paris tx airport drive in

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Paris,TX Airport DI opening





SECTION TWO fARJS, TEXAS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 13, 1950• • • — r*%»vij, i KAAj, inwnauAi AT i cKrtuvn, JUL.I Id, 1S50 EIGHT PACTS

Interstate to Open New Airport Drive-In Theatre TonightGALA OPENING

'Renegades .Drama of West to ShowAt Airport Drive-In Theatre Tonight

The Airport Drive-In Theatre,one of the most luxurious andmost modern drive-in theatres inthis area, opens tonight with thepresentation of "Renegades," aitirring story of the West.

Special favors will be given to

all children attending the premiereshow tonight.

The opening picture is filmed inbeautiful technicolor by ColumbiaStudios.

Stars in the film are WillardParker as the town doctor. Eve-

'RENEGADES' STAR—Beautiful Evelyn Keyei his thefeminine lead in 'Renegades', technicolor film of theWest, which officially opens the beautiful new AirportDrive-In Theatre, off Highway 271 east of Paris.

Sound Expert SaysAirport Drive-InSystem Is Tip-Top

James C. Skinner, chief of theInterstate sound and projection en-gineering department, gave thenew Airport Drive-In sound equip-ment a final check Monday andpronounced it in top shape.

Skinner, a frequent visitor toParis started in show business in

1927, and although still a youngman he is an old timer in the fieldof electronics.

Immediately after his schoolinghe joined Radio Central Companyin Houston. From this post h« wentto the public 'school system ofHouston, where he taught radioand electronics with two years assummer Instructor in the samesubjects at the University of Texas.

Since his advent • in Interstatecircles, he has been in charge ofail sound engineering. He is alsoan expert on television. He operat-ed one of the first experimentalsets and stations in Texas for In-terstate.

Valley Shows SupervisorTo Attend Gala Opening

Raymond Willie, supervisor ofthe Valley Theatres for a numberof years prior to his present as-signment as Assistant to the Gene-ral Manager, is expected to bepresent Wednesday evening aft theopening of the new Airport Drive-In Theatre.

By theatrical business standards,Willie is an old timer havingstarted in show business in Ft.Worth as a doorman at the Hippo-drome Theatre in 1916. Except fora period of few years, Willie has'been with Mr. Hoblitzelle and In-terstate Theatres continuouslysince Joining the organization tn1918.

Since 1937 when he was trans-ferred from San Antonio, where hewas in charge of all InterstateTheatres in that city, his responsi-

bilities have been largely centeredin the operation of theatre^ inHouston, Ft. Worth, San Antonio,Austin, Galveston, and in Dallas,Home Office location of InterstateCircuit.

With extensive experience in th«construction of theatres, having ap-proved plans and specifications,decorative treatment and equip-ping of more than thirty newtheatres built for Interstate in ,thtpast twelve years, Willie's opinionis highly respected by theatrearchitects and builders.

Constantly in search of new ar.dimproved ideas for theatre con-struction, Willie's visit to Paris,aside from attending the openingfestivities, is to observe the manymodern innovations in the newestof the Interstate group of theatres.


!yn Keyes as the beautiful daugh-ter of one of the successful busi-ness men of the town and LarryParks as an outlaw trying to gostraight.

Actually the movie portrays thestory of the famed Dembrow gang,of which the reforming outlaw is amember.

Complications start when Parks'father and his brothers refuse tolet the son quit the gang and forcehim back into a life of crime.Eventually the entire gang, in-cluding Parks, meet death after asensational screen * gun battle.

Romance centers- around thedoctor and Miss Keyes, whq sur-vive the terrors of the gang war-fare to give a happy ending tothe feature.

Two cartoons also are sched-uled every night at the AirportDrive-In, according to ManagerCecil Burch. The double cartoonhas been arranged for the benefitof the youngsters attending (heshow.

New Theatre HereReveals Skill ofSub-Contractors

Interstate Theatres' newest andone of its modern drive-in thea-tres — The Airport Drive - InTheatre east of Paris off Highway271, stands as evidence of the skillof a number of local concerns inprecise building and contracting.

Hundreds of enthusiastic movie-goers are expected to se« themany features of the threatr* atits gala opening tonight.

General contractor for the thea-tre was J. R. Spencer Companyof Fort Worth.

Sub-contractors include HampMalcne. electrical • construction :W. H. Turner Engineering Co.,plumbing; Skeen and Kelso, Sak-rete building blocks; Clyde Par-ham, carpenter work; Joe Hatcher,concrete work; Moser. ConstructionCompany, furnishing gravel; OylerSign Co.. sign work; Stalling?Nursery Co., shrubbery and grassfor the playground; Gibson Hard-ware Co., well pump equipmentand J. . F. Zimmerman and Sonsof Dallas, the attraction board.

In the spacious and modernsnack bar Duncan's AdmirationCoffee. Honey Krust Bakery rollsand bakery products ,and Camp-bell's jce cream will be served.

Opening of AirportDrive-In Climaxes •4 Months of Work


Opening of the new AirportDrive-In .tonight will climax fourmonths of work for J. Harvey El-der, above, construction depart-ment supervisor. After 25 years inthe highly specialized profession oftheatre construction. Elder saysthe thrill of seeing a premiereopening of a new theatre is asgreat as ever. Elder has super-vised theatre construction practi-cally all over the United Statesand is as familiar with the attend-ant worry of the stress of twelvefeet of snow on a building as towhat happens to a roof when thesun shines twelve months a year.According to Elder, the new Air-port Drive-In represents the finestin modern theatre architecture anddesign.

Feature Buyer forInterstate FormerSports Events Star

After a spell as a racing cardriver and activity in other iport-ng events, Porter K. Johnston,known as PK, stepped into the Himbusiness. Currently Johnston headsthe buying' of features for the In-terstate circuit.

Johnston has been in show busi-ness since 1914. His start wax asr i , fn New E"Bland andhe Middle West. He was a pioneer

in a then new business, movingpictures.jiP.ri°r to J°inlnK Interstate he wasdistrict sale* manager for FoxFilms in the Southwest. H« actedIn that capacity for eight y«an.

Johnston pioneered th« Interstatepol cy of balanced programs of en-tertainment, the blending of ipecialshort subjects to iurround U>« fea-ture attraction.

Karl Hoblitzelle s Work BuildsSuccess of Movies in Southwest

New Airport Drive-In HasLatest Type Construction

A f*/*m>rt t» *• +« f+ 11 r *.r • » _ . *•» .According to C. W. Moss, citymanager of the Paris InierstnloTheatres, the new Airport Drive-In Theatre enbodles the latest indrive-in theatre construction.

The Paris Airport Drive-In Is thef i f th such theatre to bo built andoperated by Interstate Theatresand in design and convenience forthe patron it is the best .

Mr. Mosi who recently made atrip to Abilene where Interstatehas just opened Us fourth unit stiythat quite a few changes and im-provements have been made in the

1'aris ins ta l la t ion .The piitio is nearly twice the

siv.L- of mast modern drive - insnnd th i s lias been done becausethe patio as bu i l t by InterstateTheatres is the focale or meetingplace for friends and neighbors.The tables and chairs available ontiie pat io for the patron are sosituated that one can view thescreen and hear the picture whilevisiting with friends.

Other drive-in theatres Operatedby Interstate are in Albuquerque,Abilene and Tyler.

Cecil Burch Rises FromUsher to Manager Here

Forty-five years ago, Karl Hob-litzelle, president of the" InterstateTheatres of Texas, was busy atwork at his desk in the office ofthe Director of the fabulousWorld's Fair at St. Louis when adelegation of the showmen fromthe Fair's colorful Midway calledupon him.

"A tremendous opportunity ex-ists in Texas and the southwest[or a circuit of vaudeville thea-tres", they told the young man."No adequate public entertainmenthas yet been provided for the peo-ple of this great area. We havewatched you handle the affairs of:he Exposition and we believe thatyou are the man to help us or-ganize an amusement companywhich will operate for the firsttime high-class vaudeville housesin the major cities of Texas andadjoining states." •

OPPORTUNITY SPOTTEDThe son of Clarence Linden Hob-

litzelle a Confederate prisoner ofwar during the struggle betweenthe states, recognized opportunitywhen it made one of Its rare ap-pearances. Furthermore, he hadthe initiative and the courage toseize it. Enlising the financial sup-[>ort of his brother, George K. Hob-litzelle, he raised a major portionof the capital of the first Inter-state Amusement Company, thepioneer of show business in Texas.

At the first meeting of the boardof. directors of the new Company,Karl HobHtzelle was elected sec-

retary. A year later he was electedpresident.' A career which was to culminatein his recognition as one o£ the'[reatest exhibitors of motion pic-:ures and stage attractions in the

United States h a d sucessfullycleared the many eariy obstaclesof a most hazardous enterprise.Karl Hoblitzelle had faith in theSouthwest and in wholesome pub-ic entertainment. For forty years>e teamed business acumen andligh standards in the development

of show business in the Southwest.When he finished his work at the

Exposition Grounds in August.1905, however, he discovered that:he financial condition of the newcompany, was so unfavorable thatt required his Immediate atten-tion. By company resolution it wasordered that "all of the theatres onour ciinuit be placed under the di-rect and entire management ofMessrs, R. E. Rlcksen, Vice-Presi-dent, and Karl Hoblitzelle. Sec-retary, jointly, and thp.t they beheld responsible for the conductand policy of the same."

From the day that he assumedthe presidency of InterstateAmusement Company, Hoblitzelle'scareer parallels the expansion andadjustment to changing conditionsof his organization. He once wroteto his board of directors of theproblems and difficulties of "acompany struggling and fightingfor Its existence in a new field."

Hoblitzelle a n d his companywere forced to fight for survivalin their pioneer endeavors to es-tablish high-cUss vaudeville enter-tainment in Dallas, Houston, Ft.Worth and San Antonio, in theearly days, as well as in manyother cities and towns of Texas andadjoining states. The present Ma-jestic Theatres of the four leadingcities of Texas are monuments totheir preseverance and far-sighted-ness.

ACTS AS P I O N E E RWith the advent of important fea-

ture films, as they are known to-day, Karl Hoblitzelle pioneeredwith combined vaudeville and mo-tion picture programs in his thea-tres, making a success of themwith a summer policy in 1922. Air-conditioning was introduced in theMajestic Theatres of the InterstateAmusement Company about thistime, the heat having previouslynecessitated the closing of theatres in Texas during the summermonths. The Interstate AmusementCompany, under the leadership ofHobiitzelle, pioneered in air-condi-tioning of theatres in the South-west and lead the country in thisdevelopment.

After 24 years of uninterruptedactivity in show business from thelime he became president of In-ttntat* AmuMment Company In

KARL HOBLITZELLE1906, Hoblitzelle decided to retirefrom the threatrc business In 1930and disposed of the assets in thea-tres and leases of Interstate to thegreat national RKO exhinitlon cir-cuit.

His determination to give up hislife's work was shortlived. A na-tion's economy was to bring himback into show business in an evenmore important role of exhibitor.As &, result of the depression pre-cipitated by the stock marketcrash of 1929, RKP, Interstate'spurchaser, and Paramount Pic-tures Corporation both went intobankruptcy receivership on thesame day in January. 1922. Hob-litzelle was requested to take overthe Texas properties of both ofthese corporations and to res'/irethem to a sound financial con-dition.

By 1035 !be receiverships hadbeen dismissed and the new In-terstate organization was in fu!loperation with Karl Hoblitzellemore active than ever as Presi-dent of Interstate Circuit, Inc.. andone of the top exhibitors in thenation.

Within forty years in Texas, thetheatre and motion picture showhave risen from public resorts ofquestionable repute to the statusof civic centers, the very hub ofsocial and economic life in thecommunity. The principal reasonis the stress placed by Hoblitzelleon clean, fami ly entertainment.His shows had to be suitable forthe women or children, whethervaudeville or motion pictures. Fur-thermore, in keeping with the slo-gan of Interstate. "Dedicated toCommunity Service", his theatresand their staffs must exhibit asense of civic responsibility.

CIVIC ROLESEvery worthy cause has the sun-

port of the Interstate resourcesand personnel.

Finally, the President of the In-terstate ' organization attributesthe success of his entire programto the teamwork and spirit of hiscompany personnel,

Karl Hoblitzelle. however, hasbeen as active In the civic, social,and economic life of his times ashe has been in show business. Hisown adopted State of Texas hasrecognized his contributions to thedevelopment of the State by suc-cessive honors, such as membership on the State Commission forT e x a s Centennial Celebration;Acting Chali.Tjan. New York andSan Francisco World's Fair- Com-mission of Texas; and Chairmanof The Texas Centennial Commis-sion to celebrate the 100th An-niversary of the Stateshood of Tex•« in 1945. Hoblitzcllc'i contribu

lion In this latter capaci ty illus-trates the range of his interestsand his farsightedness.

He inaugurated a one hundredyear plan to revi ta l ize rural lileof Texas, to rebuild the land, andto assure the future prosperity ofthe State through dtvelopment otIts great agr icul tural resources.

Hoblitzelle has advocated thecreation of a Texas Rural Develop-ment Commission by the StateLegislature lo a s s i s t farmer*through rural community plan-ning, and to implement the workof such a comrrfission, he hasfounded and helped f inance theTexas Stale Research Foundation,with a gift of $25,000,000 from theEsther T. Hoblttzclle Trust Fundset up a f t e r the death of his wifeon July 28. 19-13

During the first World War hewent to Washington and aided theAmerican Red Cross in providinga program of entertainment forpatients of the Army and Navyhospitals of the country. He planwas so successful that it is in op-eration today on substantially thesame outlines. As a result, he wasplaned in charge of all Red Crossentertainment activities, not onlyin hospitals, but in the hospitalzones throughout the United Statesentertaining and rehabilitatingsoldiers. Ho remained in Wash-ington approximately a year and ahal f , serving his country in theposition for which he was ideallysuited.

The advent of World War IIfound Hoblitzelle ac t ive ly advocat-ing preparedness and nil-out wareffort in defense of dcmnc iacy andfreedom. His contributions to vic-tory over the dictator countrieswon him four awards and citation.

Interstate Drive-InsSupervisor Here forAirport Show Opening

Pat Hudglns, supervisor of Inter-state Theatres Drive-ins is here toassist in the opening of the newAirport Drive-in Theatre locatedon the Airport Road.

The Airport is the f i f t h Drive-Into be opened by Interstate in thelast two years and far surpasseIn beauty and patron convenienceany of the other units, which arelocated at Tyler, Abilene and Al-buquerque. New Mexico.

Hudglns has had a varied experi-ence in show business and has forthe last 15 years been connectedwith Interstate Theatres In severalWest Texas towns as well ag Dal-li:, Tyler and Denison.

From usher to theatre managertells the story of Cecil Burch.manager of the Airport Drive-InTheatre, Paris' newest theatrewhich is opening tonight.

Mr. Burch, a native nf Cavincssin Lamar County, has boon in the "theatre business 38 ytars, all ofwhich were spent in Paris. Hestarted as an usher and climbed tothe post of assistant Paris mana-Ber for the Interstate Theatres tn12*1. lie has held tha t positionsince, except for 22 months servlcon the Army during tho war. Healso has written ads for (he Inter-state theatres here.

Mr. Burch is a graduate of ParisHigh School and Commercial Col-ege. He Is a member of/the Meth- *

odlst Church. He, his wife and ?daughter live at 100-24th S. E. CECIL BURCH

Interstate s ManagerStarts Out as Usher

The operation and booking of at-tractions, for more than one hun-dred and' thirty theatres is a man-sized Jq^-_ „

The nian who tides it for Inter-state Circuit is hailed by motionpicture producers as ExhibitorNumber One. He's the sort of afellow who cnn handle a man'sjob In the theatre In the sports.vorld and in charitable endeavor.

The man Is R. J. O'Donncll vice^resident and general mannger ofInterstate. His Job keeps him fly-ng from coast to coast setting at-iractlons on ni l the activities ofUs organization. He has a constantlinger on the pulse of the ,theatre-?oing public and Is recognized as:he best guager of audience likesand dislikes in the business.

Like most other successful show-men O'Donnell started in thetheatre as an usher. He was thir-teen then and the theatre was theChicago Opera House. It was aparttlme job while he attendedschool.

Still in his first year in showbusiness he moved to the IriquoisTheatre and thereby develops apeculiar coincidence. Bob was anusher when the theatre was so dis-astrously destroyed by fire.

O'Donnell is one of the baseballsmost ardent fans. As vice presi-dent of the Dallas Rebels he isactive in Texas League mailersand can be found in his box behindhome plate at all the team's homegames.

Back to the theatre again wefind O'Donncll back at the ChicagoOpera House where he had a rapidrise from usher through variouspromotions to assistant manager.

But already young Mr. O'Donnellwas casting his eyes to greenerfields and in 1911 hu secured theposition of assistant treasurer ofthe Orphcum Theatre in Brooklyn

Good treasurers were hard tofind and In 1912 he became trea-surer for The Shubcrt Theatre the44th Street Theatre and severalother T.'frw York Houses.

Then came his f irst venture inshow business on his own. Withthe savings nf two years pooledwith the savings o( a f r i end he

bought an open-air theatre in New-burg N. Y. The natives were notimpressed and proved It by stay-ing away in record..breaking num-bers. The O'Donneli bank roil wasso short it became the duty "ofBob his partner and old baseballfriend and an assistant to form aquartet to provide for the patronsentertainment. Mr. O'Donnel] fallto recall whether he was a bari-tone tenor or, basso but he remem-bers vividly that he soon foundhimself waiting for a train withhis fortune reduced to one dollarand his personal belongings statedat the one suit he had on.

Back In New York he went towork as treasurer of the RoyalTheatre. For the 1914-1915 seasonhe returned to the Brooklyn Or-pheum as treasurer and duringthe 1916-1917 he was promoted toassistant manager and treasurer.

H was during this period of1917-1919 that he became moreclosely acquainted with CharlieFreeman, now talent booker forInterstate with whom there hadbeen a warm friendship for years.So it wus that in 1924 Freeman in-troduced Bob O'Donnell to KarlHoblitzelle from Dallas, TJX-JSImmediately he was offered a jobwith the Hoblitezclle theatres inTexas,

So Bob O'Donnell came to Texasas manngpr of the Mnjeslic Thea-tre in Fort Worth. Then In 1925he was appointed General Operat-ing Manager for the Majestic Thea-tres In Dallas. San Antonio, Hous-ton and Fort Worth.

Today Bob O'Donnoll Is a con-f i rmed Texan nnd Texans claimhim as one of their own. His char-ity act ivi t ies are well known allover Texas and throughout theland. He was active in the organ-ization of a Texas Tent of TheVariety Clubs a .showmnn organ-iza t ion devoted entirely to charitywork. Through the years he spreadthn cha r i l ab l e work of the TexasVar ie ty club throughout the State.Today he is National Chief Barker(president) of Variety and thepace he set for the Texas club isbeing quickened under his guid-ance in his nationel role.



^Yilliom O'Conneil Known:As Hop, Skip, Jump Man-.-"Brownsvttla today. . .Amarillo tc~~«}<>rrow. . .with Wichita Fails and, Vernon tossed in as side trips.- -That's William F. O'Domiell, the'ftop. skip and jump executive.I Bill, as he's known to most of-'the folks here and elsewhere, Is in•charge of theatre operations for~-4he Interstate Circuit. His duties-carry him from the Valley to El~ Paso, and from East Texas to AN"b'ufluerque, and the Panhandle- tossed in to make his traveling^area ono of extremes. Because of*; th> vaslness of his territory he- employs all modes of transporta-tion. He flics, drives his car and^sometimes winds up in a railroad,*«e*t or berth — and on one trip"h* sat atop his suitcase from^Austin to Dallas.» ' . Bill started hi« theatrical career- In 19W when he left' his native CJil-*'C4jgo for New York to become as-.. sistant to his astute brother, R. J.••'now Vice - President and General'Manager of Interstate. The nextI decade or so found him one of** Broadway's most popular and''energetic treasurers and mating-lJe'r». He handled the seat sales on•.'Various Broadway hltan polo"matches, baseball and boxing^Championships..„. .iHls next stop WHS Texas, where- h« managed theatres in San An-*'Mhlo and became City Manager«Iar the circuit there.-•••Thence he went to Dallas to takt

over the duties he now performs,Golf and charitable duties arebis hobbies and he's active In both.

As a trustee of the Variety'foundation of Texas, ho is activeIn the operation ot that organiza-tion's famous Boys' Ranch at Bed-ford. These duties take up what-ever hen time he has from thetheatres. In addition to his activi-ties on the Ranch board, ho is adirector of the Dallas tent, and *former Chief Barker of that organi-zation. As a national canvasmanand international representativehe Is prominent In affairs of Va-riety international. The VarietyClubs are organizations of theatri-cal folk Interested in charities. Hefs also on the Board of the Free-man Memorial Clinic. Dallas, inwhich the Dallas Club sponsors thesurgical wardm

The Turtle Derby, an annual fa l lfrolic in Dallas and now rated asone of the nation's greatest oneday sports program, is another ofhis pet charity projects, and itowes most of It's success to Bill.Proceeds from this gigantic showare the funds that keep the Boys'Ranch In ful l operation.

BID has been active In the erec-tion and equipping of the new air-port, and he of course Is here toassist in It's dedication to the citi-zens of Paris, but the next day,as l ike ly 'as not, wi l l find him 1«Albuquerque or Tyler.


VH•••*John Lund EstimatesOther Stars' Acting


does one star tee In anoth-*'*r'» acting? John Lund gives «"'•fcw estimates:*»—""Dick Wldmark's forte Is the*'high-tension thing. H« manages to,,le't himself go and yet hold himself-In check. Rsy Mllland's a good* comedian but Is at his best InI'isQmethlng sinister, a little neurot-••'io and offbeat. Bob Preston uses^ his eyes — keeps 'em alive, catch-w>ji the light with them. The rest of-•his face may be in complete re-• pose.~ ;;,"Spencer Tracy has a trick of^making an entrance? with his~-«yes." Lund demonstrated: head" down, then up suddenly and looking; Straight ahead. "Then he starts.-' talking," John continued. "Greg-- ory Peck has great sincerity and"2,ah excellent voice. Gary Grant's-ilrnlng Is terrific; he has a great—feeling for the inherent rhythm of• a scene. Jack Carson is a rejiJly

". believable human being." Lund- thought next of some of the la-; dfes:I '"Olivia de HavUland never pos-- es. There are no angles she hns• to protect: her face photogrnnhs" well from every angle. So she Just. plays a scene. Lorctta Young has• an easy conversational style, a• buoyancy, a bubbling quality. Jean. Arthur plays a scene the way a- virtuoso plays a piano. Af te r a; comedy fal l , say, she, looks for a

place to bring the icent back intobalance and keep It legitimate."

Gene Tierney, Lund's co-star In"Th« Elating Season", is "a verynice girl, bright alert, interestedIn everything." Lund didn't knowwhst special qualities, H any, h»has himself. One thing, though:he's sensitive about hli mouth. Hemuch prefers a role in which hecan half hide it behind a mustache.

G l i m p s e s o f Glammervljle:"Rhonda Fleming Is glad to beplaying a meanle, her first suchrole, In "Ory Danger". "Other-wise you get typed." After sevenyears, including co-stardom withBlng Crosby In "A ConnecticutYankee", she's still rememberedfor her small part as a neuroticIn "Spellbound".. . .

Remember Bette Davis' lendingman, Jim Davis, In the dlimnl"Winter Meeting?" He was Idlefor nine mouths after that , exceptfor plck-and-shovel work on con-struction jobs. He kept pluggingfor movie work, though, and nowhas six pictures awaiting release.I found him working as a villainthe other rtny in "The BlackHills". Between pictures last Jan-uary nnrt February he got a con-struction job on a San FernandoValley

Jimmy Cagney, breaking Into atap step between tnkes on "TheWest Point Story", explained:"Just nervousness."

Demand for FamilyAmusement CenterLeads to Drive-In

Amerlct living, working andplaying on wheels created • de-mand for a place of amusementwhere the entire family could goat a group In one automobile v/lthno parking worries and remain Inthe car and thus be entertained.

Hence the reason for the AirportDrive-In Theatre and It'i predeuea.aori thruout the nation.

The Airport Drive-In 1« made toorder for the entire family be*cause they remain Intact at agroup while they are being enter-tained, wholesomely and eco-nomically In the confine* and com-fort of th* family car.

One of the nice thing* sbout see-ing a show at the Airport Drive-In ii that you don't have to "dressup' . Dad can come In his shirtsleeves and Mom is In styl« wear-ing the tame dress she had onwhen she finished the dishes. Justcome as you are,

Hoover Again CallsFor U.N. WithoutRuss Membership

EMPORIA, Kas. (m — FormerPresident Herbert Hoover sayshop* of lasting peace lies in halt-ing military aggression and reor-ganizing the United Nations with-out the Russian*.

He called communism a force ofevil. He declared:

"Today the mobilization of non-Communist nat ions free from Rus-sian domination is slowly unfold-ing,

"The (United Nations) SecurityCouncil has called upon Its mem-bers to Join In repelling the aer-gresslon against Korea. .Some 42members have given tha t calltheir moral support. Three othernations have so far lolncti with 111in th« military measures of thattask.

"Wt shall «oon know how muchof the world Is prepared to meetthin Ia»ue."

The former president spokeTuesday night at a dedication of amemorial to the lat«- Kmporla edi-tor, William Allen White.

Bug Likes Weeds,Not Food Crops

BERKELEY H) — A remarkablebug Ii Heliothls Phloxlphaga — helikes weeds better than food crops.

Agricultural research here hasfound that this insect — relatedto the corn ear-worm — goes forsuch plant outeaitt as tarweed,vinegar weed, phlox, milkweed,dandelion, California poppy, andplantation. It is also found on clo-ven and alfalfa, but In (he labora-tory it «ats corn, alfalfa and let-tuce only when deprived of weedsIt eatt tomato, cabbage and spin-ach only ai a last resort.

Publicity DirectorFor Interstate CanSpin Good Stories

Known affectionately as "Th*Baron", Frank Starz. above, is di-rector of advertising and publicity.No one has ever discovered if th*title bestowed years ago stemsfrom his love of a good story, orhis ability to "spin a yarn" hlm-lelf. Either would be true.

In and around the newspaperbusiness, from a police reporterupward for many year*, beforejoining Interstate •Theatres withwhom hp has long been associated,Starz is known from coast to coastwherever show-folks and newspa-permen gather.

On hand when the movie starstour Texas, Starz travels with thegroup to see that everything goessmoothly. .He was last in Browns-vllle with Alexis Smith and JoelMcOrei for the two-nation pre-miere of "South of St. Louis".


Arabs Are BannedFrom Haifa Docks

HAIFA, Israel 1*1 — Arab pas-sengers on steamships calling atHaifa can look but cannot stepashore. The French steamer Prov-idence frequently carries a largenumber of Arabs, along with otherpassengers w h o disembark inHaifa.

The Arabs always ask for, itndalways fa i l to get, permission forshore leave to look around Haifa.Tourists of other nationalities getevery facility.




It was our pleasure to have been able to furnish

base and gravel for the construction of the

Airport Drive-In.

W. H. MOSER CONSTRUCTION CO.642 S. Church St. Phont 2981




DRIVE-INAll of us here at College Food Market extend

our best wishes for a successful opening of theAirport Drive-ln Theatre.

We are open 7 days a week . . . and you erecordially invited to visit us often.

College Food Markett-«on Mo»t, Owner

Acron From PJC Campus Phone 2M

Robt. Bishop NewDrive-ln Treasurer


Robert Bishop, treasurer of theAirport Drive-In Theatre, hasbeen in the theatre business anilwith Interstate six years.

A native of Paris, Mr. Bishopbegan as treasurer of the old Re*

College OfferingJanitors' Course

NEW YORK WV~ Interested inbecoming a good janitor? In learn-ing how to fire and lay. up a boil-er? Maid service in schools? Re-finishing furniture/ a n d chalkboards? Managerial problems?Practical aspects of time and mo-tion study? Then go to ColumbiaUniversity's Teachers College thiasummer.

One hundred school-building su-pervisors, custodians, Janitors, andengineers are about to start aschool-plant care workshop underDr. Henry H. Linn, professor oteducation and director of thscourse. The purpose of th* work-shop, says Dr. Linn, is to stimu-late the Interest of building-serv-ice employees in their jobs, aswell as to help them become moreefficient and economical in theopration of their school plants


Theatre and with the Main Thea-tre. He is a graduate of ParisHigh School.

*Best Wishes...To The New


On Their Opening Night!i

We know you'll want to enjoy this new theatre regularlyand take the whole family. The new Airport Drive-Infeatures a modern new snack bar with delicious foodsand drinks, and we're proud to announce that deliciouslyfresh HONEY-KRUST HOT DOG AND HAMBURGERBUNS will we used exclusively.

Special This Week-End!Banana Chiffon



Interstate's New


Is Among the Bestin the Whole Southwest

If hat been our pleasure to work on other drive-in theatres inTexas and for this reason fee! that we are qualified to state that the

new Airport Drive-ln Theatre is. among the best in the wholeSouthwest. We join with all Paris, Northeast Texas and SoutheastOklahoma in paying tribute to the men of Interstate for having theknowledge, the courage, the wisdom and foresight in building sucha fine place of entertainment for this area.

It was a pleasure to be the generol contractors on this new additionto a growing Paris. And while extending sincere congratulationsto Interstate w« also take this means to express our appreciationfor th« opportunity of working with the sub-contractors on thi*job. Th« cooperation we received from these skilled workmenwill always be remembered and appreciated.




2849 Handley Drive Ft Worth, TexaJ




^ rfitftott DRIVE IN THEATRE!

The Finest 'Hew , 'Theatre under the Stars* ^ North Texas •

Drive put tonight where the cool breezes blow . . .

utilize such modern facilities as individual car

speakers . . . gigantic snow-white screen with

perfect visibility from every car location ... stream-

lined snack bar and^patio .^. . completely paved

Vjf throughout.










THE NEW Stt*£**t DRIVE INS T R E S S E S C O M F O R T A N DC O N V E N I E N C E . . . . B R I N GTHE KIDS . . .



NEW /4i*£**t DRIVE IN


0*1. U»»




... Wb*n R«fi»aoc»« Bullets PerfUd, , Ht« Pioneer* and Courage was the

Weapon that Won th« Day!




T h e Finest " « < Theatreunder the Stars i«

North Texas



6:30 f. M.









Evelyn WillardKEYES - PARKER













Real Estate HeadOf Interstate HasLong War Record

Weeden Nichols bean the un-usual distinction -of having beenth§ first Interstater to join the col-on In the service of his country•nd the last Interstater to be re-leased from the service.

As a captain in the Texas Na-tional Guard, he was called earlyIn the summer of 1940. and wasnot discharged until the summer of1946; a period of six long years.

Incidentally, Weeden was dis-charged as a full colonel on thegeneral staff, a distinction in itself.

During this long term of service,he traveled the world over, and didnot miss any of the theatres of ac-tion.

Nichols first came to work forInterstate in 1937. Mr. Hobiitzelleengaged him to manage the Ma-jestic Theatre building, San An-tonio.

Part of the costract wa* the un-

derstanding the Nichols was to en-tirely innovate that air condition-ing in the massive TSuUdlng, whichhe did in a period of a little overnine months; and before he en-tered th« armed services, had tak-




We ore happy to have been able to cooper-

ate with Interstate by furnishing neon and

sign work for their beautiful, new


OYLER SIGN CO.Phone 3512 Paris, Texai

Success Story ShownIn McCarthy Attack

WASHINGTON W> T- The scorch-ing battle between the State De-partment and Sen, Joseph McCarthy SR.-Wis.) has smoked over anhonest-to-goodness success storyof the kind that most Americanslike to read about.

It has to do with genial John E.Peurifoy, a fellow who only ado/en years ago was running anelevator In the U. S.Capitol build-ing and drawing a weekly pay-check of less than $40. "Jack," ashe is called by friend a'ntl foe alike,has climbed high and fast In those12 years. He's only 42 yenrs oldnow, Btocky and boyish - looking,but he's - the State Department'sdeputy undersecretary In c-hnrgeof personnel and the Department'sloyalty program.

Within a few weeks, if Ml ROCSaccording to schedule, Mr. Purl-foy IK expected to be "Mr. Am-bassador," representing tlie Unit-ed States in strategic Greece. Hissalary then will be about S15.000a year, and that could be Just abeginning if he cares to stickaround In ihe .diplomatic service.But Jnck appears to have beenbitten by the political bug.

It wouldn't surprise his friendsif after a few years abroad hewent back to his native South,Carollnu and began shoppingaround for an opening tn the po-litical ranks there. For one thing,he's a close friend of former Sec-retary of Stnte Jimmy Byrnes,who Is well entrenched In the high-er echelons of South Carolina pol-itics. Jack was climbing up IheStnte Department's ladder in »hurry when Mr. Byrnes was boss-Ing It and he's likely to bo re-membered as a "handy man tohave nround," the politics argue.

Mr. Peurifoy has already con-vinced veteran reporters he's n

on the building from about 60 percent capaci ty toha fui i 100 per centrental capacity.

Nichols has spent his entire lifeIn the real estate and associatedbusiness.

He came to Texns from Ithaca,New York, via New Orleans in thesummer of 1028; and like thuO'Donnells, is more or less n con-verted and confirmed Texan.

He handles all commercial realestate for Interstate and TexnsConsolidated Theatres and, In ad-dition, also administers Mr. Hob-Htzelle's own personal real estateholdings.

He is recognized as one of thetop authorities on commercial and

handy man. At his news confer-ences he's never ducked a questlon, and he's had some.Iulus tossedto him. He's always availableto reporters for private chats.Recently he stood up and sluggedtoe-lo-toe with Senator McCarthyIn the word battle over whetherthere are Communists In the StateDepartment.

Picture Booker Sees10 Features Weekly


real estate In the south-

We're Proud..

To have been th* sub-building contractor for Interstate Theatre's Airport

Drive-In Theatre. This modern new construction is truly an asset to Paris

and Lamar County. We hope your Formal Opening will be a great success!

(Jo* Hatcher also extends hit beif wishes for a formal opening and isL

very happy to have done the concrete work on this new business forlParis. •

CLYDE irvitllAYIBUILDING CONTRACTOR2439 Clorkivill. Paris, Texas Phone 1013


Vean Gregg, Interstate Theatresfeature picture hooker, has a jobthat any smal l boy would envy.

Gregg sees about 10 featuresevery week, and about twice thatmany cartoons and comedies.Gregg says that it is not altogeth-er as easy as It sounds, but admitsthat the work of selecting the at-tractions to be shown does have itspleasant moments.

Interstate employs six featurebookera. Screenings, that is thename given the special showing of.attractions, are given twice dally,morning and afternoon. The pro-jection room Is an exact replica ofa small intimate theatre, seating40 people'. When such attractions as"Annie Get Your Gun" are shown,It's standing room onlyl

Gregg arranged for the selectionof the many outstanding attrac-tions tha t will play at the AirportDrive-In during the months oi Julyand August, a most impressiveline-up of stars and stories to com-pliment the opening of Paris' mag-nificent new showplace.

Elephants LearnCongo Bulldozing

GANGALA NA BODIO. BelgianCongo UP) — Sixteen units wereadded to the Belgian Congo's fleetof petroleumless bulldozers andduly registered last month. Theywere the 16 elephants which sur-vived this year's elephant huntsand were found fit to enter Gan-gnla na Bodio's elephant academy.There they «/U! lonrn their trade.

Twelve other elephants wereshot, died or were turned free asuntrnlnable.


CHICAGO (<F1 — A man walkedinto- Thomas Stoddard's grocerynnd ordered some cheese. WhileStoddard was in the back of thestore slicing the cheese, he heardthe cash register ring and saw an-other man run out the front door."Let me catch him for you," thechoose customer saitl. He left,without the cheese, and didn't re-turn.

Stocidnrd's total ioss: one saleand S100 In cash.


IMPUDENCE( im pu-dens) /voov




A beaver can fell a five- Inchtree in three minutes.

51,000 in free merchandise duringW. M. House Jewelry 26t.h Anniver-sary Sale. No contest to enter, 5:0slogans to write, nothing to buy.Just come in and register, 21Clarksvlllo St. (Adv.)

SKUSIWestern Guaranty

Loan Co.1ST U. Main Phon« }M


KASSALA, Sudan (ft — Awoman stood on top of a w*Uhere to mount her donkey. Thewell cover gave way, plungingher 40 feet down the shaft.While the did not call for help,villager* who taw the accidentmanaged to pull her to thesurface.

The woman pulled her veilacross her face, climbed onthe donkey and rode away, stillwithout a word.



Late Spring EffectsEased by Tractori

WASHINGTON UH — Tb« latespring this year might havebrought more farm trouble* ex-cept for the tractor, say* the U.S.Department of Agriculture.

U. S. farmt have increased theiruse of tractor immensely In thelast few yean. When planting Is de-layed a farmer can catch up byrunning his tractor night and dayor for lonjf houn that would notbe possible with animal*, the de-partment tayi. The net result thisye'ar Is that much more of the U.S.crop will be planted properly thanwould have been possible when thenumber of tractors was smaller.

The United States has about twobillion acres of land of which abouthalf Is in farms.

Coordination ExpertTo Attend OpeningOf Airport Drive-In

State HospitalUndergoes Big

AUSTIN 1*1 - The huge statehospital system today had a newacting director after an adminis-trative blowup swept three topexecutives out of office.

It was officially recorded thatExecutive Director Moyne Kelly,Business Manager W. C. Cason andClinical Director Dr. James Sear-borough resigned. Hospital BoardChairman Claud Gilmer would notsay whether any of 'the resigna-tions had been requested, but hedid make this comment:

"We have not had unified actionin the central office. There hasn't


been the degree of cooperative ef-fort we thought wa» necessary."

Dr. Howard E. Smith,-44'-.year-old chief of the hospital board'!tubercular sanatorium, was namedacting director In Kelly'i place.Kelly, who was promoted to the$10,000 a year Job from the super-intendency of the State OrphansHome at Corslcana. made hisresignation effective immediately.

The board, at a surprise calledmeeting Tuesday, voted to offerhim the superintendcy of the hos-pital for cerebral palsied childrenthat will be established at Kerr-ville.

Torrence Hudgins, assistant tohome office executives RaymondWillie and William O'Donnell, is tobe present for the opening ofParis' newest theatre. Hudgins as-;sists in coordinating the activitiesof the theatre operating division jwith other departments, plus spe-cial assignments in exploitationand stage show booking, in the op-eration of Interstate's 157 theatres.







We are "proud to hove furnished the concrete

blocks for the projection booth and Eat Shop.

For the best in concrete work of all kinds . . .

see us before you buy!


600-13th K. W. Phone 377

The youngsters come along when you go to the moviesthe modern way . . . and everybody enjoys a fine evening'sentertainment. Always the latest and best in motion pic-tures. Always naturally cool. Drive by tonight, at the

irport DRIVE-IN

Another Interstate

Milestone of Progress

The men in Interstate Circuit, Incorporated,join to give the people of Northeast Texas andSoutheast Oklahoma the best in entertainmentunder the stars. The new Airport Drive-In The-atre is among the best in the whole Southwestand tonight's gala opening wiil be an event youcan't afford to miss., r

We count it a pleasure for the opportunity ofhaving installed the modern attraction board atthe new Airport Drive-In Theatre.

J. F. ZIMMERMAN & SONSNeon Displays and Signs

931 N. Industrial Phone Prospect 7-3711


Thanks to the Men of InterstateWe join with all Paris, North Texas and Southeast Oklahoma in expressingpride and sincere thanks for the fine new Airport Drive-In Theatre. Itmarks another achievement for Interstate in the field of entertainment.

It is also a pleasure for "Your Friendly First National Bank" to provide afull banking service for this new enterprise in our midst.




64 Years of Faithful Service

CAPITAL AND SURPLUS.... .$500,000.00

Various Ways of Serving SeafoodOffer Changes for Summer Menus

Seafood WM made for summer.It is delicately flavored and a de-light to eat if It is quickly pre-pared and not over-cooked.

The traditional ways of prepar-ing fish and seafood are as muchin favor as ever. We sjtill like thembaked, broiled, boiled and fried.But we have also learned to enjoycrisp and molded salads as wellas fish souffles rolls and rings.

Ail these and many other new re-cipes will be found in the CulinaryArts Institute cookbook on fishand seafood.

The book contains recipes forbaked fish boiled fish, broiled fish,fried fish, fish, entrees, fish salads,clams and oysters, crabs lobstershrimp scallops, stuffings andsauces. Some of the recipes foundin the book follow.

IIWe're "Happy

Over This


Paris can now point with pride to

one of the finest Drive-In Theatres

in the State of Texas.

Thanks to the men of Interstate

Theatres, Inc., for "Airport Drive-

in Theatre," the top amusement

center of Northeast Texas.

The Liberty National Bank takes this means of express-

ing its appreciation to the ones responsible for this out-

standing development.

n a T i o n a L n KMEMBER F. D. I. C

You'll Enjoy That...


*nd F L A V O Rof oD


When You Visit the Modern Snack Bar

at the New

-Airport DRIVE-IN THEATREIn ketping with the fin* •nt«rtainmznt you will receive at thentw Airport Thcitr* if tht fragrant goodness of Duncan's Admira-tion Coffee.

Mike it a family affair and come out to the big gala opening ofthe Airport Drive-In Theatre Tonight.'

BAKED TROUTRub a 3Vi pound trout with salt.

Place in a baking pan, cover with2V4 cups tomatoes, Vi cups toma-toes, Vi cup diced onion and ',icup diced celery. Bake as f o rstuffed fish. When trout Is cookedplace on a hot platter and keepin a warm place while preparingsauce. Strain tomato mixture. Beat1 egg yolk with 'A cup cream,tomato sauce and Vt teaspoon Wor-cestershire sauce. Heat to boilingand cook 2 minutes. Pour overfish.

se.w or skewer openmg. Place onpiece of heavy paper of bakingsheet or platter and bake in veryhot oven (550 degrees F.) 10 to 15minutes or until browned. Reducetemperature and bake 30 to 45minutes longer. Allow 10 minutesto the pound for first 4 pounds and5 minutes for each additionalpound. Baste lean fish every 10minutes or cover with thin slicesof fat salt pork or bacon; do notbaste fat fish. To serve, lift fishwith paper and slide fish onto plat-ter.SALMON SOUFFLE3 tablespoons butter3 tablespoons flour1 cup evaporated milkVi cup waterW teaspoon salt4 eggs, separated1 (1-pound) can salmon, flaked

ten egf, celery salt and onion andcook, until very thick. Removespines from crab meat and addto first mixture. Chill for severalhours. Form into cakes or cut intosmall steak-shaped pieces, dip intoflour, then spread generously onboth sides with mayonnaise androll in crumbs. Brown in hot but-ter and serve with creamed peas,catchup or cheese cauce and wedg-es of lemon.S H R I M P CREOLE1 cup uncooked rice3 onions, sliced1 bunch celery, chopped4 tablespoons bacon fat2 tablespoons flour1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon pepper2 teaspoons cliili powder2 cups water3 cups cooked tomatoes;

(orea Flag SymbolsAre Harmony Hopes

WASHINGTON, D. C. — The envattled national ensign of the Uc-ubltc of Korea bears century . oldymliols of mystic Oriental beliefii (he fundamental balance andannony existing in the universe.The circular central pattern on

lie flag's field of white is calledhe Tae Guk, a device maclo upf two comma-like halves, one rod,ne blue. These halves, notes (heNational Geographic Society, -vpp-esent the mythical Yang and Yinirlnciples, famil iar In ancient Chi-ieso art and literature, which ex-press the opposltos In Nature —mnlo and fcMiinlc, heaven and

ar th , f i re and water, summer midvinter, construction and destruct-ion.

Oblong black trlgrams in theour corners of tlio flag likewise:arry the Idea of opposltes andtalanco. One of t h e I r igrnrns withhree unbroken lines stands foricavcn. A second, with brokenines, symbolizes the earth. Ahlrd, having two solid linos flnnk-ng a broken one, signifies fire,'he fourth, an unbroken line foc-ween two broken ones, represents.'ater.These trigrams have many sup-

lemenlary meanings, and byome are taken to connote thenity of the Korean people.

BAKED RED SNAPPER1 teaspoon sugar •

2 pounds red snapperto teaspoon saitDash pepper1 clove garlic.1 red pepper pod1 onion2Vi cups cooked tomatoes1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauceVi cup olive oil1 tablespoon vinegar2 cups uncooked potato balls1 cup mushrooms

Brown sugar in pan. Sprinkle redsnapper with salt and pepperplace garlic and pepper pod inside.Mince onion fine place onionand fish In pan with sugar. Coverwith tomatoes; add Worcestershiresauce, olive oil, vinegar and po-tatoes. Bake in hot oven (400 de-grees F.) 15 minutes, add mush-rooms and bake 15 minutes longeror until fish and potatoes are ten-der.BAKED TROUT FOR CAMPERS

Reserve the large fish for thisovernight cooking. At night, cleanfish and remove heads. Season in-side and out with salt and pepper,roll separately in waxed paper,folding ends in, and wrap In thickwet newspaper. Dig a trench foreach fish just deep enough to al-low 1 inch of earth on top. Burybundles, build the campfire overthe trenches and leave until break-fast time.BAKED FISH FILLETS1 pound fish fillets1 cup milk1 teaspoon saltFine dry bread crumbs /1 tablespoon oil or melted butter

Cut fillets into serving pieces.Combine milk and salt. Dip fishinto milk then into crumbs, beingsure fish is completely coveredwith crumbs. Place in greasedbaking dish or on ovenproofplatter,, sprinkle with oil andbrown quickly in very hot oven{500 degrees F.) 10 to 20 minutes.Do not add water. Serve with al-mond butter sauce, melted butter.Maitre d'Hotel butter or lemonbutter. Serves 2.BAKED STUFFED FISH

Fish weighing 3 to 5 pounds maybe stuffed and baked with headand tail removed or not as de-sired. Clean fish, dry and rub in-side and out with salt. Stuff and





That delicious Campbell's Ice Cream, made from products

grown and raised in our own vicinity.

Try a dish or cone! It's delicious!

CAMPBELL'S ICE CREAM CO.Ph. 209 142 I. Main St.

Melt butter and blend with flour.Add milk, water and salt; cookuntil thickened starring constantly.Pour slowly over stiffly beatenegg yolks. Add salmon. Fold instifly beaten egg whites. Pour intobuttered baking dish place in panof hot water and bake in moder-ate oven (350 degrees F. 45 to 50minutes. Serve 6.TUNA S U P R E M Ea/i cup sliced mushrooms2 tablespoons butter1 tablespoon flour1 cup milk

cup soft bread crumbs1 (7-ounce) can tuna, flaked2 tablespoons chopped parsley i1 teaspoon salt% teaspoon pepper *2 eggs beaten

Saute mushrooms in butter.Blend in flour add milk and cookuntil thickened stirring constantly.Add crumbs, tuna, parsley, sea-sonings and eggs. Pour into greasedshallow baking dish. Place inshallow pan of hot water and bakein moderate oven (350 degrees F)about 40 minutes.MOLDED TUNA SALAD2 (6-ounce) cans tuna2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped

cup chopped stufed olivestablespoon minced chivvos or

onion1 tablespoon unflavored gelatinVt cup cold water2 cups mayonnaiseLettuce

Mince tuna with next 3 Ingred-ients. Soften gelatin in cold water5 minutes, dissolve over hot waterand add to mayonnaise gradually,stirring constantly. Fold into fishmixture. Turn Into mold and chilluntil firm. Unmold on lettuce andgarnish with chicory. Serves 6 to8.

Celery and 2 cups of tomatojuice may be substituted for olivesand mayonnaise.S H R I M P CATALtNA1 pound fresh shrimp, boiled2 large ripe tomatoes1 stalk celery, chopped f ine% teaspoon paprika:/4 teaspoon saltMayonnaise.

Clean siirimp and chill. Peel to-matoes,-chop-fine, add celery andcombine with shrimp. Seison withpaprika and salt and add mayon-naise to moisten. Mix well anJserve cold on salad greens. Serves4.CRAB-MEAT SALAD1'.4 cups cooked crab meat% cup diced celery.1 tablespoon minced pimiento1 tablespoon minced green pepper.Vt teaspoon salt mayonnaise.Lettuce cups

Shred crab meat and discard n i ltough spines. Mix crab meat, cel-ery, pimiento, green pepper andsalt and add enough mayonnaiseto moisten. Serve in lettuce cups.Serves 4.FRESH FISH SALAD2 cups flaked cooked fish such astrout1 cup elbow macaroni'.* cup diced celery1 tablespoon chopped onion% cup chopped sweet pickles1-3 cup French dressing.Dash Tabasco sauceVt teaspoon salt

Combine all ingredients nnd chillfor at least 1 hour before serving.OYSTER KEBOBS1% cups fine bread crumbs1 cup minced celerylfi teaspoon salt% teaspoon pepper30 large oysters, shucked2 ej;gs, slightly beaten2 tablespoons melted butterToast

Mix crumbs, celery, salf j.nd pep-per. Drain oysters, dip into eggand roll in crumb mixture unti lwell coated. Place on skewers, al-

.lowing 5 oysters to each. Arrangeskewers acros s top of a pan. Poura drop of butter on each oyster,place in hot broiler, 4 inches fromsource of heat and brown quickly.Trun, add remaining butter andbrown. Serve at once on toast.CRAB CUTLETS3 tablespoons butter5 tablespoons flour1% cups milkSalt and Pepper1 egg. beatenDash celery salt1 teaspoon grated onion2 cups cooked crab meatMayonnaiseDry bread crumhi

Melt buiicr. blend in flour addmilk and cook stirring constantlyuntil th.lck. Add salt, pepper, bea-

3 cups drained cooked i>oastablespoons vinegar

2 teaspoons sugar3 cups cleaned cooked shrimp

Cook rice in boiling salted wateruntil tender; drain. Brown onionsand celery slowly in bacon fat.Blend in flour and seasonings andadd water slowly, stirring con-stantly. Simmer 15 minutes, cover-ed. Add remaining Ingredients andcontinue cooking for 10 to 15 min-utes unti l shrimp are thoroughlylieatcd. Pile hot rice in center ofplatter and surround with shrimp.B R O I L E D SCALLOPS H A W A I I A NBaconScallopsPineapple wedges

Use strips of b a c o n 4nches long. On one end place asmall scallop nnd on other end adrained pineapple wedge. Roll both:o the center so each will be wrap-ped in bacon. Place 2 or 3 of thesean a skewer and broil until baconis crisp and brown and scallopsare tender, about 10 minutes. Turnonce during broiling.B R E A D STUFFING FOR FISH2 cups fine soft bread crumbs1 teaspoon grated onion

cup chopped celery1 tablespoon lemon juice'A teaspoon salt3 tablespoons melted butler »2 tablespoons melted butter2 tablespoons water

Combine ingredients lightly butthoroughly. Stuffing for 3 orpound fish.CREOLE SAUCE FOR FISH2 tablespoons chopped onionJ/4 cup minced green pepper2 tablespoons butter

cups cooked tomatoescup' sliced mushrooms

V* cup sliced olivesVt teaspoon saltFew grains pepper2 tablespoons sherry

Cook onion and green pepper Inbutter until tender. Add tomatoesmushrooms and olives and cookminutes. Add seasonings and sher-ry. Makes about 2 cups sauce. Earthicker sauce, blend 1 tablespoonf lour with butter and add lomatoc:gradually, st irr ing until thickenedTARTAR SAUCE1 teaspoon minced onion2 teaspoons chopped sweet pickle1 teaspoon chopped green olivesV4 teaspoon minced capers1 tablespoon minced parsley% cup mayonnaise1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar

Drnin f i r s t 5 ingredient;thoroughly and fold into mnyonnaise. Add vinegar. Makes about

i cup cauce.

Korea Same SizeAs Some of States

WASHINGTON. D. C.-To visual-ize divided Korea, consider com-parisons with several states of theUnited States, suggests the Na-tional Geographic Society.

Minnesota. Idaho, Utah, or Kan-sas—any of these — matches Ko-rea for size. Indiana correspondsin area to United States - sponsored South Korea — the threesevenths of the embatt led countrythat lies south of the 38th parallelNew York State is about the samesize as Communist - controlletNorth Korea.

Florida, with two-thirds the areaof Korea bears resemblance sinceboth are southward - pointing peninsulas of roughly similar outlineson (he map. The Delmarva PenlnsulA (the Chesapeake Bay's "eastern shore") shares Korea's l/t tftude. both being cut south of centerby the 38th parallel.

West Virginia belongs in the actsince Korea Is similarly coveredthroughout with mountains. Korea's mountains reach somewha1

higher and are generally les:forested than those of West VlrKinia. South Korea, only onc-hallarger than West Virginia, has tentimes the population of that stateand this population is competingfor a bare subsistence on the overcrowded land of its valleys.

$1,000 in free merchandise durlnsW. M. House Jewelry 26th Annlversary Sale. No contest to enter, nslogans to write, nothing to buyJust come In and register,CUu-luvili« St. (Adv.)




was happy to have been

able to install the plumbing system

for the


W. H. TURNER CO.223 Clarkjville St. Phone 353



OPENING TONIGHTA bright and shining star in the field of better entertainment for the entirefamily is the new Airport Drive-In Theatre. We join all Paris and NorthTexas in expressing pride and appreciation ,for this fine new drive-intheatre Interstate Circuit Incorporated will present for your approval to-night, with a gala opening you'll long remember.

It was a pleasure to have been the electrical contractor on this greatAirport Drive-in Theatre and we can assure you that the men of Interstatehave spared no expense in bringing you the best. It is the knowledge,courage and foresight of these men, giving evidence of a great faith inthe future, that makes a name for Texas and the great Southwest. Asalute of approval and sincere congratulations to the people behind AirportDrive-In Theatre.


JL»p WUone

. . . Keep cool the natural way, that is, See the best in motion picturereleases, in the comfort and privacy of your own car. There's alwaysa pleasant unobstructed view when you drive in here. Drive intonight for the big gala opening of the new Airport Drive-In Theatre,


v v

Electrical Contractors

101 Clarksvlllc St. Phone IMS

top related