my journey

Post on 10-Feb-2017






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Talent only goes so far; hard work does the rest. To all my inspirational professors I encountered along my journey (2011~2015); to the

tutors/counselors/UC representatives who helped guide me to transfer; to my mentors;

and to my best friend, Nathalie V.

Foremost, I am writing this letter to my lovely professors and to everyone who has had a

positive impact in my life. I want to extend my sincere gratitude for your endless support

and your guidance in helping me become the person I am today. Spring 2015 will be my

last semester at El Camino College, and I will be transferring to UCLA in the fall of

2015. I have been waiting for this moment since I started college in 2011. Therefore, I

would like to share my journey with you and express how your encouragement helped


When I first started college in summer 2011, I studied in the west wing of the library.

There were always students studying independently. Likewise, I always studied alone in

the library until it closed. I honestly thought I was the first one in and last one out.

However, there were other students who were just as motivated as I was. It was that

moment when I realized that I was not the only one who wanted to transfer to a university

or simply wanted to be the best; I had competition everywhere.

Coming from a disastrous first attempt in education, for the first time in my life, I wanted

to find out how far I could go. Hence, I joined the Honors Transfer Program. This meant

an enormous challenge and also meant more competition. But nothing was going to stop

me. I knew that if I could not compete with fellow students in class and get the best grade

in class, I would have no success in the real world. Luckily, my perseverance helped me

pass all my 29 classes and helped me maintain a 4.0 grade point average.

I always believe in hard work. I have met and made many friends since I started college,

and I find it funny when people say, “You’re smart,” to me. But I ponder and question

myself; what exactly does the word “smart” mean? Am I considered smart when I barely

graduated high school with a 2.0 GPA, bubbled in all Cs on all my Scantron exams in

high school, read only three books until I started college in 2011, didn’t know what

Harvard was, started from Math 12 (basic arithmetic) at ECC? Did I change from stupid

to smart in a short period of time? No, it’s not that I’m smart or gifted. My concept of

success is very simple: hard work. I’m not smart, but I work twice as hard as anybody

else. The word “smart” is ubiquitous, but I still have trouble defining this word.

Out of the 29 classes I took at ECC, I would have to say Biology 10 H was the hardest. I

had an amazing biology professor and a tutor. I fondly remember the time I received my

first exam back. I had a red mark labeled “96/100” in the corner of my scantron. Oh, boy,

I was ecstatic to get that “A” because the last time I had received an “A” on a science

exam was in sixth grade. My first exam went well, but I received a “B” on my second and

third exams. I hadn’t changed my study habits; I had studied the way I always did. Yet I

just couldn't execute. I panicked. I thought I was going to get my first “B” in college. To

get an A in class simply meant getting all A’s on the exams. However, my level of basic

knowledge was below average, so it was extremely difficult to keep up with the class and

my competition.

For the first time, I thought hard work might not be enough. Towards the fourth exam and

the lab exam, my professor told me what I needed to get on my exams to avoid taking the

final and finish the class with an A. I needed 100/100 on my fourth exam and 50/50 on

my lab exam—yes, perfect scores. I was looking for a miracle. I remember venting this

situation to a mentor. The answer sounds silly, but she simply said, “Work harder.” At

first, I didn’t grasp what she was trying to tell me, but she was right. I just had to work

harder, work twice as hard, which I did. I studied and bombarded my professor/bio tutor

with questions. I studied, studied, and studied.

I went in well prepared for my fourth exam and the lab exam. To go straight to the point,

I received a perfect score on both of my exams. I learned that anything is possible. But

my story doesn’t end here. I couldn’t find any words to describe my joy, if joy was even

the right word to use. On the last day of class before the final, students were giving our

biology professor chocolate and gifts. For some reason, I wanted to do more than just

give her a gift or walk away with an A in the class. I wanted to get an A on the final for

my biology professor and show her my appreciation for the subject. I told her that I didn’t

have a gift, but I was going to do my best to get an A on the final. As preposterous as it

sounds, I wanted to take the final.

I had an evening class that day, so I couldn’t study until nine o’clock that night. As you

all may know by now, I studied like crazy. I studied like there was no tomorrow. I took

the final the next morning, determined to get that A for my biology professor. The night

of the final, I emailed my professor to thank her for a wonderful semester. A couple of

days later, I received a response from her saying, “You are very welcome. You did the

hard work and you did get an ‘A’ on the final. Please keep in touch and let me know how

you are doing as you progress along your journey.”

Fortunately, miracle found me. My actions have demonstrated that hard work can

demolish anything. In retrospect, besides hard work, I couldn’t have gotten to where I am

today without the help of my best friend, tutors, and, most importantly, my passionate

professors. Thank you all for your countless hours of education and your endless support.

Steve Jobs once said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect

them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your

future.” Indeed, I am glad that I didn’t go to college right after high school because I

wouldn’t be here today. I would not have met my inspirational professors and my best

friend, Nathalie V., who changed my life and always put a smile on my face (you’re the

best). Where would I be today if I hadn’t met them along my journey? All I can say is

thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I could share more stories, but I don’t want to turn my farewell letter into a book.

One thing people can never take away from me is my education. Your passion and

inspiration have been indispensable to my success in college. You changed my life. Not

only did you change my life, but you also created the fundamental blocks of success to

my future. Please continue to inspire hundreds and thousands of humble incoming

students, which will ensure their educational success. If I can do it, anyone can do it.


Makoto Kishi


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