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Resurrection Parish of Zillah Resurrection Catholic Church

704 Schooley Road, PO Box 567 Zillah, WA 98953-0567


RPZN-Weekly Newsletter

Resurrection Parish ~ Zillah September 5, 2021

23rd Sunday Ordinary Time “He has done all things well.”

Sunday Reflection from Father Jacob 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Reflexión Dominical del Padre Jacob XXIII Domingo del tiempo ordinario

23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time: Read and listen -The signs with which the prophets had described the messianic times are being fulfilled: the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the mute speak. Life begins as in a desert turned into an orchard. Mark, the author of today's Gospel, states that in Jesus the kingdom of God has come to us, -Jesus performs with the deaf-mute an action that defines him as "more than a prophet" is given to us by the Old Testament and especially Isaiah. In him the savior of the end of time is recognized. It is like a new creation of God. After each divine work, Genesis emphasizes that he saw God who "was very good." Also in the gospel, people acknowledged that "everything has been done well." -But what is specific about the deaf-mute that he does not have in another type of patient? In the time of Jesus it was considered that, not being able to hear the law, he could not fulfill it and, not being able to speak, he could not praise God. Such a sick person was seen as dead in terms of faith, for not having been able to receive the nourishment of the divine word. His mouth serves him to eat bread, but man does not live on bread alone.

-The deaf-mute had obviously limited possibilities of making good relations with the others. He cannot express himself or understand others, making community and service impossible. His dependence on others was almost total. If all this is not easily understood to us today, let us think to what extent this was aggravated in a fundamentally oral culture where few people could read and write. -Healing supposes a kind of resurrection for the affected person, a being born again into the world of men and their relationships. With the healing he is now open to hearing the divine word and receives the possibility of responding to it. He has been opened by the word of God and this allows him a new relationship that others who obviously could not stop noticing. It could be said that whoever closes in on himself or in his little circle has not heard the word of the kingdom. -It is John, above all, who emphasizes that the passage from death to life in which we love our brothers and sisters is noticeable. Discovering Jesus inexorably leads to communication and solidarity with others and to proclaiming the arrival of the kingdom. -The deafness towards the words and interpellations of the brothers and, in general, towards the challenges of our world, is not only due to our limitations and laziness, but, above all, to our scarce discovery of Jesus and our deafness towards his word . It is a reason for joy that the Bible is widely read in the lives of Catholics, but our ability to understand it is not measured by our knowledge of literary genres, but because it has produced a greater openness to solidarity towards others . If greater knowledge of the Bible is not followed by a more intense and better engagement with others, it could mean that we are turning it into just some book like any other or it is a type of godly entertainment. - Contemplating our responsibility before the word, like the prophets, we direct our prayer to God asking him to open our ears and purify our lips with a burning coal, so that we can worthily announce the good news of Jesus, our savior that we find in the Bible. Saint Jerome says, "When we pray, we speak to God, when we read the Bible God speaks to us." Read and listen to the words of the Bible because they are the words that lead to eternal life. XXIII Domingo del tiempo ordinario: Lee y escucha -Los signos con que los profetas habían descrito los tiempos mesiánicos se están cumpliendo: los ciegos ven, los sordos oyen, los cojos andan, los mudos hablan. La vida se pone en marcha como en un desierto convertido en huerta. Marcos, el autor del evangelio de hoy, manifiesta que en Jesús ha llegado el reino de Dios a nosotros, -Jesús realiza con el sordomudo un acción que lo define como "más que profeta" nos lo da el Antiguo Testamento y especialmente Isaías. En él se reconoce al salvador del final de los tiempos. Es como una nueva creación de Dios. Tras cada obra divina, el Génesis recalca que vio a Dios que "estaba muy bien". También en el relato las gentes reconocen que "todo lo ha hecho bien". -Pero ¿qué tiene de específico el sordomudo que no tenga otro tipo de enfermo? En el tiempo de Jesús se consideraba que, no pudiendo oír la ley, no podría cumplirla y, no pudiendo hablar, no podía alabar a Dios. Un enfermo así era visto como un muerto en cuanto a la fe, por no haber podido recibir el alimento de la palabra divina. Su boca le sirve para comer pan, pero no sólo de pan vive el hombre. -El sordomudo tiene coartadas sus posibilidades de relación con los demás. No puede expresarse él ni puede comprender a los demás, tornándose imposible la comunidad y el servicio. Su dependencia de los otros se agranda. Si todo esto nos es fácilmente comprensible hoy, pensemos hasta qué punto esto se agravaba en una cultura fundamentalmente oral. -La curación supone para el afectado una especie de resurrección, un nacer de nuevo al mundo de los hombres y sus relaciones. Queda abierto a la palabra divina y recibe la posibilidad de responder a ella. Ha sido abierto por la palabra de Dios y esto le permite una relación nueva que los demás no dejan de notar. Podría decirse que quien se cierra en sí o en su pequeño círculo no ha oído la palabra del reino.

-Es Juan, sobre todo, quien recalca que se nota el paso de la muerte a la vida en que amamos a los hermanos. Descubrir a Jesús lleva inexorablemente a la comunicación y solidaridad con los otros y a proclamar la llegada del reino. -La sordera hacia las palabras e interpelaciones de los hermanos y, en general, hacia los retos de nuestro mundo, no sólo se debe a nuestras limitaciones y perezas, sino, sobre todo, a nuestro escaso descubrimiento de Jesús y a nuestra sordera hacia su palabra. Es un motivo de alegría el que la Biblia esté más cercana y sea más manejada en la vida de los católicos, pero nuestra capacidad de comprenderla no se mide por nuestros conocimientos sobre los géneros literarios, sino porque haya producido una mayor apertura solidaria hacia los demás. Si a un mayor conocimiento de la Biblia no siguiese como consecuencia un más intenso y mejor compromiso, podría significar que la estamos convirtiendo en arqueología o en entretenimiento piadoso. -Contemplando nuestra responsabilidad ante la palabra, al igual que los profetas, dirigimos nuestra oración a Dios pidiendo que abra nuestros oídos y purifique con un carbón encendido nuestros labios, para que podamos anunciar dignamente la buena noticia de Jesús, nuestro salvador que encontramos en la Biblia. San Jerome dice, “Cuando rezamos, hablamos a Dios, cuando leemos la Biblia Dios habla a nosotros.” Lee y escucha las palabras de la Biblia porque son las palabras que conducen a la vida eterna.

TWENTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME (September 5, 2021) ENTRANCE ANTIPHON (Ps 119 (118): 137, 124): You are just, O Lord, and your judgment is right; treat your servant in accord with your merciful love. COLLECT: O God, by whom we are redeemed and receive adoption, look graciously upon your beloved sons and daughters, that those who believe in Christ may receive true freedom and an everlasting inheritance. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen READING 1 (Is 35:4-7a): A reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Thus says the LORD: Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God, he comes with vindication; with divine recompense he comes to save you. Then will the eyes of the blind be opened, the ears of the deaf be cleared; then will the lame leap like a stag, then the tongue of the mute will sing. Streams will burst forth in the desert, and rivers in the steppe.

The burning sands will become pools, and the thirsty ground, springs of water. The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10): R. (1b) Praise the Lord, my soul! The God of Jacob keeps faith forever, secures justice for the oppressed, gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets captives free. R. Praise the Lord, my soul! The LORD gives sight to the blind; the LORD raises up those who were bowed down. The LORD loves the just; the LORD protects strangers. R. Praise the Lord, my soul! The fatherless and the widow the LORD sustains, but the way of the wicked he thwarts. The LORD shall reign forever; your God, O Zion, through all generations. Alleluia. R. Praise the Lord, my soul! READING 2 (Jas 2:1-5) A reading from the Letter of Saint James: My brothers and sisters, show no partiality as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. For if a man with gold rings and fine clothes comes into your assembly, and a poor person in shabby clothes also comes in, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say, “Sit here, please, ” while you say to the poor one, “Stand there, ” or “Sit at my feet, ” have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil designs? Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters. Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him? The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. ALLELUIA (cf. Mt 4:23: R. Alleluia, alleluia. Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom and cured every disease among the people. R. Alleluia, alleluia. GOSPEL (Mk 7:31-37): A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark: Again Jesus left the district of Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, into the district of the Decapolis. And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put his finger into the man’s ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, “Ephphatha!”— that is, “Be opened!” — And immediately the man’s ears were opened,

his speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly. He ordered them not to tell anyone. But the more he ordered them not to, the more they proclaimed it. They were exceedingly astonished and they said, “He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ. PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS: O God, who give us the gift of true prayer and of peace, graciously grant that through this offering, we may do fitting homage to your divine majesty and, by partaking of the sacred mystery, we may be faithfully united in mind and heart. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. PREFACES OF THE SUNDAYS IN ORDINARY TIME COMMUNION ANTIPHON (Cf. Ps 42 (41): 2-3): Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God; my soul is thirsting for God, the living God. Or: (Jn 8: 12: I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION: Grant that your faithful, O Lord, whom you nourish and endow with life through the food of your Word and heavenly Sacrament, may so benefit from your beloved Son's great gifts that we may merit an eternal share in his life. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Resurrection Masses are livestreamed for shut-ins and those unable to attend the live Mass on our Facebook website The Mass can be viewed on a computer, tablet, smart phone or smart TV. The Masses will be recorded and archived for later viewing on our YouTube Channel Las misas de resurrección se transmiten en vivo para los que están cerrados y aquellos que no pueden asistir a la misa en vivo en nuestro sitio web de Facebook La Misa se puede ver en una computadora, tableta, teléfono inteligente o TV inteligente. Las misas se grabarán y archivarán para su posterior visualización en nuestro canal de YouTube

Resurrection Parish Calendar: September 4-12, 2021

Saturday September 4:

• Daily Readings: Col 1:21-23/Lk 6:1-5

• Sacrament of Reconciliation 3:30 pm

• 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass English 5:00 pm and Spanish 7:00 pm Sunday September 5:

• 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass English 8:30 am and Spanish 10:30 am

• Daily Readings: Is 35:4-7a/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37

• Confirmation prep class sign up (8th grade and above) after Mass

• DOY Mass at Ahtanum Mission 9:30 am

• Anniversary of Groundbreaking for Resurrection Church (1965) Monday September 6:

• Labor Day Holiday

• Mass (E) 8:00 am

• Daily Readings: Col 1:24—2:3/Lk 6:6-11

• Happy Anniversary Joe & Janel Olivas Tuesday September 7:

• Mass (E) 8:00 am

• Daily Readings: Col 2:6-15/Lk 6:12-19

• Baptism Prep Class (S) 6:30 pm Wednesday September 8:

• The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

• Mass (E) 8:00 am

• Daily Readings: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23

• 1st Holy Communion Prep Class Parent & Student Meeting 5:00 pm

• Misa & Spanish Prayer Group (S) 6:00 pm

• Happy Anniversary John & Yvonne Garman Thursday September 9:

• Saint Peter Claver

• Mass (E) 8:00 am

• Daily Readings: Col 3:12-17/Lk 6:27-38

• Scout Meeting 6:30 pm

• Memorial: Jeff Hinchey Friday September 10:

• Communion and Scripture Service (E) 8:00 am

• Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8:30-9:00 am

• Daily Readings: 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14/Lk 6:39-42 Saturday September 11:

• Patriots Day

• Daily Readings: 1 Tm 1:15-17/Lk 6:43-49

• Sacrament of Reconciliation 3:30 pm

• 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass English 5:00 pm and Spanish 7:00 pm

• DOY-National Retired Religious Special Collection

• Happy Birthday Barry Laws

• Memorial: Fr. Donal Kennedy Sunday September 12:

• 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass English 8:30 am and Spanish 10:30 am

• Daily Readings: Is 50:4c-9a/Jas 2:14-18/Mk 8:27-35

• National Grandparents Day

• DOY-National Retired Religious Special Collection

• Confirmation Prep Program Student & Parent Mtg 12:00 pm

• Happy Birthday Kale Cobar and Fran Malzahn

HAPPY LABOR DAY! A Catholic Christian Vision of the Dignity of Human Work - U.S. News - News - Catholic Online For Christians, Labor Day invites us to examine how we view our own labor in the light of what the Scriptures and the teaching Church proclaims about the dignity of all human work. On this Labor Day weekend most of us take a break from what we refer to as

our "jobs" in order to rest and re-create. We are invited to honor human work and all human workers. It is a unique secular holiday with profound Christian potential. Many will gather for late summer cookouts and celebrations. We may sleep in a bit later than usual and relax from what is so often a frenzied pace in our contemporary pattern of life. For many parents, Labor Day weekend marks a transition from the hectic pace of the summer to the new hectic pace of the school year. For students and teachers, it is also a portal into the new school year when we begin the work of education, a word whose Latin root means to "draw out" of the student what is good. Through authentically Christian education we are all invited to be drawn out into a fuller way of life. For Christians, Labor Day invites us to examine how we view our own labor in the light of what the Scriptures and the teaching Church proclaims about the dignity of all human work, no matter what kind, precisely because it is done by human persons who are created in the Image and Likeness of God. We are living in an age which desperately needs a vibrant living Christian witness of the dignity, meaning and true value of all human work - one which is rooted in a rediscovery of the dignity of the human person. Let's offer it to them by living a Christian approach to work in our own daily lives. Happy Labor Day! CURRENT ADVOCACY POSITION: The Catholic bishops of the United States have long held that the most effective way to build a just economy is to make decent work at decent wages available for all those capable of working. When the economy fails to generate sufficient jobs, there is a moral obligation to protect the life and dignity of unemployed and underemployed workers and their families.

THE STORY OF THE NATIVITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: The Church has celebrated Mary’s birth since at least the sixth century. A September birth was chosen because the Eastern Church begins its Church year with September. The September 8 date helped determine the date for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. Scripture does not give an account of Mary’s birth. However, the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James fills in the gap. This work has no historical value, but it does reflect the development of Christian piety. According to this account, Anna and Joachim are infertile but pray for a child. They receive the promise of a child who will advance God’s plan of salvation for the world. Such a story, like many biblical counterparts, stresses the special presence of God in Mary’s life from the beginning.

Saint Augustine connects Mary’s birth with Jesus’ saving work. He tells the earth to rejoice and shine forth in the light of her birth. “She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley. Through her birth the nature inherited from our first parents is changed.” The opening prayer at Mass speaks of the birth of Mary’s Son as the dawn of our salvation and asks for an increase of peace.

Reflection: We can see every human birth as a call for new hope in the world. The love of two human beings has joined with God in his creative work. The loving parents have shown hope in a world filled with travail. The new child has the potential to be a channel of God’s love and peace to the world. This is all true in a magnificent way in Mary. If Jesus is the perfect expression of God’s love, Mary is the foreshadowing of that love. If Jesus has brought the fullness of salvation, Mary is its dawning. Birthday celebrations bring happiness to the celebrant as well as to family and friends. Next to the birth of Jesus, Mary’s birth offers the greatest possible happiness to the world. Each time we celebrate her birth, we can confidently hope for an increase of peace in our hearts and in the world at large. LA HISTORIA DE LA NATIVIDAD DE LA SANTÍSIMA VIRGEN MARÍA: La Iglesia ha celebrado el nacimiento de María desde al menos el siglo VI. Se eligió un nacimiento en septiembre porque la Iglesia Oriental comienza su año eclesiástico con septiembre. La fecha del 8 de septiembre ayudó a determinar la fecha de la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción el 8 de diciembre. Las Escrituras no relatan el nacimiento de María. Sin embargo, el protoevangelio apócrifo de James llena el vacío. Esta obra no tiene valor histórico, pero refleja el desarrollo de la piedad cristiana. Según este relato, Anna y Joachim son infértiles pero rezan por un niño. Reciben la promesa de un niño que hará avanzar el plan de salvación de Dios para el mundo. Tal historia, como muchas contrapartes bíblicas, enfatiza la presencia especial de Dios en la vida de María desde el principio. San Agustín conecta el nacimiento de María con la obra salvadora de Jesús. Le dice a la tierra que se regocije y brille a la luz de su nacimiento. “Ella es la flor del campo de quien floreció el precioso lirio de los valles. A través de su nacimiento, la naturaleza heredada de nuestros primeros padres cambia ”. La oración de apertura de la Misa habla del nacimiento del Hijo de María como el amanecer de nuestra salvación y pide un aumento de la paz. Reflexión Podemos ver cada nacimiento humano como un llamado a una nueva esperanza en el mundo. El amor de dos seres humanos se ha unido a Dios en su obra creadora. Los padres amorosos han mostrado esperanza en un mundo lleno de dolores de parto. El nuevo hijo tiene el potencial de ser un canal del amor y la paz de Dios para el mundo. Todo esto es cierto de una manera magnífica en María. Si Jesús es la expresión perfecta del amor de Dios, María es el presagio de ese amor. Si Jesús ha traído la plenitud de la salvación, María es su amanecer. Las celebraciones de cumpleaños brindan felicidad al celebrante, así como a familiares y amigos. Junto al nacimiento de Jesús, el nacimiento de María ofrece la mayor felicidad posible al mundo. Cada vez que celebramos su nacimiento, podemos esperar con confianza un aumento de la paz en nuestros corazones y en el mundo en general.

Anniversary of Groundbreaking for Resurrection Church (1965): For many years Catholics on the East Side of the Yakima River in the Zillah area had no church of their own. Sunday worship for most meant traveling many miles every Sunday over highways, bridges and sometimes back roads, roads that could be dangerous in the winter with snow and ice. Most families shouldered this burden to fulfill their obligation for weekly worship; however, many did not participate in other events of neighboring churches because of the distance involved.

Resurrection Parish was established effective at noon on November 4, 1963, on the feast of St. Charles Borromeo, becoming the thirty-second parish in the Yakima Diocese. At that time Resurrection Parish was attached to St. Patrick’s Parish of Granger. The Parish was so named by the Most Reverend Bishop Joseph Dougherty, Bishop of the Yakima Diocese, from the first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. This scripture informs us that the Apostles were commissioned to be witnesses of Resurrection of Jesus. The challenge to the members of this Parish is to reflect on how we too can be witnesses and proclaim the good news of the Resurrection. The first pastor was Father Paul Flad, who resided at the time in Granger. Now the commuting was dispatched to the priest rather that the parishioners. The Parish Sunday and Holy Day Masses were first celebrated at the Orchardvale Grange building. Weddings and funerals were held at St. Aloysius Church in Toppenish. While this was an improvement the parishioners wanted their own resident priest. In 1964 the Rev. Harold Adams of the Christ Episcopal Church offered his mission church to members of Resurrection Parish to celebrate Mass. An adjoining house was loaned as a rectory for Father Flad. This moved the parish home from rural Zillah to downtown on West Second Avenue. During Lent of 1964 Mass was celebrated three times a week. With the beginning of Easter Services in 1964, Sunday and daily Masses were now held on a regular basis. 1965 was a busy and important year for the Parish. At this time the Parish members began to work with the diocese officials in planning the building of our own Church. The Catholic Bishop’s Corporation purchased a 40-acre parcel of land North of town on Schooley Road. Thomas Hargis Jr., a Yakima architect was selected to do the design. By August 1965 the Parish acquired a new rectory located at 1016 Maple Way. Father Flad stayed at the Maple Way rectory until the end of August. Father Flad was on loan to our diocese at the time and was recalled to his home Diocese of Lacrosse, Wisconsin. On 1 September 1965 Father Edward Wawrzynski was assigned as the pastor of Resurrection Parish. On September 5, 1965 a ground breaking ceremony was held with construction beginning on September 10, 1965 on a church and attached hall. Although desired, an onsite rectory was not planned in this initial construction phase. Until a rectory at the church grounds could be built, the home on Maple Way would continue to serve our priest.

September 11: Patriot Day | USCCB: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH REMEMBERS 911 911. For years, those numbers simply meant a call for help. Now they also remind us of September 11, 2001, the date of the worst terrorist attack on the United States of America and one of the deadliest days ever on American soil. Saturday, September 11th is Patriot Day. We remember all those who lost their lives in the 2001 attacks. We pray for all victims of violence and terrorism around the world, and for their families, that they may find comfort and peace.

In October 2001, the United States Congress passed a joint resolution designating that every September 11th be observed as "Patriot Day." The resolution requests that U.S. government entities and interested organizations and individuals display the flag of the United States at half-staff on Patriot Day and that the people of the United States observe a moment of silence in honor of the individuals who lost their lives as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

In 2009, a presidential proclamation declared that Patriot Day is also a "National Day of Service." The proclamation calls on Americans to "participate in community service in honor of those our Nation lost, to observe this day with other ceremonies and activities, including remembrance services. The anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States is an important and moving occasion for many Americans. The Secretariat of Divine Worship offers a few suggestions as to ways this anniversary might be commemorated within the context of the Sacred Liturgy. September 11 is a free day in the Liturgical Calendar, and usually occurs in the Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time. Intercessions for September 11: These may be included among the intercessions at Masses on September 11:

• For the Church, that she may continue to provide care and healing for all, especially those affected by the attacks on September 11, 2001, we pray to the Lord…

• For all victims of violence and terrorism around the world, and for their families, that they may find comfort and peace, we pray to the Lord…

• For the safety of our service men and women abroad, for civil servants who protect us and keep us safe, and for all who live with war and violence, we pray to the Lord…

• For our leaders and for the leaders of nations, that they may work together to address the problems that provide fertile ground for the growth of terrorism, we pray to the Lord...

• For the ability to forgive and for an end to all hatred, beginning in our own hearts, we pray to the Lord… 11 de septiembre: Día de los Patriotas | USCCB: LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA RECUERDA 911 911. Durante años, esos números simplemente significaban una llamada de ayuda. Ahora también nos recuerdan el 11 de septiembre de 2001, la fecha del peor ataque terrorista en los Estados Unidos de América y uno de los días más mortíferos en suelo estadounidense. El sábado 11 de septiembre es el Día de los Patriotas. Recordamos a todos aquellos que perdieron la vida en los ataques de 2001. Oramos por todas las víctimas de la violencia y el terrorismo en todo el mundo, y por sus familias, para que encuentren consuelo y paz. En octubre de 2001, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos aprobó una resolución conjunta que designa que cada 11 de septiembre se observe como el "Día de los Patriotas". La resolución solicita que las entidades gubernamentales de los Estados Unidos y las organizaciones e individuos interesados muestren la bandera de los Estados Unidos a media asta el Día del Patriota y que el pueblo de los Estados Unidos guarde un momento de silencio en honor a las personas que perdieron la vida como resultado de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001. En 2009, una proclamación presidencial declaró que el Día del Patriota es también un "Día Nacional de Servicio". La proclamación llama a los estadounidenses a "participar en el servicio comunitario en honor a los que perdió nuestra nación, para observar este día con otras ceremonias y actividades, incluidos los servicios conmemorativos". El aniversario de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre contra Estados Unidos es una ocasión importante y conmovedora para muchos estadounidenses. El Secretariado del Culto Divino ofrece algunas sugerencias sobre las formas en que este aniversario podría conmemorarse en el contexto de la Sagrada Liturgia. El 11 de septiembre es un día libre en el Calendario Litúrgico y generalmente ocurre en la Vigésima Tercera Semana del Tiempo Ordinario. Intercesiones para el 11 de septiembre: Estas pueden incluirse entre las intercesiones en las misas del 11 de septiembre:

• Por la Iglesia, para que pueda continuar brindando atención y curación a todos, especialmente a los afectados por los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001, roguemos al Señor ...

• Por todas las víctimas de la violencia y el terrorismo en todo el mundo, y por sus familias, para que encuentren consuelo y paz, roguemos al Señor ...

• Por la seguridad de nuestros hombres y mujeres de servicio en el extranjero, por los funcionarios públicos que nos protegen y nos mantienen a salvo, y por todos los que viven con la guerra y la violencia, roguemos al Señor ...

• Por nuestros líderes y por los líderes de las naciones, que puedan trabajar juntos para abordar los problemas que proporcionan un terreno fértil para el crecimiento del terrorismo, roguemos al Señor ...

• Por la capacidad de perdonar y por el fin de todo odio, comenzando en nuestro propio corazón, roguemos al Señor ...

Confirmation Preparation Program News: A reminder that a required meeting for all parents and candidates/students enrolled in the Confirmation Preparation Program on Sunday, September 12th from 12:00 to 1:00 pm in the Parish Hall. The students should bring a copy of their baptism certificate to this meeting. If you do not have a copy of your baptism certificate, contact the Parish where the Sacrament of Baptism was

celebrated and ask them to send you a copy so you will have it for this meeting. Registration is still on going, but space is limited. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Salvador Cobar, 509.840.4665; Noticias del Programa de Preparación para la Confirmación: Un recordatorio de que una reunión obligatoria para todos los padres y candidatos / estudiantes inscritos en el Programa de Preparación para la Confirmación el domingo 12 de septiembre de 12:00 a 1:00 pm en el Salón Parroquial. Los estudiantes deben traer una copia de su certificado de bautismo a esta reunión. Si no tiene una copia de su certificado de bautismo, comuníquese con la parroquia donde se celebró el Sacramento del Bautismo y pídales que le envíen una copia para que la tenga para esta reunión. El registro aún está en curso, pero el espacio es limitado. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Sr. Salvador Cobar, 509.840.4665;

1ST Reconciliation and Holy Communion Preparation Program News: There will be a Parent Meeting Wednesday, September 8th at 5:00 pm. All parents and their students who are registered for the preparation program, both 1st year and 2nd year should attend. The meeting will include information such as:

• Introduction of teachers

• Introduction on the 2-year program including materials, prayer

sheets and learning objectives

• Class meeting schedules

• Class Attendance, being on time for class and for being picked up

after class

• Invitation to Wednesday Mass at 6:00pm

• Sunday Mass Attendance Board

• Baptismal certificates required (if you do not have a copy contact the Parish where the Sacrament of

Baptism was celebrated and ask them to send you a copy so you will have it for this meeting.)

• No fee to participate for registered Parish families who regularly attend the weekend Mass

Help Needed. We are in need for a teacher for the 5th-7th grade English group for 1st Holy Communion. This 2 year program focuses on Bible, figures and stories for the first year. Materials used are a youth Bible for the teacher and worksheets for the students. The second year focus is on the Sacraments. Materials are guides for the teacher and workbooks for students. Classes are on Wednesdays beginning Wednesday, September 8th at 5:00 pm which is the parent and student meeting. The last day of classes will be April 27th. Classes are scheduled to run from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm. To volunteer or to ask further questions, please contact the office

509.314.6460 or Noticias del Programa de Preparación para la Primera Comunión y Reconciliación: Habrá una reunión de padres el miércoles 8 de septiembre a las 5:00 pm. Todos los padres y sus estudiantes que estén registrados para el

programa de preparación, tanto de primer como de segundo año, deben asistir. La reunión incluirá información como: • Introducción de profesores • Introducción al programa de 2 años que incluye materiales, hojas de oración y objetivos de aprendizaje • Horarios de las reuniones de clase • Asistencia a clase, llegar a tiempo a clase y ser recogido después de clase • Invitación a la misa del miércoles a las 6:00 pm • Junta de asistencia a la misa dominical • Se requieren certificados de bautismo (si no tiene una copia, comuníquese con la parroquia donde se celebró el Sacramento del Bautismo y pídales que le envíen una copia para que la tenga para esta reunión). • No hay tarifa para participar para las familias parroquiales registradas que asisten regularmente a la misa de fin de semana. Se necesita ayuda. Necesitamos un maestro para el grupo de inglés de 5th a 7th grado para la Primera Comunión. Este programa de 2 años se enfoca en la Biblia, figuras e historias durante el primer año. Los materiales utilizados son una Biblia juvenil para el maestro y hojas de trabajo para los estudiantes. El segundo año se centra en los sacramentos. Los materiales son guías para el maestro y libros de trabajo para los estudiantes. Las clases son los miércoles a partir del miércoles 8 de septiembre a las 5:00 pm, que es la reunión de padres y estudiantes. El último día de clases será el 27 de abril. Las clases están programadas para ser de 5:00 pm a 6:00 pm. Para ser voluntario o hacer más preguntas, comuníquese con la oficina 509.314.6460 o,

A Review of the Catechism of Christian Doctrine (from the Baltimore Catechism)

Una revisión del Catecismo de la Doctrina Cristiana

(del Catecismo de Baltimore)

LESSON 32: HOW TO MAKE A GOOD CONFESSION We should take sufficient time to prepare ourselves to make a good confession. We should examine our conscience, and especially we should arouse in our hearts sincere sorrow for our sins and a firm purpose not to commit them again. We should begin our confession by making the sign of the cross and saying to the priest: "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." We then should tell how long it has been since our last confession. Next, if we have committed any mortal sins since our last confession, we tell them and also any that we may have forgotten in previous confessions. We must tell the nature and number of each. We may also confess any venial sins we wish to mention. When we have committed no mortal sin since our last confession, we should confess our venial sins, or some sins told in a previous confession for which we are again sorry. This is necessary that the priest may give us absolution. We should end our confession by saying: "I am sorry for these and for all the sins of my past life, especially for ..." It is well to tell one or several of the sins which we have previously confessed and for which we are particularly sorry. After confessing our sins, we should answer truthfully any question the priest asks. We should ask for advice if we feel that we need it. We should listen carefully to the instruction of the priest and accept the penance he gives us. While the priest is giving us absolution, we should say from our heart the act of contrition.

When we leave the confessional, we should thank God for the sacrament we have received. We should ask Our Lord to make up for the imperfections of our confession. Then we should promptly and with devotion perform our penance. 426. Before entering the confessional, how should we prepare ourselves for a good confession? Before entering the confessional, we should prepare ourselves for a good confession by taking sufficient time not only to examine our conscience but, especially, to excite in our hearts sincere sorrow for our sins and a firm purpose not to commit them again. 427. How should we begin our confession? We should begin our confession in this manner: Entering the confessional, we kneel, and making the sign of the cross we say to the priest: "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned"; and then we tell how long it has been since our last confession. 428. After telling the time of our last confession, what do we confess? After telling the time of our last confession, if we have committed any mortal sins since that time we must confess them, and also any that we have forgotten in previous confessions, telling the nature and number of each; we may also confess any venial sins we wish to mention. 429. What should we do if we cannot remember the exact number of our mortal sins? If we cannot remember the exact number of our mortal sins, we should tell the number as nearly as possible, or say how often we have committed the sins in a day, a week, a month, or a year. 430. What should we do when we have committed no mortal sin since our last confession? When we have committed no mortal sin since our last confession, we should confess our venial sins or some sin told in a previous confession, for which we are again sorry, in order that the priest may give us absolution. Remember not the sins of my youth nor my offenses. According to thy mercy remember thou me, for thy goodness' sake. (Psalm 24:7) 431. How should we end our confession? We should end our confession by saying: "I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past life, especially for ..."; and then it is well to tell one or several of the sins which we have previously confessed and for which we are particularly sorry. 432. What should we do after confessing our sins? After confessing our sins, we should answer truthfully any question the priest asks, seek advice if we feel that we need any, listen carefully to the spiritual instruction and counsel of the priest, and accept the penance he gives us. 433. What should we do when the priest is giving us absolution? When the priest is giving us absolution, we should say from our heart the act of contrition in a tone to be heard by him. 434. What should we do after leaving the confessional? After leaving the confessional we should return thanks to God for the sacrament we have received, beg Our Lord to supply for the imperfections of our confession, and promptly and devoutly perform our penance. LECCIÓN 32: CÓMO HACER UNA BUENA CONFESIÓN Debemos tomarnos el tiempo suficiente para prepararnos para hacer una buena confesión. Debemos examinar nuestra conciencia, y especialmente debemos despertar en nuestro corazón un dolor sincero por nuestros pecados y un firme propósito de no volver a cometerlos. Debemos comenzar nuestra confesión haciendo la señal de la cruz y diciendo al sacerdote: "Bendíceme, Padre, porque he pecado". Entonces deberíamos decir cuánto

tiempo ha pasado desde nuestra última confesión. A continuación, si hemos cometido algún pecado mortal desde nuestra última confesión, lo decimos y también lo que hayamos olvidado en confesiones anteriores. Debemos decir la naturaleza y el número de cada uno. También podemos confesar cualquier pecado venial que deseemos mencionar. Cuando no hemos cometido ningún pecado mortal desde nuestra última confesión, debemos confesar nuestros pecados veniales, o algunos pecados contados en una confesión anterior por los cuales nos arrepentimos nuevamente. Es necesario que el sacerdote nos dé la absolución. Debemos terminar nuestra confesión diciendo: "Lo siento por estos y por todos los pecados de mi vida pasada, especialmente por ..." Es bueno contar uno o varios de los pecados que hemos confesado previamente y por los cuales lo siento especialmente. Después de confesar nuestros pecados, debemos responder con sinceridad cualquier pregunta que nos haga el sacerdote. Debemos pedir consejo si creemos que lo necesitamos. Debemos escuchar atentamente las instrucciones del sacerdote y aceptar la penitencia que nos da. Mientras el sacerdote nos da la absolución, debemos decir de corazón el acto de contrición. Cuando salimos del confesionario, debemos agradecer a Dios por el sacramento que hemos recibido. Debemos pedirle a Nuestro Señor que compense las imperfecciones de nuestra confesión. Entonces debemos realizar nuestra penitencia sin demora y con devoción. 426. Antes de entrar en el confesionario, ¿cómo debemos prepararnos para una buena confesión? Antes de entrar al confesionario, debemos prepararnos para una buena confesión tomando el tiempo suficiente no solo para examinar nuestra conciencia sino, especialmente, para excitar en nuestro corazón un sincero dolor por nuestros pecados y un firme propósito de no volver a cometerlos. 427. ¿Cómo debemos comenzar nuestra confesión? Debemos comenzar nuestra confesión de esta manera: entrando en el confesionario, nos arrodillamos, y haciendo la señal de la cruz le decimos al sacerdote: "Bendíceme, Padre, porque he pecado"; y luego contamos cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde nuestra última confesión. 428. Después de decir la hora de nuestra última confesión, ¿qué confesamos? Luego de decir la hora de nuestra última confesión, si hemos cometido algún pecado mortal desde ese momento debemos confesarlo, y también alguno que hayamos olvidado en confesiones anteriores, indicando la naturaleza y número de cada uno; también podemos confesar cualquier pecado venial que deseemos mencionar. 429. ¿Qué debemos hacer si no podemos recordar el número exacto de nuestros pecados mortales? Si no podemos recordar el número exacto de nuestros pecados mortales, debemos decir el número lo más cerca posible, o decir con qué frecuencia hemos cometido los pecados en un día, una semana, un mes o un año. 430. ¿Qué debemos hacer cuando no hemos cometido ningún pecado mortal desde nuestra última confesión? Cuando no hayamos cometido ningún pecado mortal desde nuestra última confesión, debemos confesar nuestros pecados veniales o algún pecado contado en una confesión anterior, por el cual volvemos a arrepentirnos, para que el sacerdote nos dé la absolución. No recuerdes los pecados de mi juventud ni mis ofensas. Según tu misericordia acuérdate de mí, por tu bondad. (Salmo 24: 7) 431. ¿Cómo debemos terminar nuestra confesión? Debemos terminar nuestra confesión diciendo: "Lamento estos y todos los pecados de mi vida pasada, especialmente por ..."; y luego conviene contar uno o varios de los pecados que previamente hemos confesado y por los que nos sentimos especialmente arrepentidos. 432. ¿Qué debemos hacer después de confesar nuestros pecados? Después de confesar nuestros pecados, debemos responder con sinceridad a cualquier pregunta que nos haga el sacerdote, buscar consejo si sentimos que lo necesitamos, escuchar atentamente la instrucción espiritual y el consejo del sacerdote y aceptar la penitencia que nos da. 433. ¿Qué debemos hacer cuando el sacerdote nos da la absolución? Cuando el sacerdote nos está dando la absolución, debemos decir de corazón el acto de contrición en un tono que él oiga.

434. ¿Qué debemos hacer después de dejar el confesionario? Después de dejar el confesionario, debemos agradecer a Dios por el sacramento que hemos recibido, rogarle a Nuestro Señor que suple las imperfecciones de nuestra confesión y realizar pronta y devotamente nuestra penitencia.

Be a Prayer Angel! Join the Resurrection Parish Prayer Network. This is a great ministry conducted by many in our Parish Family. Anyone can join the Prayer Angels. The members of Prayer Angels (sometimes called the Prayer Warriors) are strong believers in the power of prayer. The Resurrection Prayer Network is the parish’s spiritual alarm system which communicates and takes prayerful action on behalf of the needs of the congregation and our community. The vocation of the prayer chain is to intercede on behalf of others in need by lifting up to the Lord Jesus Christ specific requests, concerns, and emergency situations.

Many people cannot engage directly in ministry, but we can all pray. Prayer is a way for us to reach out of ourselves, to put aside our loneliness or pain for the sake of another. Send an email message to join the group or to share a need, intention or an emergency to our Parish coordinator to Patty Mengarelli at And she will send out the notice to the group. You can also add prayer intentions to our weekly bulletin by emailing your requests to

Please pray for the intensions and needs of: Deacon Bernie & Bertha Alvarado, Judy Boekholder, Bob Crawford, Mike DiLembo, Bobbie DeMarco, John & Yvonne Garman, Jim & Geri Hinchey, Mary Houston, Tom McMahon, Norma Morales, Katie Oswalt, Juana (Janie) Posada, Darlene Riojas, Blanca Rodriguez, Pablo Rodriguez, Fr. César Vega’s family Inocencio, Lourdes, & Siedy, Ken Vieira, Katie Wilton and those members of our Parish and Diocese who are in need of our prayers but remain anonymous at this time.

“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.” Parishioners submit memorials for their departed family and friends to our Resurrection Parish Calendar. This week we are asked to pray in memory of Jeff Hinchey and Father Donal Kennedy. Please pray for the repose of the soul of recently departed and comfort for their families. We offer our prayers for Father Alberto Cerezo, Efrain Rodriguez, and all our beloved dead. Send your memorials for our calendar to


Universal intention - An environmentally sustainable lifestyle: We pray that we all will make courageous choices for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, rejoicing in our young people who are resolutely committed to this.


Intención universal - Un estilo de vida ambientalmente sostenible: Oramos para que todos tomemos decisiones valientes por un estilo de vida simple y ambientalmente sostenible, regocijándonos en nuestros jóvenes que están decididamente comprometidos con esto.

The Rosary Center Confraternity is a spiritual association of the Catholic Church, the members of which strive to pray the entire Rosary during the course of one week. They form a union of hundreds of thousands of the faithful throughout the world who, along with their own intentions, include the intentions and needs of all its members.

To learn more please go to

We pray that we all will make courageous choices for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, rejoicing in our young people who are resolutely committed to this. Pope Francis – September 2021 It makes me very happy to see that young people have the courage to undertake projects for environmental and social improvement, since the two go together. We adults can learn much from them, because in

all matters related to care for the planet, they are at the forefront. Let us take advantage of their example and reflect on our lifestyle, especially during these moments of health, social and environmental crisis. Let us reflect on how the way we eat, consume, travel, or the way we use water, energy, plastics, and many other material goods, is often harmful to the earth. Let us choose to change! Let us advance with young people towards lifestyles that are simpler and more respectful of the environment. Let us pray that we all will make courageous choices, the choices necessary for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, taking inspiration from our young people who are resolutely committed to this. And they aren’t foolish, because they are committed to their own future. This is why they want to change what they will inherit at a time when we will no longer be here. An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle – The Pope Video 9 – September 2021 - YouTube

Recemos para que todos tomemos decisiones valientes a favor de un estilo de vida sobrio y ecosostenible, alegrándonos por los jóvenes que están comprometidos con él. Papa Francisco – Septiembre 2021 “Me alegra mucho ver que los jóvenes tienen valor de emprender proyectos de mejora ambiental y mejora social, puesto que ambas van juntos.

Los adultos podemos aprender mucho de los jóvenes pues, en todo lo que tiene que ver con el cuidado del planeta, los jóvenes están a la vanguardia. Aprovechemos su ejemplo, reflexionemos, especialmente en estos momentos de crisis, de crisis sanitaria, de crisis social, de crisis ambiental, reflexionemos sobre nuestro estilo de vida. Sobre cómo la forma de alimentarnos, de consumir, de desplazarnos o el uso que hacemos del agua, de la energía y de los plásticos, y de tantos bienes materiales son a menudo perjudiciales para la Tierra. ¡Elijamos cambiar! Avancemos con los jóvenes hacia estilos de vida más sencillos y respetuosos del medio ambiente. Y recemos para que todos tomemos las decisiones valientes, las decisiones necesarias para una vida más sobria y ecosostenible, inspirándonos por los jóvenes ya que estan comprometidos con este cambio. Y no son tontos, porque están comprometidos con el futuro de ellos. Por eso quieren cambiar lo que ellos van a heredar en un tiempo en que ya nosotros no estaremos”. Un estilo de vida ecosostenible – El Video del Papa 9 – Septiembre 2021 - YouTube

REMINDERS Families, please update and turn in your registration forms available at: We encourage all to study the daily readings at, keep up on your prayers and especially pray the rosary each day.

Review copies of Parish Calendars at We invite you to send in your birthdays, anniversaries, and memorials. Please send to or We invite your entire family to participate in our Resurrection Parish communication platforms: Facebook Weekly Bulletin: Weekly Newsletter: YouTube Channel: Website:

RECORDATORIOS Familias, actualicen y entreguen sus formularios de registro disponibles en: Animamos a todos a estudiar las lecturas diarias en, mantenerse al día con sus oraciones y especialmente rezar el rosario todos los días. Revise copias de los calendarios parroquiales en Lo invitamos a enviar sus

cumpleaños, aniversarios y memoriales. Envíe a u Invitamos a toda su familia a participar en nuestras plataformas de comunicación de la Parroquia Resurrección:

Facebook Boletín semanal: Boletín semanal: Canal de YouTube: Sitio web:

SUPPORT THE PARISH WITH YOUR WEEKLY DONATION: Thank you to all who have contributed to Resurrection Parish during the pandemic. We could not continue as a parish family without your prayers, your volunteering, and your financial support. Please continue to support your parish each week by using:

• The collection basket at Mass.

• The DONATE BUTTON on our website, making a direct deposit to our Resurrection Parish KeyBank account

• An envelope and drop it in the mailbox by the office door

• The U.S. Postal Service and mail to PO Box 567, Zillah, WA 98953-0567. If you have any questions, please call the office 509.314.6460 (Tuesday-Friday 1:00-4:30 pm).

APOYA A LA PARROQUIA CON TU DONACIÓN SEMANAL: Gracias a todos los que han contribuido a Resurrection Parish durante la pandemia. No podríamos continuar como familia parroquial sin sus oraciones, su voluntariado y su apoyo financiero. Continúe apoyando a su parroquia cada semana usando:

• La canasta de recolección en la misa.

• El BOTÓN DONAR en nuestro sitio web, haciendo un depósito directo en nuestra cuenta de Resurrection Parish KeyBank

• Un sobre y déjelo en el buzón junto a la puerta de la oficina.

• El Servicio Postal de EE. UU. Y correo postal a PO Box 567, Zillah, WA 98953-0567. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la oficina al 509.314.6460 (de martes a viernes de 1:00 a 4:30 pm).

Resurrection Parish-Staff Contact Information Información de Contacto del Personal de la Parroquia de Resurrection

Father Jacob Davis, Parish Pastor/Pastor Parroquial 509.314.6460 Mrs. Blanca Rodriguez, Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroquial 509.314.6460 Mr. Mario Rodriguez, Grounds & Maintenance/Terrenos & mantenimiento 509.406.8592 Mr. John Griffin, Lay Pastoral Assistant/Asistente pastoral laico 509.930.2551

Mrs. Selma Torres, 1st Holy Communion Coordinator/Coordinadora de la 1st Santa Communion 509.949.1453 Mr. Salvador Cobar, Confirmation Program Coordinator/Coordinador del programa de confirmación 509.840.4665 Mrs. Patty Mengarelli, Prayer Chain Coordinator/Coordinadora de la Cadena de Oración 509.930.2272 M/M Martin & Angelica Rojas, Spanish Baptism Prep/Preparación para el bautismo en español 509.829.6436 Mr. Jose Fidel Marquez, RCIA Coordinator/Coordinador del RCIA 509.439.9215

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