t'-.~i - ocps.mpsj.gov.my filestreets@nstp.com,my sit,relax and eilioy the serenity while...

Post on 17-Sep-2019






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Forthe health conscious, the exercise equipment at the Kelana Jaya park are a delight.

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Comeoutandplayin thepark. By Noel Acharlam, "aUm

Said and Dawn Chanstreets@nstp.com,my

sit, relax and eIlioythe serenity whileenjoying a breathtaking view of thePetronas '!WinTowers.

At Subang Jaya, the Subang RiaKUAlALUMPUR:Ifyou are lo,~):ing Park caters for residents where theyfor the perfect place to have a piCnic, canjog, exerciseand gofishing.then Lake Gardens is the place tor However the park needs a majoryou. facelift as there is no proper lighting

A famous meeting spot for lovers there and its sports facilitiesare in aand families,the man-made lakecon- deplorable ,state. And there is not

I tinuesto attract cityfolkswith its evenasingletoilet.abundance offlora andfauna. The RM3millionMilleniumPark in

LakeGardensisalsoideal for photo SS13,SubangJaya, isnot goingto beshoQ!s,and the area makes it a per- a park, but a failedproject. Nowthefeet setting for lovers to indulge in a park has come under the Subangvariety of activities.There are boat Jaya MunicipalCouncil.and it willberides, and ni2ht safari adventUre. - retained as a greenlung.Couplescan also find sanctuary un- At.the Taman Bandaran Kelana

I derthe Pl!hntrees. , -JayaPark, folkscan enjoysomepeaceFamiliescan walk or jog or take a 'and quiet at the beautifullandscaped

breather at the many park benches greens.around the lake. Surrounded bya large lake,joggers

Nature loverswillcertainlyeIlioyits can enjoytheir runs at the park whilescenery of lovely blooms, foliage, others can flextheir muscleswith thesculptures and awe-jnspiring rain- gym equipment available, or simplytre,es. enjoythe spaciousplaygroundthere.

And for the children,LakeGardens Familiescan alsopicnicunder shadyofferstwofullyequippedplaygrounds trees.'

~\vithswings,monkeybars,multipur- Thelakeis alsopopularwithan- ~

pose slidesand other fundevices. gIers as it has manyspeciesof fishin-Lake Gardensalso encompasses cJudinglampansungei,ternan,puyu.

the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, Orchid ikan selat, jekuoat,' baung and sew-Garden, HibiscusGarden, Deer Park ang. 'and the NationalMonument. However;ouly those with a fishing

Another park in the city that ap- pass'issued by the PetalingJaya Citypeals to the youngat heart is the KL- Councilare allowedto fish.The pass,CCpark. availableat the council'sofficenext to

Surrounded by greenery, the area the park's entrance, allowsone tofishprovides a perfectplace for lovers10 atweekendsbetween 7am and 7pm. Peacocksare an attraction at KualaLumpurBirdPark.

NEW STRAITS TIMES-:r~ ~.P..~.q~..~~.....


Councirsnew-powerto~arrest~~~1- - - , . I





~ -

'SUBANG JAYA: 'fhe MunicipalCoun:,cilhas Qeen given the I>owertoexecutearrest warrants issued by the courts.

,This,will allow the council to arrestand haUl offenders to coutt:. .'~.Council pre1?identDatukAdnanMd

IkShan, smd: "A 'special 'Waran ;

Tangkap' unit has.been set qp underthe council's legal department for thispurpose. - ,

-"Wecan now,executearrest war-rants that were previouslyonly exe-cuted by the police," he said.

He said the 'council also hopes to- carry out ajomtoperatil;m with the po-lice next year tQnab offenders, espe-cially those who Violatetraffic laws.'

"Reniinders will~:beissued to those'who have notsettled their sUIIlII10nsesbefore arrest warrants are enforced."heexplililled,

Adnail smd Jo date, there was abacklog of83g~457 traffiC;cQmpollI\dcases: of which 191. 566 Jlave beenfiledincoutt., "

"The cO!1hcil'slegal deparjrnentwillrefer the backlog. of co~pound cases

, to court from time to time.JHound"guilty. the offender cafibe slappedWith a tine'ofRM300."

-He added that the payment of finescan now be made online through.itsBayar-Compound On;.Line (B-GQL)system.

NEW STRAITS TIMESTarikh: ,.a..ND ~..2WB......


Ubah skimKWSPkepenc~nPUTRAJAYA ~ D:J.tuk SeriAbdullah Ahmad Badawi ber-kata, seramai 40,000 kaki-tanganawamakari terlibatberikutari keputusan keraja-an membenarkan. 111erekayang kini berada dibawahskim Kumpulan Wang Si~-panan Pekerja (K\YSP) me-riyertai skim pencen mulaitahun depan.

Perdana Menteri berkata,langkah itu bagi memboleh-kan mereka mendapatfaedahperubatan dan segala kem'U-dahan p~rsaraan yang dise-diakan oleh kerajaan.

"la akan memberi kebaikankepadamereka. yang terli-bat;" katapyakepada pem.berita pada majlispenyam-paian AnugerahKualitiSek-tor Awam~di Pusat Konven-

syen Antarahangsa. pJ,ltrija,..ya (PICC)di sini semalam.",

PengJ,Imuman, niertgen,ai'opsyen kepada merek3"yangdi bawah skim KWSP J:mtuk,memilihskim pencen dibuatoleh Perdaria Menteridalamucapannya pada majIis itu.

Dalam ucapannya itu,'j'Uga,beliau turut mengJ,ImUl,nkanbahawa kerajaan berset'ujuuntuk memberi b;.waranex-gratia ,kepada ibu"bapaanggota perkhidmatap awambujang yang menipggaI duniadalam perkhidmatan berkuatkuasa 1 Januari 2009,mem.buatcpenambahbaikan padS.skim pegawai siasat~n, pe-.nolong pegawai pegawai danpembantupegawai~siasatan '.

selain penambahan20' pera-tti~ ataskaqar ken~ gaji


~;)epad~ p~ga.waidaI1~ggo1;a, Ia.in ?alaffi "Agensi .PengJ,Iat

Kuaia' Maritim Malaysia;" .",APdullahberkata, keputu-

.san'itu dibuatoleh Jawatan-kuasa KabinetMengenaiPer-jawatan dan Gajl',Pek;erja_p~-kerja Sektor Awampai.la me-syuaratnya l>aIv-baruini.

AbduUaKjuga.,memberita- '

hu, bagi memperkasaRazi ke-giatan pencegahan lasu~dan untuk. membanteras je-.nayah, kerajaan berseHijuun-tukmembuat, penambahpai-kan padaskim .pegawai"sia-satan, penolongpegawai 8i8,-"sata.ndanpembantu pega.wai

,sias.atan.: .' '

"Bagfurysanpencegahan' .l'asuah, 'skim; perkhidmatantersebut berm~la d~ngan k€"lulus:w Akta . Suruhanjaya


.A~DYUAH AHMADBADAWImeraikan kejayaan'pemenang Anugerah Kualiti Perdana.Menteri pada majlis penyamRaian AnugerahKuciliti Sektor Awam2008 di Pusat KonvensyenAntatabangsa Putrajaya semalam. .

Pencegahan Rasuah Malay-sia,dan bagi PDRM (PolisDirajtl Malaysia) pula,. pe-

nambahbaikan bagi skim per-khidmatan pegawai kanan po-lis, pegawai rendah polis dan

konstabel berkuat kuasa pada1 Januari 2009," katanya. . -Bernama


Tarikh' 2 8 NOV2(Kj.~. ~.........

'-."'i .), 'C:", . ~ / ,.'.,. ,.,..+s'<;.i


. ride'toFraser's>HillSDnANGJAYA:For the youth to§peiidth~ITtime~a fu:o.butprodllctive.~3Jl,fner, the MuniCipal;,CounpiJ"here )Sholding the ,,,JomKonvoi"J?inomnv.

The prograrmne is a trip b~ motor.cycle froniPuchopg to Fraser's Hill forthose aged 16 to 25 withmotorfycleswith ail engineccapac~tYof ~5bcc andbelow. '; " ,

Council president DaM Adnan MdIkshan sltid,the prOgt~e wa,<;"a,Jso,aiIIled atjnculcating a lqve for thi(en;;.vironment in the youth through otheractivities like gotong roytmgand an"envirohunt".; '."

Hesaid theprogra.illin~ waspllUllled with the coopefittion of nOll-

govetnmental 'organisapons WorldWildlife Federation ~alaysia andFraser's HillErivirollmentSustamableHeritage. ;

The convoy'comprising about 100youths would set off at 7am from the'Ra1}anM\lda co~ple?,in Puchong.

J'P.eph)granmie wo~d alsQ;exposethe' pil,rtfcipanKtQ entrepreneurshipand self-reliance, he added.,',' IJarian MetrQ\Selap.gQrFM and As-

tro Oasisare~~~ip,tfiar~~~~for theprogrro,nme."j,? /~:;. .,';e,

J:hose ~nmgto.tak!r'~ISonvoil~c~call03-8926i469. mJg~~tration fohns are available at the c'

\RakanM'uda complex ill Puchorig. . ','

NE.W STRAiTS TIMBSTarikh: 'f..a.~~~..~!....

Jtqv.o >rlu

Unit.Khas Waral'l' Tangkap' ,ditubuhOleh SHAH NIZAM OMARshahnizam.omar@kosmo.com.my

SUBANG JAYA- Bagi pesalah tegaryangmasih enggan membayar,turig-gakan kompaun, Majlis Perbarida-ran Subang Jay-a (MPSJ) telah me-nUbuhkan Unit Khas Waran Tang-.kap di Jabatan Undang-Undarig bagi .

membolehkanpesalah itu ditangkapuntuk dihadapkan ke MahkamahMunisipal. ',' "

Dengan adanya ul1it tersebut,kes-kesseperti kesalahanmeletak-kan kenderaan sesuka' hati terma-suk di tempat yang tidak sesuaidapat segera(~iatasrbermula tahundepan. . . '

Yang,Dipertuanya, ,Datuk AdnanMd. Ikhsan berkata,keputusanme-nubuhkan unit itu' dibuat setelahpesalah terbabit seolah,olah mem-perlekehkan pihal): berkuasa selaintigak ~erius dengan kpmpauJ:l"Yang

diterima. lam... "Mereka~aml;>iimudahsetiapper- Adnan, menambah, setiap tang-

kara dan ada, antaranya tak endah. kapan dibuat bersama anggota polislangsungwalal1Pun sllratJ{e mah-' d1illbuat masa ini pihaknyaadakamah dah dikeluarkar1:ke atas mee,,' empat orang'anggota.bagi 'mem-rgka. " , .., . ' . ,', bolehkan men~ka menarigkap ,pe-

"Saya nak lihat malah berharap salah sebelum dihadapkarike mah-agar unit irii .akan sedarkan:'orang kamah.untuk dibicarakan.

, ramai betapa MPSJ seriustenfang "Ramai ,yang irgkar imtuk'kemasalah seperti ini,"klltanya pada mahkamah, jadi waran. tangkap inisidang media selepas Mesyuarat Pe- dibuat bukanuntuk sumbat merekanuh B\1lanan"MPSJdi sini se~~~ ke peIijara taptsupayqmereka hadir


Tari~t.R~.2-aJ:lo.~ ~~

ke mahkamah saja,'~katariya.Dalamperkembangan berkaitan,

sebanyak '838,457 kestunggakan'. kompaun telah..,dikeluar)c{an. oleh

MPSJ manakala ~91,566'-pula di-failkan dimahkamah urituk menge-nakantindakan ke atas.pesalah.

"Jabatan Undang-undang MPSJakan bawa kes-kes Junggakankemahkamah, dan jika seseorangitubersaliih mereka boleh didendaRM300," katanya. . -

- .. rJ<)1

(' -

A8~ ..' .,'. '8. 8



1. " ~I(


. . ctlonagaInstlega.i . " . I

placesQfworship. .. .. I

.By MaveenMathew Menonstree.ts@nstp.com.my,

SUBANGJAVA:Local councils in Se-"langor have been askedto take sternactioll ag~t illegal places of wor-ship. .,'

Subimg J.aya Municipal.,Coimcilpresidept Datuk..Adnan}Jd Ikshansaid the government has introducedguidelines for the councilstofollow.

Some ofthe measures are the issu-ing of compound fines 'or stop-workorders to owners.or builders ofhous-es ofworship without approval.

He said no new places of worshipwould be allowed to be constructedon governnleQt or privat~ land un-less it has been approved by the rel-evantlocalauthority,' .

"Any proposed demolition of ille-gal hotIses of worship, however, still

-' has to be.referred to the state execu-tive ,council for prior considerationahd sanction," he said.

Adnan added that proposals to de-molish illegal houses of worsmp'should be accompanied by details ofthe owner as well' as the location,size and the latest picture of thehoUse of worship to be demolished.

. He reminded authorities in Selan-gor to maintain up-to"date reco:(dsof shrines and other houses ofwor-ship in their respective jurisdictionS. Datuk Admin Md Ikshan




, I




Tar1kh: , ...

- NEW STRAITS TIMESTarikh: 7..e..~~~..?~~......

- NEW STRAITS TIMESTarikh: 7..e..~~~}~!......

4 langkahp,erkemas.s._or aw~Pelaksanaanskimruumumkanberkuatk4aSa1Januaritahundepan:PMOleh Abdul Razak Raaf!<aaffdi@bha;;ari:wm,my

", ,~


Empilt penJ'lmbahbaikai1. Pilih"n~ertaisemula

skim pencen'darlpada KWSP

: mulai ta,~u~ depan.

8; Bayaranex-g,ratiakepadaibu bapa a!,ggota'selctor

awambujangyang' '

-menlnggal duni,adal~m

perk~idm~tan., ,- .. Penambahbaikan skim

pegawalhirigg~;p~mbanlusiasatan Bada



POIiSf,' . , ,.T~;"b"han2operaYlls alaS

kadar,kenaikang~ji'i>egawaidan anggola ,Iai~:pangkal

AgenslrenguatKuasaanMarllim Malaysia (AP",;M).'

RMbertujuanmemperkaSa.ke'giataI\pence''gahailrasUah d3hjenayah.

Merfgulas lanjut,'beli,aU, berkata,JabatanPel'khidma-tan Awam (JPA) sedaJigmem'

KAMdibum~nfaii(kepada ktra=kira-40,000anggotasektor'awam'yang pa.damasainimemilibmenyertai skim KWSP.

"'l'empoh pili)lanbermula;f



a'mejifiia'ffitlcanpembangUnanunfuk'rakYat.Nasibatsaya kepadakeraja- .'

an, SelangOr,




i!.l),di' i,,




perlukan (TNB untuk,m.elak-Isana projek im)," katfulya.:- 'p,-


Stories by LlM CHIAYINGchiaying@thestar.com.my

RETIREEUrnSen Kiem,68,maynot be an expert on floods buthe certainly knows what it is

like to have flood waters threateningto enter one's home.

Lim,who lives in USJ14/1FSubangJaya, said the downpour last Thursdayevening had brought a high volumeof water to the large torrential drainin his neighbourhood, causing it tooverflow.

According to Lim, the rain started-at about 4pm and went on for anhour.

"I have been staying here.. fornearly 20 years and this is the firsttime I have seen floods atthe roadstretch. Perhaps the drainjs clogged,"Limsaid. -

Several USJand SubangJayaresi-dents who, like Lim, ha.d witnessedlast Thursday's floods, said it wasperhaps the worst that they haveseen in the township.

The downpour went on to inun-date roads in various parts ofUSjandSubang Jaya, causing massive traffic.jams.

Housewife Louise Fon, who stays!in USJ 18, said she was driving back:from Puchong when she was caughtin a traffic crawl as th~ highway'

Subang Jaya hitResidents say it is the worstthey have experiencedleading into USJwas flooded.

"I saw water and mud gushing'from the construction sites onto theroad. As soon as I turned into USj,opposite the KFCrestaurant and thepetronas petrol station. I.saw.the leftturning at the traffic light junction

. already flooded," the 36-year-oldFonsaid.

::Several cars,were stranded andhad broken down," she said.

According to Fon, it was not the.first time that the road there hadbeen flooded as it happens quiteoften there.

"But the Thursday floodwas prob-ably the worstI've seen in USJsofar,"she said.

"I was lucky"to have passedthrough that stretch but many driv-ers did- not know how to drivethroughthe watersandwerecaught,"

she said., Fonsaid the rain was exception-ally heavy that day, and the mud wasflowing out of the construction sitesvery fast, thus causing the drains tooverflow.

Accordingto lecturer Moaz YusufAhmad of SS17, the rainstorm hadstarted near the Summit USJand bythe time the bus he was riding onreached the police station in USJ9/8.and the whole area was flooded.

"When the bus turned intoPersiaran Perpaduan, I could see thepool of water of about 12cm deep.The drains were overflowing andwater from the Taipan USJ area wasflowing over the side of the parkingarea," Moazsaid.

"It was perhaps one of the worstfloods I had seen," he said.

He attributed the problem to the

STARtarikh: .~..8..Ngy'u?JlQ~lIlIu

Tan: 'These culverts act like abarrier to trap the rain waterwhich cannot flow out'

poorly maintained drains.Office worker Siti Hajar Yusof,25,

who works in the industrial area inUS] 1, sa:id when she left her workarea at about 530pm, the downpourhad already started.

by floQds

"Our office was not flooded but 'as

soon as I got ou.t to the stretch infront of the SJK (C) Chee Wen, I wasstuck even though I was riding amotorbike," Hajar said,

''Traffic congestion was every-where and water was probably a foothigh. The rain went on for anotherhour and it is perhaps the worst I've.experienced," she said.

Hajar blamed the flooding on thedrainage system, saying that thewater was unable, to flow throughproperly.

Retiree Patrick Tan said a friend

staying in USJ 14 had his plants keptin polystyrene boxes swept away bythe flood waters.

Tan said he had previously experi-enced flash floods in the township, atseveral locations like the PersiaranKewajipan/perpaduan junction/traf-fic light, and the junction of Persia ranMumi/Bakti.

''The floods are due to the .inade-

quate flow rate in the drains (juringheavy rain," he said, -

According to 'Tan, another reasonfor the flash floods in Subang Jayaand USJ is the concrete culvert thatthe Subang Jaya Municipal Council(MPSJ) had built at the road dividersand road shoulders.

''These culverts act like a barrier totrap the rain water which Gannotflow out through the smaU drains,"Tan'said.

Other areas flooded were the

Kewajipan roundabout and thestretch of road in front of Mydin andGiant in USJ 1.

The MPSJ, however, said it hadonly received reports of floods infour locations under its jurisdictionthat day - USJ 9, USJ 19, Batu 14Puchong ,and USJ 1 (which it said isdue to surface run-off).

MPSJ president Datuk Adnan MdIkshan said the Subang station of theMeteorological Department record-ed 49mm of rainfall in the area lastThursday.

"It was a flash flood, with thewater subsiding quickly.As soonasour hotIine team reached the sites,there was no more flood,"he said.

Adnan said the drain runningalongUSJ9 to USJ19was the respon-sibility of the Public WorksDepartment.

On claims that drains wereclogged, Adnan said most of thedrains in SubangJaya and USJwerewell-maintained and that his teamhad confirmedthis after their inspec-tions.

"Maybegarbage did contribute tothe floods, but they are not neces-sary clogged in drains and wereprobably just swept along the way,"he said,

--, ~-- '





......- --.



~. ~ I A mess: Theliving room of ahouse where floodwaters hadentered.4

Taking notes: A MPSJofficer talking toresidents in SubangJaya/USJ where flashfloods occurred duringthe downpour.

Flood stains: A backdoor of a house in thearea.

STARTarikb: ..i:.a.mty..~...-

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