ride the wave of streamlined all on 4 and all on 4 … flyer...ride the wave of streamlined full...

Post on 18-Apr-2020






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Ride the wave of streamlined full arch rehabilitation using All On 4 and All On 4 Plus ...

CliniCal residenCies

Learn from the innovator of the acclaimed All On 4 Plus ® and the techniques that changed the way we think!

Dr Alex Fibishenko Oral Implantology & Dentoalveolar Surgery In Restricted Practice




Watch�&�assist�in�numerous�LIVE�surgeries�with�delivery�of�immediate�permanent�restorations (3-day residenCy)

����Sinus�grafting,�guided�surgery�and�numerous�advanced�surgical�procedures (3-day residenCy)



He� developed� numerous� restorative� and� advanced�surgical� techniques�that�elevated�the�expected�outcomes�

of�oral�rehabilitation�with�dental�implants�to�new�standards.�His�All�On�4�Plus�patient�management� system� has� not� only� been� widely� acclaimed,� but� was� fundamental� in�boosting� the�acceptance�of� the�original�‘All�On�4’� concept�among�conservatives�and�specialists,�turning�skeptics�into�advocates.�

A� frequently� invited� speaker�both� in�Australia� and�abroad,�Dr�Fibishenko’s�dedicated�training�centre�in�Melbourne�has�become�internationally�renowned�as�a�‘Go-To’�clinic�for�advanced�training,�and�has�been�frequented�by�many�of�Australia’s�most�prominent�dentists�and�specialists.��

Dr�Fibishenko’s�practice�is�exclusive�to�dental�implants�and�reconstructive�dento-alveolar�surgery.��He�has�placed�approx.�5000�implants�and�has�been�performing�All-On-4�since�2005.�In�a�clinical�study�project�that�he�commenced�in�2007,�he�has�documented�well�in�excess�of�500�cases� that�he� surgically� treated�using� the�All�On�4�Plus�philosophy�with�a�provisional�cumulative�success�rate�above�99%.��He�works�in�a�surgical�capacity�with�selected�dentists�and�specialists�nationally�and�strives�towards�accomplishing�true�‘specialist’�standards�of�care�in�oral�implantology.


“By�far�the�best�presentation�that�I�have�been�to�for�several�years.�Dr�Fibishenko�displays�the�extremely�rare�combination�of�supurb� implant�placement�surgery�coupled�with� a� great� insight� into� the� prosthodontics� needs� and� implications.” Dr Anders Blomberg, SPECIALIST PROSTHODONTIST, Sydney NSW

Thank� you� for� uncovering� and� clarifying� the� mysteries� and� misconceptions�surrounding�the�All�on�4�procedure.�I�have�been�in�private�practice�for�17�years�and�this�has�surpassed�any�educational�experience�I�have�had�in�the�past�and�to�date�has�been� the�number�ONE� investment� in�my�professional�development. Joe Xanthopoulos, DENTIST, Kew VIC

Alex�has�developed�an� integrated�approach�combining�surgical,�prosthodontic�and� technical� expertise.�The� facility� is� world� class.� He� is� not� only� a� gifted�clinician,� but� also� a� very� generous� and� knowledgable� educator� that� will� be�able� to� offer� attendees� to� his� courses� an� insight� into� implant� rehabilitation. Dr Christopher Ho, IMPLANT DENTIST, Sydney NSW

I� have� been� fortunate� to� have� watched� many� implant� surgeons� across� the�world�and�Alex�is�up�there�with�the�best.�Alex�has�refined�many�techniques�in�implant�placement� and�hard�and� soft� tissue�management.� �His� gentle,�precise�and�meticulous� surgical� technique� is� beautiful� to�watch.�He� has� an� extensive�range� of�“new� age”� skills� designed� to� effortlessly� address� issues� and� provide�more�satisfying�patient�outcomes.�His� superb� results� force�us� to�question� the�empirical�traditional�“old�school”�approach�still�commonly�promoted�by�others. Dr Arnis Lidums, SPECIALIST PROSTHODONTIST, Adelaide SA

I� had� a� “Eureka� Moment”� during� your� course� when� I� realised� that�people� don’t� need� to� keep� their� teeth� to� maintain� the� benefits� that�come� from� having� teeth� –� provided� the� transition� is� done� with� integrity�and� discipline.� It� was� a� privilege� to� be� shown� how� it� should� be� done. Matthew Littleton, DENTIST, Rockhampton QLD

A� spectacular� program.� �Alex� is� generous� at� sharing� his� knowledge.� and� � has�a� gift� for�making� the� complex� seem� simple.� � I�was� very� impressed.� � I�would�highly� recommend� this� course� to� other� dentists,� in� fact,� I� already� have. Brett Taylor, DENTIST, Penshurst NSW

Having� attended� many� courses� in� US� &� Europe� this� one� was� right� up� there,�absolutely� complete� and� comprehensive� in� terms� of� the�All-on-4� plus� clinical�procedures.� �Definitely� exceeded�my�expectations.� �He� takes� participants�with�him� on� a� journey� through� all� aspects� and� is� willing� to� share�more� and�more,�not� holding� anything� back.� Covering� complications� in� detail� and� very� candidly�was�outstanding.�Very�dexterous�with�a� sharp�mind� for� lateral� thinking.�The� live�procedures�from�A�to�Z�were�mind-boggling.�Well�worth�the�long�trip�from�India. Kanir Bhatia, IMPLANT DENTIST, Mumbai INDIA

Alex�has�a�relaxed�but�professional�approach�in�the�presentation�of�his�material.��He�has�very�good�clinical�skills�and�is�very�generous�in�sharing�his�materials�and�ideas Paul McHugh, SPECIALIST PERIODONTIST, Adelaide SA

One� of� the� best� all-on-4� presentations� you�will� see� anywhere� in� the�world” Russell Young, CERAMIST & PROSTHETIST, Melbourne VIC


What colleagues have said:

Proudly supported by Nobel Biocare and:



INTERNATIONAL ALL-ON-4 Plus 3-DAY RESIDENCY: Surgical & Restorative MAXI-COURSE with LIVE SURgERYCourse Fees: Dentist/Specialist - $6,600 Assistants - $990Limited Spaces:MAX. 10 DentistsMAX. 6 Assistants

CPD - 26 Hrs


25 - 27 February SOLD OUT

29 April - 1 May SOLD OUT

26 August - 28 August

25 November - 27 November

SPECIALIST TEAMS ALL-ON-4 Plus 3-DAY RESIDENCY: Surgical & Restorative MAXI-COURSE with LIVE SURgERYCourse Fees: Dentist/Specialist - $6,600Limited Spaces:MAX. 6 Surgical SpecialistsMAX. 6 Restorative Dentists

CPD - 26 Hrs


21 - 23 October

ALL-ON-4 Plus FOR DENTAL PROSTHETISTS:1-DAY Lecture program with LIVE SURGERYCourse Fees: $9351-Day Program

CPD - 6 Hrs


30 August 9am - 5pm

ALL-ON-4 Plus FOR RESTORATIVE DENTISTS1-DAY Lecture Program with LIVE SURgERY and 2-Evening Treatment Planning WorkshopsWorkshop Locations: Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane

Course Fees: $1,980Limited Attendance

CPD - 17 Hrs


15 August 8am - 6pm 14 November 8am - 6pm


Various dates by individual arrangement 5pm - 8pm

Lilly JolevskaEducational Director & Provider Relations Manager


(03) 8845 5454


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