shaun vembutty | best way to build high design custom homes

Post on 08-Feb-2017



Real Estate



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Tips to build High end designer custom home


Shaun Vembutty is a serial entrepreneur who was born and raised in Chennai, India. With the beginning of a career as an ERP consultant, Shaun Vembutty started his own consulting firm and  worked  independently for several years. Shaun Vembutty is the owner and founder of Ashton Gray Custom Homes, offering an option to build a high end designer custom home on your lot.

Shaun Vembutty

Begin With Ideas

Begin with Ideas

Shaun Vembutty

You don’t need fancy software to begin making choices approximately for your custom home plan. surely, all you need is a pencil and a piece of paper. sketch your ideas. Brainstorm. Make lists of features you need each room to have – simply get your thoughts from your head and onto paper. Even rough sketches can help your property layout crew understand what you need.

Make plan according to your future

Shaun Vembutty

Make plan according to your future

Do you have any future plans related to your children or ageing parents? If it is, you need to plan to construct your house accordingly. Your custom home plan should consist everything you will be requiring in future. Whether it is an office. Basically, when you think about the amenities in your custom home plan, you are deciding what kind of family you’d like to become. Include features your future self will find handy.

Consider the location of Lot to maximize it

Consider the location of Lot to maximize it

Shaun Vembutty

To give your custom house a great design, be sure where it is located and consider the topography, size and best features of the lot. For instance, a lot overlooking a natures cape will required to be construct in a way so that the living room faces towards the feature. Whereas if you have a stream running through your lot, you nearest the stream so that you choose to place bedrooms  to hear the beautiful sound of running water while sleeping.

Set your Priorities

Set your priorities

Shaun Vembutty

Once you are done with ideas, begin prioritizing features for your new house. Custom home design easily exceeds budget if you start shaping your fantasies. It is always essential to prioritize most important aspects among so many luxurious designs. For instance, if you’ve always dreamed about a box window in the kitchen where you can grow herbs, you may want to prioritize that over installing a line to facilitate a gas stove. Thereby, to get your dream house under the budget, learn to set up priorities.

Consider how your final design will flow before your designer start with


Consider how your final design will flow before your designer start with it

As you and your designer  begin gambling round with wherein diverse rooms must be placed, consider how your final layout will flow and the way your family may function in every space. As an instance, to lessen noise in sleeping regions, it’s sensible to place bedrooms far from the communal regions of the residence. Likewise, if you’re the kind of circle of relatives that tends to gather around the kitchen, an open ground plan with easy flow  between the living room, kitchen and dining area will suit you nicely. This sort of design also allows for excellent flow between rooms.

Shaun Vembutty

Reflect on light

Reflect on light

Light has a powerful influence on humans. Indeed, in areas that see little natural light during the winter months, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is not unusual. This disorder brings feelings of depression, along with weight gain, daytime sleepiness, social withdrawal and lethargy. It is smart to add skylights to your custom house plan in order to maximize the natural light in your home. Skylights are smart because they reduce the need for artificial light and provide as much as 30 percent more light than vertical windows.

Shaun Vembutty

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Thank You

Shaun Vembutty

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