scientific revolution

Post on 28-Sep-2020






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Scientific Revolution1500-1800

New Direction for Science

Scientific Method

Heliocentric vs Geocentric

Other Discoveries

Galileo on Trial

Natural Laws

Improvements in Medicine

The Age of reason( The Enlightenment)

Scientific Method•During the Renaissance, a spirit of curiosity

encouraged some people to study the

natural world.

•By the late Renaissance, scholars had

greatly expanded the body of scientific


•A new approach to the Thinking of ideas

called “Scientific Method”


• The Greek Philosopher

Aristotle created a system

of thought based on

observation and a process

of reasoning called logic.

• “if it looks like a duck and

quacks like a duck… it

must be a duck.”

Between 1200-1700, many Europeans began to question the value of the logic form of problem solving.

Many began to incorporate experiments in the problem solving process.

What developed from these experiments was a new approach to the Natural World.




Nicolas Copernicus

• A Polish

mathematician and

astronomer, played

a central role in

developing the

Scientific method.

• 1543 published his

book Revolutions of

the Heavenly


• Copernicus’s work challenged the Ancient Greek, Ptolemaic, view of the universe.

• Copernicus used mathematics to show Ptolemy was wrong on two crucial points.

1. The Earth was not stationary but rotated on its axis once a day.

2. The Earth, Was Not at the center of the universe, but rather one of several planets that revolved around the Sun in Perfect Circles.

Heliocentric vs Geocentric

• Because most scientific

and religious

philosophies were

based on Greek logic

many Western

Scholars' rejected his

new ideas.

• While his ideas were

not readily accepted,

the way he tested his

ideas using

mathematics, nature

and observation had far

reaching effects on the

scientific world.

Other Discoveries

In the late 1500’s Astronomers Tycho Brahe and his assistant Johannes Kepler proved that the planets Moved around the Sun, but they also proved the orbits were not perfect circles but rather elliptical!

In 1633 the Italian scientist Galileo invented the telescope and proved the universe was very different than what the ancient Greeks believed it to be.

Galileo on Trial• By declaring the heavenly

bodies to be imperfect and changing . Humiliating his opponents in public, Galileo made very powerful enemies.

• His enemies convinced the Catholic Church to condemn his teachings and forbid him from defending his ideas.

• Galileo refused to obey, church officials called him before the INQUSITION.

• In order to avoid being called a heretic and facing a death penalty, at his trial he declared “the earth stands still” Afterwards he whispered “yet it moves?”

Isaac Newton and Natural Laws

1687 published The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in it he proved men like Kepler and Galileocorrect with the use of a new math he called calculus.

Among his most important discoveries was his “Law of Gravity” and his “ Laws of Motion.”

Newton’s Laws Gravity = There is a force of

attraction between objects that increases as objects move closer together.

1st Law of Motion = Every object remains in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line until compelled by an external force to change.

2nd Law of Motion = The change of acceleration with which an object moves is proportional to the magnitude of force applied.

3rd Law of Motion = Every force or action has an

opposite and equal reaction.

Improvements in Medicine

• In the1500s and 1600s

medical scientist began

to challenge the

theories of Galen, a

Greek physician from

the Roman court of

Marcus Aurelius.

• His works dominated

medicine in the Middle

Ages through the


Improvements in Medicine II 1500s Swiss MD. Paracelsus

proved that chemical changes such as transforming one substance into another is impossible.

French MD. Pare` developed ointment for infected wounds and the method for closing wounds with stitches.

1600s English MD. William Harvey proved that the heart was a pump that circulated the blood.

1671 Dutch MD. van Leeuwenhoek used a microscope to see single cell organisms.

The Enlightenment

• During the 1600-1700s Social thinkers

began to use the principles of the

Scientific Method to discover Natural Laws

that governed human behavior.

• As a result this time period is called The

Age of Reason or The Enlightenment .

• These philosophers took the French word

Philosophes as their title.

Men of The Enlightenment

René Descartes

• Considered the

“Father” of modern


• Believed the earth was

composed of 2

substances (matter

and spirit).

• “I think, therefore I


Thomas Hobbes

• English Philosopher

• 1640’s published the Book Leviathan ,in which he describes a state of nature which there was no law or government.

• Hobbes claims life would be “nasty, brutish and short”

• In order to escape the chaos people enter into a

Social Contract with rulers.

• Once they entered the contract, they could not rebel.

John Locke (Mr. Williams favorite Philosopher!)

• Another English Philosopher, John Locke, agreed with Hobbes that the purpose of government is to establish order.

• Unlike Hobbes, John Locke saw human nature more optimistically, he believed “People to be more reasonable and cooperative.”

• He argued that a government should only stay in power only as long as the people want them.

• If the government would not leave, “The people had the right to REBEL.”

John Locke

• 1690 Locke publishes his book, Two Treaties

on Government .

• Locke believed that mankind was born with

Natural Rights and those are:

• Life

• Liberty

• Property

Adam Smith• Scottish Economist

• 1776 publishes The Wealth of Nations

• Opposed mercantilism, favored a Free or Open, Market in which all goods could be bought without restraint. In the Open Market, the means of production is privately owned. Those who own the means of production are called Capitalist.

The Baron de Montesquieu• In his book The Spirit of

Laws, he discusses various forms of Government.

• He was impressed with the type of government developed in England.

• The English preserved liberty by separating the powers of government into 3 branches: legislative, executive, and judicial

Voltaire• Probably the best

known of the Philosophes.

• Voltaire came from a middle-class French family.

• Praised English liberties and believed in the Enlightened Monarch.

• Voltaire also taught that all citizens should have Freedom of Speech, so to be able to speak out against the Government.

Jean Jacques Rousseau Swiss philosophe from a

poor and unhappy family.

He always felt out of place with the intellectuals in Paris.

He was seen as a constant complainer and found himself at odds with most other philosophes.

He believed the nature of man to be basically good.

His ideal society would have mankind form a community and make a contract among themselves, not with their ruler! They would give up some liberties in favor of the common will or majority rule.

Impact of the Enlightenment

• Enlightened ideas spread over Europe as philosophes traveled and corresponded with one another.

• Wealthy women held Salons, or formal gatherings at their homes where writers, musicians, painters, and philosophes presents their works and exchange ideas.

• Only one thing left to do. Create a government based completely on Enlightened ideas@#$%^&*

•Finis! That is French


All done till the

next time


The American Revolution

• Events in England and Enlightenment

ideals greatly influenced the English

colonist in North America.

• England allowed the Colonist to develop

on their own.

• Colonist controlled local affairs, and

England controlled colonial trade.

2 Definitions for Revolution

1. Anything

that changes

human events

2. The use of

Armed Forces

to overthrow

a Government

or Society

The Road to Independence• The French and Indian

war ( also known as the

7 years war) ended in


• American colonist felt

like everything should

remain the same

• The British wanted the

colonist to pay for their

security and set up a

series of taxes to that


• Americans did not want

to pay taxes that they

had no part in making



Act – A tax on all

written or printed


1774 The

Intolerable acts –

a series of laws

passed to control

the American


The Stamp Act

• 1765 - Delegates

from 9 of the 13

Colonies met in New

York to protest the

Stamp Act. The first

Continental Congress

• Riots break out

• 1773 – The Boston

Tea Party, The

British were

outraged by what

they see as an act of


The Americans React APRIL 19, 1775 – At

Lexington British regulars meet armed colonist and “The Shot Heard ‘round the world” is fired.

May 1775 – The Second Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia, some hope for compromise… others want independence.

July 4, 1776 – The Declaration of Independence is signed.

The Declaration of Independence

A letter to the King of England explaining the reasons for independence

Written by Thomas Jefferson

Incorporates the ideals of John Locke

Men are born with Natural or Unalienable Rights.

Rulers rule only with the consent of the RULED

Fighting the War







all large



Major Ports



Fighting on Their own








An American

Victory !!

• October 1777 – The

Battle of Saratoga:

Is considered the

turning point of the


• May 1781 – Battle of

Yorktown : With the

help of the French

Navy, Washington

captures the British

Army and forces a


• September 3, 1783 -The Treaty of Paris is

signed officially

ending the American

Revolutionary War

TheArticles of










Power to


Building a Government

U.S. Constitution 1787 Leaders meet in

Philadelphia to revise

Articles of


1788 The New

Constitution is ratified.

The constitution divides

the powers of the


States responsibilities of

the Government.

States the Rights of its


Impact of American Revolution

Symbolizes a dramatic struggle for


Begins the Great Enlightened Experiment.

Becomes the pattern used for the French



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