,28th, June at 2. 00pm. and

expects quite a crowd. Apparently, Virginia is very happy to talk to everyone and sign autographs. They are both amazing



MARDEN WI Our speaker in May was Liz Dobbs-Sandi who gave us a hilarious talk about her life in Zimbabwe. As a child she lived on a

remote farm with her parents and had close encounters with a leopard and a cobra. She told us tales about her Greek grandfather

and Italian grandmother, who lived with them, before going on to talk of her working life as a bookkeeper, haulage firm owner

and wildlife conservationist. On a more serious note she spoke movingly about the time she and her husband had to leave

Zimbabwe, at the instigation of the government authorities, because of their political activities. She finished her talk with stories

of her life in England since then. Anne Sperring thanked Liz for her lively and interesting talk and then we enjoyed refreshments

provided by Ann Herbert and Alison Leigh.

Our next meeting will be on June11th. We will meet in the Community Centre car park at 7pm for a Car Treasure Hunt followed

by a ploughman’s supper in the Community Lounge.

Members are also reminded that our educational trip to Blists Hill Museum at Ironbridge Gorge will be on Thursday 18th June.

We will share cars and leave the Community Centre at 9.30 am.


MARDEN GARDENERS Club meeting Tuesday 12th May 2015.

Our speaker was Mr Frank Hardy talking on ‘The all year round garden’. What a super character he is, constantly engaging his

audience with excellent humour and quick wit. A garden designer by profession he still works on many of the national garden

shows. To help demonstrate his talk he brought along a huge selection of plants and shrubs and showed us how to select small

groups for each month of the year. Essentially, to keep our garden interesting all year we must have at least 50% evergreens in

our design. The small conifers are excellent but remember that the term evergreen refers to a plant keeping it’s leaves over

winter but they can be found in many different colours. Bulbs and bedding plants are good in their turn but need to be long

flowering for best results.

All-in-all an excellent evening especially as we were able to buy the plants afterwards.

Plant Sale 16th May 2015.

Held at Stony Cross, Marden can we thank everyone who kindly contributed plants for sale. We had a huge selection and sold

virtually all of them. Many thanks to June for hosting the sale, to those who helped on the day and especially our customers.

All proceeds go to Gardening Club funds.

Club Meeting June 2015.

Just to remind members that there will be no club meeting in June.

We meet every second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in Marden Community Centre except over the summer months when

we often go on garden visits. New members and visitors are always very welcome but there will be a nominal charge to non-

members for each visit. If you would like more information on the club please contact Len Day on 01432 880657.


MOTHERS UNION Afternoon tea in style, with best china and silver, provided a backdrop for an occasion to chat amongst ourselves with one

visitor. Again illness prevented some form joining us.

Rhoda Woodcock will provide us with fresh insights into WATER AID for our next meeting.


Marden News and Views – June 2015

St Ethelberts,

Sutton St Nicholas,

Hereford. HR1 3AY

Wednesday 20th May 2015

Dear Parisheners of Sutton, Marden and Moreton I would like to take this opportunity of thanking each and everyone of you for voting in the local Parish Elections on Thursday 7th May 2015. As you may be aware there was an extremely large number of voters this year and this is inspirational to all of us in the Parishes who feel strongly and want a say in what is important in our Community. I would also like to thank those in particular voters who voted for myself and the Independent Party. I felt that it was a job well done for all of us and sadly on this occasion it was not meant to be.

With my kindest regards Mike Hughes

MARDEN PARISH COUNCIL The Annual Parish Meeting was held on Monday 18 May at 7.00 pm. It was followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish

Council, at which Robert Bartup was elected Chairman of the Parish Council and Michael Parkes was elected Vice Chairman.

As there were 3 vacancies on the Council, Jon Stannard and Richard Batho offered to stand and were Co-opted as Members.

There is still 1 vacancy for the Council. If you are interested in being Co-opted as a Member, please contact the Clerk or the

Chairman Rob Bartup as soon as possible. If all the vacancies are not filled by 19 June, Herefordshire Council will start an

election process.

Councillors and volunteers for liaison responsibilities and Working Groups were agreed as follows:

S&A Liaison Group – Cllrs Gladwyn, Fraser and Batho.

Financial Advisory Working Group – Cllrs Parkes, Fraser, Meredith and Bennett.

Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group – Cllrs Bennett, Parkes, Brook, Fraser, Gladwyn and Stannard and

2 volunteers.

New Community Facilities Working Group – Cllrs Bennett, Brook, Fraser and Gladwyn and 4 volunteers. Parish Footpath

Officers – Richard Batho and Mike Darley

More volunteers are needed to join the NDP Steering Group and the New Community Facilities Working Group. If you are

able to join one of these groups to help undertake vital projects for the parish, please contact the Clerk, details below.

Planning applications – considered at an extra PC meeting on 20 May

P150989/O, Land adjacent to New House Farm and Marden Primary School, Marden – Proposed residential development of

90 dwellings, with provision of a site for a community building and associated open public space – Council had concerns

about number and density of houses, transport issues and S106 Heads of Terms agreement and have instructed the planning

consultants to write a response on this basis

P150023/FH and P150024/L, Venns Green Farm, Nr Sutton St Nicholas, HR1 3DD – Proposed conversion of rural buildings

to three dwellings and associated works – Supported.

Next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting is at 7:30 pm on 8 June at the Community Centre. All are welcome to attend.

Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group

The update in the May News & Views gave details about the changes that are likely to happen to the Marden NDP following

modifications to Herefordshire Council’s Core Strategy. The changes include allocating development for more houses within

the parish, drawing settlement boundaries for the hamlets of Litmarsh, Burmarsh and The Vauld and changing policies.

Amendments to the policies in the Plan will reflect both the modifications and the response to the Regulation 14 consultation

earlier this year. The Group is currently looking at the changes needed and will then consult with parishioners. Please make

sure that you are part of future consultations on the NDP. Once the document becomes law, it will be used by Herefordshire

Council when making planning decisions. Anyone can attend the meetings of the Group as an observer, but why not come

and join the group as a volunteer and help shape the future of Marden.

New Community Facilities Working Group

The Group is currently getting advice on whether it is possible to exit from the current leases for the joint use of the

Community Centre and what implications this would have. The results of a questionnaire of parish groups that use the

Community Centre and other community facilities will be considered at the next meeting on Wednesday 3 June at 7:30 pm

in the Community Centre. All are welcome to attend meetings, both to join the Group as a volunteer or to observe.

Parish Council Donations

If you would like to apply for a donation to help keep your organisation or group running, please contact the Clerk urgently.

Donations will be considered at the June Parish Council meeting.

Marden Village website

If you have a news item you think should be shared on the website, please use the contact form on the website – – or email the Clerk at

Alison Sutton, Marden Parish Clerk. Tel: 07789 322771. Email:

Marden News and Views – June 2015

British Red Cross Open Gardens

We have two beautiful gardens for you to visit this June.

Rarely open to the public, Fawley Court garden is beautifully

designed and planted with mixed herbaceous borders, roses and

outstanding delphiniums. There is an unusual water garden

providing the perfect place to relax and then Brilley Court

with its walled ornamental kitchen garden, seven acre

arboretum, wild stream garden and notable rhododendron

collection should certainly not be missed.

On both occasions a light lunch, teas and a raffle will all be

available to make your afternoon very special.

Entry £5.00 and children under 12 are free.

Sunday 21st June: Fawley Court (by kind

permission of Mr and Mrs Clay) Fawley, Herefordshire, HR1

4SP Open 12.00 to 5.00pm.

Sunday 28th June: Brilley Court (by kind

permission of Mrs Bulmer)

Brilley, Whitney-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR3 6JF Open

12.00 to 5.00pm

St Michael’s Hospice our shops need YOU!

Would you like to join an amazing team of people and

help our retail stores raise almost a third of the

£4.6million needed to run St Michael’s Hospice every


Our Retail Volunteers help us to provide care for

patients and their families at a time when they need it


Volunteering for St Michael’s is a fantastic way to

make friends and gain new interests.

Pop into one of our shops or warehouses and ask for a

volunteer form, or for further information, please call

the Retail Team on 01432 851000.

MARDEN PRE-SCHOOL/ Breakfast and Afterschool club




DOORS OPEN 6.30pm EYES DOWN 7.00pm

A fun evening with Prizes to be won Refreshments will be served

Everyone welcome & we look forward to seeing you on the night !



RING PAULA ON 07985576230

Sunday 5th July 12PM TILL 4PM

Boots to set up as of 12pm













Marden News and Views – June 2015

This year will be the tenth anniversary of the LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) “Open Farm Sunday” event. Open Farm Sunday

is now firmly established as the agricultural industry’s annual open day. The event is a great opportunity to build community relations,

promote how to produce food and manage the countryside, whilst also raising the profile of the farming industry as a whole.

Following the success of the last two years, S&A will once again be participating in Open Farm Sunday here at Brook Farm. The date this

year is Sunday 7th June and the event is open from 11am-4pm. Visitors will be able to learn all about the techniques and systems we use by

meeting our growers, visiting our packhouse and taking a variety of walks around our farm. There will also be the opportunity to try our

berries and be part of our consumer panel of tasters, eating strawberries with various different accompaniments! Some of our current farm

vehicles and machinery will be on show, as well as a display of vintage tractors. Future technology in farming will also be available to see,

demonstrating how it is used in our sector. A variety of local Herefordshire producers will be on site as well as with refreshments to quench

thirsts and satisfy appetites! There is a free bouncy castle and lots of picnic benches to help relax and enjoy the day. Two photography

degree students from Hereford College of Arts who have carried out projects at S&A, will also be exhibiting their work.

We look forward to welcoming many of you back to Brook Farm as well as greeting new visitors.


Community Relations Officer – S&A Produce (UK) Ltd.

NEWS FROM S&A Open Farm Sunday 2015

WANTED Old Photographs/Drawings of

Marden Marden History Society is currently

preparing its annual Marden Calendar for

2016 for which the theme will be ‘Then

and Now’. If anyone has old pictures of

buildings or locations in Marden that

have since changed the History Society

would be grateful for the loan of such

pictures in preparing this

calendar. Please contact Brian Skinner

on 01432 882220 or by email at if you can

help but not before 19th June.

Marden News and Views – June 2015

Hypnotherapy for Health and Happiness

We all have times in our lives when we want to make improvements to our physical or mental health. When we recognise that we are not

operating at our best, and we want to do something about it.

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to overcoming obstacles and making sustainable changes. It uses relaxation techniques which are

pleasant and enjoyable. It uses visualisation techniques to enable you to focus on creative solutions and move forward in a constructive way.

It isn’t magic, but it does make the process of making change easier by reducing your stress levels, improving your mood and getting you in

the right mind-set.

As a therapy, it can help you with a wide range of issues. Below are some of the areas where hypnotherapy can be helpful. This is not an

exhaustive list, so please contact me for more information if you would like to discuss other issues where it can be beneficial.

What do you want to work on? Stress and anxiety Exam nerves

Stop smoking Self-confidence

Lose weight Public speaking

Motivation Improving business performance

Phobias (heights, flying, etc) Improving sports performance

Insomnia Pain management

Depression Coping with loss and bereavement

Coping with chronic health conditions PTSD and OCD

Dental anxiety Calmer childbirth (hypnobirthing)

How does hypnotherapy work? The subconscious part of your mind is where all your unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour are stored. Intellectually, you know you

want to think or behave differently, because what is happening at the current time may be adverse to your own self-interests. But somehow,

with all the logic and reasoning in the world, you can’t seem to break the negative cycles.

Hypnotherapy makes that process of change easier, by encouraging and “nudging” the subconscious mind into accepting that change is now

needed. The subconscious mind is at its most receptive when you are very relaxed. Positive suggestions about new ways of thinking and

behaving are then much more likely to be accepted, and even welcomed. This enables you to conquer your old fears and anxieties, and forge

a new path for yourself with more gusto, motivation and confidence.

Want to see what hypnotherapy can do for you? Have a look at my website or call me

on 07846 891868. Appointments in Hereford & Malvern.


Herefordshire Careline - Help at the push of a button

Herefordshire Careline can give you or your loved ones the reassurance and peace of mind that if you require help, it is not far away!

Careline is a 24-hour personal emergency response service, based in Hereford, which is connected to your home through an alarm unit linked

to your telephone line. In times of need, help is just the push of a button away!

Our alarms are connected to our friendly operators who are on hand to answer your calls instantly and get you the help you need. The service

helps people to continue to live independently in their own homes. We have lots of products to choose from including pendants, watches

and sensors.

The Careline service can cost you as little as 58p per day. In addition, we can also offer you our Mobile Responder Service, a personal onsite

visit when you activate your Careline alarm - for an additional 36p per day.

For more information please speak to our Careline team on 01432 384100.

Herefordshire Careline is run by the Independence Trust, part of the Herefordshire Housing Group.

Are you affected by the Care Act or Social Care Services /Budgets?

We are seeking information and feedback, especially from those in rural villages and locations. So please read on.

April 2015 saw the introduction of the Care Act, with the first wave of measures brought in nationally and more changes

due from April 2016. These at last give recognition to Carers, even those who are family members, but many do not realise

how the act may affect them.

Budget tightening across the board for virtually all local and national public services is leaving its mark, and here in rural Herefordshire the

impact on everyday life is resulting in people feeling isolated and frustrated, not knowing where to turn. Without realising that others are in

the same situation how do you go about making your views known to authorities? How can local outcomes be judged and their effects

brought to the attention of Hereford Council, the Wye Valley Trust, and Commissioners who direct our services?

So what can you do about it? At 11.00 am on Wednesday 17th June at Hinton Community Centre, an open discussion will take place where

you can respond to the question: “Are you affected by the Care Act or Social Care Services /Budgets?”

Herefordshire Disability United (HDU) who have organised the event will collate a report from their findings and send it to the authorities.

HDU are a very user friendly group, as those who joined us at our March meeting discovered. You don’t need to have a disability to attend,

just a concern for what is changing.

This could be your opportunity to make a difference for the future. At the same meeting providers will demonstrate or inform of activities

and services on offer in the county.

You will need to book a place (FREE) which secures a free buffet lunch, when you can chat to other attendees.

Contact: 07817 473813 or email

Advance notice for another “Date for your Diary”: Wednesday 1st July, a Disability Roadshow at the Three Counties Hotel, Belmont

Road, Hereford. This is also FREE. 40-50 stands covering all aspects of life and disabilities. The exhibitors to include stands such as,

mental health, strokes, animal therapies, equipment, autism, social care, guide dogs for the blind, and so much more.

Details: or ring 07817 473813.

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