october 2016 newsletter - fmca nw · october 2016 volume #14, issue #6 a ... and old man winter is...

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Gemories ‘Getting together in the Inland Northwest’

October 2016 Volume #14, Issue #6

A Newsletter for the Panhandle Gems


2017 Rally Info – Pg. 2

Happy Tears – Pg. 3

Mini Bio, RV Info, & Funnies – Pg. 4

Congrats, Reminders, & Misc. – Pg. 5

Fall is upon us Ah…. Fall…. School has started, the trees are turning their beautiful, multi-colored hues, and Old Man Winter is definitely nipping at our toes! Yep, It’s time to think about pumpkins, candy, and costumed children (and/or adults – you know who you are!) ringing your doorbell. Cooler temps mean putting patio things away, winterizing the RV, and/or heading south. Whatever your plans, don’t forget to enjoy the season & perhaps sit by a fire with a hot toddy or a cup of cocoa. You might even want to try the recipe on page 4! Enjoy!

Treasure’s Audit Committee Report

On 9/21/2016 an audit was conducted. Those present were Barbara Schroeder, Charlene Knight, & Ken Berger.

The period reviewed spanned 5/2015 – 8/2016.

Items reviewed were bank statements, checking account register, deposit slips, & various receipts/notes.

Our review of the above documents reflect accurate outcomes. Although there were some cash deposits, there were no identified cash withdrawals.

The bank statement for 9/2016 was not available at the time of this audit. Consequently, the bank statement shows a balance of $1,857.51 & the check register shows a balance of $1,789.25. After deducting the outstanding checks ($68.26), the numbers are in balance.

For future reference, it is suggested that future audits not be done until the bank statement for the month following the final rally has been received.

Report submitted by Barbara Schroeder, Charlene Knight, & Ken Berger.

Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made.

If you want a different result, make a different choice.

Something I recently read, but never thought about…

Dry ice e-x-p-a-n-d-s! If you use it in a cooler – don’t latch it!!


Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet

June 2017

Dates - June 22-25

Destination - FMCA NW Area Rally in Longview, WA.

You need to register on your own! Dates - June 25-29 Destination - Prosser, WA.

Hosts - Ken & Loretta Bennett and Ken & Sharon Berger

2017 Rally Information

May 2017

Dates - May 16-19 Destination - Trail, B.C.

Hosts - Viren & Elaine Kumar and Jim & Kathy McBride

July 2017

Dates – TBD

Destination – TBD


September 2017

Dates – TBD

Destination – Wallace, ID.

Hosts – Dave & Barb Young

August 2017

Dates – TBD

Destination – Danny & Susan’s Ranch, Blanchard, ID.



Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet

On September 7th, at a luncheon in Sandpoint, Jim & Kathy McBride and Wayne & Barb Schroeder gave Anne Tighe the Life Member award plaque that we unanimously voted to grant her! The following are her two heartfelt letters to the members:

Dear Friends, Yesterday I had lunch with Jim and Kathy McBride and Wayne and Barb Schroeder. They presented me with a huge surprise, a plaque of appreciation for my efforts for the Gems. I am overwhelmed by this most wonderful mark of appreciation. I want to express my thanks to all of you. It has been a wonderful journey, knowing and enjoying you all. You have enriched my life as well as my late husband's. I am very blessed to have been a part of this chapter. Many new faces I have not had the pleasure of meeting. I do hope in the coming year I will be able to join in the pleasure of rallies and personally meet and thank each of you for this honor. Will you please pass my gratitude to everyone . It is an honor to be a member of such an outstanding group of people. Anne Tighe I'll send the picture of the plaque as well as the picture Jim took of me, finally not crying with my tears of joy!

Let there be happy tears!

Letter #2

I am moved and humbled by the nomination for Lifetime membership in the Gems. Thank you for the honor. I am so sorry I could not be with you all when you proposed this honor. It has been a very long and difficult week, slowly getting over pneumonia, but your heartwarming news has made me improve more quickly. I turned 82 on Sunday and felt like I might not see 83! Having kind and loving friends like those in the Gems has given me a real boost. I want to continue to be a part of this club and contribute my efforts even if limited. Please send these thanks to everyone and know I am with you in spirit, encouraging everyone on the good job they are doing.

Anne Tighe

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet

Susan Hollingshead I was born and grew up in Santa Cruz CA at a time when it was just a beach and retirement community. I was a competitive gymnast in high school long before such things as Title 9. Graduated from University with a Bachelors Degree in Music and a dance/gymnastics minor. I had 4 years of opera training and spent 40 years learning how not to sound like Beverly Sills trying to sing the best of Willie Nelson. Not a lot of job openings in those fields in the middle of Silicon Valley so entered the world of high tech and found telecommunications (phone, voicemail and call center systems). When 1984 rolled around, I was coming out of phone system maintenance school and the courts were breaking up AT&T. This opened up whole new areas of opportunities for someone with my skills, and again, there were very few women on the technical end of all this. This was also the year that I met Danny Baptista who became, and still is, the love of my life. I worked for companies like ASK computers, 3Com and Johnson & Johnson. I bought, installed and translated techno-babble into English for my internal customers for systems all over the world. In 2002, Danny and I bought the property in Blanchard ID and started turning it into the little farm we have now. January 1, 2006 I retired from Johnson & Johnson and in February of 2006, we bought our first motor coach which we still have today. We flew to Lazy days in Tampa FL to pick it up and as 2 rookie drivers had to dodge ice storms all across the U.S. to get it home. Instead of the 7-10 days we expected to get it back, it took 21 days. The mad cap adventures have never ended. We joined the Panhandle Gems in May of 2006.

Mini Bio, Funnies, & RV info

Fun October Facts

1. Nevada became our 36th state on 10/31/1864. 2. National Fire Prevention week starts every Oct.

9th to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

3. The Russians launched the 1st artificial satellite 10/4/1957.

4. Birthstones are Opal & Tourmaline, flower is Calendula, and is shared by Libra & Scorpio.

5. Was originally the 8th month, but was pushed back to #10 when January & February were added.

What’s in your toolbox?? Recommended items for an RV toolbox according to RVing.how - http://rving.how/what-tools-to-carry-in-your-rv-toolbox/

Added from comments to this list are Electrical Tape, a Square Headed bit (screwdriver), a Terminal Brush, String, Wire (baling), Duct Tape, & All Purpose Glue. We would also add Rescue Tape – It’s amazing!

Peppermint Patty

To a mug of cocoa, add Peppermint Schnapps to taste. Or, for a non-alcoholic version, add peppermint syrup. Top with whipped cream or marshmallows.

Wonderful on a cold night!


Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet

Congrats, Reminders, & Miscellaneous

Our illustrious leaders, Kathie & Andy Balogh were honored at the recent General meeting for recruiting over 100 new members!! Wow!! Their hard work resulted in them being presented with new watches! We all want to thank them & say - Great job!!

In the current FMCA magazine is a section to vote on an addition to the by-laws. The info and ballot are on pages 84/85. PLEASE don’t forget to send it in!!

If you have inadvertently sent your magazine to recycle (like we did), you can go online to FMCA.com, select ‘FMC Magazine’, then select ‘Digital Edition’. Click on the cover page. After it loads, scroll the Table of Contents in the left-hand column directly to the above pages (Member Vote: Proposed change to FMCA’s Articles of Incorporation), and print them out!

Fill out the ballot and send! Simple! J

Saturday Night

November 5th!

Got Mice?? They’re cute and cuddly until you get one in your coach!

I didn’t realize all the damage that could be caused by one or 2 little mice! They chew their way through electrical wires, rubber and plastic hoses, shred your clothes to make a nest, eat your and your pet’s food, and poop & pee everywhere! And let’s not forget to mention that they bring diseases like Hantavirus!! They are also one of the top reasons for RV electrical fires!

So, after our own ‘close encounter with the disgusting kind’, I came across this site, thought was a heck of an idea, and wanted to share it with you. It’s not cheap, but considering what those ‘cute’ little monsters can do, it’s a small price to pay!


It’s time to…


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