the solemnity of mary, mother of god - year b

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Welcome to our Celebration

of the



Mary, Mother of God

Year B

Mobile Phones

Điện thoại di động

Please turn-off or silence your Mobile Phones

to preserve the Solemnity of the Mass.

Xin vui lòng tắt hay im lặng điện thoại

Để dành sự nghiêm trang cho Thánh Lễ.

Pope’s General Prayer Intention

Cầu nguyện theo ý của Đức Thánh Cha.

The Holy Father’s general prayer intention is

that those from diverse religious traditions and

all people of good will may work together for


Cầu cho những thành viên thuộc các truyền

thống tôn giáo khác nhau và tất cả mọi người

thiện chí biết cùng nhau xây dựng nền hoà bình.

Pope’s Missionary Prayer Intention

Cầu nguyện theo ý của Đức Thánh Cha

The Holy Father’s missionary intention is that in

this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious

men and women may rediscover the joy of

following Christ and strive to serve the poor with


Cầu cho các tu sĩ nam nữ, trong năm về đời sống

thánh hiến này, biết tái khám phá niềm vui bước

theo Chúa Kitô và hăng say phục vụ người nghèo


Church Windows

During Summer, if it is hot please open the

windows of the Church.

But, please remember to close them after Mass.

Xin vui lòng mở cửa sổ nếu trời nóng

và xin nhớ đóng lại.

Mobile Phones

Điện thoại di động

Please turn-off or silence your Mobile Phones

to preserve the Solemnity of the Mass.

Xin vui lòng tắt hay im lặng điện thoại

Để dành sự nghiêm trang cho Thánh Lễ.

Today a light will shine upon

us, for the Lord is born for us,

and he will be called Wondrous

God, Prince of peace, Father of

future ages: and his reign will

be without end.

Entrance Hymn

The Whole World Is Waiting For Love

© 1977, Marianne Misetich, Published by OCP Publications

Used with Permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

We’re waiting for Jesus, like Mary.

We’re waiting for Jesus the Lord.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International


Come down, Lord Jesus!

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

The whole world is waiting for love,

The whole world is waiting for love.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

We’re laying a manger for Mary,

A manger for Jesus the Lord.

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Come down, Lord Jesus!

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

The whole world is waiting for love,

The whole world is waiting for love.

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Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

We’re making it lovely for Mary,

So lovely for Jesus the Lord.

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Come down, Lord Jesus!

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

The whole world is waiting for love,

The whole world is waiting for love.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

And with your spirit.

Lord Jesus, as you grew up in Nazareth, you

learned from Mary and Joseph, you listened

to those around you.

As a Child, you loved others and they loved


Help us to listen to those around us, may

selfless love be part of who we are.

Jesus, in this our year of Jubilee, help us

appreciate the lives of those who built up our

parish in earlier days.

Inspire us now, as our parish continues to


Through your gifts and our efforts, may Holy

Child Community show the world the same

goodness and love that you showed all those

years ago.


I confess to almighty God,

and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned,

in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,

through my fault, through my fault,

through my most grievous fault;

therefore I ask blessed Mary, ever-virgin,

all the Angels and Saints,

and you, my brothers and sisters,

to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Christ, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Glory to God in the highest,

And on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you, we bless you,

We adore you, we glorify you,

We give you thanks for your great glory,

Lord God, heavenly King,

O God, almighty Father.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Lord, Jesus Christ, only begotten Son,

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

You take away the sins of the world,

Have mercy on us;

You take away the sins of the world,

Receive our prayer;

You are seated at the right hand of the Father,

Have mercy on us.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

For you alone are the Holy One,

You alone are the Lord,

You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,

With the Holy Spirit,

In the glory of God the Father.

Amen! Amen!

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

First Reading

Numbers 6:22-27

They will call down my name on the children of Israel and I will bless them.

Họ sẽ kêu cầu danh Ta trên con cái Israel và Ta sẽ chúc lành cho chúng.

The Lord spoke to

Moses and said, ‘Say

this to Aaron and his

sons: “This is how you

are to bless the sons of

Israel. You shall say to


Chúa phán cùng Môsê

rằng: "Hãy nói với

Aaron và con cái nó

rằng: Các ngươi hãy

chúc lành cho con cái

Israel; hãy nói với

chúng thế này:

May the Lord bless you

and keep you.

May the Lord let his

face shine on you and

be gracious to you.

May the Lord uncover

his face to you and

bring you peace.”

'Xin Chúa chúc lành

cho con, và gìn giữ


Xin Chúa tỏ nhan thánh

Chúa cho con, và

thương xót con.

Xin Chúa ghé mặt lại

cùng con, và ban bằng

yên cho con'.

This is how they are to

call down my name on

the sons of Israel, and I

will bless them.’

This is the word of the


Họ sẽ kêu cầu danh Ta

trên con cái Israel, và

Ta sẽ chúc lành cho


Đó là lời Chúa.

Thanks be to God.

Resp. May God bless us in his mercy.

Đáp: Xin Thiên Chúa xót thương và ban phúc

lành cho chúng con.

Second Reading

St. Paul To The Galatians 4:4-7

When the appointed time came, God sent his son, born of a woman.

Thiên Chúa đã sai Con Ngài sinh hạ bởi người phụ nữ.

When the appointed

time came, God sent

his Son, born of a

woman, born a subject

of the Law, to redeem

the subjects of the Law

and enable us to be

adopted as sons.

Anh em thân mến, khi

đã tới lúc thời gian viên

mãn, Thiên Chúa đã sai

Con Ngài sinh hạ bởi

người phụ nữ, sinh

dưới chế độ Luật, để

cứu chuộc những người

ở dưới chế độ Luật, hầu

cho chúng ta được nhận

làm dưỡng tử.

The proof that you are

sons is that God has

sent the Spirit of his

Son into our hearts: the

Spirit that cries, ‘Abba,

Father’, and it is this

that makes you a son,

you are not a slave


Sở dĩ vì anh em được

làm con, Thiên Chúa đã

sai Thần Trí của Con

Ngài vào tâm hồn

chúng ta, kêu lên rằng:

"Abba!", nghĩa là "Lạy

Cha!" Thế nên, bạn

không còn phải là tôi

tớ, nhưng là con;

and if God has made

you son, then he has

made you heir.

This is the word of the


mà nếu là con, tất bạn

cũng là người thừa kế,

nhờ ơn Thiên Chúa.

Đó là lời Chúa.

Thanks be to God.





Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

In the past God spoke to our fathers through the

prophets; now he speaks to us through his Son.

Thuở xưa, nhiều lần nhiều cách, Thiên Chúa đã

dùng các tiên tri mà phán dạy cha ông, nhưng

đến thời sau hết, tức là trong những ngày này,

Người đã phán dạy chúng ta nơi người Con.





Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

And with your spirit.

Gospel Reading

The Gospel of St. Luke 2:16-21

The Shepherds found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the crib . . . When the

eighth day came they gave him the name of Jesus.

Họ đã gặp thấy Maria, Giuse và hài nhi... và tám ngày sau người ta gọi tên Người là


The shepherds hurried

away to Bethlehem and

found Mary and

Joseph, and the baby

lying in the manger.

When they saw the

child they repeated

what they had been told

about him,

Khi ấy, các mục tử ra đi

vội vã đến thành

Bêlem, và gặp thấy

Maria, Giuse và hài nhi

mới sinh nằm trong

máng cỏ. Khi thấy thế,

họ hiểu ngay lời đã báo

về hài nhi này.

and everyone who

heard it was astonished

at what the shepherds

had to say. As for Mary,

she treasured all these

things and pondered

them in her heart.

Và tất cả những người

nghe, đều ngạc nhiên

về điều các mục tử

thuật lại cho họ. Còn

Maria thì ghi nhớ tất cả

những việc đó và suy

niệm trong lòng.

And the shepherds

went back glorifying

and praising God for all

they had heard and

seen; it was exactly as

they had been told.

Những mục tử trở về,

họ tung hô ca ngợi

Chúa về tất cả mọi điều

họ đã nghe và đã xem

thấy, đúng như lời đã

báo cho họ.

When the eighth day

came and the child was

to be circumcised, they

gave him the name

Jesus, the name the

angel have given him

before his conception.

This is the Gospel of

the Lord.

Khi đã đủ tám ngày, lúc

phải cắt bì cho con trẻ,

thì người ta gọi tên

Người là Giêsu, tên mà

thiên thần đã gọi trước

khi con trẻ được đầu

thai trong lòng mẹ.

Đó là lời Chúa.

Praise to you,

Lord Jesus Christ.

I believe in God,

the Father almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ,

his only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died and was buried;

he descended into hell;

on the third day he rose again from the dead;

he ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of God

the Father almighty;

from there he will come

to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and life everlasting.


Offertory Hymn

To Be Your Bread

© 1982; David Haas; Published by Co-operative Ministries

Used with Permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International


To be your bread now, be your wine now, Lord,

Come and change us to be a sign of your love.

Blest and broken, poured and flowing,

Gift that you gave us, to be your body once again.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

We come to your table with our lives as they are.

Heal us Lord, for we are broken,

Make us one again.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International


To be your bread now, be your wine now, Lord,

Come and change us to be a sign of your love.

Blest and broken, poured and flowing,

Gift that you gave us, to be your body once again.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Give us the bread and wine that bring us to life.

Feed us and we’ll never hunger,

Never thirst again.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International


To be your bread now, be your wine now, Lord,

Come and change us to be a sign of your love.

Blest and broken, poured and flowing,

Gift that you gave us, to be your body once again.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

May the Lord accept the

sacrifice at your hands for

the praise and glory of his

name, for our good and the

good of all his holy Church.

And with your spirit.

We lift them up to the Lord.

It is right and just.

Holy Holy Holy

Lord God of Hosts,

Heaven and earth are full of your glory!

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes

in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest!

Hosanna in the highest!

We proclaim your death, O Lord,

And profess your Resurrection.

Until you come again.

Until you come again.

Amen, Amen,


Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Our Father who art in

heaven, hallowed be

thy name. Thy kingdom

come. Thy will be done

on earth, as it is in

heaven. Give us this

day our daily bread.

Lạy Cha chúng con ở

trên trời, chúng con

nguyện danh Cha cả

sáng. Nước Cha trị đến,

ý Cha thể hiện dưới đất

cũng như trên trời. Xin

Cha cho chúng con

hôm nay lương thực

hằng ngày

And forgive us our

trespasses as we

forgive those who

trespass against us. And

lead us not into

temptation: but deliver

us from evil.

và tha nợ chúng con

như chúng con cũng tha

kẻ có nợ chúng con.

Xin chớ để chúng con

sa chước cám dỗ,

nhưng cứu chúng con

cho khỏi sự dữ.

For the kingdom, the

power, and the glory

are yours, now and for


Vì Chúa là Vua uy

quyển và vinh hiển

muôn đời.

And with your spirit.

Lamb of God,

You take away the sins of the world,

Have mercy on us.

Lamb of God,

You take away the sins of the world,

Have mercy on us.

Lamb of God,

You take away the sins of the world,

Grant us peace.

Lord, I am not worthy that

you should enter under my

roof, but only say the word

and my soul shall be healed.

Communion Hymn

Immaculate Mary


Used with Permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Immaculate, Mary!

Our hearts are on fire.

That title so wondrous

Fills all our desire.

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Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!

Ave, Ave, Maria!

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

We pray for God’s glory,

May His Kingdom come.

We pray for His Vicar,

Our Father, and Rome.

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Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!

Ave, Ave, Maria!

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

We pray for our Mother,

The Church upon earth.

And bless, sweetest Lady,

The land of our birth.

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Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!

Ave, Ave, Maria!

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

In heaven the blessed,

Thy glory proclaim.

On earth we thy children,

Invoke thy fair name.

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Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!

Ave, Ave, Maria!

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Reflection Hymn

As I Kneel Before You

© 1978; Maria Parkinson; Kevin Mayhew Limited

Used with Permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

As I kneel, before you

As I bow my head in prayer

Take this day – make it yours

And fill me with your love.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International


Ave Maria – Gratia plena

Dominus – Tecum


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All I have I give you

Every dream and wish are yours

Mother of Christ – Mother of Love

Present them to my Lord.

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Ave Maria – Gratia plena

Dominus – Tecum


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Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

As I kneel before you

And I see your smiling face

Every thought – every word

Is lost in your embrace.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International


Ave Maria – Gratia plena

Dominus – Tecum


Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International



Golden Jubilee Events

Chương Trình Kỷ Niệm 50 Năm

Jubilee Opening Mass – 15th Feb. 11:00am

Re-Union Mass – 21st Mar. 10:30am

School Jubilee Mass – 12th Jun. 9:15am

Golden Jubilee Events

Chương Trình Kỷ Niệm 50 Năm

Youth Jubilee Mass – 15th Aug. 6:00pm

Golden Jubilee Mass – 11th Oct. 3:00pm

Jubilee Closing Mass – 27th Dec. 9:00am

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Application Forms available in Foyer

Please return to the Parish Office

Closing date for Application 15th Jan. 2015

Hành Hương Thánh Địa

Ghi danh trước 15 tháng Giêng 2015

Điền form và gửi cho VP giáo xứ.

Annual TET Raffle

Tickets on sale soon

Please sell a booklet or buy a ticket

Fantastic prizes to be won

Tết raffle sẽ có trong nay mai.

Parish Office & Chimes in January

Between Christmas & New Year & January

Parish Office closed with minimum services

Messages can be left on the answering machine

Also, No Chimes during January

Văn phòng giáo xứ sẽ đóng cửa cho đến hết

tháng Giêng, 2014. Xin để lời nhắn trong máy

nhắn tin. Không có Chimes trong thời gian nầy.

Mass of Anointing

Friday 2nd of January – 10:00am

Holy Child Church – Dallas

No Adoration on that day

Lord Jesus, as you grew up in Nazareth, you

learned from Mary and Joseph, you listened

to those around you.

As a Child, you loved others and they loved


Help us to listen to those around us, may

selfless love be part of who we are.

Jesus, in this our year of Jubilee, help us

appreciate the lives of those who built up our

parish in earlier days.

Inspire us now, as our parish continues to


Through your gifts and our efforts, may Holy

Child Community show the world the same

goodness and love that you showed all those

years ago.


And with your spirit.

Thanks be to God.

Recessional Hymn

Joyful In Hope

© Michael Herry; Spectrum Publications

Used with Permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Joyful in hope, your people pray.

Joyful in hope, we’re on our way.

Though the road may not be clear,

We believe, Lord, you are near,

In the smile and open heart of a friend.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Joyful in hope, your people pray.

Joyful in hope, we’re on our way.

There’s sunshine after rain,

There’s victory through the pain,

And I am with you always, so rise again.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Mary, so open to the Lord,

When you answered “Yes”,

Our hope was restored.

Though you couldn’t understand,

In trust you took God’s hand.

So, joyful in hope, we live again.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

Joyful in hope, your people pray.

Joyful in hope, we’re on our way.

Though the road may not be clear,

We believe, Lord, you are near,

In the smile and open heart of a friend.

Used with permission Licence No. 475E Word of Life International

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