peoplesoft enterprise - cs 9 bundle 19 release notes enterprise - cs 9 bundle 19 release notes...

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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PeopleSoft Enterprise - CS 9 Bundle 19 Release Notes Campus Solutions Student Administration These release notes reflect application updates for PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions Student Administration products in CS 9 Bundle 19.

Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionCourse Lists 651503002

Reports 1923855001

Reports 1993249001

Reports 2000338001

Academic Advisement

Error setting up course lists when more than 300 requirement designations exist

When more than 300 requirement designations exist, the user receives an error when selecting a requirement designation value in the drop down field. Error received is "Maximum number of records found matching specified key(s) -Users receive an error on the Course List Parameters page other not included in list. (4,2)"

The problem exists in the enrollment and academic course list components. Specifically, it is a problem on the RQ_CRSE_LST_DPRM page in the CLST_TBL_ACAD component, and on the RQ_CRSE_LST_DPR2 page in the CLST_TBL_ENRL component. The Requirement Designation field is a drop down and needs to be changed to a prompt to handle more than 300 requirement designation values.

Requirement Group shows as satisfied on the AA report when plan/subplans required is not fulfilled.

If a requirement group has a plan or subplan required, it will show on the AA report as satisfied even if the student has not selected a required plan or subplan.

SRPCAARC to create Academic Advisement Report runs twice with one push of the Process Request button

The academic advisement report process SRPCAARC runs twice on the application server when the "Enable run time processing" on the Academic Advising Setup page is set to "Always refresh."

Subplan requirements display incorrectly when the subplan has a Y in the fifth character.

If a subplan is created with a Y as the fifth character in the subplan name, the subplan requirements display oddly, with missing and extra lines and using the 'groupbox' description.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionManage People 1953995001 Update of audit fields on Actions is inconsistent.

Financial Aid 2006595001

Budgets 2009288002


FISAP 2020414001

Forms Engine FAN 1972628001

INAS-IM 2005754001

Contributor Relations

When adding/updating an action via the Action List - Person and Actions - Person pages (action information, others assigned, and intiatives), the audit fields on ps_av_cnst_actn are not populated when the record is saved, but the audit fields on ps_av_cnst_ac_asgn and ps_av_actn_intv are. When adding a Mass Action (action information, others assigned, and intiatives), the audit fields on the records ps_av_cnst_actn (not replicated) and ps_av_cnst_ac_asgn are populated when the mass action is saved, but the audit fields on ps_av_actn_intv are not.

Auth/Disburse Population Selection process for user edit messages.

Create a batch process which will allow customers to add/update user edit messages. This new process should invoke population selection. This is from the HEUG Issue tracker and identified by the FA PAG as a high priority.

Budget changes as a result of 2011-12 ISIR changes

Budget Formula fields:

INTERESTED_IN_WS: resurrected for 2012 with taxonomy change

COD Pell Option to send Citizenship for all Pell Records Although the Citizenship Status field is optional for Pell records, customers would like the option to send the Citizenship Status for all student in the initial Pell submission. This prevents having to perform any manual updates in the event the Citizenship Status cannot be confirmed by CPS. The field PELL_ORIG_DTL.SFA_COD_CITZN_STAT will be added to Pop Update allowing users a batch process to queue up records for sending to COD.

Students being included incorrectly in the FISAP Part II Section F

Process: fapfsp12.sqr. When running the FISAP, students are being counted in Part II Section F, Information on Eligible Aid Applicants for Award Year 2009-2010, when they should be excluded.

EMPLID is not included in the FORM_COLLATE_KEY

In Define Sort Order Names (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Forms Engine Notification > Define Sort Order Names), the following fields are listed: Aid Year, Last Name, Institution, Campus, Career, Primary Program, Postal Code, Country , EMPLID. However, EMPLID is not included in the FORM_COLLATE_KEY field (after running Award Notification Batch).

2011- 2012 Aid Year updates for Institutional Methodology (IM).

Annual changes to INAS IM-EFM for 2011 - 2012 aid year processing.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. 3

Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description

Financial Aid

ISIR 1826191001

ISIR 1940672002

ISIR 1955987001

ISIR 1967644001

ISIR 1968093001

ISIR 1978848002 ISIR_11_IN_HSEC is missing

ISIR/SAR Cross Reference data references PS_PERSONAL_DATA

In the Bundle containing Regs 1 2009-2010, Update ID 739496 for CS 9 and Update ID 739491 for CS 8.9, the update for the 2009-2010 Aid Year of the PS_ISIR_SAR_XREF table continues to reference data from PS_PERSONAL_DATA. The PS_ISIR_SAR_XREF table indicates that PERSONAL_DATA is the record for the fields BIRTHDATE and CITIZENSHIP_STATUS. The record for BIRTHDATE should be changed to PERSON and the record for CITIZENSHIP_STATUS should be changed to CITIZENSHIP.

Unable to correct invalid parent email on Correct ISIR Records

Users are unable to correct invalid parent email addresses on Correct ISIR Records. Users receive the message "The email address must contain @ and . characters". If the email address is blank it can be updated but if an invalid email address needs changing, it cannot be done.

Error Message on ISIR Student Dependency Assumptions Link

Page: ISIR_ASM_ST2_SEC10. On ISIR Corrections 2009-2010 open any student, add a row and then click the Assumptions Link in the Student Data - Dependency Status Information section for a 2009-2010 ISIR and once open click OK (not cancel). An error is returned on the SFA_DFLT_YOUTH_SCH field.

New untaxed income fields on the 2011 ISIR are loading incorrectly

The new untaxed Income Fields on the 2011 ISIR, such as Veterans Non Ed Benefits, are loading incorrectly. If they are blank on the ISIR, they appear as zeros on the ISIR Data Corrections component.

Erroneous warning message on ISIR Corrections when changing Marital Status

For 09-10, if the Marital Status in CC is Divorced or Widowed and the users selects the Single/Divorced/Widowed radio button on ISIR Corrections, a warning message says that the values differ between CC and ISIR Corrections.

For 10-11, if the Marital Status in CC is Widowed and the users selects the Divorced/Widowed radio button on ISIR Corrections, a warning message says that the values differ between CC and ISIR Corrections.

Component: ISIR_11_IN_SRCH. The ISIR_11_IN_HSEC is missing from the 2010-2011 ISIR File Review component.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description

Financial Aid

ISIR 1980157002

ISIR 1980693001

ISIR 2005750001 2011 - 2012 Aid Year updates for ISIR Load

Loan Counseling 1899819001

Loan Counseling 2003004001 Loan Counseling Phase 2

PROFILE 1651827002

ISIR Correction for Parent Legal Residence incorrect on the CORR11IN* File

When making a correction to ISIR Field number 84 (Parent Legal Residence State), the ISIR Correction process writes the change to position 521-522 in the resulting CORR11IN file. When sent to CPS, the correction is rejected with an "invalid value" message. Position 521 is where correction to the parent's email should be located

Multiple hardcoded page titles in Financial Aid While translating pages, the following pages were found with hardcoded page titles, preventing proper translation:


Annual regulatory changes for 2011 - 2012 Aid Year for the ISIR Load Process.

Enhancement Request to add SFA_LN_CNSL_TBL to records available in PopSelect/UpdatePopSelect/Update

Users would like to use PopSelect/Update to add loan counseling requests for students within the SFA_LN_CNSL_TBL but that record is not available to the tool.

Create new process to update the existing 9.0 loan counseling tables with the data from the COD staging tables from the CRECMYOP files. Also provide batch process for inserting rows into the loan counseling tables.

Add an 'Student Status Add Level' to Profile Data Load Parameters

IM Calculations can vary greatly based on career or even program. We allow for multiple rule sets attached at the career or program level. However when a Profile is loaded and INAS runs, unless the student has had FA Term built, the Base Rule set will be used in the calculation. To ensure that the right rule set is used from the beginning, customers would like the option to not load the Profile until FA Term has been built.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description

Financial Aid

PROFILE 1940324001

PROFILE 1955977001

PROFILE 1968365001

PROFILE 1988257001 PROFILE: ID Lock behavior

PROFILE 2005753001 2011 - 2012 Aid Year updates for PROFILE.Satisfactory Academic Progress2007630002

UK - SLC 1961542001

UK - SLC 1964363001 TFRA views not reporting data correctly

PROFILE Load does not update Aid Processing Status field for a record that was previously created manually.

When loading PROFILE data to a record that was previously created manually, the Aid Processing Status field (PROCESSING_STATUS) remains "No Electronic Application". It should change to "Applied". This is a key field in indicating students are ready to begin the Financial Aid process

Single digit values on the Profile are loading without being padded with a 0

Process: SFA_PF_LOAD. Single digit values on the Profile are loading without being padded with a 0

Profile not loading when there are multiple rows with the same effective date

Process: SFA_PF_LOAD. Student has two applications for two careers, one for UGRD and one for UENG. Student is Admitted to the UGRD career and Defers Enrollment on the same Effective Date. The Effective Date is the same but the UENG career has a higher Effective Sequence. When the Profile is loaded, it suspends the record because the highest Effective Sequence does not meet the load level although there is an Admit row effective the same day.

The ID Lock behavior is not consistent in its treatment of (a) when it's required, (b) the presence or absence of an ID, (c) whether the mode is Add or Recycle, and (d) the presence/absence of corresponding Warning messages. Adding to the confusion is when or whether S/M will be called.

Annual updates for PROFILE processe for 2011 - 2012.SYSLANG-11 SYSAUDIT Error for record GRADESCHEME_V2

SYSAUDIT error - (SYSLANG-11) The Following Related Language View(s) Have The Wrong Structure Defined. The record is GRADESCHEME_V2 which is used for SAP. The related language record GRADESCHEME_LNG is used for other SR tables so shouldn't be changed.

SLC - SSAR Search Match not suspending records correctly

When the SSAR process is set to Suspend for an Aid Year it updates the records rather than suspends them.In SFA_SLC_TFRAVW3 if a student appears on more than one TFRA file their award amounts are overstated. This may make it possible to overstate the TFRA amount if the student had an award for both a loan and a grant. This is because the join needs to come up with an equal number of rows. This view probably needs to be written off two new views - one that sums the total amount on a TFRA and one that Sums Award amounts so both of the two new records would only ever have one row per aid year.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. 6

Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description

Financial Aid

UK - SLC 1973744001 TFRA File Load dropping lines on import

UK - SLC 1994427001 SLC- Regulatory Updates 2010-11 SL100

Student Administration 1989742004 Potential Security Vulnerability.

AUS - TAC Loads 1929216001

Admissions Web Services 2007179001 IBRK-13 errors after applying CS9 Bundle 18

Admissions Web Services 2009250001

Admissions Web Services 2016544001

A TFRA file import has run to success, but has not correctly populated SFA_SLC_TFRADTL as it has only loaded the last line in the file for a student with multiple lines on the source document

The SLC has announced changes for Academic Year 2010-11 replacing the previous process and files with the Student Information Service.

Student Administration

This incident contains a critical security update. For the protection of our customers, it is Oracle policy not to provide detailed information on the location and nature of the incident and fix for the protection of our customers.

Recruiting and Admissions

TAC (Aus) - Default NID format is too long for SSN Assignment

Error received when running the TAC Post process due to the default NID format being assigned to the SSN field. This occurs after applying Bundle 14.Applied Change Package 747692 and then applied CS9 Bundle 18 to Campus Solutions/HRMS 9/PT8.48.15 Demo database. It appears that the ReleaseAdapter program stripped out Object Types 37 and 90 from the Bundle 18 project. Now Sysaudit run after application shows IBRK-13 errors. These appear to mostly match up to Message Definitions/Message Schemas in Resolution_782229.xls provided with the Bundle, and in checking the contents of the Bundle 18 project in Demo database it appears that the Msg Defns and Msg Schemas are not included.

Service Operation SAD_SUBMITAPPL is not mapped to the correct response message

Service Operation SAD_SUBMITAPPL is matched up to Message SAD_SAVEAPPL_RESP, rather than SAD_SUBMITAPPL_RESP. Deliver a project with the service operation SAD_SUBMITAPPL to correct the mapped response message

AAWS: Error inserting Relationship Data when transaction is partitioned by Constituent

When you create an application with Partition by Constituent and with relationship data existing in staging, Create Application errors out a with the SOA error log stating:Error Saving: SCC_STG_RLSHIPS tempid: 429 (0,0) SCC_SL_TRANSACTION.ACCESSORS.PersonRelationship.OnExecute Name:save.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionApplication Processing 1984200001

CRM - EIP 1994747001

CRM - Suspect/Prospect Export1984508001




Recruiting and Admissions

Admissions Application buffer error for mismatch on country extension data

In some circumstances, changing data in correction mode in student records (academic program stack) will create a buffer error on the associated admissions application as updates to the effdt and sequence of country extension records for AUS, NZL and NLD are not set to the same values as the ADM_APPL_PROG row.

Checklist Item Update not checked on Test Results Page using SAD_TEST_SCORES_SYNC

When a test score is sent from CRM to CS through the IB SAD_TEST_SCORES_SYNC message, need option to check the "Checklist Item Update" box in CS, accessed by navigating to Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Results.

ACT Message Container Updates to Support ACT Layout Changes

Changes are necessary to support the layout changes introduced in the July bundle for ACT. This includes support for multiple ethnic group codes and phone type that are not included in the layout.

NLD - Studielink Message 34 is suspended when sent with prior education data, verified by the IB-Groep

According to the message text in outbound suspense management, message 34 is suspended, because the brin-code for the subject was not found. Only decentralized data, verified by an academic institution, can be verified with a brin-code.

NLD - Studielink Message 03 suspended due to errors but application exists in CS Dutch Studielink

When a Studielink application with message 03 is sent with a prior education code that has not been imported in PeopleSoft, the message is put into suspense. The application data is created without the prior education data.

NLD - Studielink Sequence of checking admissions versus enrollment data by Studielink processes

After converting student enrollment data into PeopleSoft, the Studielink processes does not check the existence of enrollment data before the existence of admissions data when processing inbound message 35 when the student got an enrollment row, but not a PAYM-row, as well as outbound messages 4, 6, 10 or 37. As a result, errors occur. Error: Admissions data cannot be found.

For example message 19 and 20 process correctly with outbound values because they evaluate admissions or student records. Other messages do not have the same business logic in place.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description1983086001



Recruiting and Admissions

NLD - Studielink A new Studielink CIOP row is added when the CIOP number is empty in message 03 on Regional page

A message 03 with empty CIOP number is sent to CS. After processing this message, in the personal data information of the student, there are two rows with correspondence number. However, the second one (generated as a result of the 03 message sent) is empty. Even if the message 03 content had no CIOP number, the row is inserted anyway.

NLD - Studielink Studielink triggers need to 'untrigger' when condition no longer applies

When a Studielink field meets the condition from set-up (send parameters) then saving the component triggers a message initialization for sending to Studielink. When the condition is untrue the trigger should be 'unset' currently this is not the case. This concerns all online trigger fields.

Student admissions > Application Maintenance > Maintain Applications > Application regional orRecords and Enrollment > Higher Education NLD > Student Records Higher Edu NLD

Example: Language Test status is set to Selected/PassedThe Set-up in send Parameters 'Trigger status for message 31J' is also selected/passedThe Message 31J checkbox is checked on this page and also set on student admissions > processing studielink NLD > Student transmission override page.

Language Test status is set to RejectedThis is not present in send parameters set-upThe message 31J checkbox is unchecked on this page but NOT on student transmission override. this is not correct. The field should be unchecked here (sad_sl_transmit) and the outbound work record should be deleted (sad_sl_out_work)

NLD - Studielink Integration Broker Sys Audit issue for SAD_SL_VCHMSG* service operations.

After CS 8.9 Bundle 25 (C371 for HR89) and CS 9.0 Bundle 18 (C346 for HR9) there was a sys audit hit for CS:(IBRK) : Operation with no Service: for SAD_SL_VCHMSG47 and SAD_SL_VCHMSG48_OUT.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionProspect Processing 1994423001

Test Scores/Loads 1918704001

Test Scores/Loads 2018077001

UK - PBI 1980052001

Recruiting and Admissions

Create Prospects from Tests inserting default program along with mapped program if the two are different values

ACT Major Plan is mapped through Program/Plan/Subplan mapping to the FAU ProgramCreate Prospects from Tests Run Control populated with default Program LAU Upon running the Create Prospects from Tests process, ADM_PRSPCT_PROG is populated with both the FAU Program along with the default LAU Program. If the major plan is mapped to a program that is different from the defaults, both values are inserted. The prospect program record should only be populated with the mapped value. Only in the case where the student's major plan is not mapped to a program should the default be inserted.

This is also happening with GRE. See documentation in Attachments

Problems with post not populating PERS_NID table

When a SSN is blank, search match is unable to find the individual based on EMPLID. When 999-99-9999 is entered, the student is able to be found. The customer does not want to change their business practice to update 999-99-9999.

ACT Format changes in Bundle 18 / 25 create incorrect or orphan Hispanic/Latino data in Ethnicity Tables

The first field, ACT Hispanic or Latino, represents position 608; the second field, Ethnicity, represents position 471; the third field, Race Responses, represents positions 609 - 615. The HISP_LATINO flag is set correctly for Non-Hispanics up until the first Hispanic record is encountered. At that point, the HISP_LATINO flag for all subsequent records gets set to Y whether or not they are Hispanic.

PBI - Full-Time Course on CAS Details to default to 'No' for non-FT

The Full-Time Course field on the CAS Details page defaults to 'Yes' when a new record is created and the Academic Load is 'Full-Time'. The value should default to 'No' for all other values of Academic Load. Currently the field is left blank.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionUK - PBI 1987065001

UK - PBI 1990018001 PBI - Mandatory Fields

UK - PBI 1990222001

UK - PBI 2003522001

Recruiting and Admissions

PBI - processing needs ability to apply for second CAS using same application number

Need to be able to apply for second CAS for applicant on the same application number and programme and plan. If a mistake is made on a CAS when it has been sent to the UKBA and this cannot be fixed by adding a sponsor note on the UKBA system, a second application for a CAS with the correct details needs to submitted to the UKBA. This may be after the CAS has been used by an applicant and the VISA has been refused or if the error is recognized before that applicant has used the CAS to apply for a VISA it might be just after the CAS number has been assigned.

Customer would like to request the following enhancement - The requirement is for all required fields for a CAS application and schema check to be mandatory fields within the PBI Module. Can this be an enhancement request for a future bundle release?

PBI - Run Extract and XML Processes for a User ID.

When creating an upload extract, the same CAS application can be selected several times (no XML yet generated) and users would not want to pick up entries created by other users from different schools/departments. Requirement is for the process to have the ability to be run and pick up all CAS entries by user id with the facility for a central team to pick up all user entries if required. There may be other ways of running the processes such as program/plan, school, etc., but we think that by user id may be a better option. Navigation: Student Admissions > PBI Processing > Create update, upload, report, xml.

PBI xml contains xml tags that have not been included in the CAS application

When the validation comes to validate the UPLOAD xml it gives errors as it is expecting addresses for fields that are null on the CAS upload application record

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. 11

Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionUK - PBI 2010219001 PBI - Sponsor Notes required

UK - PBI 2010809001

UK - UCAS 1981942001

UK - UCAS 1988695001 UCAS / GTTR Use of Standard Codes

UK - UCAS 1990008001

Recruiting and Admissions

The UKBA SMS system includes Sponsor Notes. The field needs to be populated for specific CAS records where the CAS has been assigned and some fo the applicant's details are incorrect. Currently notes need to be added to the CAS request in SMS via the UKBA portal. Institutions require Sponsor Notes fields in the CAS Details record to allow the same values populated in SMS to be held locally. It is also anticipated that the Sponsor Note fields will eventually be added by UKBA to the XML specification at which point the value of the new fields can be included in the extract.

PBI - CAS Details link in Maintain Applications returns no results

When selecting the CAS Details link on the Application Program Data page no search results are displayed when a CAS Details record exists. The CAS Details record can be successfully retrieved via the CAS Maintenance search.

UCAS and GTTR transaction line numbers for decision codes do not increment correctly.

On each of these pages, Standard Offers (SAD_UC_STD_OFF), UCAS Decision Process (SAD_UC_DECISN) and GTTR Decision Process (SAD_UC_GTDECISN), there is a grid structure which allows users to build offers to be sent to UCAS. If the user adds a row and clicks save, or if rows already exist from a chosen offer library code, rows added from that point forward are all given the same row number - i.e. not incremented. As row number is a key value in the table, this causes a Data Integrity Error (18,2) which means that the offer cannot be saved. A further problem with these pages is that if rows are inserted between two existing rows, they are incorrectly numbered also and when saved the rows reorganize according to Row Number, and then offers are incorrectly saved.

When a user makes an offer using a standard code which has a number of elements attached to it and then has to correct it with one which has fewer elements, not all elements of the first offer are deleted when the second offer is saved.

UCAS Addresses and other data not updating where a previous application is matriculated

A new application was imported but because a previous application existed (last EFFDT 01/12/2008) and it had a MATR row the address details were not updated. The process should only not update data if the current UCAS application is matriculated.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionUK - UCAS 1995364001

UK - UCAS 1998356001

UK - UCAS 2002284001

UK - UCAS 2005287001

UK - UCAS 2007477001

UK - UCAS 2010255001

Recruiting and Admissions

UCAS - Import Exam Results - Performance Issue

Customer has reported that they can import 10,000 exam records in 10 minutes and 93,000 in 5 hours, 25 minutes. They anticipate approximately 250,000 records in summer 2010 so the performance needs to be improved.

When running the process to Delete GTTR wrong applicants it has failed

The applicant has been flagged as Miscoded on the ivgstarw table at UCAS so we are trying to remove the application. The record appears on the page as Miscoded but when you press the Remove Applicant button the message. The Application has not been cancelled and Removal appears. The table ivgnone of the choices have been selected for starw does not have a Choicexlost field like the UCAS ivstarw but when this table is populated it will be the currect round application that has been miscoded. Please can you update the process to delete the current GTTR round from the system?

Enable functionality to update Interview Decisions using UCAS / GTTR Quick Decision Entry

Request enhancement to enable functionality to update Interview Decisions using UCAS Quick Decision Entry page (SAD_UC_QDEC)

Display entry point zero on the UCAS application summary page

Display entry point zero on the application summary page instead of blank for these entry point 0 applicants.

Quick Decision Entry for GTTR Fails for decisions E, M, S and G

On the GTTR Quick Decision Entry page, if you try to apply decision E, M, S or G to applications and save the page, you get error message Field is required: SAD_UC_DECISN - SAD_UC_APPR_STATUS (124,64).

Free Format value on UCAS decision pages is not in transaction code after interview time/date

The Free Format value on the decision pages is not being included in the transaction code after the interview time/date. The Comment field is included, but since this is only 20 characters it does not provide enough space to add the text needed.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionUK - UCAS 2018411001

Core Shared Objects 2010191001

Grade Integration 1998927001

Recruiting and Admissions

UCAS Import Reference Data Process fails with Unique Constraint Violation error (ORA-00001)


SA Integration Platform

SAIP - External Alias Name for the out bound service operations are not accepting the special characters in PT8.50

External Alias Name(Operation Alias) for the out bound service operations are not accepting the special characters from PT8.50.

Tools Upgrade issue:From Tools 8.50, validation is added to the Operation Alias field of the service operation definition. SAIP create/delete service operations has the the operation alias ending with ".v1". Operation Alias should be renamed by removing the "." in the Alias name.

SAIP - Students who exist in current grade roster (but not in LMS) when importing grades through SAIP

Currently, SAIP doesnt record any messages about students who exist in the current grade roster but do not have corresponding grade info coming from the LMS. The student's previous grade info (if any) will remain in the SIS grade roster. A check should be added to SAIP grade import process in order to log students who exist in the current grade roster but do not have corresponding grade info coming from the LMS.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionOther 1998901001

Other 2002288001

Student Records Attendance Tracking 1515599002

SA Integration Platform

SAIP - CourseOffering->Org->orgName & CourseSection->Org->orgName: add leading institution identifier

For Group records of type "DEPARTMENT", SAIP includes an abbreviated department identifier in the Course Offering and Course Section, and it does not match the fully qualified department identifier used as the sourcedId in the Group record. For example, in the CourseOffering->Org->orgName, the value might be "ACCOUNTING", while the Group->sourcedID might be "GLAKE-ACCOUNTING". In order to make this consistent, we should add the leading institution identifier in the orgName string for both CourseOffering->Org->orgName as well as CourseSection->Org->orgName.

SAIP - Need to update alias for CreateMembership service operation (should be lower case 'c')

Alias of the CreateMembership service operation is delivered with capital 'C'reateMembership, because of this it is taking the soapAction as CreateMembership and also the soapAction namespace prefix is not including to the SOAPAction attribute of the Membership service operations. The correct alias should read createMembership (with a lower case 'c'). The workaround is to manually edit the connector properties for all generated routings of CREATEMEMBERSHIP in the SAIP instance.

Attendance From and To date not defaulting to Roster Options for first class in list. Resolve template print issues.

Attendance From and To date not defaulting to Roster Options for first class in list when generating attendance rosters.

Curriculum Management, Attendance Roster, Generate Attendance Roster. If you fill in the Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date, it does not get copied from the front page to the Roster Options for the first class in the grid. It does get copied for each additional class in the grid! If you try and save the page, you then get the error "Attendance From Date Required. (14600, 608) The begin date used for the date range for updating attendance rosters is required."

Resolve template print issue from Attendance Roster by Class to include students with valid careers, not just students where student enrollment career is equal to course career. Sort by name as in the on-line 'view' template.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions - 9.0 Bundle #19

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description

Student Records

Attendance Tracking 1875383001

Block Enrollment 1868382001

Combined Sections 1932552001

DEST/DEEWR - AUS 1947774001

Enrollment Appointments 1819327001

Enrollment Verification 1931082001


1975120001 Performance issue with SSR_ADVISEE_VW.

Attendance Roster by Class only displays students in the same career as the class

The Class Attendance page will not display enrolled students who are active in a Career that is different from the Career of the course/class. The Attendance Roster by Template and Attendance Roster by Student components display all students correctly.

Block Enrollment Process is not populating AUS Student Enroll Data correctly when car nbr <> 0

The Block Enrollment Process is not populating the AUS Sibling Enrolment record correctly when the program of enrolment is not career nbr 0.

Invalid Row Number error on Combined Sections Table

When the user opens an existing Combined Section ID within the Combined Sections table (where there are classes already associated) ticks the Skip Mtg Patt & Instr Edit check box and then deletes rows on the page and clicks save an error is returned.

DEEWR SRDESTEN E476 and E486 not extracted if fallback to addresses is required

Aftr installing Bundle 12-14, SRDESTEN Find-Commencing-Location refers to $Home_type, but a value has not been set up for this. New Address Usage fields on DEEWR Reporting Setup is not being referenced. Student address data is sourced if the data repositories on SSR_STDNT_DATA are blank for E476 and E486 and the student is an UGRD school leaver.

Need option to add wait list units to total on Appointment Limit Table

Currently, appointments limits do not include wait listed units in the total. Need an option similar to that for enrollment limits to add wait listed units to the total units for appointment limit checking.

Enrollment Verification Report fails when run in Traditional Chinese Language

When the user logs into the PS application in Traditional Chinese, the Enrollment Verification Report fails with the following error: "Remote program SRPCENVR failed with return code: 9976: UTF8 ->UCS2 conversion failed for bind number 10469556."

Faculty/Advisor Self Service Advisors with a non ADVSR role do not display in student self service and cannot see advisees in faculty self service

Currently, if a student is assigned an advisor where the advisor role is not equal to "advisor", the student does not see the advisor's name in self-service detail but it is displayed on the Student Center splash page. Also, an advisor will not see the student on the advisee list unless the advisor has the role 'advisor' on PS_STDNT_ADVR_HIST.

Faculty/Advisor Self Service Navigate to Self Service, Advisor Center, My Advisees page and click on View Student Details from the advisee list. It takes 14+ seconds to display the Student Center information for the selected student.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description

Student Records


Grading 1127789001

HECS - AUS 1947821001

Requisite Checking 1986357001

Student Self Service 1956558001

Transcripts - XMLP 2002970001

Transcripts - XMLP 2003129001 Milestones not printed on XML transcript

Faculty/Advisor Self Service Unexpected appearance of Id search record from Faculty Center term selection page when hitting the enter key.

When user is in Faculty Center, My Schedule - Select Term page and hits the enter key rather than selecting a term and clicking the Continue button, the user is unexpectedly taken to the ID search page. The larger issue is if SSN and DOB are not masked, the information will be displayed in thesearch results.

TRANSCRIPT_NOTE_ID and TRANSCRIPT_NOTE_EXISTS fields are not updated when grade lapse occurs

When a grade is lapsed, via the grade lapse process or Enrollment Request, the TSCRPT_NOTE_ID and TSCRPT_NOTE_EXISTS fields on STDNT_ENRL record are not updated. The customer cannot run a query to identify transcript notes associated with the grade lapse process. See replication.

Term Activation (SRTRMAC.sqr) sets incorrect hecs_xmpt_stat

The Term Activation Batch process sets the incorrect HECS Exemption Status for some students, under certain conditions. When the process encounters a student with an old HECS exemption status, the process converts the old code into the new one. However, this HECS exemption status is not reset, and is thus re-used over and over again for subsequent students, even though their HECS exemption status is different.

Users are unable to assign requisite entity group numbers or condition specification numbers when adding requisite entity groups or requisite conditions, respectively

Users can add requisite entity groups and requisite conditions by letting the system assign the numbers. But they cannot assign requisite entity group numbers or condition specification numbers when adding requisite entity groups or requisite conditions, respectively.

Search from My Planner results show last 5 classes instead of the first 5

When a student adds classes in shopping cart using 'Find Classes' and chooses: 'My Planner'. If the course has multiple sections the last five display (instead of the first five) .

Instructor assigned to multiple meeting patterns causes unique contraint error in Transcript

If an instructor is assigned to more than one meeting pattern of a class with different Instructor Roles, causes the XMLP Transcript process to fail with a Unique Constraint error while attempting to insert into PS _SSR_TSRSLT_INSR at SSR_TSC_LIB.EnrInstr.Step20

Milestones are not displayed on the XML transcript even set to print on transcript level.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description

Student Records

UK - HESA 1996748001

UK - HESA 1998717001 YEARPRG is not extracted where zero

UK - HESA 2000470001

UK - HESA 2004123001

UK - HESA 2004148001

UK - HESA 2004551001 HESA ENDDATE is being incorrectly extracted

Student on Module Entity needs to include all classes that fall in the reporting period regardless of term begin end dates

Current the SSR_HE_EXTRACT_PRC.StudentOnModule_Extraction App Package called from the SSR_HE_DATA AE program excluded classes with begin/end dates that fall outside of the reporting period even though they are running during the reporting period. The process should include these classes.

YEARPRG is not extracted where it's zero in the HESA Instance page and this is a valid value for foundation year. The logic in SSR_HE_EXTRACT_PRC.Instance_Fields_Extract method derive_YEARPRG needs to be amended to allow zero to be extracted as well as any other logic (e.g. linking to Program / Plan Year HESA Data). Additionally all the pages where YEARPRG is displayed need to show the field value where it's zero.,com_studrec/task,show_file/Itemid,233/mnl,09051/href,a%5E_%5EYEARPRG.html/

HESA Plan Course Title needs to be mixed case

When a user populates the Course Title field on the Plan HESA Data page in mixed case, the value is changed to upper case when the record is saved. Users need the report to show the Course Title field value in mixed case.

HESA - TTPCODE - Reason For Null incorrectly set when field derived from Address

When deriving a TTPCODE value from Person Address records (derivation Step 2) the ReasonForNull value is being set to '1'. The ReasonForNull value should only be set for derivation step 4 where the derived value is null.

HESA Instance Field INITIATIVES is in the wrong position in the XML file

The HESA Instance Field INITIATIVES is in the wrong position in the XML file and this is stopping it from being successfully validated.HESA ENDDATE is being incorrectly extracted where a student discontinued and was then subsequently readmitted. The process should only look for Program Action / Action Reasons from the Reason for Ending Instance Mapping table for the latest EFFDT row within the reporting period on the student stack.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description

Student Records

UK - HESA 2005021001

CAN - ANZ 2000849002 SFCANAUS is missing join on COMMON_ID

Cashiering 2010067001

FEE Help - AUS 1940119002

FEE Help - AUS 1941093001

FEE Help - AUS 1949047001

HESA Instance field NOTACT is being incorrectly extracted The NOTACT value is not extracted correctly when a student has a

previous Leave of Absence Status on the ACAD_PROG record even though the student has a RLOA row before the HESA Reporting period end date.

Student Financials Output to the Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) is incorrect for amounts identified per class due to missing join on COMMON_ID

Page CSH_OFF_CASHIER is missing the name descriptions (OPRDEFNDESC)

On the page CSH_OFF_CASHIER, the fields for Cashier and Supervisor Operator ID are missing the name descriptions (OPRDEFNDESC), which makes it difficult to validate that users have configured for the correct ids in either field.

FEE HELP Determination Process Not Updating Loan Account

FEE HELP Determination batch process is not updating the student loan accounts and not committing any processed accounts when a student without a COMMON_ID selected in the batch process. It is possible for a student to have a loan record before any enrollments have occured. The error '14816,11405 - No row was found in the common id table' is reported in the log file.

Loan Default (AUS Defaults) page - Fee-HELP Loan Fee percent has been changed

Australian Universities have notified recently that subject the legislation, the loan fee applied for FEE-HELP for undergraduate students will increase from 20% to 25%. FEE-HELP and OS-HELP Loan configuration needs an effective date to support changes in legislative requirements.

FEE-HELP Does Not Defer Loan When Academic Program Effective Date Is After Term Start Date

The Fee-Help Determination process does not defer a student's fees for a term if the student's application, matriculation and active dates in the program/plan stack are after the Term Start Date on the Term/Session Calendar, but before the max program effective date for the Term/Session. Tuition will calculate if the program plan activation date is after the term start date, and before the max program effective date. The FEE-HELP Detemination process should process using the same criteria.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionLate Fees 1853683001

Late Fees 1860987001

Tax Reporting - 1098T 2007564001 1098-T 2010 electronic filing changes

Addresses 47025002 Add OPRID to ADDRESSES panel

Student Financials

Late fee - billing process causes payments and charges to be calculated incorrectly

When the Late Fee - Billing process goes through to calculate the payments to be applied against the bill amount, it joins PS_ITEM_GROUP_VW and PS_ITEM_LINE_SF tables to get the payment offsets in SFPBLTFE_S_OFFSET. The join causes certain payments to be duplicated if there are multiple LINE_SEQ_NBRs for the same line number. This causes the remaining balance to be late charged to be incorrect.

Review Corporate Late fees page fails with error 15,26 no matching buffer level found for level

After running corporate late fees and opening the review corp late fees page error is returned. An error has occurred that has stopped this transaction from continuing.2010 changes to the Payer "A" record noted on Internal Revenue Bulletin 2010-30 on July 26 2010.

1) Payer A Record moved the Combined Federal/State Indicator from field position 26 to field position 6. 2) Payer A Record, expanded Type of Return field from a one position to a two position field. Previously the field position was 27, now it is field positions 26-27.

Campus Community

This is an enhancement request to add the OPRID to the ADDRESSES record and panel, as is done with Service Indicators. Changing addresses at a large institution can be very decentralized and knowing who made the latest change would be very helpful.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionAddresses 1448809002

Communication Generation 1862695001

Communication Generation 1883012001

Communications 1971796001

Constituent Services 1982397001

Campus Community

Receive errors when adding additional effective-dated addresses

When trying to add new address to Root > Campus Community > Personal Information (Student) > Biographical (Student) > Addresses/Phones > Addresses or to Root > Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Addresses/Phones > Addresses, we are sporadically getting the error messages shown at the bottom of the attached document.

Error is Cannot change value unless in correction mode. Error changing value {HCR_PERSONAL_DATA_SRV.ADDRESS_TYPE_VW(1).ADDRESSES(2).POSTAL}

Apparently if you try to add a new address for someone who has a nine digit postal code stored in the system without the hyphen, this error occurs. It may only happen for converted data, not sure.

The PS_SCC_CG_ATTDET table grows very large from failed runs of SCC_COMMGEN

The PS_SCC_CG_ATTDET table can grow quite large (95G+). Failed runs of SCC_COMMGEN contribute to the size as using the reset communication process does not delete the rows from PS_SCC_CG_ATTDET (as well as some additional tables) allowing reclamation the space.

CommGen process is not including message info in e-mail body.

When using Outlook 2007 on an Exchange 2007 server The emails are going as attachments only. Also a problem on Zimbra. Customer reported this problem on MS outlook 2007 12.0.6316.5000 sp1 and 12.0.6320.

Deletion of 3C checklists and comments individually or in batch

Phase 3 of the 3C Deletion project involves the implementation of the ability to delete checklists and comments either individually or in batch. Communications deletion is addressed by incidents 1295188000 and 1971795000 .

Cannot run PeopleSoft CS fullsync service operations using Event Registry to Load External Organizations

When running SCC_EXT_ORG_FULLSYNC, the busy icon appears in the upper right corner and spins for several minutes. Eventually the session times out before busy icon disappears. After logging back in to CS, there is no evidence the process ran.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem Description2001182001






Events 1974028001

Campus Community

Constituent Transaction Mgmnt Constituent Staging component: Tabs should be grayed out when at least 1 transac is Posted (partitioning by constituent)

- When Partitioned by Transaction:Once the transaction is 'Posted', page grays out all the fields in the tabs inside the Constituent Staging component. This is fine.

- When Partitioned by Constituent:Currently all transactions need to be 'Posted', to gray out all the fields in the tabs inside the Constituent Staging component. This is wrong. Instead page should gray out the tabs as soon as one transaction (other than the NUR transaction) is posted.

Constituent Transaction Mgmnt CTM: Counter Setup page: The Message Sequence field should be removed

Field Run ID (SCC_STG_CTRS.MESSAGE_SEQ) should be removed from the Counter Setup page (SCC_AWS_FIX_CTRS page). Also the label for the "Fix Counters" button should be changed to "Fix Counter" (singular) since only one field is left on the page.

Constituent Transaction Mgmnt Transaction Mgmnt Run Ctrl: When "One Pers Temp ID" is selected, the Temp ID prompt is not displaying proper results when ID has transac partitioned by constituents

When a Temp ID is tied to multiple transactions (partitioned by constituent) and the transactions are NOT posted, in the Transaction Management Run Ctrl component, the Temporary ID prompt should display the Temp IDs that are not posted/cancelled for the Transaction Name selected. Now this functions properly when the Temp ID has only one transaction tied to it, but when multiple exist, the prompt doesn't retreive the Temp ID.

Constituent Transaction Mgmnt Constituent Transaction Manager allows incorrect rows are added to names and applications during UCAS processing

There are two issues: (a) when updating an existing person record during search/match processing new effective dated name records are added when none of the name details have changed, (b) when adding a new effective dated record to the CS application, multiple rows are added.

Constituent Transaction Mgmnt CTM: List of Values component ownership and navigation path should be under Campus Community

Current ownership of LOV is mixed between SAD and CC. Since the app package is owned by CC and that all transactions (not specific to AD) can use it, it should be extended to CC.

Constituent Transaction Mgmnt CTM: Logic to trigger Ext S/M as part of CTM needs to be adjusted for HCM split

HCM split project slightly modifies the external search from a CS database to an HRMS database. CTM needs to react to it.

Misaligned fields on Meeting Staff page when using 'View All'

NAVIGATION: Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings. The ID and Staff Code fields drift on the page after about a dozen or so rows.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionFERPA 1924507002

HR Integration 1989407002

Names 1848637001 Add OPRID to NAMES page

Personal Data 1656530002

Personal Data 1696979002

Population Update 1758709002

Population Update 1770512002

Campus Community

Error (2,263) when FERPA shade is clicked from Emergency Contact page

For some IDs, when the FERPA shade is clicked on the Emergency Contact page, the following error is encountered: Invalid row number 1 for class Rowset method GetRow. (2,263). Users are unable to view what FERPA information is restricted versus not restricted.

Modifications to accommodate changes to Person_Basic_Sync

A number of changes in Person_Basic_Sync (see HCM Incident #1976889001) necessitate modifications to several Campus Solutions objects in order to properly consume or process that core message.

Fields LASTUPDDTTM and LASTUPDORPRID need to be displayed on the NAMES page. This incident report is a spin off of ICE 47025000. A separate incident was requested to be generated for NAMES. In addition LASTUPDDTTM and LASTUPDORPRID for Names need to be exposed for the Constituent Web Service to insure that the HR Service is operational.

Receive an error message that correction mode is required to update an address in certain cases.

Receive an error message that correction mode is required to update an address when doing multiple saves on the page. The navigation is Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Addresses.

Cannot remove the last row of accommodation data

When entering data in Accommodation options (Campus Community, Personal Information, Health Information, Accommodation Data, Accommodation Option), the last row cannot be deleted. Receive errors about required fields and component interface errors.

Request for Population Update to access Budget Duration field

There are cases when a student is identified as only coming one semester, where their budget duration needs to be changed to a one semester duration value before INAS can run to recalculate their EFC. To streamline automation, customers would like the budget duration fields be made available for population update to access. Customers would like to have the following added for use in Population Update INAS_FED_EXT.BUDGET_DURATION_A and INAS_FED_EXT.BUDGET_DURATION_N.

Enhancement request to add VERIF_STATUS_CODE to Population Update.

In using Population Update Setup, the field VERIF_STATUS_CODE is not available on the STDNT_AID_ATRBT table however, VERIFICATION_STATUS is available. Customers would like to be able to update both fields.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionPopulation Update 1773828001

Population Update 1775916001

Population Update 1842693001

Population Update 1870330001

Population Update 1879530001

Population Update 2006590001 Add tuition group fields to Population Update

Population Update 2006596001 Add DL Holds to Population Update process

Population Update 2006613001

Population Update 2006614001

Campus Community

Field values not displaying for population update

When defining a population update routine for a field name, not all translates values defined for the field are available when defining Fields to Update. It appears that the population update run control page is only displaying translate values that are defined with the greatest existing effective date.

Pop Update run control saved value for Aid Year reverts to default when re-accessing the component.

When INAS_CALC_RECS is selected Institution, Aid Year and Rule fields activate. Institution and aid year are defaulted in. If user selects and saves a different aid year, exit the component and re-access the default year re-populates.

Enhancement request to update SCCPU_EQUTN_BND to handle different population

The bind record is looking for students that already are in PS_ACCOUNT_SF. However, they want to do population update for students on the equation variables that do not any financial transactions yet (outer join is needed). Now any student that enrolls in their institution for the first time will not be selected for this pop update.

Add STDNT_AWARDS to Population Update process.

Users would like the following fields to be available through the Population Update process - SFA_EA_INDICATOR and LOCK_AWARD_FLAG. These fields are all on the table STDNT_AWARDS.

Add PS_STDNT_AID_ATRBT.QA_SELECTED to the 'Population Update Setup' Process

Customer is requesting to add the 'QA_SELECTED' field to the list of available fields for update (for 'STDNT_AID_ATRBT' record) in the Population Update SetUp (Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Setup).

Enhance Population Update to include the following fields from STDNT_CAR_TERM: OVRD_TUIT_GROUP, OVRD_INIT_ADD_FEE, OVRD_INIT_ENR_FEE fields on STDNT_CAR_TERM

Provide customers with the ability to add or remove holds for DL loans through the Population Update process. The required field is LOAN_ORIG_DTL.LOAN_PROC_STAT. Request originated from the HEUG issue tracker.

Add ablility to set External Awards processing status

Users have requested the ability to use Population Update to change the processing status for External Awards. The field is SFA_EASTAGE_DTL.SFA_EA_PROC_STAT.

Add Pell Status fields to Population Update Users have requested the ability to update the following fields using Population Update. Pell_trans_stat, update_pell_orig, pell_orig_status. These fields are on the PELL_ORIGINATN record. This request is from the HEUG Issue Tracker.

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Product Category Incident ID Reported Problem Description Problem DescriptionPopulation Update 2006616001 Enhance Population Update process.

SEVIS 2016636001 SEVIS Release 6.6 Batch System Changes

Service Indicators 1985056001

Campus Community

Add scroll level to run control so that users can do multiple updates in one batch. Also, enhance Population Update so that it can update date fields. This will allow date fields to be added in the future.

This is a request for SEVIS Release 6.6. updates to the 2010 CIP codes. In addition, The EVDepTerminationReasonType lookup table in the SEVIS Table schema will be modified to remove code 03 for Child over 21.

Service Indicator Mass Release without Reason displays DEPTID (124,64) message

When a user navigates to (Service Indicators) Mass Release and a new run control is created, when a PS Query Name is selected and only the Service Indicator Code is entered or selected, the following message is displayed: Field is Required: SCC_RUNCNTL_SRV - DEPTID (124,64). Then, when user clicks OK, adds a Reason value and saves, the message is no longer displayed. If the Reason value is then deleted, the run control can be saved without a message being displayed. A user may expect that this process can be used to release service indicators with having to identify the Reason (code). Also, there is not an asterisk to left of the Reason label indicating that a value is required.

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