schedule of condition - of... · property address: queens hotel 141 elliott street...

Post on 28-Jul-2018






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Schedule of Condition

Property Address: Queens Hotel

141 Elliott Street


M29 8FL

Property Reference Number:


Document Reference:

DB/KMC/jkw Rev.

Survey Date: 19th June 2018

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

A. Document Control Sheet.

This document was initially prepared by Brownill Vickers Limited on behalf of Star Pubs & Bars and, subsequent to the release of the initial document, revisions

are made at regular intervals to reflect the requirements of Star Pubs and Bars’ property inspection programme.

This section of the report provides details of the document status and details of whom and which company has carried out amendments to the document and

ensures that all previous versions of the report are suitably superseded.

Revision Revision

Date Details of revision Reviewers Company Report Authors Name.



B. Contents

A. Document Control Sheet.

B. Contents

C. Preliminaries

D. Property Details

E. Survey Methodology

F. Executive Summary

G. Schedule of Condition

H. Supplementary Photographs

I. Declaration of document publication

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

C. Preliminaries

Name of company completing the schedule of condition

Brownill Vickers

Chartered Surveyors, Valuers & Property Agents

82 Queen Street, Sheffield, S1 2DW.

Tel: 0114 290 3306

Name of Surveyor who completed the schedule

Mr Denzil R Booth MRICS BSc (Hons) Dip DEA Dip Arb

For and on behalf of Brownill Vickers Tel: 0114 290 3306


Date of site visit

19th June 2018

Date of issue

29th June 2018

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

D. Property Details

Summary of Construction:

The main two storey public house building has a pitched roof structure overlaid with slate roof covering with chimney stacks

located above the main public house to the front and rear elevations. The external guttering systems around the premises consist of a combination of uPVC guttering and metal downpipe installation which terminates at ground floor level. The

external walls around the premises are primarily constructed in masonry brickwork with mortar pointed finishes. The external

window frames and door frames around the public house consist of timber panel doors and single and double glazed casement

window frame installations. No designated public car parking is located within the boundaries of the public house premises.


The ground floor accommodation within the public house consist of entrance porch, main bar area including bar servery,

ladies’ w.c.’s, gent’s w.c. and small rear pool table area. A small landing leads to basement cellars located below the main

public house. The accommodation within the first floor of the public house consists of hall, stairs and landing that lead to

kitchen, bathroom, lounge and various bedrooms.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

E. Survey Methodology

1. Description

In accordance with instructions received from Messer Star Pubs and Bars, Brownill Vickers Limited have carried out an

inspection of the subject premises to provide a Schedule of Condition.

At the time of inspection, the weather was sunny and part cloudy.

The premises were open for business.

2. Orientation

Any reference to left or right is taken from our observation from the road side and facing the front elevation adjacent to Elliott

Street. Our inspection was limited to those parts, which could be seen from ground level within the boundaries of the property

and from the public highway or rights of way.

3. Limitations

Brownill Vickers Limited undertake a non-destructive visual inspection, this means we do not take up carpets, floor coverings

or floorboards, move furniture or, remove the contents of cupboards. Additionally, we do not remove secured panels or undo

electrical fittings etc. We inspect roofs, chimneys and other surfaces on the outside of the building from ground level and, if

necessary, from neighbouring public property and with the help of binoculars, close examination may reveal defects not visible

from a ground level vantage point.

We do not inspect the roof structure from inside the roof space. We are not able to assess the condition of the inside of any

chimney, boiler or other flues. We do not report on the cost of any work to put right defects or make recommendations on

how these repairs should be carried out. Some maintenance and repairs we suggest may be expensive. The property was fully

furnished at the time of our inspection and no removal of furniture or floor coverings was undertaken. In particular floor

coverings were not removed or lifted at the edges and no inspection of any sub-floor voids was undertaken. We therefore

cannot confirm the condition of underlying floor timbers.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Fixtures and fittings, including all floor coverings, do not form part of the freehold. We assume that fixtures and fittings will be

valued as part of a fixtures and fittings inventory and separately assessed independent of this report.

It was not possible to inspect those parts of the property which were covered or unexposed at the time of the inspection and

therefore, we are unable to guarantee that some parts are free from defect.

No tests were carried out to any of the service installations, plant or beneath ground drainage neither was an asbestos survey

/ management plan carried out as part of this instruction. As it was not raining at the time of the inspection it was not

possible to confirm that the rainwater installations were blocked.

This survey does not constitute an asbestos survey and therefore enquiries should be made with to ascertain if a Type 2 or

type 3 asbestos survey has been conducted and the findings thereof. Neither the whole nor any part of the Report or any

reference thereto may be included in any published document, circular or statement, or published in any way without written

approval from Brownill Vickers Limited of the form and context in which it may appear.

Some of the hard-landscaped areas around the site were covered with mosses, lichens, overgrown grasses, foliage and bushes

which limited visibility of the underlying surfaces.

Build-up of mosses, lichens and plants are common on poorly maintained roof coverings. These can cover underlying defects

to these surfaces.

Limited access was only available to the various boundaries around the site due to the premises being located adjacent to

private property and due to the presence of various over grown grasses, foliage, trees and bushes around and within the site.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

4. Condition

Condition Rating


3 - Good Condition

Reported elements had no apparent defects, being clean and well maintained, element

is likely to offer a long serviceable life.

2 - Satisfactory Condition Reported element presented in a serviceable condition with some of wear and tear or

minor damage but not requiring immediate attention.

1 - Poor Condition Reported element in a deteriorated condition or with disrepair evident, likely to require

substantial repair or replacement.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

F. Executive Summary Internal Cellars – a basement cellar is accessed via the first floor bar area with slight dampness evident to wall surface with wear and tear to the floor surfaces typical of this kind of high traffic use location. Damage to the wall surface is located adjacent to the ground floor landing. Public accommodation – the public accommodation is located around the ground floor of the public house which is showing random levels of wear and tear and deterioration to decorative surfaces with the internal face of the external window frame painted surfaces deteriorating and wall panelling decorative finishes deteriorating randomly at low level particularly to the rear pool table area. Random high moisture readings were observed to internal walls on day of inspection. Private accommodation – the private accommodation within the first floor of the public house was showing higher levels of disrepair with a poor bathroom and kitchen installation, random deterioration to decorative finishes with staining to ceiling surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen and high moisture readings observed to many of the internal wall surfaces. External Main buildings – the roof coverings to the main two storey public house building appear to be the original installation with random missing slates, lead tingle repairs present and deterioration to mortar pointing to the ridge and verge tile details. The various chimney stacks located around the main public house are showing levels of disrepair with the front left hand side chimney stack having small plants growing out of the wall surfaces with missing mortar pointing and this chimney stack which is leaning in towards the main public house roof structure. A build up of debris is present to the rear elevation guttering system with plants growing out of the installation in this location and to the front right hand side of the main public house. The external walls around the premises are showing some random disrepair with missing mortar pointing and dampness evident to some of the wall surfaces due to guttering and downpipe leaks. Further deterioration to mortar pointing is evident to the rear parapet wall structure at high level and small section of gable wall facing the rear elevation in this location. The decorative finishes to the majority of the external timber window frame, door frame and fascia board installations are deteriorating with the base timber exposed and rot developing to some of the installations. Site – no designated public car parking was present within the boundaries of the public house. A build up of rubbish and debris is evident to the rear elevation bin storage area with the fencing installation which is timber slightly damaged in this location also. The pointing to the masonry boundary intermediary wall installation in this location is also deteriorated at high level. Slight corrosion is developing to the beer drop doors to the left hand side elevation of the public house with deterioration to the decorative surfaces to the installation and some cracking to the lintel located above the beer drop door installation.

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3


1.1 Main two storey public house building Photos 1 to 26

1.1.1 Roofs A pitched roof structure is overlaid

with slate roof covering with ridge tiles located at the apex of the roof

and a verge detail to the left hand

side of the roof

1 to 2

Roof covering appearing to be the original installation with several slipped

and missing roof slates, random lead

tingle repairs carried out and deterioration to the mortar pointing to

the ridge tile detail

1.1.2 Chimney stack Three Masonry brickwork chimney stack installations are located

above the main roof structure

1 to 2

Random deterioration to the mortar

pointing to the brickwork to the

installations. The left hand side chimney stack as viewed from the front elevation

is leaning in towards the main public

house building with some plants

growing out of the installation

1.1.3 Guttering


External guttering and downpipes

systems consists of uPVC guttering located at eaves level which

connect to metal and uPVC

downpipe systems

1 to 2

Corrosion to the metal downpipe system with deterioration to decorative surfaces

to the downpipes also. Some build up of

plants appear to be evident to the front

right hand side guttering system also

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



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No 3

1.1.4 Walls Masonry brickwork wall to the

front and left hand side elevations


Some slight deterioration to the mortar

pointing to the verge roof detail. Some

random deterioration is present to the mortar pointing to the brickwork to the

left hand side gable end and front wall

surfaces with dampness evident to the wall surface adjacent to downpipe to the

rear left hand side elevation at low level

1.1.5 External


Timber casement window frames, timber panel doors and frames and

timber surrounds and panelling

below and around the window

frame opening

1 to 2

Random deterioration to decorative

surfaces to the window frame and door

frame installations with further deterioration to the plywood door frame

surrounds and window sill detail. A

cracked pane of glass is located to the central left hand side gable end first

floor window frame

1.2 Rear elevation two storey pitched roof adjoining


1.2.1 Roof Pitched roof structure overlaid with slate roof covering with ridge tiles

at the apex of the roof and a small parapet wall detail present to the

rear of the roof

1 to 2

The roof coverings appearing to be the

original installation with a section of lead flashing missing to the rear left

hand side roof slope. Slight cracking

and deterioration is present to the mortar pointing to the verge and ridge

tile detail on the roof with moss and

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

lichen building up to the capping to the

parapet wall detail

1.2.2 Chimney


A masonry brick built chimney stack is located to the very rear of

the roof structure

1 to 2

Patch repairs carried out to the chimney

stack installation, missing mortar pointing and some deterioration to the

mortar bench present

1.2.3 Rainwater


Consist of profile guttering located

at eaves level which connect to downpipe which terminate at

ground floor level

1 to 2

Deterioration to decorative surfaces and cracking evident to the downpipe to the

left hand side elevation at low level

1.2.4 Walls Masonry wall with brickwork finish 1 to 2

Some random deterioration to mortar pointing and dampness evident to wall

surface adjacent to and around burglar

alarm installation on left hand side wall surface with further deterioration to

mortar pointing to the roof level small

gable end that faces the rear elevation

1.2.5 Walls 2 masonry brickwork located above

left hand side rear elevation

ground floor window frame


Slight cracking evident to wall surface

above window frame installation in this


G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

1.2.6 External


Timber casement window frames, uPVC window frame and door and

frame openings

1 to 2

Deterioration to decorative surface to

timber window frame installations and

rot developing to ground floor window frames to rear left hand side elevation.

Further deterioration is evident to

various decorated surfaces to timber window frame to rear and internal

facing installations

1.3 Rear elevation flat roofed single storey

additional building

1.3.1 Roof Flat roof structure overlaid with

green mineral felt roof coverings

1 to 2

The green mineral felt roof covering

appearing to be approximately halfway

through its lifespan

1.3.2 Rainwater


Consist of uPVC guttering and

downpipe systems


Plants and debris building up in the

guttering system as viewed from the

rear elevation

1.3.3 Walls Brickwork wall 2

1.3.4 External


Timber fascia boards and casement window frame


1 to 2

Deterioration to the decorative surfaces

to the fascia board installation and

window frame

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

1.4 Rear intermediary higher flat roof additional


1.4.1 Roof Roof structures consist of flat roof structures which were not visible

on day of inspection

2 (Allocated)

1.4.2 Chimney stack A terminated chimney stack is

located within inner flat roof


1 to 2

Some deterioration to mortar pointing

at high level on installation described

1.4.3 Walls Masonry brickwork wall with

mortar pointing 1 to 2

The brickwork being randomly stained with some receding mortar pointing


1.4.4 Fencing Small metal fencing installation at

top of perimeter wall 1 to 2

Some corrosion developing to metal fencing finish with some plants and

weeds developing to the wall surface at

high level adjacent to the metal fencing


1.5 Site Photos 27 to 34

1.5.1 Car park No designated publican car parking

is present within the boundaries of

the public house. A small car parking area is located to the rear

elevation where bins are stored

with a tarmac finish

1 to 2

Unevenness to tarmac surfacing and a

large build up of rubbish and debris in

this location

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

1.5.2 External and internal


walls and


The external and internal boundaries, walls and fences

consist of masonry walls, open

boundaries and timber fencing


1 to 2

Some random damage to the timber

fencing installation to the rear seating

area with snapped fencings and loose rails to the fencing installation with rot

developing at low level. The mortar

pointing to the inner masonry wall is deteriorating at high level adjacent to

the seating area

1.5.3 Hard landscaping

and paths

Consist of concrete steps and pathway and paving slabbed

covered areas

1 to 2

Some build up of rubbish to rear paving

slab covered seating area with moss

and lichen building up to the concrete upstand adjacent to the bin storage

area with cracking evident to the

concrete finish upstand in this location also. A bush is growing adjacent to the

rear public house building to the left hand side as viewed from the rear


1.5.4 Beer drop


Located on the left hand side

elevation footpath

1 to 2

Some deterioration tot decorative surfaces and corrosion developing to

installation described with slight

cracking evident to lintel that is located

above double beer drop doors

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3


2.1 First floor publican’s rear elevation bathroom


Photos 35 to 89

2.1.1 Ceiling Plastered ceiling with emulsion

paint finish


Heavy mould and staining to ceiling

surface and dampness

2.1.2 Walls Plastered walls with woodchip

wallpaper and emulsion paint

finishes and plastic panelling


Heavy staining and random damage to the plastic wall surfacing with

deterioration to decorative surfaces to

the painted wall surfaces also

2.1.3 Floors Timber floor structure overlaid with

vinyl type floor coverings

1 to 2

Squeakiness to floor surface

2.1.4 Internal


Internal face of external window

frames, internal doors, etc. 1

Wear and tear evident to joinery items

and deterioration to decorative surfaces to internal face of external window


2.1.5 Radiators Metal panel radiator 1

Heavy corrosion developing to radiator

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

2.1.6 Sanitary ware Ceramic wash hand basin, w.c.

and plastic bath


Heavy staining evident to all items with

mould developing to seal to bath

installation and heavy wear and tear


2.2 Hall, stairs and landing that lead to first floor

publican accommodation

2.2.1 Ceiling Plastered ceilings with emulsion

paint finish and woodchip

wallpaper coverings


Slight cracking evident to ceiling surface

2.2.2 Walls Plastered walls with emulsion paint

finish and embossed wallpaper


1 to 2

High moisture readings observed to

internal wall surfaces and dampness

evident to wall surface on landing level

2.2.3 Floors Timber floors and staircase

installation 1 to 2

Random loose floorboards and

squeakiness evident to floor installation

with some missing carpets

2.2.4 Internal


Internal face of external window

frames, internal doors, etc 1 to 2

A cracked pane of glass to the window

frame installation opposite the stairs with deterioration randomly to

decorative surfaces and staining

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

2.2.5 Radiators Metal panel radiator 1

Heavy corrosion developing to bottom of


2.3 First floor publican accommodation; rear left

hand side intermediary bedroom with large

storage room

2.3.1 Ceiling Plastered ceilings with emulsion paint finishes and woodchip

wallpaper coverings

1 to 2

Bowing and cracking evident to ceiling

in corner

2.3.2 Walls Plastered walls with emulsion paint


1 to 2

Plasterwork missing and exposed

brickwork in corner of room and some

high moisture readings observed to

internal walls

2.3.3 Floors Timber floor structures overlaid

with carpet 1 to 2

Some squeakiness and unevenness

2.3.4 Internal


Internal face of external window

frames, internal doors, etc 1 to 2

Some wear and tear and dated joinery


2.3.5 Radiators Metal panel radiator 1 to 2

Some deterioration to decorative


G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

2.4 First floor publican accommodation; left hand side intermediary bedroom adjacent to landing


2.4.1 Ceiling Plastered ceiling with woodchip

wallpaper and emulsion paint finish 2

2.4.2 Walls Plastered walls with emulsion paint

and embossed wallpaper covering


Some slightly high moisture readings

observed to internal walls

2.4.3 Floors Timber floor structures overlaid

with carpet 2

2.4.4 Internal


Internal face of external window

frames, internal doors, etc.

1 to 2

Staining to internal face of external window frame and wear and tear

evident to other joinery items

2.4.5 Radiators Metal panel radiator 2

2.4.6 Landing area

small kitchenette


A small kitchenette is located

within landing

1 to 2

Missing edging strips to worktop and some general wear and tear evident and

different worktop finishes used

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

2.5 First floor publican accommodation; right hand

side intermediary kitchen

2.5.1 Ceiling Plastered ceiling with woodchip

wallpaper and emulsion paint finish


Heavy staining to ceiling surface and

damaged decorative surfaces

2.5.2 Walls Plastered walls with wallpaper and

wall tiling finishes


Staining and poor decorations present and some high moisture readings

observed on day of inspection

2.5.3 Floors Timber floor structure overlaid with

vinyl flooring

1 to 2

Some squeakiness and loose flooring

2.5.4 Internal


Internal face of external window

frames, internal door

1 to 2

Heavy staining to internal face of

external window frame, missing cap but

with the door being of better condition

2.5.5 Kitchen


Consists of wall cupboard, base unit, worktop and inlaid metal sink



Door cupboards and fronts missing,

drawers missing, incomplete worktop

and wear and tear evident

2.5.6 Radiator Metal panel radiator 2

Some slight deterioration to decorative


G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

2.6 First floor publican accommodation; front large

lounge and front left hand side bedroom

2.6.1 Ceiling Plastered ceiling with woodchip

wallpaper and emulsion paint finish

1 to 2

Random cracking and unevenness to

ceiling surface to bedroom and lounge


2.6.2 Walls Plastered walls with emulsion paint

finishes and wallpaper coverings

1 to 2

High moisture readings observed to

internal walls on day of inspection

2.6.3 Floors Timber floor structures overlaid

with carpet

1 to 2

Cracking and squeaking to floor surface

with loose floorboards present

2.6.4 Internal


Internal face of external window

frames, internal doors, etc 1 to 2

Heavy staining to painted finishes to internal face of external window frame,

wear and tear evident to joinery item

2.6.5 Radiators Metal panel radiators 1 to 2

Newer radiator in bedroom and older

radiators in lounge

3.1 Ground floor rear left hand side gent’s w.c.

3.1.1 Ceiling Plastered ceiling with artex and

emulsion paint finishes

1 to 2

Some unevenness to ceiling surfaces

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

3.1.2 Walls Plastered walls with emulsion paint finishes and ceramic wall tiles

within w.c. behind radiator


High moisture readings observed to wall

surfaces on day of inspection, poor

decorative finish with staining to wall

tiles evident

3.1.3 Floors Solid floor structure overlaid with

quarry tile type floor coverings 1 to 2

Staining evident to floor surfaces and

missing grout

3.1.4 Internal


Internal face of external window

frames, internal door, boxings, etc.


Heavy staining to internal face of

external window frame decoration,

missing pipe-boxing and wear and tear evident to joinery items in general.

Skirting missing and rotted door frame to joinery items adjacent to entrance

door w.c.

3.1.5 Radiators Metal panel radiator 1 to 2

Radiator being dated

3.1.6 Sanitary ware Ceramic w.c., metal wash hand

basin and urinal


Metal wash hand basin damaged with

staining evident to other sanitary


G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

3.2 Ground floor rear left hand side ladies’ w.c’s

3.2.1 Ceiling Plastered ceiling with emulsion

paint finishes


Heavy staining and cracking to ceiling surface probably from some kind of roof


3.2.2 Walls Plastered walls with emulsion paint

finishes and some ceramic wall tile

covered wall surfacing

1 to 2

Some damage to plastered surface where w.c .toilet holders have been

pulled off and removed with some high moisture readings observed to internal

wall also

3.2.3 Floors Solid floor structure overlaid with

vinyl type floor covering

1 to 2

Random staining to floor surfacing and

some dating

3.2.4 Internal


Internal face of external window

frames, internal doors, etc 1 to 2

Deterioration to decorative surfaces and

random wear and tear evident to joinery items. Dents are present in right hand

side cubicle door

3.2.5 Radiators Metal panel radiator 1 to 2

Corrosion developing to very bottom of

radiator on corner

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

3.2.6 Sanitary ware Ceramic w.c. and wash hand basin 1 to 2

Seat cover missing to right hand side

w.c. and left hand side w.c. with cistern

top missing to central w.c. and general wear and tear evident to all sanitary

items described

3.3 Ground floor main bar area including bar servery

and small rear corridor

3.3.1 Ceiling Plastered ceilings with emulsion

paint finish

1 to 2

Random deterioration to decorative

surfaces and water damage and staining

to ceiling surface adjacent to front right

bar servery area

3.3.2 Walls Plastered walls with emulsion paint

finishes and embossed wallpaper


1 to 2

Some high moisture readings observed

on day of inspection

3.3.3 Floors A combination of timber floor structures with tiled surfaces and

carpet finishes

1 to 2

With some random wear to floorboard

varnished finished

3.3.4 Internal


Internal face of external window

frame, internal doors, etc

1 to 2

Deterioration to decorative surfaces to internal face of external window frames

and general wear and tear evident

G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

3.3.5 Radiators Metal panel radiator 1 to 2

Random wear and tear evident to

radiators and some deterioration to

decorative surfaces

3.3.6 Bar servery area and


Internal bar areas and counters consist of Altro floor covered

flooring, shelving and bar counter

and frontage


Areas showing typical wear of this type

of location

3.3.7 Fireplaces Three fireplace installations are

located within main bar

1 to 2

Some staining to fire chamber back

detail with no check to flue or fires

carried out in any way on day of


3.4 Ground floor hall, stairs and landing that lead to

and include basement cellar

3.4.1 Ceiling Plastered ceilings with emulsion

paint finishes and fireboard



3.4.2 Walls Masonry wall with emulsion paint

finishes 1 to 2

Damage to wall surface on ground floor

landing with some wear and tear to wall surfaces around beer drop and some

dampness evident typical of this


G. Schedule of Condition.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Item Location Description Condition

Yr0 Condition


No 1



No 2



No 3

3.4.3 Floors Concrete floor structure 1 to 2

Random wear and tear evident of a floor

surface typical of this high traffic usage


3.4.4 Kitchen unit within



Consists of ceramic top 1

Heavy build up of stored goods and

rubbish around installation described

3.5 Ground floor front elevation small entrance


3.5.1 Ceiling Plastered ceiling with emulsion

paint finish 2

3.5.2 Walls Plastered walls with emulsion paint

finish 1 to 2

Some staining and wear and tear to wall


3.5.3 Floors Solid floor structure overlaid with



3.5.4 Internal


Internal face of external doors,

internal doors, etc 1 to 2

Heavy wear and tear evident to door surfaces and timber framework in this


H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Photo (1)

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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H. Supplementary Photographs.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

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I. Declaration of document publication.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

I1. Original Document Issue


“I hereby certify that the preceding Schedule is a true record of the condition of premises at the date of inspection. Denzil R Booth

For and on behalf of Brownill Vickers Limited

Signed and QA by Lee Sidebottom MRICS

For and on behalf of Brownill Vickers Limited

Company Brownill Vickers Limited

Address 82 Queen Street

Town Sheffield County South Yorkshire

Postcode S1 2DW

Phone number 0114290 3306

Website Fax number 0114 275 4971



address Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

Client’s name Star Pubs & Bars Date this report

Was produced 22nd June 2018

I. Declaration of document publication.

Property Address: Queens Hotel 141 Elliott Street Manchester M29 8FL

I2. Amended document Publication declaration.


Revision Declaration

“I hereby certify that the preceding Schedule is a true record of the condition of

premises at the date of inspection. Signed:

Publication Date Signatories company



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