postwar america at home, 1945 1960

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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United States Studies

The Ideal wife???

Economic BoomEconomic Boom

The Thriving Peacetime The Thriving Peacetime EconomyEconomy

1950s—one of the longest sustained economic expansions in US history (no war depression—many entered Middle Class)

G.I. Bill helped ($500/year for college; low-interest home loans)

Car industry played a key role: many produced; interstate system built

Car CultureCar Culture

1945-60: From 26 to 60 million cars

Led to: Suburbs Drive-In Movies Car Hops Malls

Changing Work Changing Work PatternsPatterns

United States stopped being primarily a goods producer and began a new path as a service provider (examples)

People enjoyed the leisure resulting from work which was characterized by conformity and “belongingness.”

White-collar and blue-collar workers enjoyed a higher standard of living than ever before


Franchise: Company distributes a business model through local retailers owned by independent operators

Failed McDonald’s Failed McDonald’s Menu ItemsMenu Items The Arch Deluxe: supposed to appeal to

adult tastes with a secret mustard-mayonnaise sauce

Failed McDonald’s Failed McDonald’s Menu ItemsMenu Items The “McLean Deluxe“: Designed for

people watching their weight. It contained Seaweed and water as a replacement for the fat content

Failed McDonald’s Failed McDonald’s Menu ItemsMenu Items McPizza

Failed McDonald’s Failed McDonald’s Menu ItemsMenu Items The “Hula Burger" -- grilled pineapple

with cheese on a bun

Demographic & Demographic & Technology ShiftsTechnology Shifts

Population GrowthPopulation Growth During the Great Depression, the

birthrate had dropped to an all-time low The birth rate exploded as millions of

postwar Americans began families (Baby Boom—peak: baby born every 7 seconds)

From 1940 to 1955: U.S. population went from 130 to 165 million

The death rate was also declining due to peacetime and new medical breakthroughs (Dr. Salk—polio vaccine)

Movement WestMovement West More mobile than ever before; most

headed west and south Cities throughout the Sunbelt South and

West coast saw enormous growth. Air conditioning allowed living in these

areas. Areas are still growing today Population also shifted away from the

traditional city centers to outlying suburbs where housing was cheaper


Urban housing shortage

Cities became crowded

Cheaper, mass-produced housing (Levittown: $52.00 month

FHA Loans Interstates—could

live farther away from work


American DreamAmerican Dream


The WWII research efforts of the Atomic Commission turned to creating consumer goods (improve transportation, satellites, radios, TVs)

New field of computers also reflected the technology of the era; tiny transistors would help miniaturize computers for use in many items from ovens to vacuum cleaners

Consensus and Consensus and ConformityConformity

Traditional Roles for Men Traditional Roles for Men &Women&Women The necessities of World War II had

interrupted the natural progression of social roles for men and women

Postwar, men and women had different expectations: education and business for men and homemaking and childrearing for women

Slow change during the decade reestablished the working patterns of the war: women found more entry points into corporate America

Youth Culture


A new concept No longer have to work High school became the norm Youth “culture” develops Media targeted to teens Music:

Old New: Elvis New: Ray Charles


Truman’s PresidencyTruman’s Presidency Lots of strikes (RR strike—

seized them; threatened to draft workers)

Taft-Hartley Act (outlawed closed shop—Truman veto)

Integrated military—helped Civil Rights Movement

Fair Deal (extension of New Deal—not passed because of Republican Congress)

Eisenhower Eisenhower AdministrationAdministration

Courted by both Dems & Reps

Was a moderate (neither Liberal or Conservative)

Interstate Highway System

1957 Civil Rights Act

Little Rock 9

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