research at the bio lo a pp

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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Research Methods at the Bio LoA

Today’s Learning Outcome B3- Discuss how and why particular

research methods are used at the biological level of analysis.

I can explain the pros and cons of different research methods at the Biological LoA.

Ecological Validity The measure of the whether an

experiment shows what will happen in the real-world (w/humans).

Research Method #1: Case Study A researcher observes the behavior of an

individual or group in depth. Tests, interviews, and detailed observations.

Pros: Allows for an in depth analysis of a problem

that cannot be researched in other ways May highlight extraordinary cases and theories

Cons: Not possible to replicate Unrepresentative sample Low Reliability/Can’t

apply directly to the rest of society.

Research Method #2: Experiment Investigations carried out under highly

controlled conditions to draw a relationship between the IV and DV.

Pros: High Controls High Validity Easy to replicate

Cons: Low Ecological Validity Participant/Researcher Expectations

Research Method #3: Correlational Studies Research designed to show the relationship

between two variables. Positive Correlation: X Increases, Y increases

More Studying, Higher Test Scores Negative Correlation: X Increases, Y Decreases

More TV, Lower Test Scores Pros:

Shows possible relationship between variables Cons:

Correlation ≠ Causation A Relationship does not mean X caused Y to


Your Task For each research method…

Identify and list studies that demonstrate this method

For one study, explain why the research method was selected, including the pros and cons of the study.

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