plattsburgh ciuc hki - nys historic...

Post on 27-Mar-2018






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to our Fountain, knowing that

whatever you: ofder will be

served exactly right, to the

great pleasure of yourself and

your guests!. '


Opp. Post Office. Plattsburgh, N..Y;


TSBftmifrM* $AY m, iso?. • 4"lKR .AJCiAim B03CKW.

1 lk-OBrlakerhoff a»a Cathertn*. lf~BttBkerhott &hd William*, 1«—Kfeac ,Nonti»*]L School. ?3^-Margaret ajnd Elm. "* 2S~Margaret ma Riley Avenue. j^Margayet ana Protection Ayenu*. SS- BHdge *wd Peru. S&—Baker Brothers' OflTIce. * 43—Piatt andc Cornelia, I SZ^-Battory and South Catherine, i 5#~S6uth Catheriai* attd ElUtiOMsfch. 73-r-North of Trestle on Stanaish, Sl-rLorratee and S&iley AveHue. 134—Oarrlson. St., between Guard House

and South Piatt.Street.

repute is a ' Fair Estate


T&fc best ready-to-wear CLOTHING

l a the city a t our^orev

'Warm l e a t h e r is here 16 stay until the base ball season*is over, and pos­sibly a» little longer* Cur Electric Fans will blow it, coot You can't freeze See 'Cream with an* Electric SPaa, oitt you can create a delightful t tensper*tnromanyof yotir rooms. We snail fee pleased to rent pr »«U yott one. Prices reasonable,



Fi^ATTSBURGl|,;|f» ';%•

For Sate.




do afi- we olafis, 3fter.-we tell you; that

Were .soldi during th i s present y e a r ?

' We ha*e yet- -to Sad .& case of, In*

digesHoa tha t they will not relieve.

Ififenerally t&ey Siring about a cure*

iSaqu-g?* Dyspepsia Capsules cure In*

'digestion, CojisapatiQn* and all stom-

]ac& disorders; Can he'obtained where:

medicine i s sold. _. k

George Parsons left yesterday a few days* visit to Saratoga. /fflliss fJillaa -tavigne leaves today

on a tihree "weeks' visit with relatives in -^chmond, ,Vt. *

William Marsden of Schenectady is at Dan&einora visiting his brother, Keeper John L, Marsden.

D. ,J . Cleafy, stenographer for tfao City court, went to Keesevflle last night 6n a shoit business trip;

•Mrs. Henry JBvans, returned td her home in Schenectady last Mght* after a Short visit with relatives in this city.

SaiMel J. Mtttholland leaved this morning for §t, Suoerfs Inn, Seene . alley, where he has a position dur­ing the summer.

•Hon. C V. •©oilias, Superintendent of Prisons, and Charles K. Baker, his chief1 clerk, are at Clinton prison on official business,

•Mr* j„ a. Siitberlaiul. wlfa of Chaplain Sutherland, Of the £3dlaf&a<* try, accompanied Iby her abUdrea, left on last night's slpeper lot Buf­falo. , -

James Soward, of Spnusfieidy Mass., arrived ta town last night on a short visit to Hattsburgh friends:. IMR 'Howard Was formerly a residem; of this city.

G. % Parley, of the Q,tta:rfceriaja5-ter's denarianent of the Gnited statea Army, and Stationed a t Bttrlington, i s here on oifiBial husiness at Platts­burgh Barraeks. .

'Mat. and Sirs, ft S'raai and son and daiighter, of Plattsburgh, a*e the gfuests of Mr. and Sirs. Joseph I^anjfc in this city for a f«w days.--iBnrIing-•ton Free/Press.

.T< I t . £»tacfc, superintendent of'mo* live power, and *W. B . Sathfidna, ^tt-turney for the D. and S t , fetarnea to Albany Jast eveniaKi after- ft. tour of; the iGhateatfgay railroad. ?•' •

JDr. J . ip, aailey yesterday went &»; Montreal where M» wife i s A patle&t to t». .'Gardner's pfivate^&,ospltai " Mt».; Bailey has m far. retroyereti firom h e r rec«ht operation; that Jt-fc expected that sji# wfift be ab!& to oe'brought home today.

"C 33, Wl4teey» a eradtEate, of •*&,»• ColumWaaLaw^cltooi a t »%Yashtag*oa, now employed in th& pMm »f itelliMi Sc sGenaway, will deliver the Deporar tioa iCay addre«e a t Wooers- SWks, his former .honse, next Saturday* Mr*. *W}iltn.ey iis:;,a keen* fnergetio ?0w$ mm, who will ataife * sacoess of hi» chosen profession. ' I t ia pteislnf to IJHOW that M? al>U«y is recogniased hy the people in his home town.-^ ;Mtalon.e Fata&sir-'

clothes enjoy the best of repu­






for all desirable quail-

Not least of t|leseii8Jthe

prices. 15.<H> for

overcoats.1 p thers

and lower, of" cour§b,


all reisonahle.

mow. i aye the call-p-and >wo

have s^ery good sor t Ko pay '. i 'fi

Without a fit The Studhdlme way o£ doing it .

*rp isfdBf TOBH'' IE SlOfiT" '


' t ^\' i Deeds Recently Recorded in the

County ClerK's Office. Mavena. »old | to Ohurch

two acres, EHenburgh, for

^Oc p e r box six boxes $2>50


1 * for feale several houses at Jprir^tB ranging from 4S00 upwards. ' I a o » fcave forjty city lots l o r Bale a t jprtce* ranging from $259 upwards. ^Cluwe"~lp*^ are provided wieb. w8*81" HdBK^f^.-ltol: gewers.' Faytneiits/ on i ^ e ^ ^ t ^ ^ a r o n e y t p l o a n on-Bonf «^-':JMiQi|^sas-e..' daii oix o r address

"• ' " . J " : •• ; ' '

John E. Judge ,

Cor. Bridge «nd r iarsaret S t ree t s , .

P L A I T S B U I ^ i H N Y


"• Plattsburgh. N.y» I S S m i


lf«d%aarters for any Newspaper €«* Periodical Published.


Sfe&eo! Supplies a SpecJalty.

Etf ward E.Baker i(S BRINKERttOFF.

AH Work; Guaranteed

if 3 our watch goes too fast If your watch goes too slow If it will not go a t all


> D a n n e m o r a . N. Y.

Priests Discuss Ubor Questions. ^. *heol.ogi<sai ieonierenee of tU#

Uftocese of sD^tfeas^uri; for the two •4ea-»«ri«& of S& l»awr^tce mi JFraaJc* lis. coua-tles-was heli. tpaesday^ift- th©' Gathedral a t ©gdeas te^ .

Dileu^ioas, W*r© heM lietweeii :mi~ erajt Members e#petialiy ia>oft rtetnoa^ straasOi^r -of supernatural .*»*#*» suolx a s . t l i e Besuncection; of Caristv by natufcai argj«niepi^ *»4 upsm m#M aspects -Of* Trade JTaioiis aad SoeSaJ-ISffi. » - *

in the iattef sy&3$c> %'sm .dweit njK on in distaifisioh tfie iawfulne^s of Str ike, boyeot'teanjd Mntilafmeans, o t redt^f. for tb» -trj* • tit: inm&mitf wrongs of th& wor^,. ftt«i th« principal source of information on. ihe instPs«0oft8"'Ol Vm BQtT,~-&&» «*P6Q". ially in th^ tamoxm eai?y<?11cal of POP? t e o XUL on' the '!Cend«ioa of La­bor." , ' . "

B A N N E R S A L V E •^^§mrtboim&***x* MihHforiaii"

Money to Loan on real estate security. Address oi call? on Seth S. Alien, Atto'paey and Coimsellor at, Law^ 32 Margaret .street, Plattsburgh, N. Y.,. Levy block, oppo­site post office. 267Sm3

t Mrs. U W. Cramer, No. 27 Court. S t , a n eipferienced dressmaker, is prepar­ed fp do a l l kinds of dresswaKihg., to (.

farhhiidreiatsafensure. Noopiflies*


Memorial Day at Mooers. « Ifemorial Day will ibe obse rv^ in the follQwliif mamiey At' Mooers: MemDers of the Grana &mf anft oth­er veteran^ members of t he "Woman's Relief <3orps, citizens and school chil­dren, are requested to assemble a t Grand Army Hall a t lM' p. m.v Mar 30» and paxtieliijate i n ' t l i e e^ef^fseg, t t a e will '• be formed, headed /by fha Mooers military .band, an4^Iala'ch•to the village cemetefy. After decor­ation of graves .-[{&$ will re-fo:m an.4 march to Sudden 's Hall, w-here1 the further exercises of tb,e day will be given. All citizens, and s d h o l W are respectfully solicited to'furnisit Sow­ers to decorate t i e . soldiers* graves aqd are. requested to leave Ujiem( at. Grand Armpr -Hall JYidaj^evening or earl / Saturday morning. . .

v; :% L. SOCE, Oommaiider. A. J.'STJStN'PAKCrJB, Adjutant. J • ••

4 :—=—u n , Y. M. C, A. Notes.

On; account of' the annual cleaning and paintitjg' of the .rooms, they W'ill <be closed to the puitiic today, : \ ' , . The ' Board -of. ^Directors meiivr last evening and transacted routine busi-nessf : .; , • ' '

Two new members'" were received into E&e boys' departmenf at" a tmeet-ing of the. boys* department commit­tee, held last evening, , • !

Our. boys expect to play a ositcb, game of .basefoll with the Burlington, boys on Memorial Day,.



(Br »i Stoetfli . B«*d Block, piAfcuburghr Jv C. 0*Ti*

rly-ate wire to J*cob, B«rrr * Co., rok^n, +* and 46 Broadway* A". T«:

New York, ingfs mariket

'May ai .—this mom-m s t t further p rocess

[toward recovery although there was mot very much, snap to the buylng.j IWhen^ stocks were offered on rallies' kt was noticed that prices turned very easily and recoverioa were not

! J Chuy, May' SfTj»H3«terfti MMOni troia tMs

village attended a banquet a t Cham-plain last W*£la«*d*y, rtre.nln*t*A. Br^Sfefeaaon. Will bo ai hta office h e 4 JpridW, J " a * A.^.-.-Caiaa.1 Rich­ards sold, Hi fast pacing mard -last week <jto € . A. ipattersoa cif Weapon. 'for ISSO. iMr, dPatterwn leiit Ohs horse with. lijfelsonJ'Latremore to be trained during, th'e ST«nmei*f. + .s,I>em. Q-ravee


: *OKf*ord. g. Goodwin sold to Tbeo-ttora; ! 3J. •; Palmer, Plattsburgh city property oj'JDurkee street, for |800.

inteinaa >nal Bag Co. sold to The JJPeoplei of the State of .New York, Schuyler 'Sails real estate> for $1, .

M i u s &. sOase sold t o Win. Jelly, 1*4 a«res, Mooers, for |l'4tf.

E»ui* 3ya8ttke sold to Franjf K.-IA-dake, 140 seres, lo acres and 30 acrea, Black Brocjk/ for ?i.

eeseman sold to Helen acres, Beekmantown, Xor

ipomlny sold t o Anna SO acres, Seekmantown,

Aiftj&a- ©1 t)oiai«}f, 69 *L •


tor,U, J . Ovette SraiBh sold to Delia Crete,

Plattsburgh city property ^n Johnson street, fjoriffOO. :] §teph6» K , »R5im «oJd to'Thomaa F, DW]?er, fiattebutfgh city property on J%a sttjeet for 41

Thomas i\ Dwyer sold to the Board Of MmfMm of the city of Platts-b a r ^ 4»ial[t»burgh. city property on

particularly well sustained, l Sterling exchange continues strong and there is a general belief that the end of the gold expqrfc movement w iiot yet in sight. ( News reports were to the effect that tine sRockefellers jwere going into Pennsylvania 'bys. means of the new stock issue which should have a har-ihonizinssr effect ttpott t he general sit­uation. ' {Rook Island was persistently neavy,

qonfirming t&e Impression that some 6t " the - largo Westtern capitalists have 'been hurt on the recent break,


ltock -island has recently been A eight arouad the neck of the market. The question ot tde iiour is whether

o,r not the stock, market has seen the extreme of tlie break. |Iti othejf woid* Whether this rise i s merely a rally or anytlhing more permanent. In this connection i t IS stated that the labor situation as concerns the. freight handlers at^Chicago is 'sti l l to »pe re-giraed as |iireatenmg 'ana tiie m&e* h^t is -watcJHns this point with gome iMUrVdnustiess, ,'

auction was largelys|.t|t ' "" " ^owiesj Mew. .„Mr»,

taken. A t contract room and 'kitchen

and wife | of Plattsburgh, spent Sun­day ih tbwni..*.Dr. B^alrjbank has moved his office from its jformer po­sition near ,the houser an«l close to the road, to the rear end df ilhe park north of ^he house. This siiady park will be supplied with easy chairs and, hammock* for the convenlanoe of the office patients .who are obliged to Iin* ger Jand tiike thei r turn of | await the return rfronx bis house-visiting pa­tients. . I .<Mrs. McGregor of bur school faculty,1 wen t ' to Wll&bord Monday night to j attend the; Mmm of her grandmofiher.....The Bepublicau. <3o. Convention is to be held at Piatts- *.ves. burgh 'June H t h , which is irnich ear- reoeiyed at- beneifft..]1vff

The election of del- of Eltzalwlllitown. wte» i

^ i l .good man but te Re M not farmers, tfoid Witt*'. a|l ifarming comflxuhify a*d m* W M | should stafld outlfor i l h e l r f t e h j i r . ^ y »ow have two orders o f l M e a a n M J i n this

they M H W k v ! together town and^lif tbey they f U l j n o t onlj

bu45 Will s t jeff Ujt^ir d$l& jtMd' jt&jjlr or-

gAni»tion^..MemAdf*iJ^fk*^Ud for Providettoe Tue*d# 11M , Vif t his daughter, lafa*. Anderson I built a | i i a f l 'nc |metery fence On CumberlaM| H 4 V-M Week, Also a b o d 200 r o d ^ o m i a d [fjtce far" A. L. 01 l^ r . . . ,Th^ ,p» .yB . rooming

jed^H^aesday. |erJv m». An-

^ L ^ o r t h OB,

has ii|jdimng

hm^iot thfe


Amal. Coppei 'Am. Sugar . .

Atchison . . . Atehison pfd Bai t and Ohk<

» * t » * » » * *

I 62%

I 15%-

Brooklyn Bap, Tran . . (»i*i Canadian Pac . d ies , and Oiiiio Chjgo. Gt. West St* Paul . . . Del. and >Hud ., &r|le . . . ' . Ltv and Nash , Manhattan . . . . Xfcjtropolitan . , . MO. Pac •Mo. 3Can. and Tex . . . . Md. Kan. and Tex. pfd . K. Y. Central . . . . . . . . On t and West » Norf. and West . . . . . .

' l m sftfeelV' for $1. , fi%aerC .<fjl. aaverest sold 4> Hora A.

Stoptftsoik 31ou«ea iFoint vlliago prop-;««ty on ^ o s e ayettue, for *45Q.

I^bl ie i i^ len sold to Be|tsy Allen, 103 rods,; Wooers, for |50.

Av&ikfa U Kelhwslr, soldi to I* B . Stalford, !2 ': icres, Chaay, for |150.

•Helen ILabour «old to Jjujofi^iPoun-tlla* ^iat tJ lurgb. city proberif on Btandian \$i mt, .for |500, , { .

Sarah 'Jot i Baker sold to Levi] Rock, m S iOfcAifrM. ©eetanantowih fcf |*W. . J*- -## T p9gers Cto. sold fab Mary A-Uiuevi ten QftMM in; Black prcife"10ii

mjm^ IV- - -•' r • • J « H J I » lA .Stthtt sow m.

•Scheier, m$tt$M$^ M& pin Coniella Istree^ £Q* fl?100i|,

Julia. J tL j MhtM w>M 'to P b i Walker, Mst tsSurfh-e i ty ' jpr^ : ,l>ura»i: staeV:f<>f f400..

Mary 3ffi{' € L' !W*r*ea, -soM' k •• A. Walkeip* Kattajfflith city on Durand istreet^ JJbr''#L-

ThoOla*! I . ©Otter sOl<t to Nichols, M a t t s b a ^ city prjipelpy oa Duxand- s f e gt» for :|$70.

Ck»|||ft"fftl»*«i.. sow to jRayrodna,! tivo acrie^ '^arajwc, $600. ;""

.ettry-fir »a:

Bposper :fo?,

May :M> son Fred* Baefcus W-

Clark of"! 2ffi?.. .aad 3 fc|, Mrs, .Sosiey are vMtin j nett, J r . . , sister^. Mis

last Week, children -are burgh this sette, and, beep, spendjlnj; Gilbert ~ spent. Sun^aj

Coopervilie lib's. Mlwd-M^egibf and attended' ,flhe Heyvlorth.'-

ling Thursday, a t IPeru.. a 3c,: J*., '.and- Mla^ :Martha;' hpayv were the .ipuests. of

Jas, 'faJie.iSuiiday^'.-.'. and daughter, cf Cbaay her sister, 3>£rs. I*. Jen^ bfahie t^rhiiine and: 3W» Alevia Ashiiae,, toofc in.


Petuosyiviaitfa Peoples CSas . . . . . . . . . . Heading , . > . . . . , . . . . . . . Roj!>k Island , Southern Paelflc . . . . . . Stoulthern Ridlway Tedn. Coat and iron . . Cnibn Pacific** „.* V. ©. Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . If, iS,' Steel pfd . . . . . . U. S, lieather « . .„» , . , . -Mexican Central Yfes|te>n Union . . . — Wabash . . . . . . - . , . , . . . . Wabash pfd St, U and San Fran . . Jllinbis Cent Am-i Car. Foundry . . . . Chgijj, and Alton Colo. Fuel and Iron Mexican Kat'i Mexican Watl pfd Texs|* Pacific . . . . . International Paper

N12W YORK COTTON 3JKABJKBT. jW—Cfofcion , 0UL7 aajtf Anfcl-HCtatton l(>.7e 10.7S

i ?Hia \0O CrBAIX MAlRKJET. JulyUwtfeat . . . 4 . . . . 73% W% JulypCorn , . , . , . „ » , , w j s *fi$)&

) H M > >

4t> '

l t3


'25 .•5434 •i27T* 27i4

m%. 101

3714 51?i

31% , 8 1 % •iff*


t 3 1?6!4


&% id* 3 1 % 1T%


12S% "WSs

mi la?-

40% 20T4

150 '172

34 H4 137% 129%

- fOSfc 24%

. M%

«S?4 .I27«t


5 1 "

56& 85 31?» »%»

« 5 # $4 26 45?B 72%

!ISS 38?i

€7?i 23

im 31% 17^4

ri-esbyterian jcfeu/rcBfi. .*]**HjSv"- ^ Jcwett rettLmed -TaWdaylw' hM home in LoweU,[ after apefpBrf fifffl weeks with her motihea?, J*rk l i i z 'd t t l . . . .A . B. Cart feajs gone ^ l A w r r a S M d ' for the s u m m ^ ^Gko^^MSu* [hks re­turned fro^n the MOij** i 4 ! P ^ l t a t where he went **"" |*r«f^ WPtftT0 fiisr

We are porryf(xo sf*te ;ttiat h e , tuMtffit. .K'A.,irti«pE;^jtetsott

Her than usual. The election of del- « : juuMntimwiru vm*,l^fwLJIfr

egates t * this convention will be -held day, , . .Mr , and M r s / % J ' ^ ^ t t t r o p June 6tti. I We hope in thit town t o of, Cleveland, Ohio, tttt W P ^ f « « i see the farmers take an iftierest and town this week to spjsttd. §few|jveeks send some of their ibrdther farmers With fla^Nortto^^Ow-agiatt. and to represent ihem in naming t he Mrs, B. P . I "Stetson. sMiiJJdtmop is county ticket. W e (have thTee or fQU*j*u£t out ot the J i o s ^ a j fcf^Jj. two men in this vl«a«e and theiie afVtwo months' siege M-ith t ^ ^ o f l W r . . „ or three. At W<*?t Chazy add two a t An auction will be faeUj|M«f r ^ " >S<iiota, ipdf from thla jmLte* tfa* id^nce of ttuf late ^11, »^| S^fchards, ft¥e delegates nre Invariably chosen. ,*"s^'f *""sV "WhMi?**- .I'J* ^ . 1 )h





tawn Mowers,

i Garden Hose,

Garden fool*

Window and Door Screer and a complete line of

iifS' H i

nei't week T/liesday

TM System Liyfis 'l On Good Rich

People, Who Lack the Proper Quantity and Q Blood ^a!t Victims to Every Disea^ tfatr^t

Dr. A. W. CHASE NERVE' ' BY Tabm powssa TO iMss& GOOD mm, &ED; o^d^BjLft-Jl

Sbwlcs b i n t li .PLATTSBURGH

Slessed are the vroiaen Tvao dflf; talk aftd thffiee Messed those whoi in t h e same room with taeia.

uTeter jQall^psj. W4a.r» l^nisec,

' J ^ W Cailoiigi . '^aj^; ' . !La^ger.;.

the excursion to Albany and Cbhoes

trei JiiiiiacdiMte Itelief

Isaac Jackson of Thomtown, j Ind., says,, " i haye been, a , sufferer for yeai^ with .Elhetematism, and found nothing that would benefit me umtll 1 triedjDetchon'fi Mystic Cnre for Bheu matism., .My. kneed were terribly in flamed and swollen and the paihl ex cruclatlng. Oilho remody relievedf the pain imanedia tely. and the inflamnia.-tion and swelling began to subside a t once. I toavt.seen i t used "in nxany

er oases -nitb. the same .wonderful effect I earnestly advise, all sufferers from i;ftheuan4tism land. Kenralgia t d use i t . Sold by Dfc1 MrifSoguW, drug-. gist, Piattshtffgh.

WlANTBD—; aanubi4ture|F .--vfants a,

PhliadelpQiia^ Pa.

e man to deliver and horse ' and wiigoh and $160 necessary; $21 permanent

Collect; deposit

a week, and expenses; SVanSJii'n, . Box 7S>

Sirs, >P. ID. «3.1o&ers,ana visttihg Mends a t Al

veeffc.t. .-Mrs. P< ier . FOf ildren of Seiota, ha*Q - a fe'w ;days WithMMrs.

i^arsoi...'. . l^wis ' • .Bpkef-and Monday :it West

{Jhazy,;. .iR!al)f>h -Soales^tcn yearji old son of Mr. underwent eftis, lis 4o[ri|{; nicely.;. .IB. I. Co|3t6y spent; Monday afterajxin a t Kcilises Point

arid, Mrs. ^eet.'-SEa':es,. [who an operation for uppitodi-



'MPlS* O f Q.T.Xiarkiit€ilvjlniK Away

O. T, LarMh, our ienterpristnlg ditti^-glBt, offers an unushal opportupit3|vto obtain beautlit 1-""pictures' wlthx rut. ahy ejepense.. He lias secured the agency for Ofyoinel Skjn Soap, th'e fanfjus

This cOwion entitles everv .pui^ebasej of Hyomel Ski t $bap' (OJits..). to: their selec-


tion from sortment

my beautiful-as t?f-pictures. 1

S%wer- Gallons; -Wea=rs pomger,

•'• \\'!:} '. "forest. . WW SSHSfms^ ©aniet,Watts, 3)a-.

yid Bodan and ^fose isaljiarge took. M-ih& Victoria''day 4ieiebrkt|lOtt -at Ma-" loae"iMiei$ay»,,.^K«. :Jlr,j .iN-a§h,,aaa.. wife [of iaienbnxgh, Were p e -guests

,.»,.Mrs,.i®m;mft Adsit $ Burtiftgwn*; is 3fis^ting'.lher sMeri':. Mrs. Ufili- Ijewls,-* , ,Mss iMary Oltv^'of-Md>er3 .••Forks-' IcaUedf. in- town- Thut aajT ',*-S3B^SB8: ijliaabeth- jftooney, .JSiiiifta &w$ $tiim~ bertt Brepnan of dSllfinbnrgh ^e re the igaesta ot Edwarft Dutfy an4 family '-Sunday......Mrs. B.mijr 2>uM6nt of Bl-ienhuijgh called- in town [today...:. Messrs* T. -W; #ochtf apii";Wi'-.^. -.$&•>' .Grogori drove to Mooers Porks ;&ita-. day*,ilSliss Anna. 1¥Wte,s3p4n.t Sun,-. day with friends a t Blienbujgh D§-pot. v. J&eorge Eeynolda of iStanstead, jp. C;,,. teriv&d Jn. town las t ,n ight .* . ; John « k e ^ t ^* treatlnsg b is faim iiouse t o a coat of. paint; Itlwill loo* ^ne wiijen completed..* .Mr.{and Mxs? ArQiui JMorin who have bean visiting Mr- '.',M\#, Um, ^flchael- liabido ' t o r some time past, returned to Pawtucfe-et, B. ",l{> iFJlday... .air. and Sirs. Ed­ward I»iiffy' were called to #5*$ Benp: today tpft account of. the death of Mrs.-

sD, 3Ev Stafford."



ERY T ^ S C B , A s m OiktJAS' ISf 1MB jBCKDY A?ED ^ k * IiUTE1 ,liMa0JKlTY &HOMJ DlSBtASB,. J Ji i' [j

The blood is the medium through f canJ^ speak too highly Which every tissue, .every organ is sis i t certainly* is a graiid supplied with the material i t feeds ' ' upon and rebuilds Itself with! Take away that jnourishment by letting the blood run down in gjiantity and .qual­i ty and you take *way the pcWer of an organ cfr tissue to reaupply waste or rebuild jitself. I n other w o p s the System starves, color, appetite, steadi­ness, eneriy, vigor, vitality, fill Are lost and aJ condition of mental and physiiial prostration sots in. This con­dition t he Dr. A. W. Chase Pill's posi­tively cure j by their power to manu­facture good rich, nutritious..oxygen carrying Wood* J* 3>lood that carries to > every1 organ ths very material i t lives and: thrives upon.

Miss Ebwi Falser of # 0 . 43 Mi in S t , Oneonta, M Y., says: "Last summer 1 was In bad shape—ail run down in heajtin-e-no appetite anS poor digestion —-I did not sleep well and felt tired and languid all day. 1 was pa!le and w u t «, the circulation Was poor—I ddctored order as well.. 1 began i ^ i b n Dr. fA. all samm*r with no improvement, w . Chase's 'NeiTe P iUs l ' knk lW the Seeing Dr. A. SW. Chase's Kerve Pills t i ne I had taken two tloiM- of He roc^mnimeM I got a., bo* an,4: tised^ pills J was inl «ood c o n W o J eveily <Wm #$• mw thoro^ghiy.. mttxl rne^-. w^y-n iy nerves were * jstMiLH a^d r«o"-jnor*|Ateaess..-pr- hea«acfcei^ieep- ^steady and my general i f tea^N' $A& mpm S£M |: * ^ ^ S L t s ^ ^ a » p j i M .#aod strength excellent. As a ^ r e £ * J- d e l 'r4fyltifa(pG$pd^^ I can't recomniend the meattake tojo

* "One of Dr. King's New ijife each, night for two weeks has put j i n . my 'teens' again,' writes D. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa. ^ the best in. the world for Liv ;r, < ach and Bawals. Putely ye« JSfever gripe. Only 25c at

•Mrs. 'Gilbert, piattsbargh] S, cajiespie &. sCo., Ausable ForM; W« ^ r ' & Holden, Peru. ! .Whether she is specially di

the top o r the bottom^ a woaban let a man find out so naturally will think he did I t himself.


W A T H R 1 0 » * N ; p ; j | ] Mr. Edward [Daktr, of Ho-J fljl-JDaHa

. jn S t , jWateftown, ^F.'JVr^ Jl W»»J f t was all run down in heaiflMn^f nen tes Were unstrungi and Ls^mfed i to ' t i r e out so easily. • My Tfloopiwal^qnt-pf

• A mtm*tltng Test To save a life, Dr.* T.' Q, Merrill

No.' Mehoopany, Pa., made a test resulting in'" a wonderful He writes, J% patient was irrfa with, violent hemorrhages, caussi i ulceration of the stomach. Ifhaii ten found Electric Bitters |xo for acute- stomach and liverjtroajinf| So I prescribed thenu The] psisslf gained from the first, and pus asj] had an attack I n 14 months.]' BfMkl tr ie Bjtters a r e positively gatrint««f ; | for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, C p a s ^ ' f tion and Kidney troubles; Try ftut Only SOc a t

Mrs. Gilbert, Plattsburgh; Gillespie & Co., Ausable Porks*; er & Holden; Peru.

iWomen don't smoke; tfiey jast ps*. I t i s a, wise widow that fojigets W\

draw oemparisons. with Sxer first Yof \ band. -,

<t«ielc Aj-jr^st jr. A. Cnlledge of Verbena, Ala.,

ia;troa vigorous '" feewaie-oll box of. ihB Medicine

t-^color, esjcejlent, qj .fact highly." Por further infdinaacl " 'attahg'ltt feyery'wky/.. ' I -a t -Cady Drug Co.'s st»re^|

^"0'and portrait of Dr. A, W. Chalse^ol; IMiftie. ®m salO % dealers, SOc a box, or Or. A 2i5T; Washington. Street, Buffalo, jSf, y ,

Batterberis, patterns, onerthirdj off oi yegular selling price.

Battenbeis thread in cream, pWtgvnad ecru a t 4 <!cnts a 6$pl ,

Braids a ;

'S !sis,ter, .Mrs,

May section

Irpria, 24—fA"''severe'-Jrost visited this Satm-flay Mght which* did con-

to 'young fruit plants,, such as

siderabe ' damage and other fender grapevi a:es and d^her small friii© and garden, stuff. The apple crop is in­jured afid it is-feared that it is nearly ruined service.,

medicinal %jli^| :sdap, and .with ey, cake, will give; an* artistic, pic ;ure]|. if above, coupon I s • presented, . • {

ipyomei 0kin•) 3pap will cure & 1 ii|h.-Ing liumdrs of ;t ie.;Skln and jaica! p^ ^nc Is a perfect idUist soap, whose d'ei,lca,te fragrance end^ars> i t to all us#rs;

if perohanc'^ the; aoap;; please [yoM jnay ;e turni t toG> kin andl 'he and yodi can k;ee ijf t h e picture t o r y^ur

,.t* [ihe

trouble. Go today• T^ltlit -ydur .coupon

1i iqomiitlete.

TeXund the moh£y.


for this year....,C^mmnnloft was observed a t the close of

Che serkrion a t the Q^Brleii suhpol house*l'3St'Sunday. A Japgg number were jJiesent from Elienburgh. Depot and elsewhere.., .Mrl and MtS-''AV. S«

Of Eilenburgh Dea<|>t wene-ijvith Mends here a boupie of

days reb^ntly.., .Percy : Soden- whose ilin.ess'"Ve meniaoned in our last let-te;r;,. hap Redded to !go to Denver, Col., fdr-the beneflt of his 'health, an,d will 'probably start "in about a couple ot weeks,...vliWool i s 'be ing bought up around iere atiU6 cenfs per pound.

i<ewis visiting

Rutland Fireman Killed. Johtt m -Corey, capiAin of hose com-

pauyi*?>j, 1, and assistant flMef en­gineer o)' the jRutland 4re departments Was kiUssd Tuesday night by being tftrowii; liotti the ihose Jtatgon1.

-' .^ 1 1 L i , —


; •^gf.^BL-^m Wooers, iMay a daagthter p lar r ie t Olive) and: J i r M E . h. Eaton.

15, .W03, to Mr,

reduced prices. 1 -f t.-i

\ V i; n Oak S t r e e t | | f] V Om<^te B % a S c h o o l B t a c t o g

jtwice in the hospital from, case of piles causing 34 tumors, t^r doctors an^ a l l remedies Sudeten's Arnic* Salve quicklr ar­rested further iaflammaHon a ad cur* ed him. ft conquers- aches and kiln pain. 25c a t

Mrs. Gilbert, PJattsbursh; Gillespie & Co., Ausable Forks: er & Holden. Pern.

'Any act in which a man maWcce enemy is m the end a losjng

H. 1 W«s*





• JkStueTfcbur I t i s said t h a t nothing Is sjare ex­

cept death and taxes, but #ialj 4s a9t altogether true. Dr. King's NfVi)!*-" e°Yery for Consirmptlott is a eure aw for aii^imig aadf throat tronole|. Thousands can'testify to t h a i 2&i£ C. B. TanMetre of Shepherdto m, W} Va . / says , " I had a- severe case rf Bronchitis and for a year tried ever/] thing "I heard of, but -got no relief, One bottle of Dr. King's Nef PS-covery then cured-me abso^teiy.1' I t 's infallible for Croup, Whjjoping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia ana < GOB-| sumption Try i t . I t ' s -guarantM ir

Mrs. Gilbert, Plattsburgh, H. fi. Gillespie & Co., Ansiable Porks, VeaT-er & Holden, Peru. Trial bottles free IReg. size 50c, fLl

The progress of the woriu is Some-thmg remarkahle. The uidy wio would not think of lea>uig me table without using the finger bow. miy b8 the granddangMer of a man wto drank his eoffeer out of thi saucer

Q, no t . S B L O T ^ , tha t profits are Now is the t ime™ stock up.

A n t o a l i n i the dema|irJ fof Spring and Summer trade^jva haVe iu$t received several

: ' - i v .. : - '-•*•••.'!••• -ii\

Package CarealM In


Lh rloads of

• * v )

Endless Fariety.

price lor Rolled 6ats| ik Barrel!

M f t V ¥ f f M


Pickles in Bulk and Bottled Goods in'Etofj

Size, Yariety and

•Style. . '

We make a specialty oi Teas, Cofiees, Fine Plavoyitil cannot be equalled* I t will cer-tamlv pa* y ck 1 •*

i r - ' • * v " 11 Limited fiaktity of SEED COBH

f f f f W t t f f

a a i Pure Spices at prices tW jkmr ocders with txs.

( M a r Quicfc

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