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In 2019 the WA Training Awards celebrate 25 years recognising the outstanding achievements

of apprentices, trainees and vocational students, and the

contribution to training made by trainers, training

organisations and employers.

The WA Training Awards has a distribution network of over 10,000

individuals and organisations and attract hundreds of applications

each year. The Awards culminate in a Presentation Dinner

attended by approximately 450 people each year.

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 2

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 3

Your involvement with the WA Training Awards, as the leading training awards program for Western Australia, provides your organisation with a unique opportunity to profile your company and its commitment to training in this State.

Supporting rights to an award or part of our program is just the beginning of the long list of valuable marketing opportunities sponsors receive. Organisations gain great exposure to a diverse audience through the Award’s extensive promotional campaign.

Editorial exposureEditorial exposure for the 2018 program equated to more than $27,000 in advertising value with stories reaching over 500,000 people.

Social mediaOur social media posts across Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram were viewed by 666,610 people with our Facebook advertising generating over 61,000 post engagements. ContactPlease discuss with us further how your organisation can contribute to and benefit from this prestigious program and event.

Elysia TsangaridesWA Training Awards CoordinatorT: 6551 5608E: elysia.tsangarides@dtwd.wa.gov.au


WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 4


Logo and or name recognitionBranding and logo recognition in promotional materials, WA Training Awards website, application and ticketing systems online, invitations.

Media exposureOrganisation’s name will be included in all official Departmental media statements and mentioned in association with your category/contribution as appropriate. WA Training Awards stories in 2018 reached over 500,000 people.

Social media exposureDirect social media promotion of your organisation and promotion of your organisation in posts associated with your category/contribution. In 2018 WA Training Awards social media posts were viewed by over 666,600 people.

Presentation DinnerWA Training Awards Presentation Dinner provides a networking and promotional opportunity for your organisation to approximately 450 guests from the vocational education and training sector including key decision makers, employers, training providers, students, trainers and the Minister for Education and Training.

Direct involvementYour organisation has the opportunity to be involved in the judging process and meet some of the best apprentices, trainees, vocational students, trainers, employers and training providers in WA.

Positive brand associationThrough your support of the WA Training Awards your organisation is associated with a sector committed to building the WA workforce and providing positive career pathways. Your organisation has the opportunity to give back and engage with the community, rewarding those who are setting the benchmark for quality training outcomes in WA.

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 5


BENEFIT Presentation dinner sponsor $20,000

Category sponsor $10,000

VIP function sponsor $5,000

Judging Day sponsor $5,000

Support sponsor $2,500


Category naming rights X

Event naming rights (of sponsored event)



Profile on WA Training Awards website X X

Logo on WA Training Awards website X X X X X

Logo on all supporting promotional material


Logo on application portal X X

Logo on official WA Training Awards eNewsletters to stakeholders and applicants


Logo on eflyers promoting categories X

Organisation feature on DTWD News hub X

Social media promotion throughout the year

5 posts 2 posts 1 post 1 post

Organisation’s name included in official media statements


WA Training Awards sponsor graphic provided


Schedule of key activities provided for promotional via social media, website and media


Logo on all official WA Training Awards letters to finalists, winners, stakeholders


Acknowledgement of WA sponsorship in Australian Training Awards souvenir program


WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 6

BENEFIT Presentation dinner sponsor $20,000

Category sponsor $10,000

VIP function sponsor $5,000

Judging Day sponsor $5,000

Support sponsor $2,500


Invitation to 2019 launch event X X X X X

Opportunity to speak at launch event X

Organisation’s banner at launch event X X X X X


Representative on a judging panel X X

Opportunity to provide sponsor materials at the Semi-finalist Judging Day


Organisation’s banner displayed at Semi-finalist Judging Day



Complimentary tickets 10 4 2 2 1

Pre-Awards VIP networking function 10 4 2 2 1

Acknowledgement in official speeches X X X X X

Organisation’s banner displayed X X X

Video promoting your organisation X X

Opportunity to give a speech at the event X

Logo on front of event invitation X

Logo on back of event invitation X X X X

On stage category presentation rights (no speech)


Logo in on screen sponsor loop X X X X X

Opportunity to provide sponsor materials at the Presentation Dinner


Logo on sponsor photo wall X X X X X

Profile of your organisation in Presentation Dinner Program


Full page advertisement in Presentation Dinner Program


Logo in the printed dinner program X X X X X

Logo on the online booking system X X X

Name and Logo on finalist and winner certificates



WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 7


The WA Training Awards 2019 Presentation Dinner is planned to be held on Friday 13 September 2019 at Crown Perth.

The WA Training Awards presentation dinner attracts over 450 guests each year from around the State including finalists and their guests, employers, training organisations, judges, sponsors and other industry stakeholders. Your contribution affords our individual and organisation finalists and winners an opportunity to celebrate their success in being among WA’s training elite.

The exclusive Presentation Dinner sponsor will benefit from the following opportunities to promote their organisation in line with vocational education and training in WA.

Naming rights

• Exclusive naming rights for the WA Training Awards 2019 Presentation Dinner in all promotion and activities throughout 2019.

Print and online promotion

• Inclusion on the WA Training Awards website and acknowledgement as the event partner, with your organisation’s profile on our sponsors page and a hotlink to your website.

• Your organisation’s name and/or logo on all supporting promotional material and on the WA Training Awards Presentation Dinner invitations.

• Your organisation’s logo included on the WA Training Awards online application portal.

• Your organisation’s logo included on all official WA Training Awards email updates to stakeholders and applicants.

• A news item on our website promoting your organisation’s sponsorship of the Presentation Dinner once RSVPs open.

• A feature on your organisation on the DTWD News hub.

• Extensive electronic marketing through our social media channels including five dedicated sponsor acknowledgement posts throughout the year and your organisation’s name included in all Presentation Dinner posts.

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2018 | Sponsorship prospectus 8

• Your organisation’s name to be included in all relevant media statements and any articles in industry publications produced by the WA Training Awards.

• A full page advertisement in the PDF application kits downloadable from the WA Training Awards website.

• A schedule of key activities and proposed social media posts your organisation can use to promote the Awards and your involvement will be provided to you.

• A ‘WA Training Awards sponsor’ graphic will be provided to you that can be used in email signatures or on your website for promotion.

• A suite of the WA Training Awards 2019 promotional materials provided to you to assist in promoting your sponsored category.

Launch event (February)

• Invitation to the launch event in February when applications open.

• Opportunity to speak at the launch event.

• Opportunity to display your organisation’s banner at the launch event.


• Opportunity for a representative from your organisation to sit on one of the category judging panels.

• Opportunity to provide promotional materials at the Semi-finalist Judging Day for individual categories.

Presentation event and VIP function

• Ten complimentary tickets to the WA Training Awards Presentation Dinner and Pre-Dinner VIP function.

• Acknowledgement in official speeches on the evening.

• Opportunity for your organisation’s banners to be displayed at the event.

• A 30 second video promoting your organisation and services, to be used at the Presentation Dinner and on WA Training Awards social media channels.

• Opportunity for a representative of your organisation to speak at the event (maximum of 2 minutes).

• Your logo included on the WA Training Awards online booking system, printed event invitation, printed dinner program, sponsor wall and on screen sponsor loop.

• Opportunity to provide corporate gifts to be placed on the tables for Presentation Dinner attendees.

• A full page advertisement on the inside front cover of the official dinner program.

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 8

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 9


There are 13 WA Training Awards categories open for sponsorship in 2019. Your organisation may choose to sponsor one or several categories at $10,000 each.

Your contribution includes the administration of your sponsored category throughout the 2019 program and event and the provision of a $3,000 prize for individual award category winners. There is no monetary prize for organisation category winners. WA Training Awards category sponsors benefit from the following opportunities to promote their organisations in line with vocational education and training in WA.

Naming rights

• Supporting naming rights for an award in all promotional material and activities throughout 2019.

Print and online promotion

• Inclusion on the WA Training Awards website through supporting naming rights for your category, your organisation’s profile on our sponsors page and a hotlink to your website.

• Your organisation’s name and/or logo on all supporting promotional material.

• Your logo included on the WA Training Awards online application portal.

• Your organisation’s logo included on all official WA Training Awards email updates to stakeholders and applicants and official letters to finalists, winners and stakeholders.

• An eFlyer promoting your organisation’s sponsored category (including your organisation’s logo) will be provided to you for use on your social media channels and in eNewsletters.

• Social media promotion including two dedicated sponsor acknowledgement posts throughout the year and your organisation’s name included in all sponsored category posts.

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 10

• Your organisation’s name to be included in all relevant media statements.

• A ‘WA Training Awards sponsor’ graphic will be provided to you that can be used in email signatures or on your website for promotion.

• A schedule of key activities and proposed social media posts your organisation can use to promote the Awards and your involvement will be provided to you.

• A half page advertisement in the sponsored category application guide downloadable from the website.

• A suite of the WA Training Awards 2019 promotional materials provided to you to assist in promoting your sponsored category.

Launch event (February)

• Invitation to the launch event in February when applications open.

• Opportunity to display your organisation’s banner at the launch event.


• Opportunity for a representative of your organisation to be included on a judging panel.

• Opportunity to provide sponsor materials at the Semi-finalist Judging Day.

• Opportunity for your organisation’s banner to be displayed in the sponsored category interview room at the Semi-finalist Judging Day (individual category sponsors only).

Presentation event and VIP function

• Four complimentary tickets (per sponsored category) to the WA Training Awards Presentation Dinner and pre-dinner VIP function.

• Acknowledgement in official speeches on the evening.

• Opportunity for your organisation’s banners to be displayed at the event.

• A 30 second video promoting your organisation and services, to be used at the Presentation Dinner and on WA Training Awards social media channels.

• Your logo included on the WA Training Awards online booking system, printed event invitation, printed dinner program, sponsor wall, finalist and winner certificates and on screen sponsor loop.

• Opportunity to provide sponsor materials at the Presentation Dinner.

• A profile of your organisation in the printed dinner program.

• On stage presentation rights to the finalists and winner of your category.

2019 categories


• WA Apprentice of the Year

• WA School-based Apprentice of the Year

• WA Trainee of the Year

• WA Vocational Student of the Year

• WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year

• WA International Student of the Year

• WA Cultural Diversity Training Award

• WA Trainer of the Year


• WA Large Employer of the Year

• WA Medium Employer of the Year

• WA Large Training Provider of the Year

• WA Small Training Provider of the Year

• WA Industry Collaboration Award

“Winning this award provides a platform that I can go forward and put a spotlight on different vocational training pathway. It really gives me an opportunity to advocate on vocational training especially within Western Australia and within my field as an anaesthetic technician. It’s really good to have that opportunity and that voice to be able to let people know what it’s about and share my experiences and really encourage people to get behind vocational studies, vocational pathways and in particular anaesthetic technology because it’s something that I’m very passionate about.”

CAITLAN NOBLEWA and Australian Vocational Student of the Year 2018

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WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 12


The WA Training Awards pre-dinner VIP Function is attended by approximately 100 key attendees at the 2019 event and is an opportunity for sponsors, judges, finalists and VIPs to network prior to the official proceedings commencing and to enjoy a small showcase by students currently in vocational education and training.

Your contribution includes catering associated with the pre-event function and enabling student involvement promoting some exciting pathways in the VET sector at the Presentation Dinner.

Naming rights

• Supporting naming rights for the pre-dinner VIP Function 2019.

Print and online promotion

• Your organisation’s logo on the WA Training Awards website, all supporting promotional material and all official WA Training Awards email updates to stakeholders and applicants.

• Social media promotion with one dedicated sponsor acknowledgement and acknowledgement with any VIP function posts.

• A ‘WA Training Awards sponsor’ graphic will be provided to you that can be used in email signatures or on your website for promotion.

• A schedule of key activities and proposed social media posts your organisation can use to promote the Awards and your involvement will be provided to you.

• A suite of the WA Training Awards 2019 promotional materials provided to you to assist in promoting the Awards to your stakeholders and potential applicants.

Launch event (February)

• Invitation to the launch event in February when applications open.

• Opportunity to display your organisation’s banner at the launch event.

Presentation event and VIP function

• Two complimentary tickets to the WA Training Awards Presentation Dinner and pre-dinner VIP function.

• Acknowledgement in official speeches on the evening.

• Your organisation’s logo on the WA Training Awards invitation, printed dinner program, online booking system, sponsor wall and on screen in our sponsor logo loop.

• Opportunity for your organisation’s banners to be displayed at the event.

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 13


The WA Training Awards Semi-Finalist Judging Day is planned to be held at North Metropolitan TAFE (Northbridge campus) in July 2019. On this day up to 56 semi-finalists from across the State are interviewed by their category panels in order to determine a winner in each of the 8 individual Award categories. Following this the finalists participate in a photo and video shoot for promotional purposes.

Your contribution to the WA Training Awards includes catering, photography and a contribution towards the travel costs for regional semi-finalists to attend the Semi-Finalist Judging Day in Perth.

Naming rights

• Supporting naming rights for the Semi-Finalist Judging Day 2019.

Print and online promotion

• Your organisation’s logo on the WA Training Awards website, all supporting promotional material and all official WA Training Awards email updates to stakeholders and applicants.

• Social media promotion with one dedicated sponsor acknowledgement and acknowledgement with any Judging Day posts.

• A ‘WA Training Awards sponsor’ graphic will be provided to you that can be used in email signatures or on your website for promotion.

• A schedule of key activities and proposed social media posts your organisation can use to promote the Awards and your involvement will be provided to you.

• A suite of the WA Training Awards 2019 promotional materials provided to you to assist in promoting the Awards to your stakeholders and potential applicants.

Launch event (February)

• Invitation to the launch event in February when applications open.

• Opportunity to display your organisation’s banner at the launch event.

Semi-Finalist Judging Day

• Opportunity to display your organisation’s banner at the Semi-Finalist Judging Day.

• Opportunity to supply promo material/goody bag for each semi-finalist at the Semi-Finalist Judging Day.

Presentation event and VIP function

• Two complimentary tickets to the WA Training Awards Presentation Dinner and pre-dinner VIP function.

• Acknowledgement in official speeches on the evening.

• Your organisation’s logo on the WA Training Awards invitation, printed dinner program, sponsor wall and on screen in our sponsor logo loop.

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2018 | Sponsorship prospectus 14


We welcome organisations to support the WA Training Awards program and event. Through a small contribution of $2,500, your organisation will be acknowledged throughout the program and event.

Print and online promotion

• Your organisation’s logo on the WA Training Awards website, all supporting promotional material and all official WA Training Awards email updates to stakeholders and applicants.

• A ‘WA Training Awards sponsor’ graphic will be provided to you that can be used in email signatures or on your website for promotion.

• A schedule of key activities and proposed social media posts your organisation can use to promote the Awards and your involvement will be provided to you.

• A suite of the WA Training Awards 2019 promotional materials provided to you to assist in promoting the Awards to your stakeholders and potential applicants.

Launch event (February)

• Invitation to the launch event in February when applications open.

• Opportunity to display your organisation’s

banner at the launch event.

Presentation event and VIP function

• One complimentary ticket to the WA Training Awards Presentation Dinner and pre-dinner VIP function.

• Acknowledgement in official speeches on the evening.

• Your organisation’s logo on the WA Training Awards invitation, printed dinner program, sponsor wall and on screen in our sponsor logo loop.

WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 14

In return for this contribution your company will receive the benefits outlined in the sponsorship prospectus.

If selecting category sponsorship, please indicate preferred category:

Preferred length of sponsorship agreement:

1 year 2 years

Signature: Date:

Organisation details

Name of organisation:

Brief description of the nature of your business:


Contact person:


Telephone: Email:

Sponsorship package details

On behalf of:

I am interested in sponsoring the WA Training Awards 25th anniversary for the below amount and sponsorship package:

$20,000 + GST for 2019 – Presentation Dinner

$10,000 + GST for 2019 – Category

$5,000 + GST for 2019 – VIP function

$5,000 + GST for 2019 – Judging Day

$2,500 + GST for 2019 – Support


WA TRAINING AWARDS 2019 | Sponsorship prospectus 15

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