my label myspace_en

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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My Label is a social music discovery game where users create a record label, add songs of news talents to compete for success and engage with artists Players use points to add songs and talents to their labels, which are gained in return according to the song’s audience. The prize “Hit of the Month” is given every month for one of the 10 most popular songs among game players, decided by the jury. The winner artist gets an audio and video production in a real studio and digital distribution. The project was created by Intentio, which partnered with FOX– MySpace Latin America to seek sponsorship and embed the MySpace music player.


My Label

Social Game for Music

Create a record label, promote songs of new talents

and compete for success

• My Label is a social game for music talent promotion.

• Game players can create a record label and add songs of artists to compete for

success in a virtual music industry.

• Player can promote his label to friends, adding new artists and songs to get points

and badges to the label and, of course, the artists.

• The prize “Hit of the Month” is given every month for one of the 10 most popular

songs among game players, decided by the jury.

• The winner artist gets an audio and video production in a real studio, digital


What is My Label

User creates label and invests in songs

• Buy points

• Promote to friends

Music value increases with its audience

• Audience (points for plays)

• Labels (points for adds)

Artist adds songs to game

• MySpace profile

• Moderator approval

• Promote to users

Ranking of labels, songs and artists based on points

• Top 10 get promotion

• Hit of the month prize to 1 chosen artist by jury

How it Works

User Label


Discover new songs / bands / artists

Reward / recognition for influence

Self-expression through music

Relationship with artists

See / receive music from friends



Reward / recognition for audience

Relationship with fans

Community feedback

Audio / video recording

Benefits for User

• Traffic (

• Media revenue (community sale)

• Promotion on other networks:

– Profile updates on Facebook / Orkut / Twitter (news feed)

– Application on Facebook / Orkut

• Captation of artists

• Spontaneous media (PR)

• Differential in the music competence

Benefits for MySpace

Expected Audience (6 months)

5 K artists

10 K songs

100 K labels

1,5 M unique visitors

Brand / sponsorship on player Labels

(MySpace, Orkut, Facebook, Twitter)

Merchandising on Hit of the

month videos

Awards for Labels / Hits

Use of Hit / artists image

Target Audience (unique visitors Brazil)

MySpace: 2,8 M

Facebook: 8 M

Orkut: 26,9 M

Twitter: 8,8 M

Ibope Nielsen Online – Feb. 2010

Viral promotion and user influence

Spontaneous media (PR)

Benefits for Sponsors



+1000 promos and clips

insertions on FOX and FX



(6 months)

Social Media .FOX: 24.8MM imp.

FOX network: 4.8MM imp.

MySpace: 32MM imp.


MyLabel Home User app

URL label / music Profile add

URL label / music API (updates)

Embed label

URL label / music Contacts import

RSS label / music

URL label / music

User app Updates / Fan page

URL label / music

User app Updates

URL label / music

Viral Promotion

Period: 6 months (+1 month teaser)

30 d 30 d 30 d 30 d 30 d

PR + Seeding + Viral

Artists / Songs registering

30 d

Game activation (Labels registering)

MySpace (media / community / editorial)

Teaser (call to action)

MySpace (mailing)

PR (release)

30 d

Hit of the month (video)

Hit of the month (video)

Hit of the month (video)

Hit of the month (video)

Hit of the month (video)

Hit of the month (video)



•Allow artist to add songs from his MySpace profile to social game My Label

My Label (Intentio)

•Game Development / Management

•Moderation / Song approval (Musicologist support)

•Clip and music “Hit of the month” recording / logistics


•Media Promotion Plan (MySpace + .FOX + FOX TV channels)

•Sponsorship Sales


Brazilian startup that creates social media business concepts and marketing

strategies, through social network applications, founded in 2009 with seed

capital from

Intentio has established a joint-venture with, technology

developer of Terra TV (Orkut app), Sonora (iPhone & Orkut apps).

Social Game Developer

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