the 20 things you need to accomplish in your 20s | elite daily

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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    The 20 Things You Need To Accomplish InYour 20s


    Our 20s are extremely important, formative years of our lives. It is primarily the time where we

    transition into adulthood. All of the habits and things we achieve in this time period are sure to be

    the foundation for the years to come. Many people use this time as an excuse to act reckless with

    the idea that they can turn things around when they get older.

     Although there are such things as second opportunities, you must understand that with the

    growing level of global competition, your chances for a second opportunity greatly decrease.

    Instead of wasting your 20s being drunk and partying, it will be more beneficial for you to actually

    start getting your life together.

    Being 20 and young is no longer a valid excuse to do what you want. Life doesn’t get any easier

    and it is crucial that you use this time to position yourself in order to give yourself a competitive

    advantage in the future.

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    Our 30s can be very successful, or a complete failure, all depending on what we learn and how

    much effort we put in during our 20s. Here is a list of 20 accomplishments and lessons that we

    ought to learn before we begin the fourth decade of our lives.

    20. Let go of the past and look forward to the future.

    By the age of 29, there will be many things that you will accomplish and there will be things that

    you failed at. You must learn to let go of your failures and learn from them. You must not think

    about what you could have or should have done, but rather what you will do next. The 30s are the

    new 20s, so get your shit together and make something of the next decade!

    19. Accept that you are an adult.

    By the time that you reach 27 years of age there should be no doubt in your mind that you have

    reached adulthood. This is the time to accept that you are an adult and that it is time to act like

    one. This does not necessarily mean to tone down your crazy escapades, but it may. In your 20s

    you need to come to terms with being your own master and taking responsibility for your decisions

    and your life.




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    18. Learn to maintain and keep your environment organized.

    Your personal home environment very much reflects who you are as a person, who you are inside.

    If your surroundings are hectic, you are likely to feel inner tension. If your surroundings are neat

    and peaceful, your mind most likely experiences the same peace. If you want to find and maintain

    peace, then you must manifest your inner peace in your outer surroundings.

    17. Learn to maintain your body.

    Exercise is important. And so are all the grooming tasks that a person should learn to maintain

    throughout the years. Looking tidy, organized and well trimmed becomes more and more

    important the older you become. You may not feel the need to trim those nose hairs now, but you

    will when you are 50. This goes for both men and women.

    16. Learn to dress well.

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    People judge you on how you look and how you dress. Wearing the right clothing for each

    occasion will make whatever you wish to accomplish a bit easier — in the very least it will only

    work to your benefit and not against you as would dressing poorly or inappropriately. Women need

    to learn how to wear dresses and walk in heels (walk, not waddle) and men should get comfortable

    in a suit. No matter who you are, there will be at the very least several times that you will need to

    dress to impress.

    15. Start to accumulate a fortune.

    I don’t know about all of you, but I plan on being a billionaire. If you are to become a billionaire, you

    will have to become a millionaire first. Hit that first million by 30 and your first billion by 40.

    14. Learn to adapt.

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    We must all embrace change — the sooner the better. Change occurs constantly and unless we

    learn to change along with it, we will get left behind. Sticking to the ways of the past finds you

    living a life unfit for reality, but rather fit for a time that once was. The longer you wait to embrace

    change, the more difficult it will be to change your ways and habits.

    13. Outline your perfect partner.

    Some believe that it’s best to leave love to chance or fate. I, on the other hand, believe that loving

    is a decision and not some completely random, unexplainable concept. You may not be able to

    find a woman that matches your dream woman 100%, but you should have a good idea of what

    you do want in a partner and what you don’t want — as well as how important each characteristic

    or lack of is to you.

    12. Reestablish your connection with your family.

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    Keeping on good terms with your family is important — if possible, of course. I understand that not

    everyone is allotted the luxury of good parents, but for those of us that were ought to try to keep in

    touch as much as possible. Even if you were never much of a family person, as I wasn’t, if you plan

    on having a family of your own one day, you’ll want to be adding onto an already solid family tree.

    11. Surround yourself with people that you would like to keeparound.

    Having close friends are important. Building a trusting relationship with someone takes years, so

    it’s best to get crackin’. Do people make new friends in their 30s?

    10. Find work that you love doing.

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    The key is to do what you love and love what you do. If your work doesn’t give meaning to your

    life, which honor may very well be reserved for your friends and family, then it must at the very

    least not make your life more unpleasant. The perfect job is out there for you. Figure out what that

    is while your age still starts with the number 2. Once you hit 30, it will be more difficult to get hired

    without any previous experience.

    9. Get that body you always dreamed of.

    Getting into shape gets harder the older you get. I know you planned on starting your diet

    tomorrow, but before you know it you’ll be turning 70 tomorrow. Have you ever tried to get into

    shape for the first time at 70? Me neither, but it must suck.

    8. Learn to keep up to date with current events.

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    There is a world outside you that goes beyond that which you see and do. There are other people

    on this planet — people that you share a common bond with. Knowing what the human race is

    doing — all the good and all the awful — is an important part of understanding life. Knowing what

    is going on overseas may help you better understand why you are experiencing what you yourself

    are experiencing. If you haven’t learned to read a newspaper regularly — cough cough, — then you should get used to doing so before you hit 30.

    7. Learn to read regularly.

    Learning is not just something that you do while in school. Human beings should never stop

    learning. We were blessed with intellect superior to all other animals and we would be failing to live

    up to our abilities were we to allow our minds to become stale and slow. We need to keep our

    minds fit and perform mental exercises. One of the best ways is to read every day.

    6. Clearly outline your life goals.

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    Your 20s are a time to figure out which direction you wish your life to go. What goals do you wish

    to accomplish and what steps will you take to get there? This the time to define what is most

    important to you and to promise yourself that you will do all you can to attain all that you wish for.

    5. Get out of debt.

    Before you can save money or create wealth, you first must get yourself out of debt. Debt not only

    grows as the years go by, it also gets heavier on your mind. The stress of having a debt hanging

    over your head will give you is too much distraction from what is important.

    4. Begin to put money in the bank and learn to leave it there.

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    There are much more lucrative, albeit riskier ways of investing your money. Putting your money

    into the bank, however, is a good practice to learn. It is always good to have a bit of funds on hand

    for an emergency. You should be able to put some savings away in your 20s.

    3. Date the wrong person(s).

    I am a strong believer that in order to date the right person, you first have to date the wrong

    person. Otherwise you will always question whether or not you made the right decision by

    committing. Dating can be pricy, so you may just want to skip the dinner and just sleep around a


    2. Get your own place.

    The 20 Things You Need To Accomplish In Your 20s


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    Living with mom and dad is free and living with roomies can be fun. But everyone ought to live on

    their own for at least part of their life in order to better get to know themselves. If you’re lucky, you

    will fall in love and get married one day. Then the possibility of being alone becomes a distant

    memory — or a costly divorce.

    1. Support yourself.

    Finally leaving the nest and flying on your own can be difficult at first — so I understand the

    reluctance. Nevertheless, there is no reason to be nearing your 30s and still living off mom and

    dad’s dime. If you can’t support yourself financially, then you have not learned how to survive. You

    must become a survivor.



     A young writer, philosopher, music producer and DJ, Paul Hudson has been writing

    for Elite Daily since last year. Currently located in Manhattan, Paul Hudson has

    many interests stretching from physical activities such as dancing, running, bike

    T   g

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    riding and swimming to consuming as much information as he possibly can in just

    about any intellectual field. With a passion for love and a love of life, where life will

    take him is yet to be decided.



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     Add a comment69 comments  

    Justin Melgarejo · · LCB Performing Arts Center Foundation, Inc. · 172 subscribers

    "A list for douche bags..."

    Hey, if knowing what I want for myself and trying to accomplish those things in my early adulthood makes

    me a douchebag, by all means call me a douchebag.

    Reply ·  · Like · Follow Post · May 4 at 1:33am



    Ryan Ramirez · Top Commenter · Manila, Philippines

    nailed it

    Reply · · Like · May 5 at 11:53am4

    Julianne Ross · · Deputy Arts & Entertainment Editor at PolicyMic

    "Women need to learn how to wear dresses and walk in heels (walk, not waddle)..." Thank you for

    teaching me the secret to success. Who needs a college degree when you have stilettos!

    Reply · · Like · Follow Post · May 9 at 12:52am



     Ameliea Vlak · Facultad de Ingeniería - UNAM

    Totally agree with you

    Reply · · Like · May 15 at 1:30pm2

    Ester Park · · Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

    Society grows great when people plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in; therefore, I

    hope that you never succumb to these ridiculous conformities but instead blaze a trail of your own

    discover . Nature is bus creatin absolutel uni ue individuals  whereas culture has invented a sin le


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    mold to which all must conform to--its completely grotesque. Being a profiteering glutton, having a family

    and shit isn't something people are divinely called to as the sole purpose of life.. its a society's opinion

    thus the bias of a country's cancerous status quo.

    We'll sculpt our bodies to like look greek gods and goddesses. Doing our best to meet expectations as if

    achieving them will truly give us a lasting sense of meaning and importance.. We search for the love of

    partners as an antidote for that silent, ghastly, miser... See More

    Reply · · Like · Follow Post · May 16 at 12:18pm28

    Kyle Mooney  · Montreal, Quebec

    What a helpful and insightful list! I'll be sure to forward it to all of my friends who were born rich!

    Reply · · Like · Follow Post · May 8 at 7:10am29

    Perry Ileto · Singapore, Singapore

     A list for douche bags...

    Reply · · Like · Follow Post · May 2 at 11:26pm28

    Kris Wan · · University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Indeed. I've seen grown Silicon Valley executives weep over how they wished they spent

    more time growing with their children.

    If someone follow this list, at age 30, he will only come to find out that a Jaeger-LeCoultre

    and a Timex count the same fleeting seconds that lead to the fate all living things share.

    So, chill out, don't be a sociopath, and cultivate the precious memories that no amount of

    money can change: sneaking with your lover into some cheap drive-in theater, helping your

    kid make his first pancake, and so on.

    Reply · · Like · May 7 at 5:20am



    RaLph C. Lopez · Top Commenter · Harvard University

    more of a list of what matured people do

    Reply · Like · Edited · July 7 at 7:25pm

    Katherina Oh · Top Commenter

    What a sexist article.

    Reply · · Like · Follow Post · May 8 at 3:01am

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    Paul Hudson · Top Commenter · Works at Elite Daily

    I apologize if you found this article to be sexist-that was definitely not my intention. It is

    meant for both men and women.

    Reply · · Like · May 9 at 1:08am4

    Jaymal JC Gow · Florida Southern College


    Reply · · Like · May 12 at 9:32am1

    Jaymal JC Gow · Florida Southern College

    I do not see the correlation....

    Reply · · Like · May 12 at 9:32am1

    Jessica Lynn · Top Commenter · DISD

    There are little tiny glimpses of maturity edging into this article, but for the most part it's pure shallow

    garbage that sounds like an 18 year old writing about what they think it's going to be like when they're 30.

    "Do people in their 30s make new friends?" Fuck yes they do. I'm still in my 20s but a fair share of my

    friends are older than I and all the better at connecting with people because of their life experience. I

    never want to stop making new friends.

    "Otherwise you will always question whether or not you made the right decision by committing."

    This is an extremely childish and fearful view on relationships.

    "Dating can be pricy, so you may just want to skip the dinner and just sleep around a bit."

    I'm not opposed to experimenting with different parters to find out what you enjoy and just soak up some

    differing experiences, but there's SO MANY other ways you could get that across.

    It's too bad you couldn't think through your justifications better. Some of them started off really well and

    were just so shallow/poorly reasoned that you simply can't be taken seriously.

    Reply · · Like · Follow Post · May 23 at 1:13pm19

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    I don't think all of the things on this list necessarily coincide. #15 and #10 especially. I'm planning on

    being a historian, and that is not is a career where I plan on accumulating millions of dollars annually. I'll

    be lucky to earn $1 million in a lifetime, let alone in a decade. While I do save for rainy days and keep my

    savings account active, I can only afford to put in small CDs for generating some small profit. This article

    seemingly gives the suggestion that 20-somethings are all headed for careers in business, so some of the

    advice dispensed here seems useless to those that aren't. Not everyone needs a suit or heels. While they

    can look nice, being comfortable at work is not a sin, as long as you are staying within your organization's

    dress code. I'll admit some of the advice can be quite useful, but some of it seems custom-tailored to the

    writer's personal life experiences and not cognizant of the life experiences of others.

    Reply · · Like · Follow Post · May 9 at 2:59am18

    Brad Blackstone · The Ohio State UniversityGoals differ, as do values. I agree with Justin: Get real.

    Reply · · Like · Edited · July 18 at 4:45pm1

    Lindsay Strand · South Saint Paul, Minnesota

    I agree! Doing what you love does not always mean it will lead to money.

    Reply · Like · August 13 at 12:55pm

     Apple Cabrera

    "Dating can be pricy, so you may just want to skip the dinner and just sleep around a bit."..I'm good,


    Reply · · Like · Follow Post · May 4 at 4:10am15

    Paul Hudson · Top Commenter · Works at Elite Daily

    Thank you all for reading my article. If you would like to keep up to date on my newest pieces, follow me

    on Twitter: @MrPaulHudson.

    Reply · · Like · Follow Post · May 3 at 3:19pm13


















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