ownership of uk quoted shares 2014

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Ownership of UK Quoted Shares, 2014

UK Domiciled Companies Some Facts and Figures

C W Mobbs September 2015


• For the purposes of this analysis, it includes those companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and are domiciled in the UK

• The analysis is by way of beneficial ownership, defined as the underlying owner; the person or body who receives the benefits of holding the shares

Data Source: Office for National Statistics, “Ownership of quoted shares for UK domiciled companies, 2014”, 2nd September 2015

Beneficial Ownership (1)

• At the end of 2014, shares in UK domiciled companies were valued at a total of £1.727 trillion.

• The majority (53.8%) were owned by ‘Rest of the World’, valued at £928.6 bn. This was up from 31% in 1998.

• The next highest proportion is those owned by individuals, 11.9%, valued at £206.2 bn, an increase from the historic low of 10% in 2010 and 2012.

Beneficial Ownership (2)

  £ billion Per centSector          Individuals 206.2 11.9 Charities, churches, etc. 20.1 1.2 Insurance companies 101.8 5.9 Pension funds 51.7 3.0 Investment trusts 31.1 1.8 Unit trusts 155.2 9.0 Banks 24.3 1.4 Other financial institutions 123.0 7.1 Private non-financial companies 34.7 2.0 Public sector 50.2 2.9 Rest of the world 928.6 53.8      Total 1,726.8 100.0

Beneficial Ownership (3)

UK Stock Market (1)

• Between 1st January 2013 and 31st December 2014, the value of all UK ordinary shares quoted on the London Stock Exchange increased from £1,608 bn to £1,727 billion, an increase of 7.4%

UK Stock Market (2)

Overseas Investors

Ownership by Industry  £ billion   Per cent

  Financial Non-manufacturing Manufacturing  Total   FinancialNon-

manufacturing Manufacturing  Total

  companies companies companies     companies companies companies  



 Individuals 51.4 105.3 49.5 206.2   11.8 13.6 9.6 11.9

 Charities, churches, etc. 2.1 3.8 14.2 20.1   0.5 0.5 2.7 1.2

 Insurance companies 22.8 47.2 31.7 101.8   5.2 6.1 6.1 5.9

 Pension funds 11.6 24.6 15.5 51.7   2.7 3.2 3.0 3.0

 Investment trusts 6.7 14.4 10.0 31.1   1.5 1.9 1.9 1.8

 Unit trusts 30.9 75.0 49.2 155.2   7.1 9.7 9.5 9.0

 Banks 6.2 10.6 7.5 24.3   1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4

 Other financial institutions 27.8 58.2 37.0 123.0   6.4 7.5 7.2 7.1 Private non-financial companies 1.5 13.4 19.9 34.7   0.3 1.7 3.8 2.0

 Public sector 49.2 0.8 0.1 50.2   11.3 0.1 0.0 2.9

 Rest of the world 227.1 419.3 282.3 928.6   51.9 54.3 54.6 53.8


 Total 437.3 772.6 516.8 1,726.8   100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Historic Ownership (1)

Historic Ownership (2)

Historic OwnershipOverseas (1)

Historic OwnershipOverseas (2)

Historic OwnershipOverseas (3)

Historic OwnershipIndividuals (1)

Historic OwnershipIndividuals (2)

Historic OwnershipIndividuals (3)

Historic OwnershipUnit Trusts (1)

Historic OwnershipUnit Trusts (2)

Historic OwnershipUnit Trusts (3)

Historic OwnershipInvestment Trusts (1)

Historic OwnershipInvestment Trusts (2)

Historic OwnershipInvestment Trusts (3)

Historic OwnershipPension Funds (1)

Historic OwnershipPension Funds (2)

Historic OwnershipPension Funds (3)

Historic OwnershipInsurance Companies (1)

Historic OwnershipInsurance Companies (2)

Historic OwnershipInsurance Companies (3)

Historic OwnershipCharities (1)

Historic OwnershipCharities (2)

Historic OwnershipCharities (3)

Historic OwnershipOther Financial (1)

Historic OwnershipOther Financial (2)

Historic OwnershipOther Financial (3)

Historic OwnershipPrivate Non-Financial (1)

Historic OwnershipPrivate Non-Financial (2)

Historic OwnershipPrivate Non-Financial (3)

Historic OwnershipPublic Sector (1)

Historic OwnershipPublic Sector (2)

Historic OwnershipPublic Sector (3)

Historic OwnershipBanks (1)

Historic OwnershipBanks (2)

Historic OwnershipBanks (3)

About Innovation for Growth

Founded in 2010, Innovation for Growth is a business consultancy firm that specialises in the provision of advice to small and medium sized enterprises. We work with companies from all sectors undertaking innovation audits, and providing innovation advice so our clients can maximise their innovation capabilities and achieve their growth aspirations.

We also undertake desktop, business research and analysis, enabling our clients to concentrate on running their business.

For more on our services, please download our Corporate Services Document.

© 2011 Innovation for Growth

About Innovation for Growth

Founded in 2010, Innovation for Growth is a business consultancy firm that specialises in the provision of advice to small and medium sized enterprises. We work with companies from all sectors undertaking:

innovation audits, innovation advice and the provision of strategy advice so our clients can maximise their business capabilities and achieve their growth aspirations.

We also undertake desktop, business research and analysis, enabling our clients to concentrate on running their business.

For more on our services, please see our website: www.innovationforgrowth.co.uk

© 2011 Innovation for Growth

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