sinaran issue 1

Post on 08-Apr-2015






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Inside this issue:

Shooting Star of SVSB 2

Warm Welcome! Announcment

NSC 2010 3

Open Day 2010 Bidding Farewell

2009: A Flashback 4

Nuptial Knots Tied.. A Point to Ponder


Guiding Lights of SVSB 6666

Great Moments in

Captivity! 8888

SVSB : A Profile 10

Volume 1, Issue 1 March 2010

Principal’s Message

that the school’s development can be

promoted through various activities,

intellectual, creative and cultural in

essence and spirit. This way, we also

want to provide a platform for the

SVSB family to share their views and

futuristic visions regarding the school.

It envisages encouraging the staff and

students to express themselves in

writing and to develop and utilize their

hidden talents to their own benefit as

well as to the benefit of others.

The current trend in every organiza-

tion is to have their voice heard

through their own medium that could

also act as an organ for publicity too.

The SINARAN may also be used as an

“alarm system” to alert us and to deter

us from possible undesirable aspects

that may go unnoticed otherwise. In

addition to this, we visualize it as a

system for every individual in the

school to invite the attention to vari-

ous aspects that may expedite and

actualize the improvement and devel-

opment of the institution. This could

also help to bring to notice the various

areas where innovative ideas, con-

cepts and practices can help in creat-

ing a better future projected in our


W elcome to the first edition of

our “SINARAN” 2010!

As the Principal of Sekolah Vo-

kasional Sultan Bolkiah, I would like

to congratulate the Publication and

Library Unit, at the outset itself, for

their sincere efforts to realize the

dream of bringing out the first issue

of SINARAN with the purpose of

sharing information about our school

and its activities.

At the same time, SINARAN is de-

signed to serve as a mechanism to

bring the whole school alive and

active. It is an outcome of our vision

SINARAN also aims at improving the

public perception of our school as a

centre of vocational education on the

one side, and helping in becoming

more and more aware of our respec-

tive roles in achieving this goal.

Through this, we may put on record

the historical moments and mile

stones achieved by the school so as to

give wider exposure to all concerned.

Even with information technology

reaching out to the masses populariz-

ing social networking and virtual

spaces such as facebook, twitter,

myspace etc, publications like SINA-

RAN will still be valid and hence be

recognized despite all the modern

outcomes of new technologies. It is

the realization of the above fact that is

behind our endeavour to publish both

the print and soft versions of SINA-

RAN. Insha Allah, it will be published

as a quarterly, throughout this year.

It is indeed my honour and pleasure

that I can update you about our genu-

ine concerns and challenges via this

medium, our SINARAN. Let me recall

some of our accomplishments in the

recent past. (Continued on P.2)

From the Editor’s Desk velops into a flame of greater magni-

tude in a short while.

In fact, any effort to express poses

the potential threats from the natu-

ral limitations of language in trans-

lating fully and effectively, the inner-

most or hidden layers of feelings and

inexplicable experiences. Hence all

expressions tend to be partial in

effect. Yet they always carry the

fragrance and flavour of the unspo-

ken word, like a dew drop reflecting

T his publication being our mod-

est venture to bring to light the

various curricular and co-curricular

activities of our school, we’ve chosen

the title SINARAN meaning a radiat-

ing line or the act of illuminating

part of a thing.

It implies the ray of hope for a bright

and brilliant future that the school’s

activities invariably kindle in the

heart of all those involved. It is our

sincere wish that the tiny spark de-

the universe around!

Finally learning, whether for the

student or the master, signifies the

sublime activity of adding much light

to one’s life in multifarious ways,

resulting in the transition from dark-

ness to light, for the free and fair

understanding and expression of the


Let us receive, share and shed light

in sheer delight!



To develop Sekolah Vo-

kasional Sultan Bolkiah

into a centre of excellence

in commercial and engi-

neering studies and to

establish a good working

relationship with local



To provide theory and

practical training to qual-

ify school leavers and

youth by maximizing the

use of available resources

and facilities to be able to

channel them to commer-

cial and engineering ca-

reers through techni-

cal/vocational training



H ajah Januaryah binti Tamil, a student of Clerical Studies

of the February 2008-July 2009 batch, was selected

the best student of the year 2009 in the 12th convocation

held on Oct. 15, 2009 at ICC. She was awarded a medal and a

cash prize. This position came to her as a reward for her hard

work and dedication. She was a regular student throughout

her course. As a result, she topped the list of BDTVEC – Na-

tional Vocational Certificate examination with four distinc-

tions and two merits in various subjects. She maintained 99%

attendance and was lauded for her good character. All these

together earned her a place in “the Roll of Honor”. Members

of staff and students of SVSB are proud of her and are

pleased to congratulate her for her outstanding achievement

and wish her the best in future.

Shining Star of SVSB

O ur school was much delighted to welcome a new

staff member, Dyg Melati Bte Haji Abdullah, to

the library and Dyg Nor Qamariah Haji Yunos to DNT

Section. Dyg Melati began her first day as Assistant

Librarian on 25 Jan. 2010. She has worked formerly as

the Assistant Librarian in Sekolah Menengah Pengiran

Jaya Negara Abu Bakar, Belait for four years.

Being asked about her first impression as regards the

school’s library, she remarked that it would be too

soon to make any comments. Nonetheless, she said

she was pleased to be a part of the school and looks

forward to contributing her share to convert the li-

brary into a haven for SVSB students who are

interested in reading.

Whereas Dyg Nor Qamariah Fahkriah Haji

Yunos joined DNT Section of Business and Cleri-

cal Department as a daily rated teacher in the

forenoon of 18 Jan.2010. She is a well qualified

lady who after passing her A’ Level Exam, was

sent to Manchester Metropolitan University on

government scholarship where she did HND in

Textile Technology for Fashion. She loves the

school and enjoys working here.

Warm Welcome!

Dyg Nor Qamariah

Haji Yunos

Dyg Melati Bte Haji


The following instructors have been assigned the charge of offices mentioned against their names, from 1st February 2010. This is in addition to their normal duties in their current posi-tions. The entire school is glad to have them in the respective positions discharging the duties and responsibilities most efficiently and successfully in the interest of the establishment.


Mr Mohd Hamidy bin OKMB Haji Othman Head, Mechanical Department

Mr Azman bin Hj Wahid Asst Head, Mechanical Department (1)

Mr Abd Latiff bin Hj Hitam Asst Head, Mechanical Department (2)

Mr Munif Ahmad Acting Head, Business & Commercial Dept

Mr Mohd Zainor bin Hj Awang Zainal Acting Head, Business & Clerical Section

• Paintings

• Caricatures

• Jokes

• Quotations

• Puzzles

Some highlights of the next issue...

• Educational visits to SVSB

• Business Seminar at OGDC

• Typing Speed Master Challenge 2010

• Apprenticeship Signing Ceremony

• Industrialists appreciated for long term service and support.

• Drawing Competition

The Publication and Library Unit is glad to invite materials to be published in the future issues of Sinaran. All the staff and students are urged to make use of their talents and enrich the publication in their own way. Please submit creative and other original works to the Secretary of the Unit.

• Articles

• Stories

• Poems

• Sketches

• Cartoons


Page 2

Principal’s Message Continued:

We are proud to have taken part in

the yearly celebration of National Day

and also, to have observed Majlis

Korban (the Sacrifice Ceremony) on 27

November, 2009. The institution wit-

nessed spirited participation by all

during the speech competition and

Sukan Ria held to mark the end of

semester break in December. January

proved to be a hectic time with the

new admission process and welcom-

ing of the new batches.

In the area of education and training,

we have been successful in joining

hands with the Ministry in preparing

for the implementation of SPN21 by

2012 and developing the curriculum

through the various PDECs. The staff

mentoring unit conducted a workshop

for giving orientation to the newly

appointed teachers regarding policies,

rules and regulations in force. The three day long

departmental exhibition added more hue and colour

to the launching and conducting of National Skills

Competition 2010 for Fashion Technology and Weld-


Alhamdulillah, due to the concerted effort and un-

stinted support of all, we have surmounted all the

obstacles of the past year. With firm faith and deter-

mination, we shall continue working hard and strive

as a team to face new challenges on the path of pro-

gress in the days to come.

Thank you! And till the next issue, Wassalam!

Fifth National Skills Competitions 2010 tribution as an educator could also be assessed

from the performance of the students, he


After the launch, the guest of honour paid a visit

to the display areas and workshops where dem-

onstrations were held by the students of various

courses offered in Sultan Bolkiah Vocational


The National Skills Competition was held for

three days from 2nd

to 4th

February 2010 when

the public and students in the locality could visit

the school and wit-

ness the talents.

Welding and Fash-

ion Technology

were the two skill

areas in which com-

petitions were held.

The participants

from Welding were

Mohammed Rah-

mat Bin Abdullah

and Junie Anak

Inggang, and Jessica

Anak Rantai, Noor

Qaiyimah Bte Hj

Jamaeh and Noralipah Binti Mohd Sahlan were

the participants from Fashion Technology.

SVSB students from Automotive, RAC and ICT

also took part in the 5th

National Skills Competi-

tion held in other institutions. The students who

took part in the Automobile Technology Compe-

O n the 1st

Feb 2010, Sultan Bolkiah Voca-

tional School had the soft opening for the

National Skill Competition. The guest of honour

was Awg Hj Abdullah Bin Ahmad, Assistant Di-

rector of Technical Education Department.

The ceremony commenced with the recitation

of Surah Al-Fatihah

by Ustaz Hirmin.

This was followed

by the welcoming

address by the

school’s Principal,

Cikgu Akandi Bin Hj

Abd Razak. The

Principal expressed

the hope that both

the teaching com-

munity and the

students commu-

nity would invaria-

bly benefit a great

deal from such

events. The guest of honour then delivered his

speech and inaugurated the National Skills Com-

petition 2010.

The guest of honour observed that the aim of

the National Skills Competition was to select

potential students to represent Brunei in the 8th

ASEAN Skill Competition to be held in Bangkok,

Thailand. Moreover, this competition provides a

rare opportunity to the students to bring out

their real capabilities and capacities in their

respective skill areas so that the teacher’s con-

tition held in Pusat Latihan Mekanik were Abdul

Akhimah Bin Md Salleh Haini and Abdul Za’afri

Bin Abd Za’abah. Abdul Azim Bin Hj Abdul Rah-

man and Muhammad Reimi Bin Rambli from ICT

took part in the IT Software Application Compe-

tition in MKJB. Meanwhile, Muhammad Hafizul

Asmee bin Jasni and Mohammad Fathuddin bin

Mohd Daliare were among the contestants

competing in 5th

National Skills Competition in

the discipline of `Refrigeration' at MKJB.


S VSB held the

Open Day from


to 4th

Feb to attract

the attention of gen-

eral public and the

students of other

institutions towards

the courses offered ,

the well trained and qualified workforce and

modern equipment used here.

To make this event smooth and effective, the

Business and Commercial Department, Me-

chanical Department and ICT Department had

prepared well in advance. Exhibition of tools,

objects and equipment that form an integral

part of these departments was organized to

impress the visitors.

The ICT Slideshow related to some educational

visits, picnics and sports day by ICT students

remained the centre of attraction. Their Com-

puter Hardware Booth wherein they displayed

various computer models and the hardware also

attracted crowds.

The Business and Commercial Department

added hue and color to this event by briefing

the students how the various programmes such

as NVC in Accounting Clerk, PND and ND in Busi-

ness and Finance run here can open the flood

gates of job opportunities. They also displayed

pictures and posters, and did slideshows of their

curricular and extracurricular activities. Stalls

were opened

where Business

students con-

ducted the sale of

various fancy

items at cheap


The Mechanical

Department wel-

comed the visitors to cool off from the scorch-

ing sun in their Air-conditioning Section to re-

lieve before they were taken to the workshops

of Welding and Fabrication, Automotive, Vehicle

Body Repair and Machining Sections. The visi-

tors had a nice opportunity to know about the

machinery of various sizes and use as well as

tools and equipment on display.

Open Day 2010

Page 3

Bidding farewell!

S VSB saw an illustrious teacher bid farewell

to the institution as Cikgu Zamain bin Haji

Abd Rahman, Head of the Mechanical Depart-

ment was transferred to and posted in Profes-

sional Development Section in the Department

of Technical Education. He has served the

school for over a period of twelve years. We are

glad to see him in the new role and wish him a

glorious career and all success in future life!

Speech CompetitionSpeech CompetitionSpeech CompetitionSpeech Competition

A speech competition was organized by the

General Studies Department in November

2009. The aim was to promote public speaking

skills in stu-

dents at

SVSB. It also

served as a

platform to

display their

talents with a



In his open-

ing speech,

Mr Tauqir

Ahmad high-

lighted the

importance of communication skills in life

especially in the 21st


tury business world, and

the role they play in getting

and retaining a job.

A total of 15 students took

part in the competition and

they spoke on a variety of

topics that included inter-

net, sports, environment,

travel, music etc. Stephynie

Viviana of ND2/BNF/09

emerged the best speaker

in the National Diploma

category with her topic

‘Socialization’. In the Pre

National Diploma category, Mohamad

Rafaie of PND/BNF/11 won the top prize with

his lively delivery on ‘Do you

think you can dance?’ while in

the NTC / NVC level,

Mohammad Izzuddin of Vehicle

Body Repair section impressed

both the judges and audience

with his profound views on

youth problems.

The guest of honour was the

Principal, Cikgu Akandi Bin Hj

Abdul Razak, who was visibly

impressed by the students’ tal-

ents and enthusiasm displayed

during the competition.

conducted and delivered by the

senior staff mem-

bers including the

heads of each de-

partment who

acted as the men-

tors of the partici-


Throughout the four day work-

shop, participants were involved

A four day long workshop

for the new teaching staff

was conducted during the

school’s final term holidays. The

objective of the workshop was to

brief the newcomers regarding

teaching and assessment meth-

ods, implementation of common

skills and also implementation of

the BDTVEC Assessment Policy.

The workshop sessions were

in various activities individually as well as in groups. The final day of the

workshop required each group to do

presentations on what they had

gained from the workshop. Each

participant including the mentors

involved in the workshop was re-

warded with a certificate which was

presented by the Deputy Principal,

Cikgu Muhd Sani bin Abdul Rahim

Unan in an assembly held earlier this year.


There were sixteen games alto-

gether, such as Badaboom Pow!

(BNF), Ball In The Hole (ICT), Fan-

tastic 4, 4 x 4 (Machining), Iron

Man (Automotive), Ketuk-Ketampi

(VBR), Lumba Jet Ski & Pancing Botol (FNW),

Bottle Cup Relay (RAC) and Top-up or Re-

charge Game (GS). The prize giving ceremony

was conducted in the afternoon in the SVSB’s

Multipurpose Hall.

Another FUNDAY was held on the 25th


vember 2009. This was also known as the

Mini Sport Day with the aims of celebrating

the Teacher’s Day and welcoming the new

students to our school. There were three

games held by the Students’ Council Committee; the

Instruct Game, 3 in 1 Game and 4 in 1 Game. All of

these three games were open to all the teachers and

new students, and the prize giving session was con-

ducted at the quadrangle.

S aturday, 13th

June 2009, marked

the end of our 2nd

term school ses-

sion and it was certainly one of the FUN-

DAYS to all the SVSB staff and students.

It was the school’s yearly event and was

known as ‘the Sukan Ria SVSB’.

The aims of the Sukan Ria were to create

a much closer relationship among all the

staff, teachers and students and to cre-

ate team spirit among students in han-

dling group work tasks. The guest of

honour was Cikgu Hjh. Hanita binti Hj.

Hussen, our school’s Registrar, who

inaugurated the event.

2009: A Flashback

Workshop For New TeachersWorkshop For New TeachersWorkshop For New TeachersWorkshop For New Teachers

Page 4


J abatan Ugama, Sekolah Vokasional Sultan

Bolkiah sering menganjurkan majlis

khatam Al-Quran bagi penuntut-

penuntutnya. Majlis khatam Al-Quran tahun

2009 di adakan pada 10hb September

2009M bersamaan dengan 20hb Ramadhan

1430H di dewan utama sekolah. Acara ini

dimulakan pada pukul 5 petang dan diakhiri

pada pukul 9 malam.

Tujuan majlis khatam Al-Quran dan berbuka

puasa ini diadakan di sekolah adalah untuk

menyemarakkan lagi suasana bulan Ramad-

han dengan membanyakkan aktiviti keuga-


Tetamu kehormat pada majlis tersebut ialah

Yang Mulia Cikgu Haji Abdullah bin Ahmad,

Penolong Pengarah dari Jabatan Pendidikan

Teknik. Juga turut hadir ialah Pengetua SVSB,

Cikgu Akandi, Ketua-ketua Jabatan, guru-

guru dan kakitangan sekolah. Seramai 45

orang penuntut yang mengambil bahagian

yang terdiri dari


tut dari Jabatan

Komputer, Perda-

gangan dan Ko-

mersial dan


Majlis khatam Al-

Quran ini di

teruskan dengan majlis berbuka puasa

di antara guru-guru dan penuntut-

penuntut di sekolah ini. Untuk menye-

marakkan lagi suasana di bulan Ramad-

han, majlis ini diteruskan lagi dengan sembahyang

terawih dan witir berjemaah yang diadakan di surau

Sekolah Vokasional Sultan Bolkiah.


2009: Imbasan

Page 5



ibadah korban di

adakan adalah

untuk memperin-

gati peristiwa

kisah Nabi Ibra-

him a.s dan

anaknya Nabi

Ismail a.s. dan

juga untuk me-

meriahkan lagi majlis Hari

Raya Aidil Adha.

Acara tersebut di adakan di

sebelah pagi, bertempat di

dewan makan Sekolah Vo-

kasional Sultan Bolkiah.

Seramai 28 orang peserta

yang mengambil bahagian

dalam acara ibadah korban

pada tahun ini. Sebanyak

empat ekor kerbau dan sapi dijadikan

korban dalam acara itu.

Selepas acara penyembelihan, dag-

ing-daging korban tersebut di agih-

agih kan oleh Pengetua , Cikgu

Akandi bin Abdul Razak kepada fakir

miskin, warga sekolah dan para suka-

relawan yang hadir pada hari itu.

S alah satu amal ibadah

yang disunatkan pada

Hari Raya Aidil Adha ialah

melakukan korban. Waktu

menyembelihnya ialah

sesudah mengerjakan sem-

bahyang sunat Aidil Adha

sehingga hari tasyrik (13

Zulhijjah). Jabatan Ugama,

Sekolah Vokasional Sultan

Bolkiah telah menganjur-

kan acara ibadah

korban pada 29hb

November 2009M

bersamaan dengan

12hb Zulhijjah

1430H sempena

meraikan Hari Raya

Aidil Adha.

Page 6


Page 7


Page 8

Page 9

S ince its inception

almost seventeen

years ago on 7th


1993, Sekolah Vokasional

Sultan Bolkiah has been

lived up to the expecta-

tion of the general public

as a centre of learning

par excellence in the

technical, vocational and

business disciplines.

Located in a sprawling

12.68 hectares of lush

green surroundings near

the Seria town, it caters

to the needs of the aspir-

ing youth of the nation. Originally named as

Sekolah Vokasional Lorong Lima, it was re-

named on 7th

August 1996. Today the school

offers as many as twenty academic pro-

grammes to develop the nation’s human

resource for employment mostly in business

and industry.

The school is proud to have produced the

workforce of the country with the help of

highly skilled and qualified teachers who are

committed to the core. The infrastructure

available here is rated as the best available

in the country too. Various facilities like me-

chanical workshops, dressmaking and tailor-

ing workshop, laboratories, library,

lecture theatre and language lab are

available in the school.

The active support garnered from the

local industries to provide actual train-

ing to the students on rolls in the real

work atmosphere has been remarkable.

The knowledge and skills that the stu-

dents imbibe and develop in the class-

rooms, workshops, laboratories etc are

applied in real work environment and

perfected with the supervision and

guidance from experts in business firms

and industrial units.

Brief history and facilities available Brief history and facilities available Brief history and facilities available Brief history and facilities available

Vision, Mission and Objectives


To provide theory and practical

training to qualify school leavers

and youth by maximizing the

use of available resources and

facilities, to be able to channel

them to commercial and engi-

neering careers through techni-

cal or vocational training pro-



• Increase professionalism among

the committed staff members for

the needs of Vocational and Technical


• Provide highly skilled manpower

for industry’s needs

• Enhance collaboration with local


• Put vocational and technical

education in the limelight



To develop Sekolah Vokasional

Sultan bolkiah into a centre of

excellence in commercial and

engineering studies and to es-

tablish a good working relation-

ship with local industries

Page 10


The school rightly boasts of

having produced the best

outgoing students several

times over the years. Most

of the successful scholars

have had the good fortune

to be employed by reputable

organizations immediately

after their passing out. The

school hopes to be upgraded

in due course and to run

academic courses of higher

levels in many more disci-

plines as SPN21 gets intro-


The additional mechanisms

like the Students’ Council, Extra Curricular

Activities’ Committee, Counseling Service,

Discipline Committee etc play their re-

spective roles in helping the students to

develop their personality so as to grow up

as responsible, self-disciplined and loyal

individuals committed to the development

of the country in every situation. Further

the various activities are specially de-

signed to nurture creativity and emotional

intelligence in the enterprising youth of

the country.

The other facilities include the surau and

canteen as well as the multi-purpose hall.


Major Departments & Programmes Offered

T he Mechanical Department

consists of four sections

namely Automotive, Vehicle

Body Repair, Welding and Fabri-

cation, Refrigeration and Air-

conditioning and Machining sec-

tions. The Mechanical Depart-

ment runs more than fifty per-

cent of the total number of pro-

grammes offered by the school.

The major programmes are listed


The different praogrammes pro-

vide the students with a wide

range of skills and knowledge in

various areas such as motor vehi-

c l e m a i n t e n a n c e , a i r -

conditioning, welding and fabrication

as well as refrigeration and air-


• BDTVEC National Trade Certifi-

cate Grade 2 Apprenticeship Training

Scheme in Automotive Technician

• BDTVEC National Trade Certifi-

cate Grade 2 in Motor Vehicle Me-


• BDTVEC National Trade Certifi-

cate Grade 2 in Vehicle Body Repair

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate Grade 2 in Machining

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate Grade 2 in Refrigera-

tion and Air-conditioning

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate Grade 2 in Welding

and Fabrication

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate Grade 3 in Motor

Vehicle Mechanics

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate Grade 3 in Vehicle

Body Repair

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate Grade 3 in Machining

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate Grade 3 in Refrigera-

tion and Air-conditioning

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate Grade 3 in Welding and


Mechanical DepartmentMechanical DepartmentMechanical DepartmentMechanical Department

Business and Business and Business and Business and Commercial DepartmentCommercial DepartmentCommercial DepartmentCommercial Department

• BDTVEC National

Diploma in Business

and Finance

• BDTVEC Pre-National Diploma in

Business and Finance

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate

Grade 2 in Dressmaking and Tailoring

• BDTVEC National Trade Certificate

Grade 3 in Dressmaking and Tailoring

• BDTVEC National Vocational Cer-

tificate in Clerical Studies (General Of-

fice Clerk)

• BDTVEC National Vocational Cer-

tificate in Clerical Studies (Account


C omprising of the Business

and Clerical Section as

well as the Dressmaking and

Tailoring Section, the Business

and Commercial Department

conducts six programmes in

total. The programmes offered

are of National Diploma level

and National Vocational Certfi-

cate level. The students are

amply trained to become use-

ful manpower or entrepre-

neurs who can utilize the fu-

ture market’s potential in the

country and the region, at



Information and Communication Technology Information and Communication Technology Information and Communication Technology Information and Communication Technology DepartmentDepartmentDepartmentDepartment

T he Information and Technology Department has the hon-

our of running two programmes in computer studies

preparing students to meet the ever increasing demands of the

country’s software and IT industry. These are National Diploma

level programmes specially tailored to impart highly technical

and specialized knowledge relevant for the IT sector, software

application and computing.

• BDTVEC National Diploma in Computer Studies

• BDTVEC Pre-National Diploma in Computer Studies

General Studies DepartmentGeneral Studies DepartmentGeneral Studies DepartmentGeneral Studies Department required for prospective employment

or higher education, workplace interac-

tion and self-expression.

The courses in Mathematics and Science have

direct bearing on the logical and critical thinking

skills relevant in the respective areas of study so

as to enable them comprehend and assimilate

the complex concepts, principles and applica-

tions with ease.

All these courses are activity based and learner-

centred as well, the approach and design pro-

vide much scope for the integration and applica-

tion of skills necessary in the major field of study

and prospective employment.

T he department supports

and augments the needs of

other departments by providing

the basic skills required for per-

sonal development such as those

related to communication, nu-

meracy and scientific and logical

comprehension of technology

and other areas of study. All

courses are specially tailored

keeping in mind the vocational or

technical programmes con-

cerned. The language courses are

designed in such a way as to

improve the basic linguistic skills

Ugama DepartmentUgama DepartmentUgama DepartmentUgama Department

T his department focuses on the teaching of

Islam and thus broadening the students’

knowledge and vision of life in total. Religious func-

tions like “Maulidul Rasul” and “Israk Mikraj”are

organized and observed in the institution with the

active participation of the department and support

from other staff members.

Some inter-departmental competitions like “Nasyid”

initiated by the Ugama Department have been wel-

comed by students with great enthusiasm.

Page 11


Nuptial Knots Tied...

Abdul Malik Ar Rasyid bin Hj. Mohd Idris.

Exactly two weeks after, following the

steps of Cikgu Juradyani was Cikgu

Zanariah @ Zamila, who married Zul-

hilmi bin Ahmad Sherjawi on the 20th

December 2009. Present at both cere-

monies were the staff of SVSB.

All the staff of SVSB would like to con-

gratulate both newlyweds, and may

Allah bless both couples!

T wo “lovely young” flowers of

SBVS had ended their bachelo-

rette lives when they found their per-

fect knights in shining armors. They

are Cikgu Juradyani binti Hj. Akup

from the BNF Department and Cikgu

Zanariah @ Zamila binti Jumat from

the ICT Department.

On 6th

December 2009, Cikgu Ju-

radyani was happily wed to Awang

ally related to us than those who were close to us

through genealogy. The famous “Polar Girl” Dk

Najibah Eradah and the globe trotter Norhayati

Abu Bakar will be remembered ever for the spirit of

adventure they have displayed that make them

unique and special.

So it is not personal or family relations that make a

person worth remembering. It is something else.

Yes, in fact, it is the unique contributions that one

makes to the world that, in turn, makes him unfor-

gettable as long as mankind is there.

On the one hand it is a pity that it is, as if you were

never born even, though you might have led a

happy and contented life with your wife, children

and grand children, and howsoever responsible

and caring you would have been.

Once having realized this fact, ask yourself the

question, “What do I want – to be remembered for

ever or forgotten by the posterity?” Your answer

will be “to be remembered for ever” as nobody

would ever like to remain untraceable down the

memory lane. In that case, it is left to you to decide

and act now so that you shall never be forgotten.

A good decision, if not followed by corresponding

action, will just be considered nothing more than

mere “wishful thinking”. And as the saying goes, “If

wishes were horses, beggars would ride”. Never

would the writer of this piece ever like to reckon

any of the students to be fit in anyway, to be asso-

ciated with a proverb of this sort. Then how come

that any of you could wish for something great and

not act towards achieving that goal?

So, with the best intentions and full confidence in

your abilities, prepare an action plan and begin

earnestly! May the future be brilliant! And may

your name live forever in the hearts of people


K.B.V. Nair

Simply do this exercise for a while.

O n a plain paper, write down your father’s

name. As well, write a few things about him

against his name. Now, below it, write his father’s

name and a few remarkable things about him too.

Continue the same about his father and the former

ones in the line of ancestry.

Very soon, you might start wondering why we

don’t remember even the names of our own great

grandfathers and their predecessors, let alone their

remarkable qualities, though they all have been

our own forefathers from whom we and our fami-

lies have evolved.

Now try to write what you know about Thomas

Alva Edison, Abraham Lincoln or Alexander the

Great. Anyone with an average education will be

able to write a few things about these personalities

of the past. It may be interesting to note that we

“know” much more about such people not person-

A Point to Ponder (For Students)

Advisor: Cikgu Akandi Bin Abdul Razak Chairperson: Cikgu Alageswari Ramasami Secretary: Cikgu Maseri Norselwah Hj Akip Editor-In-Chief: Cikgu K.B. Venugopalan Nair Editors: Cikgu Robert Lesney Cikgu Tauqir Ahmad Cikgu Parveen Aktar Reporters: Cikgu Norhamizah Hj Hamdan Cikgu Siti Umi Rufaidah Mohamad Cikgu Hemy Pilpus Cikgu Md Azhar Abdullah Ustazah Hjh Sarinah Haji Musa

Editorial Board

Student Reporters: Mohd Rafaie Bin Takong Nor Asyurah Bte Hj Ahmad Abdul Malek Bin Ali Ernie Sahliza Bte Salleh Md Shamsul Bin Husin Timothy Koo Graphic Designer in Charge: Cikgu Christopher Lee Cikgu Hanani Ajak Dyg Nur Aliah Mohd Zain Student Graphic Designers: Mohd Hifzhan Dzulfiqar Azhar Md Azbe Hidayatullah Zainul Ariffin Khairulanwar Hj Ismail Nurzawane Abdul Rahman

All the staff and students of SVSB offer their condolence to Cikgu Juradyani of the BNF Department at the sad demise of her father, Hj. Akup bin Hj.

Kalong. He passed away on 11th

January 2010 at RIPAS Hospital. May Allah bless his departed soul and reward him Jannat-Firdaus in the next world!



Page 12

Laugh at life, and at last, weigh its worth!

“Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it.” Christopher Morley

“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.” John Lennon

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” Sir Winston Churchill

Printed and Published for Internal Circulation only

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