the election of 1912. william howard taft republican he was the incumbent and did not have a...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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The election of 1912

William Howard TaftRepublicanHe was the incumbent and did not have a platform

Taft was the only conservative running, but even he believed that days of unbridled capitalism without regulation was over.

Woodrow Wilson

Democrat Platform- New Freedom Wilson’s ideas were similar to Roosevelt’s but a slightly different one of liberalism.

wanted to promote human welfare Saw Monopolies as enemies of free competition- wanted to use Federal Gov to ensure equality of opportunity-

Theodore Roosevelt

Progressive Party- Known as the “Bull Moose Party”-“ Said he felt as strong as a bull moose”

Platform- New Nationalism/Progressivism

Favored state and federal legislation to promote human welfare

Knew Big business was a fact of life and wanted better government control

“The Bull Moose”

Roosevelt was shot on the campaign trail

The election was one of the most lively in United States history. Roosevelt was relentless campaigning and speaking everywhere. Only a bullet slowed him down. On October 14th Roosevelt was shot on the way to a campaign rally. He insisted on keeping his appointment despite being shot in the chest. After removing a blood soaked speech from his pocket he stated " It is nothing. I am not hurt badly. I have a message to deliver and deliver it as long as there is life in my body". For an hour and half he spoke and then was rushed to the hospital after he had finished. The other candidates suspended campaigning while he was recuperating

3rd Term for TR?

Some Republicansfelt that since George WashingtonRefused 3 termsthat Rooseveltshould also



Thomas Woodrow Wilson Electoral Votes: 435

Pop. Vote: 6,293,152 (41.8%)



Theodore RooseveltElectoral Votes: 88

Pop. Vote: 4,119,207 (27.4%)



William Howard TaftElectoral Votes: 8

Pop. Vote: 3,486,333 (23.2%)

58% of Eligible Voters Participated

1912 Election Political Cartoon

Suffering Snakes.

How Theodore has changed.

Water For stock

PurposesCompliments Of The Harvester


GOP Divided by Bull MooseEquals Democratic Victory!GOP Divided by Bull MooseEquals Democratic Victory!

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