pauline heidmets

Post on 25-Jul-2015






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How to stimulate creative thinking trough the educational games and

story telling on transmediaplatforms.

Why creativity is important


• Sir Ken Robinson-is an English author, speaker and international advisor on education.

Creativity in education:Why it matters

The value of creativity in education and impact on career success.

Creative thinking/ creativity

• When people talk about creativity then usually it is thought of as a context of art, but creativity is needed in every aspect of our lives, everyday.

• Every business needs creative thinkers in the form of scientists, engineers, medical researchers, technology innovators, business entrepreneurs, artists, performers, writers and illustrators, designers, inventors, educators and parents.

• Those people with the ability to "think outside of the box" will lead the future and make special things happen.



• Monsters To Clowns” is a multiplatform transmedia project that transforms children nightmares into sweet bedtime stories, created in cooperation with Baltic Film and Media School.


• The word transmedia means “across media, it uses multiple media platforms and formats to tell a story on a current digital technologies.

• Each media platform whether it’s a film, animation, comic, textbook ,book, video games, mobile app, appisodes, web series, social tagging, augmented reality or a connected objects function as a standalone story experience which are all complete and satisfying on their own and together .

• Different transmeida platforms are like a giant puzzle, each “piece” also contributes to a larger narrative.


• Everybody likes a good story especially young kids. When the story is constructed right then it is not only entertaining but it is capable of holding student attention while they learn important concepts, attitudes and skills.

• Story telling could be a great for helping students with their vivid metal images and creativity. A good story can make the information more meaningful and memorable.

• It could be a very effective way to teach new material/knowledge.

Transmedia+ storytelling

• Transmedia storytelling use each platform to add something new to the overall narrative, by offering background stories, changing the perspective on an event or character through different viewpoints, or continuing a story arch that was left off in another medium.

• It could become twenty-first century learning tool.

The problem at the moment.

• The creativity isn’t encouraged much at the moment, school curriculum teaches more facts.

• Kids have knowledge how to use different technology such as computers and second screen devices but schools haven’t adopted these technologies. (These devices could help and encourage students to be more creative).

• When schools don’t encourage creativity and focus on teaching just facts and look creativity as something what isn’t a “real subject” or as ” a big change to fail in life” could lead to that the kids wont be confident enough to express their ideas as adults.

• Companies aren’t just looking for a degree and the knowledge of the facts but also creativity and innovation and ability to think out side of the box.

Research• The fast growth of the technology has changed the way kids learn and interact

with each other. The learning from the textbooks is shifting to the web and to the hand held devices.

• This will make educators rethink and change the “old” ways of teaching into something more engaging and memorable.

• Educators have to come up with new methods of teaching and adapt it to the needs of the students.

• Using second screen devices have given a new challenges to the innovative designers to connect the physical world and digital world with connected objects (toys, game cards, activity/text books) also the trend of social tagging and QR codes has become popular way to share the information and learn new things.


• Researches have found that when the content is scattered across the different media platforms then it will help students to construct the knowledge and get complex messages through more meaningful, challenging and technology-enhanced experiences.

• If the learning methods are constructed effectively, then the educational program and the technology become one, the core is the interaction between technology and story, creating a deep, rich and memorable learning experience.

• Trough transmedia storytelling kids could learn about creativity, curiosity, exploring, decision-making and responsibility (trough the open ended games).


• The cognitive theory of multimedia learning was popularised by the work of Richard E. Mayer and other cognitive researchers who argue that multimedia supports the way human brain learns.

• Multimedia learning is the new and innovative way to learn, Richard E. Mayer points out, there are many unresolved issues in multiple platform learning and research, which means that the field continues to be wide open and should provide a challenging and stimulating area of research for many years to come.


• According to Richard E. Mayer, one of the main principle of multimedia instruction is to encourage the learner to build a logical mental representation from the presented material.

• The learner’s job is to make sense of the presented material as an active participant, ultimately constructing new knowledge.

• The researches show that more simple and basic visual design is actually more effective than a design with a lot of detail. Most important aspect is to focus on the learning content and less on the visual design issues.

Research-Transmedia learning

• Transmedia learning applies storytelling techniques across multiple platforms to create immersive educational experiences that enable entry and exit points for learning and teaching.

• A transmedia pedagogy allows learners and content to flow fluidly across media platforms. Students can enter their learning in a way that meets their needs and educators can draw upon the strengths of and maximize the power of individual platforms. - Laura Fleming

Research- Transmedia learning

• The digital (transmedia) technologies are making knowledge available to everyone and turning everyone into a creator as well as a consumer.

• The technology also allows us to spread knowledge across the globe, people can share their stories and ideas and learn from others.

• Learning dosen’t only happen in a class room any more.

Research- what needs to be done.

• Problem- big number of teachers are not used to or comfortable using new technologies.

• Have to support, encourage and train the teachers- how to use transmedia technologies so it would make sense to them.

• Educators have to come up with new ways of teaching on the transmedia platforms-new innovative curriculum what doesn’t only exist on the print.

Target group

• For my research I have chosen the target group of kids 7-12. • Usually children in Estonia start their elementary school at age of 7• Most of 7 year old kids who start school are able to read and use

the multiple technologies such as TV, web, second screen devices (tablets, smart phones) and textbooks.

• Why I chose this target group is because kids usually have very good imagination and sometimes schools can put more effort into learning facts rather than creativity.

• When creativity is blocked by schools from the early age then later on in life it will be more harder for kids to express their creativity and be confident about their ideas. (That is why I believe that creativity should encouraged from the early age

My aim

• Come up with a conclusion how to connect meaningful storytelling experience across transmedia platforms what will encourage and teach creativity.

• Do it trough the transmedia storytelling/learning. • Come up with educational game on transmedia

platforms what will encourage creativity ( Multiplatform experience - web, 2nd screen, connected toys, social tagging, etc).

• Create a positive and interesting environment for learning so kids would benefit from the learning experience and would stay focused.

• Violence free games

Research question

• This research will focus on the educational games on transmedia platforms as a learning tool.

• How transmeida learning could encourage creativity. • I will explore the new and innovative ways to teach trough

the digital and physical world and how two worlds could be connected.

• The goal of this research is how to encourage creative thinking trough the storytelling on transmedia platforms.

• More detailed research questions will arise during the study.


• To gather information I will construct interviews and tests with kids and with the professionals who work with the kids (psychologist, teachers) and professional people who work in transmeida industry.

• Read and follow research articles.

• Find out based on the research outcomes how to construct an effective educational game what will fit into the elementary school curriculum what will teach creative thinking skill.

• This research will be done by analyzing, interviewing and experimenting (testing).

What I‘m doing

• Reading articles

• Sleepwalkers serious games workshop

• Avastusrada

• Creative classroom

Sleepwalkers serious games seminar

Sleepwalkers student film festival is organising a workshop about serious games to the film students. The aim of the workshop is to introduce the gaming world to the people who don’t know about it but are curios how it all works.

We have participants from different companies who will talk about the principles of the gaming world, how to create a game, what is needed to create a came.

I will hopefully take part of it and will do a presentation, topic will depend on what will be covered by the speakers. I would like to talk about the transmeida learning.

26.11.2014 from 10 am till 4pm everyone is welcome to join!


• It is a web project mainly meant for students. The aim of the project is to encourage kids to go out side and explore different tracks for example the walking path in the forest, botanical gardens, zoo etc and at the same time learn new things depending where they are. It will work on the mobile or tablet device as long there is internet. Participants have to answer the questions about the track ( could cover history, biology, geography) they will get the points for the tasks. The data will be stored in the web, game will record the track and answers. What could be analyzed after the game.

• Im going to participate in that project by helping to come up with the educational context for the game. The aim is that kids would learn new knowledge and will stay focused.

Creative classroom

• Creative classroom is a project what will help the teachers to adopt the digital and innovative ways to teach in schools. The project has partners from Finland, Slovenia and Croatia who will help to train Estonian teachers to use the digital technologies in schools.

• Hopefully I can take part of this project.

• Not decided on what I’m going to do exactly.

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