pismo osijeku - plesna radionica nicole speletic

Post on 14-Nov-2015






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Pismo Osijeku - Plesna Radionica Nicole Speletic


  • Dear Sir,

    It will be a pleasure and an honor to come to Osijek this spring. It is a long way from New York City, my 'home town and I am very happy that I am able to make this trip into the land of my heritage. (Two of my grandparents were from this region.)

    We have organized a four-day dance workshop for any interested dance artists. The American Corner has generously agreed to offer us the use of their space for our work, and Tanja Pavosevic has worked persistently to bring this event to fruition. (It was originally planned for 2014, but had to be postponed when she was faced with the sudden loss of her father.) We are all excited that we have been able to put this program together.

    I will be teaching the dancers a style of movement performed by the Limon Dance Company, drawn from repertory just recently performed at Lincoln Center (originally developed by Doris Humphrey) It is an expressive but also formal style that seeks to embody the principles of human experience such as our repeated efforts of striving, failing and getting up to try again, the dual wave of all life, here embodied in the physicality of fall and recovery, weight and suspension.

    Osijek is quite an interesting city with an exquisite location, an active cultural life and a rich heritage and history. I am delighted to bring my training and artistic experience to the dancers there to share with them, and I am excited to see what I will learn from them as well. In addition a director at the National Theater has expressed an interest in this style of dance, so we will meet to talk about future events or collaborations.

    For now we would also like to ask if there is any possibility that the city of Osijek could offer some support for this program, that would be most helpful. We have kept the expenses low, and have worked to gather support from other sources, so if you can help us to cover some of the remaining costs, that would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to visiting this lovely city, and I invite you to visit our workshop and see the creative energies at work/play.


    Nicole Speletic, PhDnspeletic@gmail.com1-718-310-9545 US Mobile1-718-894-2083 US Land

    Nicole Speletic70-05 Juniper Blvd. South New York, N Y 11379tel: (01)718-894-2083 email:nspeletic@gmail.com

    2015 April 5

    Nicole Speletic, PhD Movement/Meaning

    Nicole Speletic70-05 Juniper Blvd. South New York, N Y 11379tel: (01)718-894-2083 email:nspeletic@gmail.com

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