p.e. sesion

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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WARM UP: o General warm up:

-Activation: Cardiovascular activity:

Walking up steps, running, swift walk, jogging, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, pushups, and sit-ups.

-Articular movement:

When you do something related to strength you make a lot of joints work, but I think mainly the ones that are in the arms like the shoulders, the elbow joint and the wrist joint:

1.Shoulder rotation: Swimming movement.

2.Elbow flex-extension: Stretch out and flex the elbows softly.

3.Wrist flex-extension: Interlace the fingers and do circular movements.


You have to mainly stretch the “aductores”, the back, the quadriceps, the calfs, the hamstrings and the shoulders. The photos explain all you have to do.

o Specific warm up:

o Rocking Lunge: Give an active stretch to both your hips and hamstrings with the rocking lunge. Start in a deep lunge with your left leg forward; you can even bring your right knee to the floor. Straighten your left knee to rock your weight back and onto your right foot, lengthening the left hamstring. Flex your left toes as you rock into the hamstring stretch to lengthen the calf a bit too. Return back to your deep lunge, and repeat for a total of 10 times on each side.

o Toy Soldier: A walking kick, the toy soldier stretches out the back of the leg, both hamstrings and calves. Step forward on

your right foot, and kick your left leg forward, bringing your left toes toward your right hand. Step onto your left foot and kick the right leg, bringing the right foot toward your left hand. Take 20 steps total.

o Walk-Outs: This slow and deliberate full-body move is great for warming up the upper body and core. Begin standing, and bend in half at the waist to walk your hands forward until you're in a plank position. Do one push-up, and then walk your hands back to your feet, lingering in Downward Dog to give your calves an extra stretch — this is especially important if you're doing plyometric jumping moves in your workout. Do eight to 10.

o Sideways Shuffle: This move keeps the body in motion while priming it for side-to-side lateral exercises. With your legs wide apart and toes pointed forward, side lunge to the left, then shift weight to the right side for another lunge, and follow with two shuffles to the left, stopping in a lunge to the left to repeat the sequence again. Go one direction for 10 reps, and then switch sides.

o Walking Lunges With Side Stretch: Adding a side stretch to slow and steady walking lunges primes the entire body for a workout (this move is also perfect for cooling down after a run). Take a big step forward with your right foot and lunge, bringing your left arm up and stretching to the right. Follow this with a big step forward with your left foot, stretching your right arm to the left. Repeat until you have taken 10 steps per foot.

MAIN PART: o Circuit training: A great idea is to do a circuit like the one we did

in class, it will be similar. There’s going to be groups of a few people and four exercises:

Every minute an alarm will sound and everybody has to walk very slowly to the next activity until the alarm sounds again.

o Work in pairs:

We will also do exercises in pairs. The people will do different exercises like the piggyback ride going to the other side of the field:

o Medicine ball:

I think all the exercises related to the medicine balls are good to practice strength.

o Elastic band:

With an elastic band per person you can do a lot of exercises that will improve your strength.


For the cool down there are simple and effective things you can do:

5 to 10 minutes jogging/walking - decrease body temperature and remove waste products from the working muscles:

5 to 10 minutes static stretching exercises.

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